New Chapter for Vigil
shalimar19815 Reviews | 5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )
Someone is watching over the other, and sometimes the roles are switched.
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About shalimar1981
Member Since 2006 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 38 | 31 Reviews Written | 173 Review Responses
I am an almost 30 year old single mom of five year old precocious Mini-Shal and our cat called 'Katze' (cat in English, lol). In between full-time jobs at a temping agency, babysitters getting Izzy to and from Kindergarten and lots family and financial problems and housework of course, I am once again working on fanfics after a long hiatus to keep sane.
Though I have been writing fanfiction for various fandoms for the past fourteen years none of them made it on the Net because of a series of misfortunes involving six more or less functioning computers.
I haven't been a Harry Potter fan either until March 2006 when after watching Goblet of Fire I was so confused I just had to read the books. My best friend HoneyB was very mean throughout and didn't want to tell me any spoilers thus getting her revenge when I didn't want to listen to her enthusing about Harry Potter all those years. ;)
The HG/SS pairing struck me as very sick at first because as hot as Alan Rickman is, he is over sixty years old! But resistance was futile and I was won over by one of the silliest and most funny parodies I have read so far which was incidently my first HP fanfic and is sadly enough only available in German. Though for anyone fluent in that language I can heartily recommend to Google Coldmirror and her parody of the first movie 'HP und ein Stein'.
So since then I have been happily writing away whenever I have the time and get seriously annoyed when yet another plot bunny bites me in the leg and doesn't want to fit into my current story! %)
Reviews for Vigil
That was very sweet and endearing.
This is a very touching piece. I like how you set up the tension, how neither wants to say anything more about how they feel about each other. I find that very much in character for the two of them. And how you got them together was exceptionally beautiful. I think this line says it all: "Don't ever do that to me again. I was... terrified." It's so simple, yet so full of deeper meaning. Great job.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of Vigil)
Sorry, for the delay of my reply.
Thank you for your nice review! *sighs happily* Your review made my day. I'm glad you like the parts of it that were the most important to me. *squees*
Thanks again,
Shal ^.^
I love that he was so desperate to get help for her that he threw all self-preservation to the wind. Lovely hopeful ending.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of Vigil)
Sorry, for the delay, but here is my reply:
Thanks so much for your review! I loved that part of it and it simply came without me trying.
I liked this. I think I'd also like a sequel where they've continued a few years down the same road.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of Vigil)
Sorry, for the delay! Thanks for you review.
Hmm, a sequel. Have not thought about it to be honest, but now that you mention it... Maybe? ;)
This was so sweet! I love how you showed their relationship. Just WONDERFUL! (sorry I can't be more constructive. I'm sitting in a lovely pile of goo and my brain isn't functioning on the "constructive" level right now.) ^.^ I liked it VERY much! Keep up the fantastic work.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of Vigil)
Sorry, for the delay! Thanks so much for your nice review! Am so happy that I turned your brain to mush with my fluff! lol
Will try to keep up the good work as you put it, and post some new RLHG soon. :)