Member Since 2006 | 14 Stories | Favorited by 163 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,630 Review Responses
Someone who really, REALLY ought to be doing something else, but just keeps on writing.
Wondering why my stories take forever? Have a look at My Other Time Devourer: www.willametteartcenter.com I'm both the webmaster and the president of the Friends of the Visual Arts, a 501-C3 nonprofit in Salem, Oregon. We Put The Fun Back In Art. Having 2 sweet little boys tends to drag things out too.
And what the heck, as long as it's self-pimpage time: If you just can't wait for the next chapter of Fair Ex, you can always go buy my book. It's not HP or fanfic but it's got that Fawkesy snark (in spades) It's here: www.turondo.com Warning: there's a bad word in the title.
Search Works by Fawkes_07
Current parameters show 14 of 14 stories.
Fair Exchanges
by Fawkes_07
6.76/10 (909 Ratings, 0 Likes, 358 Favorites )Hermione wants to learn Occlumency, but Severus Snape is not known for his generous nature. Both may learn more than they bargained for before the tale ends.
This is canon-compliant with books 5 and 6 and provides a behind-the-scenes story that JKR never even guessed...
75,033 Words, Started 11/26/2006, Updated 10/15/2009
Harry Potter and the Heirs of Slytherin
by Fawkes_07
6.44/10 (277 Ratings, 0 Likes, 52 Favorites )This is a full-length Book Seven fic. Cliffhangers and unexpected twists abound, but don't look for beloved characters to die tragically before your very eyes--Fawkes_07 is all about redemption. Written for young readers but hopefully fun for all.
I'm printing out a version for my kids in book format--I even found all the right fonts and everything. Hence the "artwork" in the chapter headings. What can I say, I'm more of a ceramics person than a drawing person.
Can I note with pride that "Heirs of Slytherin" was just chosen as a Featured Story on MNFF? *glows*
336,179 Words, Started 04/01/2007, Completed 05/19/2008
Looking and Seeing
by Fawkes_07
7.69/10 (170 Ratings, 0 Likes, 36 Favorites )A Non-HBP, Non-DH, AU DM/HG fanfic.
(Acronyms: The Next Parseltongue.)
Set in a world where HBP and DH never unfolded, this AU plot bunny leapt out and throttled me last night, after perusing some DM/HG "Head Boy and Girl" fics. I really hope to keep it short, and of course all my other fics are screaming for endings, but what's another unfinished project? :) Rated for future chapters.
29,809 Words, Started 10/23/2007, Updated 03/15/2008
Private Lessons
by Fawkes_07
7.99/10 (93 Ratings, 0 Likes, 30 Favorites )50 years after HBP, Severus Snape has completed his sentence in Azkaban. Now the truth must be told...
28,294 Words, Started 12/06/2006, Updated 02/25/2008
View from Stained Glass
by Fawkes_07
8.0/10 (21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )Life in two dimensions is often tedious, but the Mermaid Window in the prefect's bathroom is in an enviable position.
This is actually a quick snippet of an idea for Fair Exchanges that was too sappy to use, but too cute for the cutting room floor. There?s a bit of mystery at the end; do leave your proposed solution in a review!
2,020 Words, Started 02/15/2007, Completed 02/15/2007
Lily's Little Secret
by Fawkes_07
6.18/10 (11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Holy plot bunnies, Batman! A squicky little Marauder-era tale deliberately left vague so as not to give away the ending.
1,273 Words, Started 09/28/2007, Completed 09/28/2007
Memoirs of a Seventh-Year Slytherin
by Fawkes_07
7.25/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )This lightweight tale, a bit of Mary-Sue bashing with some Discworld flavor, reveals a little known secret about Severus Snape.
2,283 Words, Started 02/19/2007, Completed 02/19/2007
Farewell to a Lost Friend
by Fawkes_07
0.0/10 (8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Just what the title implies.
2,078 Words, Started 12/25/2007, Completed 12/25/2007
Late Night Chat
by Fawkes_07
6.5/10 (6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )What exactly it is that the Purebloods have against the Mudbloods? According to Freud, for hate to be so powerful, the fundamental issue HAS to be sex! Hence this unexpected discussion between Harry Potter and Sirius Black, which takes place some time during OOTP.
Be warned: This fic contains nothing graphic but is chock full of slash, bisexuality, and other things that will make hair grow on your palms. Read at own risk.
5,459 Words, Started 11/28/2006, Completed 11/30/2006
by Fawkes_07
4.0/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Fawkes is sent on an errand at a critical time.
3,598 Words, Started 05/23/2007, Completed 05/23/2007
When the Cat's Away
by Fawkes_07
7.8/10 (5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )When the ladies of Snape?s 5th year Potions class are called away for a *koff* "Special Lecture," the boys, deprived of their genteel influences, are soon up to no good...
3,689 Words, Started 12/02/2006, Completed 12/03/2006
The Pureblood's Tale, Supplement
by Fawkes_07
6.75/10 (4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )A couple of short drabbles just for grownups. These were conceived as part of Chapter 27 of my fic, HP and the Heirs of Slytherin. Sadly, they are just not right for my 9-year-old and had to be kept separate from the main story. Those of you that are reading Heirs might enjoy a chuckle or two.
413 Words, Started 06/06/2007, Completed 06/06/2007
Liner Notes
by Fawkes_07
5.0/10 (4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Nonfiction--these are the liner notes to the CD I just released. Offered as a partial explanation as to why I never seem to get around to finishing my other fics. :-)
1,606 Words, Started 07/29/2011, Completed 07/29/2011
Jonny Blue
by Fawkes_07
10.0/10 (3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )A rarepair moment, conceived after watching the GoF film and suddenly recognizing the guitar player in the Weird Sisters.
2,506 Words, Started 10/14/2010, Completed 10/14/2010