New Chapter for Liquid Love
Liquid Love
phoenix32 Reviews | 32 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )
SexGod!Snape Challenge response. Severus fails to perform and decides to turn to potions to restore his virility. How does his unwitting victim respond?
Start ReadingChapters (4)
About phoenix
Member Since 2006 | 54 Stories | Favorited by 136 | 1,108 Reviews Written | 1,209 Review Responses
I picked up the Harry Potter fandom around the time the first movie came out and began writing fanfic early 2005 after discovering the adult online community. I identify most closely with the Slytherins and you will see my taste in writing lends me to writing about Slytherins more often than not. In addition to fanfiction, I also make fanvids on the Harry Potter fandom. I'm a Perfect Imagination acredited beta and am willing to help authors. My main 'ship interests are Snape/OC (never really got into the SS/HG pairing) and LM/any female (with HG as a new favorite). I have dabbled in RL/OC and RL/NT and am okay with those pairings. I generally shy away from slash, just not my thing. For updates on my writing, check out my Live Journal
Reviews for Liquid Love
I read this story back in 2008, and I'm gonna say the same thing that I said then: "Very nice story! Very nice."I really does make me happy when Severus and Hermione end up together. Even when I was first reading the books, it always struck me that, except for the age difference and that she was his student, the two of them really complemented each other... always thought that eight or ten years after she graduated they could have been quite happy together. Epilogue? What epilogue?Beth
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Glad you enjoyed it again. Severus and Hermione really do have a lot in common. She just managed to get in with the right crowd at school rather than the wrong crowd. And I do think they would be good for each other. Of course, I also think Hermione would pair up with just about anyone better than she did with Ron.
Well, well. It looks like Ron has been caught with his pants down. I wonder why Harry went to talk to Seveurs? Did Harry really ever talk to Ron? Did Ron tell him that Hermione was acting crazy?Now lets see how all this plays out. Beth
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
LOL Ron literally was caught wasn't he? And as for Harry, he's not known for making the most rational decisions, is he? It makes sense to him, but perhaps not to everyone else.
This chapter has got me all "needles and pins." I don't know which way this is going to go, but I hope however it turns out, that all of them can end up happy... except maybe for Harry... I don't think that he would like it if Hermione and Severus became a couple, and Ron and Cliodna got together.Beth
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Harry probably would not be too pleased with Hermione for picking Severus, but he will hopefully recognize that she and Ron aren't the best match.
What a fun chapter!!! I'm so glad you decided to add a few more chapters, and now I'm off to Chapter 2.Beth
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
I hope you enjoy the rest of the story. :) I love it when folks discover some of my older work (okay, most of it older now after a lengthy sabbatical). This was a really fun one to write.
Molly turned cold to Hermione? Thats rich. I would have thought she would be embarassed at Ron's behavior. Well no nevermind our couple is together!
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Ah but mother's love their kids and sometimes are blind to how big a git their child is. Look at her behavior towards Percy. I really do think she would have listened to Ron's version which would have made Hermione the one who had done wrong.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Oh, yeah, remember how she acted towards Hermione based on what Rita Skeeter wrote about her? I can totally see her turning on the poor girl.
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
Oh sure you are right of course. I often want to strangle the Weasley mama. She drives me nuts.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Yup. I mean when it's Harry being bad mouthed, she sticks right up for him, but Hermione gets the cold shoulder. I'm not sure if that's she feels sorry for Harry as he has no family or if it's because he's famous and it's good the Weasleys to be associated with someone famous. *shrug* But I do feel bad for how Hermione has been treated by Molly.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Ah but mother's love their kids and sometimes are blind to how big a git their child is. Look at her behavior towards Percy. I really do think she would have listened to Ron's version which would have made Hermione the one who had done wrong.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Oh, yeah, remember how she acted towards Hermione based on what Rita Skeeter wrote about her? I can totally see her turning on the poor girl.
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
Oh sure you are right of course. I often want to strangle the Weasley mama. She drives me nuts.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Yup. I mean when it's Harry being bad mouthed, she sticks right up for him, but Hermione gets the cold shoulder. I'm not sure if that's she feels sorry for Harry as he has no family or if it's because he's famous and it's good the Weasleys to be associated with someone famous. *shrug* But I do feel bad for how Hermione has been treated by Molly.
Why did Harry go and visit Snape? Hermione's request seemed reasonable to me, and now Harry isnt getting back to her the chicken shit. Oh Oh OH thank you for making Ron the bad guy caught in the act!
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Ah, the boys, got to love them. I really didn't want Hermione to be the bad person here and it's so easy to make it Ron (who I definitely don't like as her boyfriend/husband). I just love the fact that the boys would still be distrustful of a still living Snape.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Ah, the boys, got to love them. I really didn't want Hermione to be the bad person here and it's so easy to make it Ron (who I definitely don't like as her boyfriend/husband). I just love the fact that the boys would still be distrustful of a still living Snape.
10 points to your house for the excellent witchy name of Ron's lover.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Thanks. I think I spent about an hour researching names to come up with that one. Sometimes I don't really fuss over names, others, I really think hard about it.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Thanks. I think I spent about an hour researching names to come up with that one. Sometimes I don't really fuss over names, others, I really think hard about it.
Oh my sex in the work place! How naughty!
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
LOL Isn't that wonderful. I just love doing naughty things like that from time to time. :D
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
LOL Isn't that wonderful. I just love doing naughty things like that from time to time. :D
good story ending is too abrupt ...I need more!!!!! lol
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
LOL Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. I guess in hindsight the ending may be a bit abrupt, but I didn't want to drag things out. I have started writing more SS/HG and have an in progress story that I should begin posting soon.
Good job. I liked this story. Happy Endings are a plus.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Thank you very much. I really do like to work in a happy or at least hopeful ending. I think with everything in RL, that sort of thing is nice to have in the fiction world. After all, we come here to escape.
I really enjoyed this! You should write HGSS more often *grin*.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did enjoy writing this story, but I've always been the type of person that shies away from what's popular. LOL I think that's why I don't really ship HG/SS, so many others do. I like to reach out to the under-served. :D I'm not ruling it out, though.
I enjoyed the end. I was a bit disappointed that Ron didn't seem to "get his" lol and that Molly was so cold to her. I'd hope that she'd be above that, but she did do the same thing to Hermione when she thought she's hurt Harry back in their fourth year, the silly woman. Thanks for the HG/SS. Pity you don't write more of them.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Well, Molly first. She has already shown herself to be prejudiced to her kids, even the adopted one (Harry). As to Ron, well, I just didn't go into how he got his. I have contemplated and epilogue. We'll see.
As inconsiderate as Ron has been, I hope she makes him feel like shit instead of letting him off easy. I know she's been naughty, too, but at least she's been agonizing over it, ya know? lol
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Oh, I know exactly what you mean. Ron has been completely remorseless throughout this. He really does deserve something.
Great chapter. Hahaha! I'm wondering if Snape made the potion incorrectly and it's been all him so far that's moved things along, only he didn't know it. :)
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
LOL That's a very interesting thought. Perhaps we will find out, perhaps not. ;)
Muahahhaa.... Nothing like a bit of naughtiness with the man you REALLY want, eh?
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Even though this isn't my ship, I did find this chapter a lot of fun to write. :D What a way to get her to admit to her feelings, huh?
The end? Kind of an abrupt finish, and you never explained what specifically happened with the potion either. How about an epilogue to round out your pleasing little story?
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
I might be convinced to write an epilogue. Let me see what the muses have to say. I want to finish up "Rage Against the Dying of the Light" first. I have the next chapter of that halfway done. Sometimes, I think some mysteries are best left unresolved.
Loved it... I can't help it, but I'm glad that no one found out about Hermione and Severus, as Hermione acted on her buried feelings as the result of a potion, and then as she desparately tried to re-bury them repeatedly, instead of participating when she wanted to become more intimate, Ron actively instigated an ongoing affair, while plotting to drive Hermione to leave him. I can't stand the fact that he criticised her without any thought or care about how she felt and how he was hurting her. That's not even getting into the fact that he took his mistress to their bed!!I really don't understand why, in this situation, the Weasley's were against Hermione, they should be mad at Ron for being such an idot or at the very least for getting caught, if they really didn't care how he treated her - their surrogate daughter no less!P.S. I'm letting Severus off the hook, as who can blame him wanting a real relationship with Hermione? He seems to really appreciate her and want to make a life with her... Not mention that he is a Slytherin (Head of Slytherin no less)!!!
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Ah, Ron. He can be quite the inconsiderate lout, can't he? I really tried to capture that here. He did got a bit over the top at the end, didn't he?
As for the Weasley's treating her badly, well, Molly really believes that her kids can't do wrong. Look at how she pined for Percy. Surely she would force herself to believe that Hermione must have done something to alienate Ron, that she was not a good wife to him. After all, they didn't have kids and Hermione seemed to be placing her job first.
At least Severus and Hermione had the presence of mind to be discreet. :D
To bad about the predictable Molly. But some family members stick with idiots no matter what. Enjoyed each chapter and the whole story.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Thanks. I really thought that would be how Molly reacted given how horrible she was to Hermione in GoF. It is a shame something like that had to happen, but well, it was my story. LOL I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I'm so thrilled you you have decided to continue this story. Thanks.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Thank you very much. I don't normally write this pairing, but I have made the circumstances compelling enough that I coudln't resis. I have finally started on Chapter 3, so hopefully later this week I will have it ready to go.
Very sweet... Thanks!
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Glad you liked it. Keep an eye out for more. I have the long-awaited second chapter at beta rigth now. :)
Loved it. Snape as a snarky bastard who doesn't give a damn about her being married? For some reason that's incredibly appealing. One of the better fics coming from this challenge, in my opinion. Nice job.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
. I had initially thought that I wrote myself into a corner by making her married, but I've been doing some brainstorming lately and I think that I have come up with how to continue. Several of my projects are winding down, so I should be able to put some work into more chapters of this one. :D
So what about the potion?
I think it's frankly disgusting that Ron brought that woman to their bed, some lines should not be crossed. If it were happening to me he would experience a lot of physical pain.I like this story, I hope for more.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Yup, that was really disgusting. Ron is not a likeable character here. I really feel sorry for Hermione having to find out about his behavior in this manner.
I finally finished the story, so you can come back and check out the last chapter. I know it was a very long time in coming.
Yeah about time, put all the blame on the man i like it now it frees her up to be with serveus, and ron looks like the ass to his folks, good chapter cant wait for the next one it looks to real good
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
Thanks. I really didn't want Hermione to be the bad guy in this one. Thank goodness I made Ron such and ass. LOL Of course, parental love can be blind, so you'll see in the next chapter how much of an ass his folks think he is. Which, it is up now. :D
I really like this story. If only Ron and Hermione had talked more, all of this drama would have been avoided. But it's fun to read.
Response from phoenix (Author of Liquid Love)
You know, it is amazing how much communication can help. This all could have been avoided had they talked to each other and come to an amicable agreement that maybe they were better as friends. Of course, that does make for a rather boring story, so I like my way better.