New Chapter for Private Lessons
Private Lessons
Fawkes_0793 Reviews | 93 Ratings, 0 Likes, 30 Favorites )
50 years after HBP, Severus Snape has completed his sentence in Azkaban. Now the truth must be told...
Start ReadingChapters (18)
About Fawkes_07
Member Since 2006 | 14 Stories | Favorited by 163 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,630 Review Responses
Someone who really, REALLY ought to be doing something else, but just keeps on writing.
Wondering why my stories take forever? Have a look at My Other Time Devourer: I'm both the webmaster and the president of the Friends of the Visual Arts, a 501-C3 nonprofit in Salem, Oregon. We Put The Fun Back In Art. Having 2 sweet little boys tends to drag things out too.
And what the heck, as long as it's self-pimpage time: If you just can't wait for the next chapter of Fair Ex, you can always go buy my book. It's not HP or fanfic but it's got that Fawkesy snark (in spades) It's here: Warning: there's a bad word in the title.
Reviews for Private Lessons
I love this fic! I hope it's not abandoned.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
No, it's just on the back burner with many other things.
Response from darkavatar (Reviewer)
yay! good to hear it's still on a burner somewhere.
Here I sit on my toadstool waiting and waiting to be fed just a few bites of this story. (let's pretend this is a toadstool,shall we?)
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
awww... I will get to it eventually, I promise.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
awww... I will get to it eventually, I promise.
More please.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
I think I know how this one will end, at last--so this'll probably be my next endeavor once I wrap up Heirs.
ahh, a lovely Harry-free chapter!! (sits back to listen to music) my cousin was a piano teacher for years, and then had a stroke and could only use one hand. but she plays beautifully - music for one-hand, of course. I'm hoping Pen realizes the beauty of the music, especially if/when she discovers that Severus is paying for it himself on his teensy salary, making this a very valuable gift. thanks for updating! (more, please?)
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
I have a few chapters left which I hope to write and post as soon as I can...sadly, I am She Of Too Many Unfinished Fics.
excellent to find an update of this great story.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Thanks! It only has a couple more chapters to go, but I don't know when I can get to it again. But I will, promise.
Response from Bettina (Reviewer)
Hi, please rememer us poor sods who're waiting for an update of this great story!
I am so glad you updated. Just in time for my birthday again. But please don't feel you need to wait a year again. Seriously, I am really glad this has not been abandoned. This is one of my favorite stories. I love the way you have created both characters and the situation you have created. It feels so real and plausible. I look forward to reading the rest.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Thanks! Happy B-day! I know, I'm behind on all my updates--RL has a way of interfering with my fanfics.
Glad to see an update! Hope we don't have to wait so long for the next! Greedy bunch of readers, aren't we? Thanks for your work!
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
LOL, well, it's nice to be wanted.
Oh, I'm so glad you updated, I have been waiting for this one!
I'm glad he managed to calm her about the music, it will be wonderful for her to get back into doing it properly.
Thank you for updating, and please don't leave it so long next time!
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Thanks--trying. Lots of stuff to write.
FINALLY!!!!!!! I had almost given up hope...
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
I always finish things. Eventually...
I've thoroughly enjoyed reading all 18 chapters. I can understand the medthod he uses to calm her, My god son's middle child, a boy, has the Asperger's Syndrome form of autism and his parents use the same methods with him. He couldn't stand to have people around or the sound of their voices and and got very upset if anyone tried to touch him. When anyone came to see the family he went into a shell and totally ignored everything.
He has shown quite a bit of improvement in the last few years. His great grandmother told me that last year he actually kissed her when she came to visit and kissed her goodbye when she left. When I saw her during the holidays she told me that it's become routine now for him to do that when she visits.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
good for him! They do grow out of it to some extent, but it can take a very long time. Have to believe in a little dragon magic, I guess.
I should have reviewed when i started reading this about 11 PM, but I got so enthralled I couldn't stop until now. It's just about 4 AM and i should go to bed, but I will have to finish all the chapters you have posted first.
Leon Fleisher must have been your inspiration for this story, or at least this chapter. When he lost the use of his right hand at the peak of his career it was thought to be a tragedy, but he had the fortitude to forge on ahead and have a great career performing music written for the left handed repertoire. The miracle that resrored his right hand had to be some kind of Muggle magic. I live in Maryland and studied voice at Peabody Prep many years ago, so i am familiar with Fleisher and very pleased that he can once again play with both hands.
I am, or more accurately, was, a dramatic soprano and I used to sing the Bach Ave Maria until I lost my control of the top notes as i grew older. It's been nearly 10 years since I done any singing. I could probably sing the mezzo repertoire with no problem if i got back with my voice teacher, but she was 15 years older than me and no longer teaching. I don't want to have to start with someone new and have to learn new methods and techniques as they familiarize themselves with my voice. That would take too long and now that I'm older there are too many other things I put aside when i was younger that I want to see and do now before it's too late.
I'm still listening to the recording of the Third Movement of the Moonlight Sonata. I'm going back to the story now with that as accompanment to my reading. Thanks for the links to the recordings, it add so much to the story.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Wow! What a wonderful review! Thanks! My gosh, I don't know whether to natter a bit about not giving up on your voice, or to congratulate you on doing new things! I'm a bit of a "move on to the new" sort myself, so I guess have to stick with the latter.
Find the Glenn Gould version of Moonlight if you can. That's what I really had in mind for Pen to be playing. I don't think I found a link for that (or did I?).
Hey, thanks for updating. I was worried it was abandoned, but so happy it's not. I like the story very much.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Nope, just busy with other stuff.
That was really touching. Excellent chapter, but I can't help noticing that it isn't Heirs. I thought you were leaving your other WIPs until Heirs was finsihed. Not that I mind, I was just wondering if Fair Exchanges was getting an update soo too, cause that would just be fabulous!
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
I needed a break from Heirs today. 43 is a tough chapter. I might try to update Fair ex too, although that is a very research-oriented fic for me, trying to keep it in Canon. We'll see.
Response from helshez (Reviewer)
Well, whatever you can give us, I'm grateful for. It's always a pleasure to read one of your fics, whichever one it is.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
awwwwwww... *blush*
Seriously, though--one of my RL acquaintances just told me to go back to my hobbit hole and get a life, so it's really nice to hear that this silly stuff I do is appreciated.
Response from helshez (Reviewer)
For what it's worth, your talent is definately appreciated by me (and probably by others, but I can't speak for them) and I think it would be a damn shame if you packed it in. <3
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
I needed a break from Heirs today. 43 is a tough chapter. I might try to update Fair ex too, although that is a very research-oriented fic for me, trying to keep it in Canon. We'll see.
Response from helshez (Reviewer)
Well, whatever you can give us, I'm grateful for. It's always a pleasure to read one of your fics, whichever one it is.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
awwwwwww... *blush*
Seriously, though--one of my RL acquaintances just told me to go back to my hobbit hole and get a life, so it's really nice to hear that this silly stuff I do is appreciated.
Response from helshez (Reviewer)
For what it's worth, your talent is definately appreciated by me (and probably by others, but I can't speak for them) and I think it would be a damn shame if you packed it in. <3
It's been so long I was afraid you've dropped this fic. I'm glad you haven't cause I really love it. Can I hope for more in a close future?
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Thanks! Probably not soon, but it's only a few chapters away from being finished.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Thanks! Probably not soon, but it's only a few chapters away from being finished.
Get on with it...PLEASE!!
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Argh, I know... just a little more patience. I've got the next chapter going in my head, just need to flesh it out and write it down...
Response from Bindi (Reviewer)
There had better be pletty of lemons ahead to make up for this.
Response from Bindi (Reviewer)
Put me out of my misery...please.Pretty,pretty please.
WHAT... it isn't going further than that?
A great story, splendidly written.
Snape can indeed develop that way in 50 years Azkaban. Nice ideas of all and sundry books appearing and he actually using them to enormous benefit. So like him. To send prisoners off with nothing at all fits to the medieval style of JKR's wizarding world in general.
Those lightnings are a unique thing, and even if you need to describe a terrible outcome, you do it very well and without voyeurism at all. Do you have personal knowledge on (Muggle)autism?
The idea that Snape was to die but did not, might be a little far from HBP, and I admit that I didn't try hard to understand all. It is not too far fetched to let it pass--and it is certainly your unique approach.
Will we see some pupils eventually? We're at a school after all.
Besides my curiosity over Harry's and old-Snape's style, it might be good to see Pendragon teach.
Please go on writing, and let Harry develop a little more. He still needs it--which is also no surprise.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Thanks! What a nice review! I hope to work some more on this story when I finish Heirs of Slytherin--it'll be good to get back to it.
Please hurry with the rest, I love this story!
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Gotta finish some other stuff first...
ahem... any chance of an update soon?
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Siiiiiigh...I have all the ideas worked out, I just have been so busy on Fair Ex and Heirs! It WILL end, and I think the ending will be worth it, but I have to run with whatever muse is working best at the moment!
Get busy! I'm starving to death here.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Sorry! My muse has been feeding me Heirs of Slytherin lately--you can go read that, it'll tide you over a while...!
More please. I'm in withdrawal. I really want to read what happens next.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Argh, I know. I want to finish it--there's just so much to write!
Ah! Well done, again. I'm glad Snape is finally warm at least. (I need music for fat people - I'm serious - the fat seems to impair my dexterity - I've heard that PDQ Bach wrote some, hahaha)
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Hmmm...vigorous piano playing as a form of aerobic exercise? Now there's an idea that needs marketing! Any kind of exercise I can do sitting down at a keyboard would make me happy... ;)
It's interesting having a hungry, freezing, poverty-stricken Snape - and good job showing the story, not just telling it.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Thanks! That's certainly something I strive for, never quite sure how well it's working.
Oh Dear...I don't think anyone was expecting that! What a fasinating story line this is...thank you
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
*snerk* A few people had asked about romance, but it was generally between Harry and Pen (or Harry and Snape ). There's still a twist or two left in the story, though...
Hmmm .... interesting development. Although, it isn't un-anticipated, but it still suprising when you really write it down. So, I will wait again, just like last week, with a more and more curiosity what our beloved Harry reaction to this and to what path you drive this story ends (darn you Fawkes, you really know how to make your reader feels edgy). While the nice compliment of "where .... leads, million readers will follow" is written to address another particular legal thriller novel writer by a certain reviewer, I certainly do not have any objection if you fill the blank with the title of this fanfic or your name and replace the word "million readers" with my name.Keep the good work, Mate.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Private Lessons)
Awwwwwwwwwww...*blush* What a sweet compliment! Thanks!