New Chapter for Wicked Game
Wicked Game
shalimar1981177 Reviews | 177 Ratings, 0 Likes, 165 Favorites )
After the events in the Department of Mysteries, Hermione finds it hard to cope and receives help from someone unexpected. When a friendship of a sort develops, will it survive the events of the Lightning-Struck Tower? Will an ancient ritual help the Light win the war or will it destroy everything? An HG/SS romance. Not DH compliant.
Start ReadingChapters (14)
About shalimar1981
Member Since 2006 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 38 | 31 Reviews Written | 173 Review Responses
I am an almost 30 year old single mom of five year old precocious Mini-Shal and our cat called 'Katze' (cat in English, lol). In between full-time jobs at a temping agency, babysitters getting Izzy to and from Kindergarten and lots family and financial problems and housework of course, I am once again working on fanfics after a long hiatus to keep sane.
Though I have been writing fanfiction for various fandoms for the past fourteen years none of them made it on the Net because of a series of misfortunes involving six more or less functioning computers.
I haven't been a Harry Potter fan either until March 2006 when after watching Goblet of Fire I was so confused I just had to read the books. My best friend HoneyB was very mean throughout and didn't want to tell me any spoilers thus getting her revenge when I didn't want to listen to her enthusing about Harry Potter all those years. ;)
The HG/SS pairing struck me as very sick at first because as hot as Alan Rickman is, he is over sixty years old! But resistance was futile and I was won over by one of the silliest and most funny parodies I have read so far which was incidently my first HP fanfic and is sadly enough only available in German. Though for anyone fluent in that language I can heartily recommend to Google Coldmirror and her parody of the first movie 'HP und ein Stein'.
So since then I have been happily writing away whenever I have the time and get seriously annoyed when yet another plot bunny bites me in the leg and doesn't want to fit into my current story! %)
Reviews for Wicked Game
I'm quite intrigued by this story and would love to see more. I know it has been over a year since you last updated, but do you plan to continue? The interaction between all the different characters is quite good, and you have a great understanding of their personalities. Looking forward to the possibility of more chapters someday.
Um... prod, prod?
...update? I miss this one. *Smiles sheepishly with the hope you'll find it beguiling*
"Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche Mode... one of my faves... Sorry I never answered in the past. Just re-reading... off to the next.
Oh I love this story! I have had the pleasure of reading it in 2 sittings and I love it! Please please please update, I have to know what happens next. Amazing Snape and fabulous Hermione, more please :)SGx
Nice work on this - can't wait to see the next chapter! Am very interested to see your Ritual explained as you've done a grand job of being unpredictable so far! Thanks for your time and effort -
Wow! I have to stop here for tonight - wonderful pacing - and that is hard to do in such an intensive first person dialoge! Really enjoying your reveal of Snape through Hermione's analysis. Honestly can not wait to see whre you go with this - thanks so much for taking the time and effort to write!!
just found your work and am definately loving your prose style - thanks for taking the time and effort to write and post - can't wait to see where this goes!
It's great to have an update. However, the chapter ended too soon. What the devil is wrong with Hermione? Does she need the next step in the ritual?
I am so glad you said we don't have to wait that long for the next chapter for I really want to know what this is all about. Thank you so much for a great update:-))
I started reading at this sight in October so this is my first experience with this fic. I think you are a very good writer and I hope that we don't have to wait long for the next chapter.
I'm reminded of Aslan at the stone table. what will happen next??? :)
Thanks for the update, I'm looking forward to the rest.
Yay! welcome back! dying to see the ritual that must happen. thanks so much
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of Wicked Game)
Hehe, Thanks! No problem! Am glad there are still people around remembering this fic at all. *hugs* Ritual will be coming up next :D
Glad to see a new chapter on this one. I really like this story and was afraid it had been abandoned.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of Wicked Game)
Thanks for you review! I was afraid it would end up abandoned at some point too. But RL just got a bit much and the plot I wanted to go with didn't fit anymore so I had to make some major changes on that too. So no worries. :)
Ok, what happened at the Dept of Mysteries, or didn't happen. Guess I will just have to read the next chapter then!
definitely evil, keeps us in suspense...
Great chapter. Must read next one to find some answers!
Sounds like Snape is bored too, I mean, tormenting Hermione by being nice!
Fencing? Surely you mean the strainer post and number eight wire sort of fencing? They are going to build an enclosure to herd all the Death Eaters into, I'm on to you!
I know, they are going to play Scrabble... ?
Oh my goodness, she can't even have a breakdown in private! Mind you, Snape just may be the therapy she needs.
why did she make chamomile tea if she doesn't like it? I like the characterisations.
great start, Shal. :)
Might have known Dumbledore was in on it!
It's good that she got it out in the open, but now there are more mysteries. What DOES he want?