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Current parameters show 149 of 149 stories.
Like Sands Through the Hourglass
152 Ratings, 0 Likes, 147 Favorites )Finding a fictional story based on her life, Hermione is shocked and outraged. Unfortunately, before she can destroy it, she runs into Snape who forces her to let him read it, as he noticed his name on the parchment?s pages.
28,867 Words, Started 04/20/2006, Completed 01/20/2007
Parody: The Amazing Potions Assistant
151 Ratings, 0 Likes, 62 Favorites )When Snape needs help with a potion, who does he turn to? Why, Hermione the amazing Potions assistant, of course.
18,963 Words, Started 04/14/2008, Completed 04/21/2008
Let Someone ELSE Tell You About the Birds and the Bees
by dracontia
143 Ratings, 0 Likes, 101 Favorites )Do you mean to say that there might be issues with sex at a coeducational boarding school? (Gasp!) And someone might, just might, be upset enough to demand that the school start teaching where little wizards and witches come from? In response to the Sex Ed Challenge at Potter Place, the wildest parody I can devise that does not involve a Jarvey. AU--oh, so goofily AU!
44,756 Words, Started 07/17/2006, Completed 08/17/2006
Selling Snape
by Azrael
134 Ratings, 0 Likes, 86 Favorites )"My name is Hermione Granger and I finished Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in June 1998 with Outstanding passes in all of my subjects. After a comment from my former Potions professor stating that I did not have the disposition to be a successful Potion maker, I have lost my dream job to one Draco Malfoy. To get even I have decided to devote my career to humiliating Professor Severus Snape in public." An oldie - made for the Selling Snape challenge - AU and a bit silly...
16,757 Words, Started 07/12/2008, Updated 11/18/2008
The Fairy God-Jarvey's Apprentice
by dracontia
129 Ratings, 0 Likes, 37 Favorites )Third installment in the 'Fairy God-Jarvey Chronicles.' (For the record, I, too, cringe at the pretentiousness of calling them that.) As a Master Fairy God-Jarvey, Regina Fletcher gets an apprentice. However, it's going to take more than two Fairy God-Thingies to rescue Severus' and Hermione's wedding. So, if said thingies needed reinforcements... whom would they deputize?
76,808 Words, Started 11/15/2006, Completed 03/08/2007
Parody: The Amazing Marriage Law
117 Ratings, 0 Likes, 99 Favorites )The Marriage Law has hit Hogwarts once again. Hermione and Severus are tossed together--to their delight.
19,238 Words, Started 09/17/2007, Completed 09/18/2007
Parody: The Amazing Time-Turner
105 Ratings, 0 Likes, 97 Favorites )A special Time-Turner helps Hermione go back and befriend young Snape. Together, they make a potion that will bring down the modern day Lord Voldemort once and for all.
25,394 Words, Started 08/28/2008, Completed 09/19/2008
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo
96 Ratings, 0 Likes, 55 Favorites )Harry and company won, and Voldemort is no more. It went so well that almost no one is so much as scratched. What are our heroes going to do next? Why, party until they need medical attention, of course! (The following account thereof is what happens when several alleged adults start discussing the salacious potential of the HP-verse in a chat room--hence our group penname.)
62,809 Words, Started 03/08/2007, Completed 09/10/2007
A Fanfic Reader's Unauthorized Guide to the Unconventional <i>Hogwarts: A History</i>
93 Ratings, 0 Likes, 104 Favorites )In which Harry is somewhat indiscriminately randy, Snape struggles manfully to be completely oblivious, Hermione is a connoisseur of printed-out Internet porn, and Draco exits the closet dramatically and demands Resolution of Sexual Tension. This is your TPP chat room on crack—fic.
33,394 Words, Started 01/12/2008, Completed 06/06/2008
Strategic Negotiations or Not Wasted on a Weasley
by fizzabella
85 Ratings, 0 Likes, 110 Favorites )A Marriage Law Challenge with a twist. Hermione Granger is really a pure-blood witch, and Severus Snape has the unenviable task of choosing between the Insufferable Know-It-All and two other bachelorettes.
8,930 Words, Started 05/19/2008, Completed 06/01/2008
Snape's Shakespearean Revelation
by snapemylove
84 Ratings, 0 Likes, 58 Favorites )My response to the Potter Place's Winter Prompt Challenge, Prompt #22. What happens when Snape is inadvertently hit with an obscure curse that forces its victim to declare his secret love? He doesn't even release he has a secret heart's desire until the spell forces him to declare it, publicly, in Shakespearean prose no less!
8,254 Words, Started 03/15/2007, Completed 04/27/2007
by dracontia
77 Ratings, 0 Likes, 46 Favorites )Luna Lovegood is experimenting. Draco Malfoy picks a hell of a time to interrupt. If you crave profundity, this will not satisfy, but if you’d like a little whine with your cheese, you’ve come to the right place. Completely AU—because it’s fun that way!
8,607 Words, Started 07/26/2008, Completed 07/29/2008
by dracontia
69 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Once upon a time, Lucius Malfoy decided to execute a tediously convoluted scheme that went (from his perspective, at least) ridiculously wrong. That really narrows it down, doesn’t it?
22,495 Words, Started 11/12/2013, Completed 10/10/2014
Courtesy of Your Fairy God-Jarvey
by dracontia
54 Ratings, 0 Likes, 69 Favorites )Snape is getting a makeover. Why, you ask? Well, wouldn't you, if offered one by a Fairy God-Jarvey? Inspired by the SexGod!Snape Challenge. (The original Fairy God Jarvey story!)
17,662 Words, Started 03/30/2006, Completed 04/05/2006
The Truth
54 Ratings, 0 Likes, 125 Favorites )Severus is hit by a spell, and The Truth is revealed. Vigorously. (I blame the Potter Place Winter Challenge #22 plot-bunny for the bite-marks on my keyboard.)
6,982 Words, Started 05/04/2007, Completed 05/04/2007
Carrot Tops and Unspeakable Plans
by sunny33
52 Ratings, 0 Likes, 23 Favorites )Severus Snape and Ron Weasley are reluctant partners on a special mission.
5,051 Words, Started 12/20/2009, Completed 02/28/2010
Return of the Fairy God-Jarvey
by dracontia
48 Ratings, 0 Likes, 45 Favorites )Sequel to 'Courtesy of Your Fairy God-Jarvey.' Hermione mistakes Severus' intimations that he would like to deepen their relationship for just the opposite, and unintentionally pushes him away. With their relationship needlessly on the rocks, it's Regina Fletcher, to the rescue! More wacky fluff, with a dash of fluffy angst!
41,176 Words, Started 06/13/2006, Completed 06/26/2006
by chivalric
44 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )Two years after the war, Snape has no excuse anymore not to attend at a certain appointment every wizard and every witch has to attend to under certain circumstances…
5,311 Words, Started 09/10/2008, Completed 09/10/2008
Life and Death of Lord Voldemort
by chivalric
43 Ratings, 0 Likes, 31 Favorites )Tom Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort, has won the war and rules ever since. But victory hasn't been as sweet as expected. Maybe changing the past is the way to sort out the mess he'd manoeuvred himself into?
5,286 Words, Started 12/12/2008, Completed 12/12/2008
Educational Challenge
by chivalric
41 Ratings, 0 Likes, 94 Favorites )Time for exams at Hogwarts. For Potions, naturally it's Snape who does the deed. Equally naturally, it's Hermione who wants to get full marks.
11,235 Words, Started 08/18/2008, Completed 08/18/2008
Severus Snape and The Claiming of Sleeping Hermione
by Pearle
39 Ratings, 0 Likes, 75 Favorites )He didn't hate Granger, but he wasn't exactly fond of her, either. So it was with great annoyance that Severus found himself pressed into service by Headmistress McGonagall to find the lost witch. Had anyone told him he would be enjoying the ample "favours" of the not-so-bookish know-it-all by the end of the day in an effort to get back to their reality, he would have promptly committed them to St Mungo's. But reality has a way of turning on you, and magic can have many different meanings.
A rather later response, more or less, to Lotm's "Lost in a good book challenge" on Wiktt. Complete in four chapters.
Chapter Four: There's No Place Like Home
6,982 Words, Started 05/24/2006, Completed 05/30/2006
The Trials of Matchmaking
by shalimar1981
38 Ratings, 0 Likes, 38 Favorites )After the war Molly Weasley decides that Severe Matchmaking Tactics have to be employed so everyone will be paired up happily. What does that mean for Hermione and the two men interested in her? Of course, this is Molly Weasely's version of 'happy' we're talking about. Warning: wacky pairings, misunderstandings, machinations and general silliness ahead. Not DH compliant of course. A gift to evie_eros in the Summer Round of the SSHG exchange 2007. Nominated for Best Mulitple Partner Story at the Quill to Parchment awards! Nominated at the OWL awards 2008!
11,623 Words, Started 08/22/2007, Updated 04/11/2008
See Snape. See Snape Run. Run, Snape, Run
37 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )By the pricking of my thumbs, something goofy this way comes...Sequel to "Here Comes the Snake."
21,508 Words, Started 02/06/2007, Updated 07/18/2013
First Times
by TeaOli
35 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Logic dictates there must a first time for every experience. Knowing that doesn't necessarily make it any easier to get through. Severus tries five times. Hermione helps.
5,499 Words, Started 08/12/2011, Completed 09/15/2011
Liquid Love
by phoenix
32 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )SexGod!Snape Challenge response. Severus fails to perform and decides to turn to potions to restore his virility. How does his unwitting victim respond?
12,890 Words, Started 03/08/2006, Completed 11/21/2006