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The Love You Take
by Subversa
1,365 Ratings, 0 Likes, 978 Favorites )Now Complete! ~Winner Rd 3 Quill to Parchment for Best Fanon Het, Best AU, Best WIP!~ Hermione is cursed by the Death Eaters, and Dumbledore believes Professor Snape is the only one who can help her and keep her safe. Hermione is 18 years old in this story, but she is still a student.
153,637 Words, Started 08/29/2007, Completed 11/01/2008
Hilltop Cottage
by neelix
734 Ratings, 0 Likes, 195 Favorites )After the war, Hermione needs a break. A small house provides her with more than just the sanctuary she craves.
80,954 Words, Started 10/31/2009, Completed 08/05/2010
At the Beach
by chivalric
530 Ratings, 0 Likes, 378 Favorites )Ten years after the war, a man takes a stroll along the beach and meets someone from his past.
47,633 Words, Started 09/26/2008, Completed 02/21/2009
Transcendent Quality of Remembrance
by Subversa
517 Ratings, 0 Likes, 45 Favorites )A/U. In a postwar world, members of the Order and the DA are sent together into hiding. Trapped in claustrophobic circumstances, plagued by inexplicable dreams, surrounded by her closest friends - and her most dreaded adversary - Hermione struggles to come to terms with her postwar life.
116,944 Words, Started 02/09/2013, Completed 08/23/2013
In Annulo
489 Ratings, 1 Like, 1,118 Favorites )It began with a letter, and a secret. Was it madness to trust? Was it a secret salvation? Or was it all just lying on a ring, in the end...? (***HBP SPOILERS***)
350,912 Words, Started 12/01/2005, Completed 01/14/2006
Out of the Depths
by laurielove
446 Ratings, 0 Likes, 108 Favorites )Hermione has returned to Hogwarts for one term to take her NEWTs and finds herself once again being taught by a man who had only ever tormented her. Can she cope with her life as it is now? Or with him?
131,200 Words, Started 05/04/2010, Completed 01/23/2011
Would Like To Meet
by neelix
371 Ratings, 0 Likes, 182 Favorites )Two lonely hearts. One talented witch.
38,801 Words, Started 07/25/2009, Completed 10/24/2009
by chivalric
325 Ratings, 0 Likes, 464 Favorites )*2008 Winner for best PWP at the New Library*
Harry and Ron play a prank on Snape, but have no idea what actions and reactions it might cause, and who will get entangled in the magic.
This is a sequel to "Valentine Mischief."
48,607 Words, Started 03/11/2008, Completed 06/01/2008
From Dire Circumstances
by Hanagasume
280 Ratings, 0 Likes, 174 Favorites )Dumbledore asks Snape to do him a favour... Christmas with Miss Granger? Hermione willingly goes along with the only man that can protect her from the Dark Lord for this break... Set in Hermione's 7th year at Hogwarts and during the fall of Voldemort...
28,497 Words, Started 06/14/2008, Completed 09/07/2008
Send Not to Know
by Subversa
279 Ratings, 0 Likes, 291 Favorites )An annoying event causes Hermione to choose to spend the Christmas break in seventh year away from her best friends, but Dumbledore feels she needs someone to watch over her. How will Hermione react to the appearance of the Potions master on her doorstep -- and how will they interact when cooped up alone together for days on end? This story was written for the SS/HG Winter Exchange on Live Journal, for the prompt: A weekend alone for Hermione in the Granger's residence. Suddenly the Potions master turns up on her door step. For whom the bell rings, it rings for you.
33,346 Words, Started 01/06/2007, Completed 01/13/2007
Lay Me Low
269 Ratings, 0 Likes, 30 Favorites )Severus' anger at Sirius Black's attempts to seduce Hermione raises questions about his own feelings towards her. The past and the present mesh together in a story of protection, betrayal and trust. Rating is for later chapters.
280,277 Words, Started 02/15/2013, Completed 09/14/2013
Captivation and Obsession
by _Levicorpus_
255 Ratings, 0 Likes, 247 Favorites )Years after the Final Battle, a new professor strolls into Hogwarts only to captivate Severus to the point of obsession.
20,785 Words, Started 05/03/2008, Completed 12/31/2011
You Can't Have One Without The Other
by RachelW
254 Ratings, 0 Likes, 335 Favorites )In the wake of the fall of Voldemort, a new law threatens Muggleborn women with forced marriages, including Hermione Granger who must make the best of a bad situation by marrying Severus Snape. This story is that of the long and rocky road to eventually find contentment.
Winner of the Multifaceted Award, round three, Courage category. Thanks!
241,571 Words, Started 04/10/2005, Completed 04/06/2008
Some Things Change
217 Ratings, 0 Likes, 136 Favorites )Draco Malfoy wants Hermione. Lucius Malfoy wants her, too. What will happen when she doesn’t want to decide and her magic chooses for her?
This story is beta-ed by kazfeist.
110,168 Words, Started 06/27/2009, Completed 12/07/2009
Just a Little Bit
by Melenka
214 Ratings, 0 Likes, 179 Favorites )Hermione is stuck in a house with two difficult men, one bored cat, a hapless mouse - and a physics problem.
39,490 Words, Started 08/12/2008, Completed 10/05/2008
A Simple Plan
by chivalric
213 Ratings, 0 Likes, 149 Favorites )The Dark Lord's sick sense of humour pushes Snape and Hermione to their limits.
36,764 Words, Started 12/09/2009, Completed 04/05/2010
203 Ratings, 0 Likes, 370 Favorites )You know what they say about a woman who prefers to live with her cat…
106,206 Words, Started 01/07/2008, Completed 01/14/2008
Overcome With Feeling
by PlaidPooka
198 Ratings, 0 Likes, 387 Favorites )Hermione has an encounter with a mysterious creature. Has it cursed her or has it set her on journey of adventure and love?
82,396 Words, Started 07/30/2005, Completed 08/20/2005
An Act of Love
by MMADfan
194 Ratings, 0 Likes, 78 Favorites )Severus Snape is hit by a stray spell, which has unanticipated and undesirable consequences. When he begins to feel some side-effects from the spell, Severus seeks the help of a colleague. A response to the Potter Place Winter Prompt Challenge #22. A third place winner in the Potter Place Challenge, and a featured story at SH Occlumency for November 2007. Not DH-compliant. Completely disregards DH.
Please note ratings and warnings in individual chapters. MA content in several chapters.
158,147 Words, Started 03/26/2007, Completed 03/17/2008
A Time for Goodbyes
193 Ratings, 0 Likes, 59 Favorites )On her last night at Hogwarts, Hermione goes to say goodbye to her grumpy, cruel Potions professor.
67,181 Words, Started 04/17/2010, Completed 05/29/2012
193 Ratings, 0 Likes, 451 Favorites )A mysterious warning from the future prompts Snape to protect Hermione from a terrible curse.
65,661 Words, Started 06/11/2006, Completed 06/11/2006
Right Here In My Arms
by Hanagasume
182 Ratings, 0 Likes, 111 Favorites )After her messy divorce, Hermione Granger finds that someone is trying to destroy her reputation. She seeks out the help of Severus Snape to help her find out who it is. Will their past relationship affect how they work together?
38,594 Words, Started 06/29/2009, Completed 12/09/2009
Looking and Seeing
by Fawkes_07
170 Ratings, 0 Likes, 36 Favorites )A Non-HBP, Non-DH, AU DM/HG fanfic.
(Acronyms: The Next Parseltongue.)
Set in a world where HBP and DH never unfolded, this AU plot bunny leapt out and throttled me last night, after perusing some DM/HG "Head Boy and Girl" fics. I really hope to keep it short, and of course all my other fics are screaming for endings, but what's another unfinished project? :) Rated for future chapters.
29,809 Words, Started 10/23/2007, Updated 03/15/2008
by Cosette
170 Ratings, 0 Likes, 89 Favorites )Hermione, Severus, and Draco's lives become intertwined in ways none of them could have predicted or imagined. This is a story that weaves three perspectives together: Hermione's, Snape's, and Draco's. Please note that this story will end up being MA and contain slash.
After Dumbledore is killed by Snape, Voldemort goes on to take over the Ministry of Magic and installs Snape as Headmaster at Hogwarts. Believing the remaining horcruxes to be hidden at Hogwarts, Harry, Hermione, and Ron return to Hogwarts. Needing a way to spy on Snape, Hermione comes up with an idea that has unintended consequences.
Draco believed that he and Severus had something special. But before returning to Hogwarts, Severus mysteriously ends their relationship. Dejected, Draco returns to Hogwarts determined to win Severus back.
Severus Snape is working on a secret project, one that will give him a power no other human has ever had before. But the project has withered to a standstill as he is overwhelmed with his new duties as Headmaster and Voldemort's favorite Death Eater.
20,555 Words, Started 03/06/2008, Completed 09/24/2008