Member Since 2006 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 38 | 31 Reviews Written | 173 Review Responses
I am an almost 30 year old single mom of five year old precocious Mini-Shal and our cat called 'Katze' (cat in English, lol). In between full-time jobs at a temping agency, babysitters getting Izzy to and from Kindergarten and lots family and financial problems and housework of course, I am once again working on fanfics after a long hiatus to keep sane.
Though I have been writing fanfiction for various fandoms for the past fourteen years none of them made it on the Net because of a series of misfortunes involving six more or less functioning computers.
I haven't been a Harry Potter fan either until March 2006 when after watching Goblet of Fire I was so confused I just had to read the books. My best friend HoneyB was very mean throughout and didn't want to tell me any spoilers thus getting her revenge when I didn't want to listen to her enthusing about Harry Potter all those years. ;)
The HG/SS pairing struck me as very sick at first because as hot as Alan Rickman is, he is over sixty years old! But resistance was futile and I was won over by one of the silliest and most funny parodies I have read so far which was incidently my first HP fanfic and is sadly enough only available in German. Though for anyone fluent in that language I can heartily recommend to Google Coldmirror and her parody of the first movie 'HP und ein Stein'.
So since then I have been happily writing away whenever I have the time and get seriously annoyed when yet another plot bunny bites me in the leg and doesn't want to fit into my current story! %)
Search Works by shalimar1981
Current parameters show 8 of 8 stories.
Wicked Game
by shalimar1981
177 Ratings, 0 Likes, 165 Favorites )After the events in the Department of Mysteries, Hermione finds it hard to cope and receives help from someone unexpected. When a friendship of a sort develops, will it survive the events of the Lightning-Struck Tower? Will an ancient ritual help the Light win the war or will it destroy everything? An HG/SS romance. Not DH compliant.
56,128 Words, Started 07/02/2006, Updated 04/10/2009
The Trials of Matchmaking
by shalimar1981
38 Ratings, 0 Likes, 38 Favorites )After the war Molly Weasley decides that Severe Matchmaking Tactics have to be employed so everyone will be paired up happily. What does that mean for Hermione and the two men interested in her? Of course, this is Molly Weasely's version of 'happy' we're talking about. Warning: wacky pairings, misunderstandings, machinations and general silliness ahead. Not DH compliant of course. A gift to evie_eros in the Summer Round of the SSHG exchange 2007. Nominated for Best Mulitple Partner Story at the Quill to Parchment awards! Nominated at the OWL awards 2008!
11,623 Words, Started 08/22/2007, Updated 04/11/2008
The Open Door
by shalimar1981
24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 25 Favorites )Remus Lupin is lured by an open door. He can?t resist temptation and watches Hermione every night. Will that be all that happens? Post HBP
5,288 Words, Started 02/07/2007, Completed 02/07/2007
The Haircut
by shalimar1981
15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Hermione does Remus a favour that leads to more...
1,121 Words, Started 02/15/2007, Updated 03/01/2007
Some LINKiness or Appreciation
by shalimar1981
8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )What happens when two couples (am using the word "couple" freely here) want to make out in the same room. Otherwise known as the written homage to THE LINK as it is known on P_P chat, aka an article pertaining to the other side of Dan... as revealed by his first foray into stage acting. Enjoy. Lol
651 Words, Started 02/28/2007, Completed 02/28/2007
by shalimar1981
5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )Someone is watching over the other, and sometimes the roles are switched.
1,666 Words, Started 06/06/2007, Completed 06/06/2007
Joys of Parenthood
by shalimar1981
5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )Remus muses about the good and the sometimes not so good sides of being a parent, and how reaping the rewards may take some time.
1,449 Words, Started 03/07/2007, Completed 03/07/2007
Waking Up
by shalimar1981
5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )Hermione is feeling playful and decides to tease Remus a little.
456 Words, Started 03/07/2007, Completed 03/07/2007