New Chapter for Raven
gersknightlady969 Reviews | 969 Ratings, 0 Likes, 308 Favorites )
Having fled the Wizarding World Hermione comes face to face with her past.
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About gersknightlady
Member Since 2008 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 343 | 915 Reviews Written | 3,004 Review Responses
Age 59, I have been a Severus and Alan Rickman fan for a couple years. I post SS/HG stories.
I went to NY last week to see Seminar (Jan 4, 20012) It was wonderful.
Shades of Severus in his character and his house. I was priviledge to see Alan up close an personal after the play.
Reviews for Raven
Bloody Brilliant!!Loved it! Thanks so much!!! whoooo.... feel a bit teary myself!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Hey loved your reaction, thanks so much.
I loved this chapter!Is the story completed? Oh, please say that it isn't. This story is one of my favorites!!!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
There are a total of 49 chapters to this story. I have an idea for another one but haven't written it. So far right now its complete as is.So 9 more to go :) I think we can have some fun now :)I've started a new fic and am on chapter 11 already.Thanks :)
A perfectly delightful chapter, but please don't say it is the end. Please say there is more.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
There are 49 chapters in this story, so we have some fun ahead of us.I hope yu will enjoy it all.Thank you. :)
i absolutley love this story :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you so much, :)
awesome! just wonderfully written :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm so glad you liked it :)
Yay!!! I'm looking forward to Grendel having fun with more visitors, maybe even seeing Hagrid after so many years. I'm glad Harry seems to be accepting of Severus and Hermione together. Thanks for updating!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm so glad you liked it. We will be having some fun, hope you will like the rest of the story. 9 chapters to go.
Ah, that was wonderful. This story has gone from good to great. Am definitely looking forward to more of this one and future stories, as I dry my eyes. THANK YOU!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, that a great compliment. I am writing a new one. I don't think it will be too long, but I'm on ch 11 now. There are 49 chapetrs to Raven :)
Excellent chapter! I so love your story I can't wait for next installment. Hugs
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you so much, I'm s happy people didn't bllast me for the bed jumping LOL. More to come.hugs back :)
What an incredible journey. You have brought Severus down an amazng road of love and forgiveness.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you so much. That was a very kind thing to say, this was the whole point and you got it :)
I'm wondering if all his memories didnt come flooding back at that moment? It was good to see Lily accepting a portion of her responsiblity for her relationship with Severus. I've always thought she was just as much to blame as he is.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
:) Guess you will have to see :). I'm glad you like me adding Lily in there, others didn't. Glad you like it more up soon :)
Huh I wonder if that means Eileen is alive these days?
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
No becasue Severus live in their house, the one at Spinners End.
Yippie! Jeannie, this is such a lovely chapter. I'm so happy that Severus realized that he loved Hermione, and wanted to know if she could love him, too, even if he did not remember Raven. Of course, she could, and did, love him with all her heart. With their minds as well as their bodies joined, they made passionate love to each other.
But their journey was not yet over; Severus and Hermione had one last memory bead to relive, and this one proved to be the most powerful one of all. Seeing with his own eyes how much his mother and Lily had still loved him after all was said and done, sent Severus beyond his present. He remembered all of the memories Raven had from his time spent with Hermione before he had taken the potion to restore himself. He and Raven had become one integrated person. It was all too much for the wizard, and he began to fall into darkness.
Thankfully Hermione knew that he needed Grendel's healing powers if he were going to survive this final melding of his old self and his new self. Her quick Summoning of Dobby to take them to his lair, and with Hermione holding him in her arms on one side, and Grendel against his body on the other side, he slept. I am wondering (right alone with Hermione) if he realized that he loved Lily more than Hermione, but I can't see how he could had missread this own feelings that badly from this morning until late this afternoon. I hope he is only exhausted and in need of a restorative rest.
I'm on tenterhooks waiting for the next chapter! Thank you for this chapter.Beth
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Wow as always yu disected this chapter and we are of one mind. You see exactly what I want you to see, and thats very gratifying. I think seeing his mom and Lily put some ghosts to rest. He can move into the living breathing future before him.Yes, this time he was well over loaded and needed Grendel to stop him from a stroke. Yet now he has his past and present and he can go forward if he so choses.Thank Beth. I'm glad you liked it so much.Jeannie
Good chapter, if a bit choppy. I'll have to read a few chapters again to be more clear but the impression I have is that things are moving much more rapidly.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Sorry it was choppy for you. Yes things have finally started moving along. It's taken forever to get to this point. I hope you enjoy the coming chapters.
what a wrenching and emotional chapter. but he'll finally be a completely integrated person. wonderful stuff. thanks so much
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm really glad it held together for you. I hope you like the coming chapter.
Aha. Now they have integrated! :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Yes they have, yahooo. :)
Very good chapter - I really enjoyed the Eileen and Lily flashback.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
thank you, hope it was believable.
Oh, so glad he remembered! But what a way to get there! You know, it's lovely Lily said what she did, but it all fell flat for me. If she truly cared as she said and worried about him and his well-being, she should have gone to him and told him herself. Think of all she could have possibly saved him from. At least she realized she was guilty for what he became. Too little, too late, really. And poor Hermione. Thinking he'd realized he still loved Lily right after that breakthrough that morning. I'm sure he'll set her straight. Can't wait for that, now that everything is clear in his mind.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
If Lilyhad gone to Sev. The story would have never played out the way it did. There would have been no reason for the whole history of HP. Sorry this doesn't work for you. I was trying to find a back story that would free severus of Lily's memory once and for all. The only way to go forward tohis future is to let the past go. I think he realised he loved her as the friend she really had been all those years. Hope the next chapter ismore to your liking.Thank you for your thoughts.
Response from debjunk (Reviewer)
Oh, no, I wasn't clear. I really liked what you did. I was just commenting on Lily herself. I have a hard time with her because of what she did in canon.
you're cruel :D love it
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Sorry, geeze LOL Next one will be up soon, Thanks :)
I'm hoping he was just overwhelmed by the rush of memories, and that he'll be okay in the morning. That was amazing -- Lily and his mother together, such a fabulous last "bead" memory! I've never read a story in which Lily visited Mrs Snape to ask for help; how sad for Mrs Snape to be all alone and still hoping for a grandson. Thanks for a great chapter!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I love your reaction :) I guess it was sad that she would be wating for a grandson, hadn't thought about that, Your very welcome.More up soon.
He's finally one, and hopefully at peace with Lily and Eileen.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Yes he is, Now the fun can begin :)
Oh, wonderful! He remembers!! This chapter was absolutely wonderful...full of emotion! I can't wait for the rest! :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank so much, glad you liked it so much. More soon :)
A dramatic and moving chapter... looking forward to more.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.More soon :)
I'm so glad he remembers. what a sad life up to this point, though!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Yes it was, but we can see that with Severus in the books and mvies. He had very little love and help his whole life and it was filled with terror and pain. He can let it go now.Thank you.
Response from mimmom (Reviewer)
I get so annoyed with JKR for writing him that way and giving him such a nasty ending. Of course he always was going to be the tragic figure. I became quite fond of him long before I knew the whole story. I knew there was more to him than what Harry understood within the first few minutes of reading about Snape. I just knew it. Then there came a moment when I was reading book 5. I KNEW about Lily. I just knew it. I told my husband "OMG, Snape was in love with Harry's mother." LOL. I was completely convinced of it from that point on. Poor thing. I'm glad lots of ff writers play around with Snape.
Absolutely beautiful. I really liked the interplay between the Healer and Severus. There have to be more stories behind Severus like that - but he will never know them all. I hope that this one goes some distance to healing his psyche. It seems like Frank Longbottom was injured worse than Alice. You wrote this section well - not to overdone, not too emotional. Since we are not observing the scene from Neville's point of view, there is not the surfeit of overwhelming emotions to deal with. One concrit I would offer is that I didn't feel Severus' nervousness as much as I think you were going for. Otherwise this was nicely done. I look forward to hearing more of Grendel's story later. Right now, I do believe that Severus deserves his nap. Thank you for a very good update. I can't wait to read the rest.Sara
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you so much for your long review. I appreciate all your kind remarks and constructive suggestions. I'm glad you are enjoying the story.Jeannie