George Weasley
232 Stories
Search Stories featuring George Weasley
Current parameters show 232 of 232 stories.
First Times at the Weasley House
by notsosaintly
19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 80 Favorites )Ginny is intent upon perfecting her skill. (Please take note of warnings.)
11,236 Words, Started 04/04/2005, Completed 04/04/2005
A Night For Everyone
24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )Ron goes from shy guy to stud while his best mates have a good time as well! Party in Hogsmeade!
4,762 Words, Started 04/07/2005, Completed 04/07/2005
Like the Muggles Do
by fyiagcg
121 Ratings, 0 Likes, 111 Favorites )The Order of the Phoenix was bored. Happy and relieved, but bored. So Albus began the Order Games. It is now time for their most challenging game to date: Live Like Muggles.
49,201 Words, Started 04/10/2005, Updated 03/12/2009
Fame Isn't Everything
by Leilani King
11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Severus Snape and Evelyn Dumbledore were best friends until Evelyn and her mother fled Aberforth when the children were 5. When Evelyn returns years later, Sev's heart melts and his wall comes crashing down. To keep her safe from Voldemort, he must give her up. But Evelyn is not your average librarian. And sometimes things don't go as planned... And sometimes they do.
16,136 Words, Started 06/19/2005, Completed 08/02/2005
Someone Like Me
by Leilani King
11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Remus begins to feel that the moon's pull has become stronger, and he is having unnatural urges even when the moon is not full, so he flees Number Twelve Grimmauld Place, and the people he loves, to live amongst the Muggles. Unfortunately, he gets himself noticed.
5,121 Words, Started 07/03/2005, Updated 07/24/2005
Marry a Choice
by averygoodun
144 Ratings, 0 Likes, 208 Favorites )Hermione's week is going from bad to worse when she's forced to make a choice. My take (and slight parody) of the Marriage Law Challenge.
64,364 Words, Started 08/03/2005, Completed 11/26/2005
Membership Has Its Privileges
by Kitsune_SD
11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )Remus wonders why Severus joined the Order, and the answer shocks Remus. Kinks/Warnings: gratuitous humor and cliches, passing mentions of object insertion and het
1,386 Words, Started 08/24/2005, Completed 08/24/2005
The Language of Flowers
by Lady Strange
47 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )*Now Complete* A polite romance and comedy of manners based loosely on the WIKTT 'Regency Challenge'. This is intelligent fluff, or so I would like to think. It goes on for 22 chapters and has many pairings. I hope you enjoy reading it.
135,639 Words, Started 10/10/2005, Completed 05/05/2006
With A Little Drop of Poison
by Danu
54 Ratings, 0 Likes, 56 Favorites )A love potion + the Weasley twins = trouble for a certain Potions Master and new Transfiguration Apprentice
9,051 Words, Started 10/21/2005, Completed 01/18/2006
The End
by Alexis McCoy
14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )The sequel to The Opposite. It's the 7th and final year for the Terrific Trio and friends. Who will come out on top, Voldemort or Harry? Surprises, betrayal, and love.
59,979 Words, Started 10/31/2005, Updated 12/06/2006
Poetry Of Hogwarts
by Arachnae
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Poetry by those of Hogwarts. Comedy, angst, romance and rage. Come read...
385 Words, Started 12/16/2005, Updated 12/22/2005
Amicus Draconis: 1st Cycle - Cycle of the Badger
by Yamato
8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )In the Trio?s seventh year, the wizarding world has lost its second war against the Dark Lord. The Death Eaters conquered Hogwarts, defeated the Order of the Phoenix and overthrew the Ministry of Magic. Forming a new government with Voldemort as the supreme ruler, they take control of Wizarding Europe, spreading terror and destruction everywhere. Harry and his friends are forced into hiding, but far from giving up hope they form their own secret rebellion trying to save as many people as possible. In four cycles, Amicus Draconis tells the story of a world shattered and rebuilt throughout three wizarding wars, of two masterminds moving people like figures on a chessboard, and a boy torn between his destiny and his one true love.
78,608 Words, Started 12/15/2005, Updated 09/01/2010
Mischief Managed
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )"This is it folks! The complete unadultered history of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes! Unexaggerated, and completely boring, this text will... George we can?t say text..." "Well if you?re going to be picky, unexaggerated isn?t a word..."
2,119 Words, Started 01/10/2006, Updated 01/10/2006
Weasley Drabbles
by phoenix
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )Eleven 100 word looks at members of the Weasley family.
1,229 Words, Started 03/04/2006, Completed 03/04/2006
The Point of No Return
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )McGonagall comes to the Gryffindor Common room to make an announcement that makes tempers flare. Hermione has a secret, however, and she gets really touchy. Meanwhile, Draco Malfoy gets an unexpected visitor and gift in the middle of the night.
1,992 Words, Started 03/04/2006, Updated 03/04/2006
In Vino Veritas
by Celisnebula
25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 100 Favorites )Written for the OWL Truthsayer Challenge. What happens when the Weasley Twins use a night out as an opportunity to try out a developing product ? and its strange affect on certain people.
8,608 Words, Started 05/03/2006, Completed 05/03/2006
Faculty Meeting
13 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )A hodgepodge of Harry Potter poetry and drabbles as written by the admins on TPP.
3,698 Words, Started 05/25/2006, Updated 08/21/2006
Sweet Revenge
11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )Ever wonder how Filch got the list of the Weasley twins? products? What did Snape go through to get that list? Vengeance can be fun, if you are on the right end.
3,725 Words, Started 06/01/2006, Completed 12/02/2006
Dark Roast
by lady_rhian
109 Ratings, 0 Likes, 104 Favorites )Runner Up, Best Het Fic, Multifaceted Awards Round Six. The war is over, and Hermione continues the final phases of her research on the English Coast. Her research causes an unexpected twist, which requires the assistance of a certain jaded war hero whose memory has haunted her ...
37,408 Words, Started 05/07/2006, Completed 06/25/2007
Fixing Filch
by notsosaintly
10 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )Bribery abounds as the Weasley twins make Argus Filch an offer he cannot refuse.
2,487 Words, Started 06/26/2006, Completed 06/26/2006
A Hero's Worth
by lady_rhian
65 Ratings, 0 Likes, 63 Favorites )A six part drabble series. Hermione and other Order members are in St. Mungo's. Severus has been Obliviated. How will Hermione react?
3,775 Words, Started 06/28/2006, Completed 07/01/2006
The Resolution
by mmmcoffee
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Harry and his crew?s seventh year at Hogwarts. Watch as they cope with new romances, the absence of a loved one, surprising secrets, and, of course, Voldemort. Written before Half-Blood Prince was released.
5,007 Words, Started 08/08/2006, Updated 08/16/2006
The Warriors' Plague
4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )**HBP Spoilers**--Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy are on the run, Hogwarts is no more, and the Order of the Phoenix is in chaos. Things are looking pretty bleak for the side of light. How are they to save the Wizarding World, and where will everyone fit in? HG/SS, RL/OC, with a little bit of every one else. No smut yet, although that could change.
14,797 Words, Started 08/02/2005, Updated 08/09/2006
Unusually Loved
by from_n_to_h
16 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )A story that follows Nymphadora Tonks. I have some ideas where we?re headed, but I make no guarantees!
Note: Each chapter will only feature the characters mentioned in that chapter. This is because I don?t know who will make an appearance until they do so! There is also currently no second category. This may change.
7,618 Words, Started 08/16/2006, Updated 06/18/2009
New Beginnings
by nogod1215
237 Ratings, 0 Likes, 147 Favorites )After nearly being killed by her husband, Hermione returns to Hogwarts. (Ultimately a SS/HG, but starts out a little different.)**NOW COMPLETE**
25,375 Words, Started 05/15/2006, Completed 02/17/2007
The Old Walls Crumble
by cearrae
33 Ratings, 0 Likes, 14 Favorites )Our tale begins immediately following the tragic events on the night of Dumbledore's murder. Where did Severus Snape go? Who helped him? The story is an exploration into the many faces of an undercover spy. Who is this man? What is his true self? Can redemption be found in loving another? Travel a while with the Slytherin spy and see how his life evolves.
83,034 Words, Started 09/09/2006, Completed 11/19/2010
A Double Trouble Birthday Rhyme
3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )The twins may be gone from Hogwarts, but they certainly aren't forgotten... especially on April Fool's Day, which just happens to be their birthday. Not HBP compliant. Takes place between OoTP and HBP.
906 Words, Started 09/13/2006, Completed 09/13/2006
Late Night Confessions
by artyx80
14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )This is my answer to the Potter Place Fall 2006 Prompt Challenge , Subject (19)[George and Hermione share a pot of tea at the Burrow and end up
discussing relationships (past or
present lovers)Late Night Confessions will follow, and maybe more.]
4,997 Words, Started 11/09/2006, Completed 12/18/2006