New Chapter for Just a Little Bit
Just a Little Bit
Melenka214 Reviews | 214 Ratings, 0 Likes, 179 Favorites )
Hermione is stuck in a house with two difficult men, one bored cat, a hapless mouse - and a physics problem.
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About Melenka
Member Since 2008 | 20 Stories | Favorited by 82 | 104 Reviews Written | 967 Review Responses
Writer of various fiction, prone to putter in the garden, recovering costumer, dedicated wonk.
Reviews for Just a Little Bit
Wow, what a tale. I have to admit, i stumbled onto this merely by accident and was swarn through each chapter like moth caught in the light of a candle. Some of it was too confusing, but the story itself held me. I truly think that Sirius had an unwordly understanding, insight that came from living twice. It's odd. this feels like an ending - but yet also like a beginning. I carve more and yet can see in my mind that Harry wins, Severus and Hermione unite, forever a couple. Thank you for this story and the imagery. I did enjoy it very much.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you so much for reading the story! It was confusing, but physics (and love) is often like that. Sirius did, at the last, prove his love - mostly by letting it go. If you want a wee bit of epilogue (and hope for the happy ending), you might read "Death Shall Have No Dominion", as it explains how Snape did, in fact, survive after the snake bite. :)
She sure bounced from one bed to another. I still feel that Severus recieved far more from her than Sirius did. Severus reached out in need and desire to fill her need, not to jsut use her. There is a beauty to his way, and I hope they don't trun away from this beginning.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Well, considering the strength of personality of both rather amazing men, I'm not surprised she took what was offered, and pushed for more. She does love them both, albeit differently. Severus stood aside for Sirius, and sent him to her, because she needed a summer fling that didn't leave her bitter. He plans for the long term, however unlikely he feels that may be. In his own way, he used Sirius to free Hermione so she might be able to accept him, and Sirius was fully aware of his part in that. His motives may have been good, but it was still a calculating thing to do. Doesn't change how much he loves her, protest though he might.
The spell, how it was cast, was beautiful and alarming. The tie shifting to Severus - I expected her to rage and fume over the interferance. I'm still unsure what exactly the spell did or is, BUt now she's done it can you every undo or go back as if it wasn't completed. It's in her and part of her. SHe'll remember. Even Severus might.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Oh, they will all remember. With any luck, no one will ever find out what she just did. It was meant to hide Sirius, to free him, and it did that. She tacked on the location spell as a way to ensure she could find him. Quite obviously, the men thought this a bad idea, and used her own theory to circumvent that part of the spell. Severus can find Sirius, which may be necessary if Sirius gets out of control. They think themselves clever. Silly men.Thank you for another delightful review!
What is this spell she is tryiing to do? I don't get that part.I don' t know how I think about the way Sirius is using her. The way he stalks her. I think Severus is the better wizard in this one.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
The spell will be explained, I promise. It is very, very complex and she can't reveal what she hopes to do with it until the time is right.I don't think Sirius is stalking her. She came to him, after all, and made her decision of her own free will. What happened after that surprised him as much as her - hence, his apology. Inasmuch as he is capable of it, he does love her. Otherwise, he wouldn't have worried about transfiguring her clothes or dispensing with his mother's portrait. Considering that he has become a magical being unlike any that has existed to this point, he's still feeling his way around what he can, or should, do. It's why he knows he has to leave and not take her with him. He's too dangerous to be around for long.As for Severus, he has his own agenda, which will become more clear as the story progresses. While he, too, loves her, he is no more free to pursue a relationship with her than Sirius is. They are each stuck with the hand they've been dealt. The only thing to do is try to alter it - just a little bit. ;)
his discovery in the mirror was interesting. His taking advantage of her intriguing, especially since she let him, even encouraged him.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you for the thoughtful review and the shinies.I don't know if he took advantage of her so much as acted on a desire that came from having someone treat him as human after so long. The fact that she reacted to their physical closeness when he picked her up in the dark would not have escaped him, though he'd dismissed it. She was the one who pressed for more (and who could blame her, with his beauty returned?) and responded with open desire. Still, there was something cruel in his using her to upset Severus. Some habits die hard, I guess.
So she broke Severus down (a little) and got him to open up to her. I loved the tension you built into this chapter.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you! I don't know who was more broken by the end of that, but I doubt either would complain! :)
I like the dichotomy of the gifts - Severus actually did something to protect her little mouse while Sirius left her with a keepsake of their time spent together. Says quite a bit about their personalities.Wordsmithing is an artform, so I was glad that Hermione was tickled during her conversation with Arthur. If she was previously incapable of telling a believeable lie, it was only because she hadn't learned to lie with the truth. A carefully delivered truth is always the best lie. Severus gave her another useful gift with that lesson.I have to agree with Ginny, the tat is cool. I really like the graphic of it in the last chapter.Finally, speaking of wordsmithing, I REALLY like the way you've incorporated the title within the dialogue of the characters. Each significant change, be it the spell or the interaction of the characters themselves, was done in the name of caring, protection, and ultimately - love. A little bit of each.Thank you for a wonderful tale, a missing moment of vast proportions, if you will.~
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you so much! You are very kind. Hermione's interaction with Arthur was more fun to write than I'd expected it to be. I think she learned a great deal from both of her housemates. You are right that they all acted out of love, albeit different sorts.I am glad you enjoyed the story.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you so much! You are very kind. Hermione's interaction with Arthur was more fun to write than I'd expected it to be. I think she learned a great deal from both of her housemates. You are right that they all acted out of love, albeit different sorts.I am glad you enjoyed the story.
I finally managed to read the last chap. It's somewhat anticlimatic for me. Do you consider a short sequel, giving us your version about the impact of the chaos-spell to the outcome of the war? You see I like to have it spelled out to me. Though I'm not really against open endings, they help to improve the imagination. Thanks a lot for this highly creative story.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thanks for the review and for reading through the whole thing. I know it was a bit convoluted. I purposely made the end of the story fit into DH. Since Harry was, ultimately, able to defeat Voldemort, the spell didn't come into play. That does leave it open, as Hermione still has it on her ankle and Sirius is still loose in the world. If I was to write a sequel, I think it would be a romp across the globe, with Sirius getting ever stronger and Severus having to chase him down. I don't think I'm ready to do that yet. But I appreciate the encouragement!
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thanks for the review and for reading through the whole thing. I know it was a bit convoluted. I purposely made the end of the story fit into DH. Since Harry was, ultimately, able to defeat Voldemort, the spell didn't come into play. That does leave it open, as Hermione still has it on her ankle and Sirius is still loose in the world. If I was to write a sequel, I think it would be a romp across the globe, with Sirius getting ever stronger and Severus having to chase him down. I don't think I'm ready to do that yet. But I appreciate the encouragement!
I feel like I am out of breath, I've just caught up with this story. I don't know why I waited so long to start it, this is fantastic. I do have to ask if you could clarify for me how Hermione feels about Sirius if she loves Severus (and apparently has for sometime) why was she so distruaght with what Sirius did? It seemed a bit overly emotional for just a friends with benefits relationship, and add seducing and telling Severus she loves him perhaps not less than a few hours later? Is it because she is so sensitive to his magic? I may have missed something in reading so quickly, so if you could help my poor feeble brain comprehend I would greatly appreciate it.I look forward to your next update!
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thanks! I'm glad you decided to give it a try.Hermione loves both men, but very differently. She was upset with Sirius for taking her ability to find him, not because she is in love with him but because she thinks he needs her. (Okay, also because he's way hot, but she recently figured out that's not enough to make her happy.) She has proven she is a safe vessel for the overflow of his magic. The early morning tryst was an attempt to help him figure out how to control the magic, which was somewhat successful, but she worries he won't always be able to do that (control it, that is). Obviously, he's worried about that, too, but neither he nor Snape will tell her about their contingency plan if it turns out Sirius is unable to stabilize.Considering that she started out with a very secret schoolgirl crush on her professor, it's not surprising that her feelings for Severus run a little deeper. She told him she loves him because she does. She figured that she might not ever get the chance to be with him again, so seducing him (in her sweet and slightly inept way) seemed the thing to do.
Response from Isode (Reviewer)
Thanks for the clarification. I really did read this quickly, getting time on the computer in my house has become difficult lately and my only options are to read before heading to work or really late at night.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thanks! I'm glad you decided to give it a try.Hermione loves both men, but very differently. She was upset with Sirius for taking her ability to find him, not because she is in love with him but because she thinks he needs her. (Okay, also because he's way hot, but she recently figured out that's not enough to make her happy.) She has proven she is a safe vessel for the overflow of his magic. The early morning tryst was an attempt to help him figure out how to control the magic, which was somewhat successful, but she worries he won't always be able to do that (control it, that is). Obviously, he's worried about that, too, but neither he nor Snape will tell her about their contingency plan if it turns out Sirius is unable to stabilize.Considering that she started out with a very secret schoolgirl crush on her professor, it's not surprising that her feelings for Severus run a little deeper. She told him she loves him because she does. She figured that she might not ever get the chance to be with him again, so seducing him (in her sweet and slightly inept way) seemed the thing to do.
Response from Isode (Reviewer)
Thanks for the clarification. I really did read this quickly, getting time on the computer in my house has become difficult lately and my only options are to read before heading to work or really late at night.
How does he feel about her? Does she know? Are they going to risk being back at Hogwarts?
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
I don't know that he'll tell her how he feels about her, but she does hope that he'll get around to it. As for the risks, neither of them is in a good place to be taking them, so I suppose it depends on who ends up where.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
I don't know that he'll tell her how he feels about her, but she does hope that he'll get around to it. As for the risks, neither of them is in a good place to be taking them, so I suppose it depends on who ends up where.
Oh, that was mean of you. You supply them with a new quandary, which definitively shut down the sulks from his grumpiness and places Hermione at a higher level of danger - one that was supposed to have been avoided with Severus and Sirius' previous actions.And then you attempt to distract me from the fact with a rather lovely piece of 'interlude'.Not working... Wants details...*pouts*Just kidding. This was a great update and you just raised the tension level another notch. I'm thinking it may not be possible for her to stay and go back to Hogwarts as planned now. I'll be honest and say that I want the next installment, like oh, yesterday, LOL!Happy writing!~
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Darn. If that won't work to distract you, what will?? ;)I have to tweak the last bit, but it shouldn't take too long. And you are quite insightful and generally right.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Darn. If that won't work to distract you, what will?? ;)I have to tweak the last bit, but it shouldn't take too long. And you are quite insightful and generally right.
yay...finally. lovely coupling. thanks so much
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Quite welcome. :)
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Quite welcome. :)
Okay, now Hermione has the ability to find Sirius, too? And why is this a deadly spell?
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
The spell is deadly because it allows the caster(s) to change the intent of another person's magic. It doesn't give her the ability to find Sirius. It gave him the ability to change HER intent in that moment. If three other people got together and did the spell, they could direct it outward (instead of at each other) and subtly change a spell being cast or an ongoing spell - such as the protections on Hogwarts. That was what Sirius warned her about in the library, and the reason Severus wanted the spell destroyed.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
The spell is deadly because it allows the caster(s) to change the intent of another person's magic. It doesn't give her the ability to find Sirius. It gave him the ability to change HER intent in that moment. If three other people got together and did the spell, they could direct it outward (instead of at each other) and subtly change a spell being cast or an ongoing spell - such as the protections on Hogwarts. That was what Sirius warned her about in the library, and the reason Severus wanted the spell destroyed.
Nice chapter, although Severus having the ability to track Sirius gives me the shivers.Somehow I wonder if Sirius will be back for a daring Gryffindor moment...
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thanks! I think Sirius knew what he was about. I'm fairly sure Severus won't go after him unless it becomes absolutely necessary. I would imagine Sirius would do what he could in the war effort but I don't know that he'd show his face to do it at this point.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thanks! I think Sirius knew what he was about. I'm fairly sure Severus won't go after him unless it becomes absolutely necessary. I would imagine Sirius would do what he could in the war effort but I don't know that he'd show his face to do it at this point.
You are such a talented storyteller!
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you very much! That means so much to me.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you very much! That means so much to me.
This is a very powerful chapter. I wish Sirius wasn't gone. Brilliant as always.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you! He had to go away, for so many reasons. With any luck, he'll find a way to be happy. And, knowing him, he'll find his way back eventually.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you! He had to go away, for so many reasons. With any luck, he'll find a way to be happy. And, knowing him, he'll find his way back eventually.
wow...that left me breathless. i am all agog to see where this is going. thanks so much.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thanks! I hope you are breathing normally again - though I won't promise that will continue when the next one posts... It's in the queue.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thanks! I hope you are breathing normally again - though I won't promise that will continue when the next one posts... It's in the queue.
Oh that was just stunning. I really enjoyed every moment. There was something subtle and gentle about the whole thing and just made it lovely to read. I like that Severus and Sirius made a certain peace with each other, and I love the interactions between all three of them. What a lovely read. :) Thank you for sharing it.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you so much! I am glad you're enjoying it. I tried to keep them true to character, with all the complexities that would entail. I'm pleased it works for you. :)There's a bit more to come, so stay tuned!
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you so much! I am glad you're enjoying it. I tried to keep them true to character, with all the complexities that would entail. I'm pleased it works for you. :)There's a bit more to come, so stay tuned!
So, the spell is complete and our divine Puck is loosed upon the world, free to make benevolent mischief with Snape as his fail-safe.Sirius has held Severus to his word and guaranteed that he will be able to locate him if needed, to stop him if necessary, by taking over and turning the one component of the spell that would have allowed Hermione to recognise and know where he was at any time. This was his gift to her and Severus - removing the burden of knowledge from her and providing Severus a clear opportunity to have Hermione to himself. Poor Hermione is not happy with being the recipient of Sirius' gift from the look of things.And to complicate matters, she insists on walking where angels fear to tread by pushing Severus with that question, possibly jeopardising their budding relationship.Mercy! Just a little bit, indeed...I have absolutely enjoyed the interaction of these three. I'd have never thought to put them together because any combination of these canon characters is a bit volatile if they are kept in character.You have managed this task masterfully, dear author. This story is a treat. I look forward to the next update. Until then, happy writing!~
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Wow. Thank you! Yes, to eveyrthing you said about what happened. I will refer any questions about this chapter to your review! LOL. I am glad you are enjoying the story. It was difficult to find a way to keep Sirius and Severus close enough to do what needed to be done yet far enough apart to not kill each other. Obviously, Hermione is the catalyst for their ability to be civil with one another, if barely.Stay tuned for the aftermath. ;)
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Wow. Thank you! Yes, to eveyrthing you said about what happened. I will refer any questions about this chapter to your review! LOL. I am glad you are enjoying the story. It was difficult to find a way to keep Sirius and Severus close enough to do what needed to be done yet far enough apart to not kill each other. Obviously, Hermione is the catalyst for their ability to be civil with one another, if barely.Stay tuned for the aftermath. ;)
Powerful stuff. And even though he answered her question honestly, he did it in a way that if taken out of context it would not seem to be a lie or truth.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you! Snape is very good at telling the truth and revealing nothing, a skill Hermione might find useful, all things considered.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Thank you! Snape is very good at telling the truth and revealing nothing, a skill Hermione might find useful, all things considered.
Great story, although I'm no longer sure what is happening.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
A common thread, for which I apologize. I've edited the chapter in hopes of making it clearer. At the end of the spell, Sirius' magic was hidden from everyone, including Hermione, and Snape had the ability to find Sirius wherever he might be.
Response from makaem (Reviewer)
I should have clarified, I need to go back and reread the story. A couple of months ago, I decided I wouldn't start any new stories until the other ones I was reading wrapped up-- that lasted about 48 hours. But it means I sometimes don't give stories the full attention they deserve. Some stories are less predictable than others and require a more active role on the part of the reader, this is one of those stories. Plus, I don't mind being confused, it increases my enjoyment for the moment things all come together.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
A common thread, for which I apologize. I've edited the chapter in hopes of making it clearer. At the end of the spell, Sirius' magic was hidden from everyone, including Hermione, and Snape had the ability to find Sirius wherever he might be.
Response from makaem (Reviewer)
I should have clarified, I need to go back and reread the story. A couple of months ago, I decided I wouldn't start any new stories until the other ones I was reading wrapped up-- that lasted about 48 hours. But it means I sometimes don't give stories the full attention they deserve. Some stories are less predictable than others and require a more active role on the part of the reader, this is one of those stories. Plus, I don't mind being confused, it increases my enjoyment for the moment things all come together.
You're way above my head, girl. But I trust that I will get it eventually!
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
You weren't alone! I apparently failed to explain it well enough throughout the story. I've gone back and edited the explanations for the individual spells, which I hope will help. Basically, Snape hid Sirius' magic and Sirius counteracted Hermione's spell to locate him, giving that ability to Snape instead.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
You weren't alone! I apparently failed to explain it well enough throughout the story. I've gone back and edited the explanations for the individual spells, which I hope will help. Basically, Snape hid Sirius' magic and Sirius counteracted Hermione's spell to locate him, giving that ability to Snape instead.
I may have to re-read this, but I must admit that I don't really understand what they did.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
I have added the explanations in text. They did what they all had promised. Snape hid Sirius' magic. Hermione tried to ensure she could find Sirius, and Sirius perverted that intention and gave the ability to Snape instead. I hope that helps!
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
I have added the explanations in text. They did what they all had promised. Snape hid Sirius' magic. Hermione tried to ensure she could find Sirius, and Sirius perverted that intention and gave the ability to Snape instead. I hope that helps!
I don't get it. The online translator I used for the spells said: Fieri One for Hermione's (is that even in English?), Hide Footsteps for Snape's spell, Place Eternal for Hermione's, Punish Objection for Sirius's and One Upon Trio for Hermione's. What happened there? I hope we will find out in chapters to come.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Make One. - the three part of the spell melded.Hide Traces - Snape cloaked Sirius' magic.Find Forever - Hermione's attempt to keep track of Sirius.Contradict - Sirius' removed Hermione's ability to find him.One into Three - to end the spell so the parts were separate.I went back and added the explanations, as it was apparently not as clear in print as it was in my head. Apologies for that.
Response from nata (Reviewer)
Thank you for that. Now it certainly makes sense.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Make One. - the three part of the spell melded.Hide Traces - Snape cloaked Sirius' magic.Find Forever - Hermione's attempt to keep track of Sirius.Contradict - Sirius' removed Hermione's ability to find him.One into Three - to end the spell so the parts were separate.I went back and added the explanations, as it was apparently not as clear in print as it was in my head. Apologies for that.
Response from nata (Reviewer)
Thank you for that. Now it certainly makes sense.
You will have to forgive me? Does Snape now have Sirrius' magic? or just the ability to track him?Nicely done. Nice twist on the question.
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Just the ability to track him. Forever. Just thinking about Severus with that sort of power makes me shiver.Thank you. I was going for a particularly Snape-ish answer and consulted with experts on the wording. If Snape was a Muggle, he'd make a good lawyer. Or a bad one, depending on your perspective. ;)
Response from Melenka (Author of Just a Little Bit)
Just the ability to track him. Forever. Just thinking about Severus with that sort of power makes me shiver.Thank you. I was going for a particularly Snape-ish answer and consulted with experts on the wording. If Snape was a Muggle, he'd make a good lawyer. Or a bad one, depending on your perspective. ;)