New Chapter for The Warriors' Plague
The Warriors' Plague
WickedlyWanton4 Reviews | 4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )
**HBP Spoilers**--Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy are on the run, Hogwarts is no more, and the Order of the Phoenix is in chaos. Things are looking pretty bleak for the side of light. How are they to save the Wizarding World, and where will everyone fit in? HG/SS, RL/OC, with a little bit of every one else. No smut yet, although that could change.
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About WickedlyWanton
Member Since 2005 | 3 Stories | Favorited by 8 | 35 Reviews Written | 20 Review Responses
I am a 33 year old single mother who works in an archives and goes to school full-time. I am a historian with a great affinity to cultural anthropology and archaeology. I have a great obsession for everything Harry Potter and David Thewlis. *sigh* It really sucks also. One is a whole world that isn't real and the other is a half a world away.
Reviews for The Warriors' Plague
I love it. A tantalising story - it is the perspective that makes the story so exciting. The reader always knows something has happened or is going to happen but remains in the dark for a while. AND: Riddle's own daughter his arch enemy. Chuckle. And poor Tonks. Please please please update the story soon - I have added it to my favourites.
Response from WickedlyWanton (Author of The Warriors' Plague)
Oh, thank you. It's not a story that is good for everyone, you have to be willing to put up with my OC. I have been accused of creating a Mary Sue, but I think that anyone who would WANT to be a child of the Dark Lord is crazy. Something that everyone must understand is that perceptions are colored by time and that things will never be what they seem in this story. I hope that gives you a hint into what will eventually happen.
WW, I have assiduously avoided all post-HBP stories because I've been working on one (I couldn't help it, for obvious reasons) but because it's you, I just had to read. Very intriguing premise you have going for you. I like it very much... especially the idea of Tom Riddle having a child (makes a lot of sense). I will keep following your story and I'm eager to see where you take it.
Response from WickedlyWanton (Author of The Warriors' Plague)
Thank you so much for reviewing! You have made my day. I am sorry that I didn't get to reply until now, I didn't check the reviews until today. I know what you mean about not reading any post-HBP stories, I have tried not to myself for the same reason. Plus, I read my copy so fast, I didn't want to get canon confused with any story that was currently being written about the actions in it, lol. I wanted to be original, and explain her parentage so that there will not be any confusion. I did the math a while back so there wouldn't be any. I am glad that you like it. It means a lot to me to know that my story has your interest, especially. By the way, any hope for an update on "The Summoning"? You know I love it!
Bambu's response: I completely agree with you reasoning process about the HBP stories. As to 'The Summoning,' I have some of the next chapter written and I plan on posting by the end of the month. (I've been re-reading and editing the story for the past month, I simply couldn't remember what I'd written). Thanks for asking.
I have to say ... wow. I am really enjoying the post-HBP stories. I think it has given a new life to fanfiction. I really love the direction you have taken it in, and the way you write is absolutely mesmerizing.
Response from WickedlyWanton (Author of The Warriors' Plague)
Such praise! Thank you so much for allowing me to post this here. I have not read too many of the post-HBP stories myself as I don't want anything influencing me on this. I hope that I can live up to the "absolutely mesmerizing" writing with the rest of my story. That, by the way, will have me preening for days!