New Chapter for Some Things Change
Some Things Change
LiteraryBeauty217 Reviews | 217 Ratings, 0 Likes, 136 Favorites )
Draco Malfoy wants Hermione. Lucius Malfoy wants her, too. What will happen when she doesn’t want to decide and her magic chooses for her?
This story is beta-ed by kazfeist.
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About LiteraryBeauty
Member Since 2009 | 31 Stories | Favorited by 250 | 0 Reviews Written | 578 Review Responses
Due to the often controversial nature of my fics, I've decided I will no longer be posting here (this not NOT include my WIPs--Princes in Exile and Caged Bird Sings will continue to be updated here. This is regarding only my oneshots and future long fics). You can find all my stories at my Livejournal, under the name literaryspell. None of the fics are, as yet, friendslocked, so you can read at your leisure, and friend me, or not, as you like. :D Be sure to check out my master list, which is the first post on my LJ page. Thank you!
If anyone would prefer to send comments to me personally, or would just like to talk plot or make suggestions, please contact me at I'm happy to hear from anyone!
Reviews for Some Things Change
Just to say that I really love your fanfiction, it takes me almost 4 evenings/nights to finish it, but I enjoy it all the way ! I'm going to read the sequel with a lot of enthusiasm !
I so enjoyed this story! It's been a while since I've read anything other than Drarry, but I enjoyed your writing so much I wanted to see what you would do with my second favorite ship, Dramione. You certainly did not disappoint! And with a side of Luscious Lucius thrown in too. *RAWR* I thoroughly enjoyed Michael and Thello, but I'm so glad you gave Celeste the boot. LOL I am greatly looking forward to the sequel.
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Some Things Change)
Ohh, so glad to tempt you away from Drarry for a moment! Though I know you won't stay away long--who could? :D I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic, and I hope you do the sequel, as well. :D
I'm so happy! I just about died when Lucius left....naughty man. This is a wonderful story, and I'm so glad I got to read it! I think you are incredibly talented, and I can't wait for the sequel. :D
Response from LiteraryBeauty (Author of Some Things Change)
He was just one confused man. *shakes head* Thank you so much! The sequel, if you didn't know, is up and posting every Tuesday. It's called "The Only Constant." :D
I'm so glad they didn't need too much time to find Lucius. I do hope they're going to give him a piece of their minds and a good kick in the arse. Before making up of course...*grin*
Arrgghh! Cliffie! :P
Evil cliffie!!! I'm so glad they found him though! Great update!
What a change of direction! I can't wait to see how they get reunited (which is the only outcome I expect HINT,HINT).
I hope whatever is bothering Lucius will resolve quickly.
So, Hermione's womanly ways got Lucius to do what she wanted. She's improving, but there are easier ways to make men do what you want.
Well that settled! I wonder if provisions will be made for all of the children?
There was a lot to absorb in this chapter hopefully everything will work out for all parties concerned.
Must be Narcissa who stoped in... will things go from bad to worse?
Hermione's conscience will save her from being dark, but what a cliff hanger at the end of the chapter. Although she shouldn't be surprised because Lucius admitted to saying things of that nature which is why the came out of the proverbial closet.
I'm not sure if that was dark magic or not, surprising certainly...
Hermione handled the press like a pro. The Malfoy's crash course of press releases worked. I'm glad Harry stood by her, but I'm worried about what crack-pot ideas are going through Ron's head.
Male bonding over video games... so true to life!
Perhaps Hermione did that triad a bit of good. Perhaps Celeste is jealous of Thello. Maybe they will work on their relationship...
Nice save with the boys, I'm surprised they came around so quickly.
Oh shit. Not a good reaction from the boys. I think Hermione should not have waited so long to let them know about her relationships...
I wish I could be a fly on the wall when she tells her friends.
It's nice that home is the new relationship instead of four walls and a floor, I think it will make the emotional adjustment easier.
How nice, I wonder what they will get into during the picnic...
Well, considering the choices she made I think Hermione should get over being embarrassed. Lucky, lucky girl!
Actually, Draco thinking along those lines should be proof that he won't go down that road. I'm surprised that neither Hermione nor Lucius pointed that out.
I would love to have a home like that...