New Chapter for Late Night Chat
Late Night Chat
Fawkes_076 Reviews | 6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
What exactly it is that the Purebloods have against the Mudbloods? According to Freud, for hate to be so powerful, the fundamental issue HAS to be sex! Hence this unexpected discussion between Harry Potter and Sirius Black, which takes place some time during OOTP.
Be warned: This fic contains nothing graphic but is chock full of slash, bisexuality, and other things that will make hair grow on your palms. Read at own risk.
Start ReadingChapters (2)
About Fawkes_07
Member Since 2006 | 14 Stories | Favorited by 163 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,630 Review Responses
Someone who really, REALLY ought to be doing something else, but just keeps on writing.
Wondering why my stories take forever? Have a look at My Other Time Devourer: I'm both the webmaster and the president of the Friends of the Visual Arts, a 501-C3 nonprofit in Salem, Oregon. We Put The Fun Back In Art. Having 2 sweet little boys tends to drag things out too.
And what the heck, as long as it's self-pimpage time: If you just can't wait for the next chapter of Fair Ex, you can always go buy my book. It's not HP or fanfic but it's got that Fawkesy snark (in spades) It's here: Warning: there's a bad word in the title.
Reviews for Late Night Chat
I enjoyed your inventiveness on ideas of sexuality amongst Muggles vs. witches and wizards - very interesting.
I also liked the ending - that Sirius knows he can't have sex with Harry yet and uses Padfoot as a safe way to still offer comfort - perfect.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Late Night Chat)
Thanks, on both counts! I originally wrote this as a one-chapter deal, but when I had the thought of Snuffles/Padfoot bounding into the bed, I had to write another. A boy and his wholesome can you get?
Response from ubiquirk (Reviewer)
Wholesome unless you're Harlan Ellison, that is! (Have you read that short story?)
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Late Night Chat)
No! At least, nothing's ringing a bell. But being a MAJOR Harlan fan, I can only imagine...
Response from ubiquirk (Reviewer)
It's the last story in <i>The Beast that Shouted Love at the Heart of the World</i>, which I think is his best early short story collection.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Late Night Chat)
Found it. Heh. Definitely not so much on the wholesome side. Gotta love Harlan.
Hmmmmm...definitely not what I was expecting when I first read the summary, but nonetheless an interesting story and an intriguing twist on the concept of why some Purebloods despise Muggleborns and half-bloods. As it happens, I agree wholeheartedly with the thought you posed in your summary -- Sigmund Freud would have a field day with your average Death Eater! Boys and girls, can you say "reaction formation"? He would no doubt believe that all hatred of Muggles, Muggleborns, and half-bloods from Salazar Slytherin's time to the present stems from a repressed fascination with Muggles -- and it would also explain their hatred for "blood traitors" who are able to openly feel and express the same fascination which they feel but which is forbidden to them. Freud would say that obsessive hatred is merely an excuse which the Pureblood uses in order to indulge in thoughts about Muggles. This is why I actually think that romantic fics involving a former or current Death Eater (i.e., Draco, Lucius, Severus) are actually not quite as implausible as all that. It is said, after all, that love and hatred are merely two side of the same coin rather than opposites and that the true opposite of both is indifference.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Late Night Chat)
I heard that! Fabulous and thoughtful comments. Thank you very much! If you stick around for Chapter 2, you'll find it's more like "Light Night Chat" compared to Ch. 1, but I'm a sucker for happy endings and felt compelled to add a bit of fluff to such a weighty tale.
Well, that's interesting! Gotta wonder where that came from. Thanks for sharing, though! It was quite a read. (I did like it, by the way....)
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Late Night Chat)
*grin* Well, if you look at the 2nd review for this story, she rather nailed exactly where it came from...
Very interesting...I never thought about what the difference might be for witches and wizards, but this is a really cool story.And I laughed soo hard when I read about Squibs. *sigh* Now I'll always have to be bitter that I have no magical powers. I liked this story a lot :)
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Late Night Chat)
LOL. Yah, this story kinda pushed the boundaries a little and I like how it came out--but boy, I've gotten some flame reviews too. Eh. Must be art, since people either love it or hate it...
What an interesting idea: the sexual differences between the Magical and the Muggle and all the stereotypes that arose from them. I like how you used it to explain why wizarding society is more tolerant when it comes to gender.
Great ending, btw! I've never read and Sirius/Harry slash, but I can see the nature of their relationship and their love becoming that… when Harry's a bit older.(15 year old Harry is insisting petulantly that it still shouldn't f–ing matter since he could very well be dead by then, seeing as how he is a marked man and all…)
Whew! Teenagers are angsty!
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Late Night Chat)
Ain't it the truth. :-)
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Late Night Chat)
Ain't it the truth. :-)
I really like your stories! This one is also really good. I never thought I'd read a story with a Sirius/Harry pairing that I actually liked, but there you go. :-)
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Late Night Chat)
*grin* This was kind of an oddball for me too, but it seemed the best possible pairing for the philosophical point about purebloods.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Late Night Chat)
*grin* This was kind of an oddball for me too, but it seemed the best possible pairing for the philosophical point about purebloods.