New Chapter for A Time for Goodbyes
A Time for Goodbyes
gersknightlady193 Reviews | 193 Ratings, 0 Likes, 59 Favorites )
On her last night at Hogwarts, Hermione goes to say goodbye to her grumpy, cruel Potions professor.
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About gersknightlady
Member Since 2008 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 343 | 915 Reviews Written | 3,004 Review Responses
Age 59, I have been a Severus and Alan Rickman fan for a couple years. I post SS/HG stories.
I went to NY last week to see Seminar (Jan 4, 20012) It was wonderful.
Shades of Severus in his character and his house. I was priviledge to see Alan up close an personal after the play.
Reviews for A Time for Goodbyes
It's Potions master, not Potion's master.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Thats all you have to say is whats wrong? Nice
This was great! I'm so glad they only waited a week instead of 4 years. I'm not the looser with no self control I imagined myself to be after all. Score 2 for Hermione she got the only complement on her potions work so far. This is going to well I hope nothing happens to mess it up. How lucky are they to find their soul mates. Hermione is a peach. If she wasn't the one to go and thank the nasty Postions Master for his hard work this wouldn't have happened. They may be 20 years apart in life experience but not in romance and relationship experience. They are equals. His life experience will be helpful in making decisions and he has some insecurities she doesn't have but they hopefully will give eachother mercy when one of them cocks things up once in a while while learning.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
I'm so ga\lad you are enjoying the story. It was a lark to really have them spend some quality time during their times off. They are soul matesa nd they did have a lot to learn from eachother. Some rgeat times and some tough times come along. I am sorry I didn't answer you sooner. I see you didn't write much more in this review section, but I hope you finished the story and enjoyed it.
Yes! She should write him. That was amazing. I don't think I could wait 4 years to see him again but I do understand the reasoning behind it. It is easier to do her work if she doesn't have the distraction of a love afair and a new relationship. I can't imagine what your next chapter will cover. I'd be staight to 4 years later....LOL
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Ah well who could hold to their promise to wait for four years when the pull to be together is so rgeat for these two lonely hearts. I hope you enjoyed the story.
This relationship is the only natrual conclusion between these to brilliant minded, powerful and private individtuals. I hope they have opportunity to see each other over the next four years for Love's and for hope's sake. I have no doubt that SS will wait and I believe Hermione can all be trusted but she is young and may need someone to hold her once in a while and some kissing from time to time. It's the way were made. It would make them both happier. If she could come to him during the hols they could become better aqainted before the apprenticeship. How can a young woman with Hermione's fine mind find someone else if she can have Severus Snape. He is like no other man or wizard in a miryid of ways. She would only face utter disappointment were she to seek comfort any where else. And if he says he will wait. You know that's a good as a wand oath.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
I agree they belong together and there woud be no one else for her to look at if she could have SS. I really like your well thought out review and I agree with it. I hope you continued to enjoy the story. I am sorry it took so long to answer this. I haven't been on this site for some. It becasme to difficult to post here. So I have moved on, but I have most of my work on this site. Thank you for the review.
If only anyone had ever been so attentive to helping Severus deal with his trauma and post traumatic stress. Hermione has had only a drop of what he had endured. I think it was therapeutic for Severus to help Hermione with her trauma. I feel happy and think it is very sweet that her parents get to be more a part of her life now even though they are muggles. It must be so hard to feel like you've lost your child to another world and way of life. If it's your only child one probably feels childless at times.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
I agree canyou imagine sending a child of 11 off to someplace you normally would never get to see to learn things totally foreign to your way of life or understanding. The houses don't seem to have much supper idiom. The kids all seem to raise themselves. It shouldn't be the older students raising the you get ones. They are children too. Technically. Thanks for all your reviews I hope you didn't Give up on me... When you finish the story let me know what you think.
Severus has certainly been on his best behavior with everyone. The Grangers are about to spend some time in Disney World. I'm sure they'll enjoy it. I hope Hermione doesn't withdraw from Severus as she deals with her ordeal.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
He's just trying to Give Hermione the space she needs. Yes I thought it might be fun for them to come there and see her world.
Hermione is so blessed to have so many people who love her.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Yes she is. We should all be so lucky. I do have a close family.
It took a lot of courage to do what Hermione did. Even though he stabbed her, If you're going down, you'd better take them down with you to the best of your ability. I wonder what made something that may have started as desire, jealousy or coveting her neighbor's wife, so to speak, morph into a psychotic break with reality leading to the actions of a psychopath? Somewhere he slipped a cog.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Who knows. Possessiveness, jealousy. Sometimes it's the quiet ones who snap. Thank you :)
I want a man like Severus Snape who would turn over heaven and earth to find me. It's one thing to feel loved, it's one thing for someone to say they love you, but it's even better to feel precious and have absolute assurance that he will rescue you no matter the cost. He would kill for you without a second thought. Hermione is only going to need to keep Alan as calm as possible until her love rescues her. Alan is a regular Prince Humperdink and Severus is the Dread Pirate Roberts, Hermione is butter cup. Who knows what I am writing at this time of night after some sweet wine. I hope it is making sense.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
You and me both. I've always thought that if he was loved he'd move heaven and hell for that person. Look what he did for Lily a d she never appreciated him at all. I'm not familiar with those characters to I have no frame of reference there :) thank you for your comments.
Response from breastlady (Reviewer)
If you have never seen the movie "Princes Bride" you are missing out on a wonderful, funny, farce of romance. You must see it! You absolutely must!
I'm really happy for Hermione. I'm glad that despite the fact that she had taken their memories, they love where she had sent them. That should provide Hermione no small amount of comfort. Severus is being such a good boy. I hope Hermione doesn't feel pressured to have kids too soon. I realize that she understands why Severus and Minerva think these two should marry next year, but she would have liked to have waited. I hope getting married before she is finished with her studies doesn't prevent her from reaching her goals or result in her having kids before she is ready to give up some of her professional life to be a mom. I understand the pressure she is under, and right now she doesn't see how she can do what she thinks would be best without hurting Severus' feelings and having him believing she just doesn't want to be married to him.I had the exact same situation. Was just starting college and my husband, whom is 7 years older than I, had convinced me he could not enter his chosen profession without a wife and that he couldn't wait for me for 4 years. As a result I didn't finish my degree program and had an unplanned baby at 20. My husband and I were training for the ministry. One has many more choices about how and where they can serve God and others, if they don't have to worry about taking children somewhere dangerous or perhaps living in poverty. Then, after 5 years my husband decided he had been pressured by his mother, father and grandmother to become a minister and it wasn't what he really wanted. It was too stressful for him. So, I had to give up my vocation too. I wasn't in a position back then where a woman could be a minister, evangelist or missionary but not her husband, and he didn't want to be the husband of any of the above; he would have been expected to serve as well, if I did. And there was no way on God's green earth he would have been willing to sever in a medical mission in India or Africa. Ironically, I had turned down another marriage offer because that person wasn't called to the same vocation even though we had deep feelings for one another.I should have stuck to my guns. I think my husband might have realized he didn't feel called before we got married if I had made him wait for me to finish college and then we wouldn't have been married after all. I also wouldn't have gotten pregnant yet and would have had more choices. I regret not listening to my gut.I'm enjoying the story! Happy summertime Christmas from down under!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Hard to remember what happens each chapter. True Hermione doesnt have all the choices she wishes, maybe I should have made them stronger but they just needed eachother so much. You did have lots of choices and pressures. We all make mistakes. We can all say I should have turned right instead of left. I never married. No kids. I have travelled a lot. Never saved much live in an older home. Could have been wiser had more to show for working 2 jobs for 39 years but I'm content enough.
I'm so glad they worked that out. Grandchildren are a blessing. I love mine and they are my sun and stars. It's only too bad they come at such a high price. I hope they don't feel pressured to have children right away. Nice chapter, once again.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Thank you, my great nieces and nephews are such a blessing as well as their parents. We've had the best. Good kids all. They make the sun rise and the world go round.
It went as well as it could have. Do they have any memories of Hermione from before she took them? Was she able to give them back any memories of her as their daughter or did she have to prove she was their long lost witch of a daughter they had never met and didn't know existed and they had to take her word for it? Please let me know if the story doesn't let us know. Can muggles use a pencieve? She could show them her childhood and getting her letter from Hogwarts. Please let me know what her parents know.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
I'm pretty sure she was able to give them back their memories. Now I don't know about Muggles using a pensive. I've written several stories of her getting back w her parents so its hard to remember which is which. I think this set took it pretty good. I should use you for ideas before I write. You make good story leaps.
What a way to get rid of stress! It's Hermione and Severus vs the world, in a good way. They are more than a team, they are an entity. No wonder they can't stand to be apart. It wasn't well thought out for Minerva to have Hermione surprise Severus in public knowing they hadn't shared their relationship publicly, yet. Did she know? I'm sure things will be fine with Hermione's parents. Accepting Severus shouldn't be any crazier than all of the other mind blowing things they've had to deal with regarding their daughter. They seem ready to accept her lifestyle. Another great chapter.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
I think Severus had told her that he and Hermione were together but not surr she knew it was a secret. Yes they are sn item. Thsnk you again for all your comments.
They're like a couple of silly kids! It's wonderful. I miss those days and that feeling of new love. Even the trip to the library seemed like an imposition on their relationship and then I remembered that grown ups do have lives. It's like they are bound to each other with a magical umbilical cord and can't bear to have too much space separating them. I envy them. Great happy chapter.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Thank you. Happy happy happy makes me happy. It was mostly fluff. Fluff makes me happy.
This year will be a long one for these two. It will be hard to be parted after this summer. I wonder if Severus can make a port key they can use to spend more time together. Very romantic! And very enjoyable chapter! Severus must have quite a nest egg put back to afford this summer's vacation. I haven't heard the couple discuss finances or Hermione wonder how he affords her such splendor. I'm curious. I hope Harry and Ron don't let them down.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Well I guess I just assumed he'd been saving his money for a future when he wasn't tethered to two masters. After all at Hogwarts' they were given everything.
Magical sex is awesome!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
I thInk so. Thank you.
What an awesome place that would be! It would be a bit frightening too. I'm sure there I things that one would be fascinated to see but not sure if they really wanted to be there. I bet there are people there Hermione doesn't even know were wizards or witches. What an incredible opportunity to learn. I wish that was real. Great chapter.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I also visited Morano when I was there. Now wouldn't that have been fascinating.
This agreement for Hogwarts will work nicely. This is wonderful for both of them. Venice! That is romantic indeed! "I've been storing it up for more years than you've been alive" is sexy too. It seems she is as needy as he is, which is very good. If not, it could be suffocating to be the center of the universe to such a man, for some women. He doesn't share well. My own dad is jealous when me and my mum spend too much time together and he feels ignored. It used to make my mom feel wanted but after years and years it's a little annoying when he's being a pouty baby about it. I can't stand pouting men. I'd rather just have a good row and get it over with. Well, that was when I was 20 years younger. Now, an adult discussion is the only acceptable way to deal with disagreements. I wonder how Hermione and Severus will handle their first argument? She's bossy and he's controlling and has a penchant for meanness. If they were taking advice, I would recommend they get a plan on how to handle disagreements in advance with some ground rules, do's and don'ts, in order to avoid misunderstandings and to allow for negotiation if the issue is about making decisions. No pouting, no character assassination, no sarcasm, don't expect the other person to read your mind, be open to discussion, agree to take a break if you are hitting a wall, no holding grudges. Forgive each other before you go to bed. They can never say, "I you don't like it you can leave." It's better for Hermione to say, "You can live with a happy wife or an angry wife and you are stuck with me until you die. How do you want this to go?" I only had to use it once but it was very effective. A smart husband knows that if momma ain't happy, nobody is happy. If they survive the first 10-15 years, all the fights are about the same things and you've either worked out a compromise or decided to let it go. On with Summer Vacation!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Wow some good advice. Maybe some one who. Reds it will read your review. I have a hard time writing conflict. Not sure my Hermione's or Severus' have ever had a huge fight. Hey I might borrow this someday for a fic :) Ty I went to Venice years ago. It was one of the best few days of all my travels so far.
Just make sure you don't forget to take your potion! Kids would put a nasty cramp in your plans, right now. You think you're busy now? Maybe you'll never need any. Your lives are full. Research shows that women without children are happier than women who have children. Unfortunately, it's a full time job, they don't appreciate you as much as you deserve and you can't have it all on mommy track. Back in the 70's we got the idea into our heads that we could do it all. It was a lie. All we got was sleep deprivation and giving up our higher educations or promotions because we had responsibilities. Now they don't move out so it's never your turn to live life. And they only get more expensive the older they get. I love being a grandma, but I wouldn't do the mommy thing again. I should have just had dogs. I enjoyed it when the kids were young because I was young and I still had hope, but now I know there is no hope for me. I spend my days at work helping 30 and 40 somethings who thought they needed a baby so bad they went and had the 90 thousand dollar test tube baby that's broken and can't breastfeed or when the baby can, the moms are too tired and their expectations of life are too high to really enjoy motherhood. They are already invested in mortgages and life styles. I spend my nights wondering how long my husband and I will have to support ourselves, our children and their children, while I should be taking care of my parents. Hermione and Severus can get their kid fix at Hogwarts. I hope they are listening to my advice. At least there are house elves if you need a nanny, I suppose. Severus is so heart breakingly vulnerable. I know he doesn't have to worry with Hermione, though. I'm very happy for them!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Sounds like a difficult life. I missed having the husband and kids. Way to late for either I think. I like doing my own thing. Dogs are good. Companions. I've got three. Had some precious ones in the past. I do wish they had longer lives. I think it's hard for Severus to trust that someone loves him with all her heart. Ty for sharing.
I tried getting my guy to be romantic and he just acts like a stupid dolt and says he doesn't know how. It seems a lot like trying to get out of a chore by doing it so badly your wife doesn't make you do it anymore. Thank you for giving us a romantic Severus. I will squash the urge to go hit the man snoring in my bed with a shoe. I can get my romance fix without being tempted to stray. No real man could live up to Severus Snape.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Well the shoe might get his attention. LoL one reason I write romantic fic. Is to get romance in my life as well. Glad your enjoying it.
Minerva will insist will she? Oh well, I guess they'll just have to get married then. But, I wouldn't want to be an apprenticed to my husband. No. I definitely have authority issues. We would have to have serious ground rules. I would take everything personally. He had better be a very nice and polite boy. I probably wouldn't hex my master, but I wouldn't think twice about hexing my husband if he got high handed with me. We would have to work it out so that we were more like research partners. And if he wanted me to do the grunt work he would have to ask nicely and reward me for good behavior. Romantic interludes, inventive sex and books would be just for starters. Let's add, he would have to remember to tell me how much he appreciated my help every day. I would reciprocate, of course. Well, let's at least get through the holidays. I'll be nice.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Can't remember them having a conflict. This was written purely for the love of them being happy together. Most of it. Thank you, I'm glad your enjoying it.
Thank goodness they were only separated for a week! Dear man was a virgin? Hermione must feel just a little bit smug at getting the best man on the planet that no one else had ever had. They are a perfect match. I hope they never actually need that potions ingredient. Between the two of them, they could end up as famous as the Nicholas and Perenelle Flamel! I am enjoying the love-fest. What a summer it will be!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Thank you so much, wow I had 't had a new chapter of my newest story post, so I hadn't looked at reviews in ages. I'm pleased tofind so many.
With the flue, apparition and port keys, why would she need to wait 4 years? My heart is pounding for them. If she can't see him and get her studies accomplished, how would she ever complete an apprenticeship?
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Well it was going to be a one shot and then it begged for more.
Glad I happened upon this from a recommendation on snapeyluvshermy. Love the story! Thanks for sharing!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Thank you, :) I'm pleased someone recommended it. Thanks for reading and leaving a review.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Time for Goodbyes)
Thank you, :) I'm pleased someone recommended it. Thanks for reading and leaving a review.