New Chapter for At the Beach
At the Beach
chivalric530 Reviews | 530 Ratings, 0 Likes, 378 Favorites )
Ten years after the war, a man takes a stroll along the beach and meets someone from his past.
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About chivalric
Member Since 2007 | 65 Stories | Favorited by 776 | 213 Reviews Written | 4,182 Review Responses
Located in Germany. Female, around 40. The first chapters of my published novels/novellas can be found here on the archive.
Other than writing, I am reading, cycling, running, and singing in a choir.
In case I don't react to mails for a considerable lenght of time (I usually get back to people within the week), please contact shellsnapeluver or Dreamy_Dragon. They both know how to get through to me.Or simply mail me at
Reviews for At the Beach
Ah gods! That was so sweet and emotional and wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time. Thank you for the happy ending! You write wonderfully.
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
I admit this being one of my favourite stories, so I am especially grateful for reviews and for readers liking it. Especially the epilogue *hugs*
I love this story! Severus aka Carlos so nice that he has found happiness
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Omg this was beautiful. You made me cry!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thanks so much for reading, liking, and reviewing!
Hate for this to end. It was a wonderful random find. Made a few. A vacation hours very fine indeed. I loved the mental pictures. I'm glad they were finally together but as I said I hate for it to end. It was written excellently. :)
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Glad you liked the story and many thanks for reviewing!
Wonderful, compelling...delightful tale.
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thank you!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thank you!
hey :) the story is so cute and so wonderful. the thing i loved the most about it was that it was so easy to read :) this pairing is sometimes too complicated (which is good cuz we wouldn't love them so much other way) and as i am not a native speaker of English there could be times when i get lost in the big words and in the meanless logic. mainly if i dont read at home where i can use dictionary if necessary but on my phone when im travelling. so after the first chapter i chose your fic as my travelling-sshg-fic and i became addicted to it :))aaand many many thanks for putting Hungary in the story not only once but twice!!! it was so exhilarating seeing a little bit of me (weell not exactly me but you see..:D) in the story :) that was the moment i determined to leave a review. i assumed you were hungarian too but then i checked your profile and discovered you werent. however, still many thanks :)and finally congrats to you^^
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thanks for leaving a review, and liking the story, of course. It was good fun writing it, and it was even better to get responses like yours that told me I did an ok job. *hugs*
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thanks for leaving a review, and liking the story, of course. It was good fun writing it, and it was even better to get responses like yours that told me I did an ok job. *hugs*
Thank you for sharing such a great story!!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thank you for reading and reviewing!
I just re-read this a week ago,and I don't remeber leaving a here goes. I really liked the story,Severus swimming naked yummy!! Your OC's are great. The only thing I had an issue with is Hermione being seperated from her baby. As a parent (mom) I do not think I could do it!! If she had lived with Severus and apperated to work which she might have been able to do considering her job description I would have been happier. Since the older children are in school she could have had a dummy flat to stay in in Hogsmeade during her visitation with the children on holidays. You are the storyteller not me and I love your work. If I did not I would not have read this one twice!! So I leave the creativeness in your hands and I will be happy to continue reading!! Hugs~dee
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Well, she could not live with him until the kids were at school, and if I remember correctly (been a while since I wrote the story) I gave the reason in one of the latter chapters. It was the only way to keep the baby, her children, and S. and as H. is a cool and calculating person, she did what had to be done. And to be fair, I couldn't have left my boy either, but know of a few women (friends) who could and who did. People, even moms, are different ;-)Glad you liked the story enough to re-read, and to leave a review!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Well, she could not live with him until the kids were at school, and if I remember correctly (been a while since I wrote the story) I gave the reason in one of the latter chapters. It was the only way to keep the baby, her children, and S. and as H. is a cool and calculating person, she did what had to be done. And to be fair, I couldn't have left my boy either, but know of a few women (friends) who could and who did. People, even moms, are different ;-)Glad you liked the story enough to re-read, and to leave a review!
Best story I've read! Thank you!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thank you so much for reading and liking and, of course, for letting me know!*hugs*
I very much enjoyed this story. Well-written and original. Kudos!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
A lovely fic! It was sad that Hermione couldn't stay in Luca's first years, but I'm happy all the family was finally together and that the patience and love of Carlos and Tessa were rewarded =] Kisses
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Glad you liked this very ooc fic, and thank you for reading and reviewing.
Hi, I like your story and I am asking for permisoin to translate your story from English to Polish. I have translated a lot of stories, so I have some experience.
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Hi, there, sure, you can translate the story under the condition that you name me as original author. I also would like to have a link to the site where it will be posted. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
I enjoyed this very much, thank you!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Glad you found, read, and reviewed it. Thank you!
whoa, 6 years! that's long time, for them to wait for their happy ending. I have enjoyed this tale from the start. Thank you for writing it.
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
At least I managed to write a happy ending at all ;-) Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
Don't know how I missed this update before. What a terrible position for Hermione. They are doing the best that they can. I rather imagine Snape tendng his vines with little Luca slung to his side with a piece of cloth, like many women worldwide use to carry their babies.
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
I bet he took her with him, and I bet she loved every moment. Thanks for reading and reviewing!
I very good story that even managed to make JKR wretched vision of the future into account. Thanks very much for writing and I hope you continue in the genre
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Oh, definitely - I have too many unfinished fics and a few presents to write to quit now. And besides, it's too much fun. Glad you enjoyed that one, of course!
thank you for the story! you are a super talented writer.
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
*beams* Thanks so much!
wonderful story, very different...i enjoyed reading it. Thank you.
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!
Brought tears to my eyes. I love accidentally discovering completed fic. It makes my day.I like this explanation of *shudder* The Epilogue, and I love Winegrower!Snape and Luca and the characterizations of Rose and Hugo are marvelous.Also, Ron and Molly are hateful. I wish I knew how they reacted to the divorce...?Thanks for sharing!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
I guess they had a heartattack and then tried to kill her ;-) Maybe, they used the Cruciatus Curse to find out who she's meeting with. Luckily, Hermione can best them both easily.Hated the epilogue and needed to adjust it, which is the reason why it took them so long to get together for good. IMO, there cannot be enough fics who proove this epilogue to be totally and completely wrong!Thanks a lot for reviewing!
Oh what a delight! So different and so loving. Thank you!!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
I do have to thank you for reading and reviewing!
This is the cherry on top! Little Luca is adorable, and her acceptance of Mummy's secret life was so sweet, if a bit sad because she didn't get to spend as much time with her as she wanted to. It is also clear that she adores her Mummy!!!It is obvious that Carlos has done a marvelous job of raising a wonderful and loving child, and always making sure she knows how much Tessa loves her.And now Mummy is there and will not be leaving the Island again! Six years is a long time to be apart from the ones you love, and I am so happy that they will now be together for the rest of their days. Severus and Hermione deserve this happy ending!!!! They have paid their dues in spades.One of the most endearing things for me was the natural way Hugo and Rose greeted their little sister. Good job! Hermione has told them about her other life, and they understand – no problems. After all, Ron was hardly in their lives at all, and Carlos had always made time for them and made them feel loved.Thank you for such a wonderful, heartwarming story. I am so sad that it is ended, but I am so grateful that it has ended so well. Thank you!!!Hugs and more hugs,Beth
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Hi, Beth!Thanks so much for your lovely review! I am glad you liked the story, and of course I had to give them a happy ending. Angst is not really my cup of tea, and after all, this was a present for notsosaintly. Couldn't do sth nasty here, could I?And as I like Rose and Hugo, and Luca, too, I thought I made them accept each other, unlikely or not. They truly love Carlos, and I believe there will be many happy holidays on that island. *hugs you back dozens of times*
That was really beautiful!!!! I'm moved, I don't what else to say except for: Thank you for this really amazing story!!gab
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Hi! Thank you so much for reading and giving reviews so constantly - I love writing for the fandom as so many give me feedback and let me know that my stories don't escape in the endlessness of internet, unread and unliked. Hugs back to you - and I promise it wasn't the last fic I have written!
I am so glad that they got to have their happy ending!
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
*hugs* But of course, dear - would I mistreat nss and all my readers with her with a nasty ending? No, not I ;-)
Yay! What a happy ending! I'm so happy!!! Thank you so much for this wonderful story! It was so cute how Luca kept asking when Mummy was coming back and then saying Mummy Mummy Mummy! I also really loved how you wrote for her. And her thoughts on the situations that were happening. Very very cool. Thanks again! Much Love ~ Brena
Response from chivalric (Author of At the Beach)
Hi, Brena,and thanks for your lovely review - it means a lot to me! And thanks for liking Luca, too ;-)