New Chapter for The Open Door
The Open Door
shalimar198124 Reviews | 24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 25 Favorites )
Remus Lupin is lured by an open door. He can?t resist temptation and watches Hermione every night. Will that be all that happens? Post HBP
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About shalimar1981
Member Since 2006 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 38 | 31 Reviews Written | 173 Review Responses
I am an almost 30 year old single mom of five year old precocious Mini-Shal and our cat called 'Katze' (cat in English, lol). In between full-time jobs at a temping agency, babysitters getting Izzy to and from Kindergarten and lots family and financial problems and housework of course, I am once again working on fanfics after a long hiatus to keep sane.
Though I have been writing fanfiction for various fandoms for the past fourteen years none of them made it on the Net because of a series of misfortunes involving six more or less functioning computers.
I haven't been a Harry Potter fan either until March 2006 when after watching Goblet of Fire I was so confused I just had to read the books. My best friend HoneyB was very mean throughout and didn't want to tell me any spoilers thus getting her revenge when I didn't want to listen to her enthusing about Harry Potter all those years. ;)
The HG/SS pairing struck me as very sick at first because as hot as Alan Rickman is, he is over sixty years old! But resistance was futile and I was won over by one of the silliest and most funny parodies I have read so far which was incidently my first HP fanfic and is sadly enough only available in German. Though for anyone fluent in that language I can heartily recommend to Google Coldmirror and her parody of the first movie 'HP und ein Stein'.
So since then I have been happily writing away whenever I have the time and get seriously annoyed when yet another plot bunny bites me in the leg and doesn't want to fit into my current story! %)
Reviews for The Open Door
you didpresent tense very well.
Love the shyness between them, something I could see happening. Nicely done, coming from someone who hates to read present tense.
All right. So I read it. Well written as always, doll. :) Oh, the irony had she whispered "Severus" instead of Remus. Muahahahaha... Seriously, good work. You depicted their emotions and characcters perfectly.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
YES! You read it! *does the happy dance*
And Well written as always, doll. :) Aw, thanks so much! It's such a compliment coming from you.
Well, that would indeed have been ironic. Lol, but I couldn't do that to poor Remus.
*shuffles feet* But I have to admit that by now I have three one-shots with Snape and Hermione in the works. Now to find the time to actually write them... *sigh* But then it's my only fault, getting myself work at every turn. lol
I'm so happy you liked my little one-shot. Maybe you try some of my others next? *lures SW to read more RL/HG*
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Reviewer)
~looks around~ Feels like someone is trying to put an Imperius on me....
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
*whistles innocently* Imperious? Me? Nah!
But does it work?
Well done and not creepy at all. Rather sweet!
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!
All I can say is it is lovely. I wasn't creeped out at all.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Great! I'm happy you liked it!
Good build up and romantic ending, nice little fic! If only it carried on to the date...but i'll leave that to my imagination!
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for your review!
I originally had it going to the date, but the mood and pacing was very different, so I cut it in half. But the bunny hopped onto another fic I'm doing right now (Haircut). Am not sure yet, on which fic to use that bunny on. So there's hope yet.
I enjoyed this very much. I loved the tension and the doubt they both showed. Very believable. Thank you so much for sharing.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thank you so much! I'm happy you like my little story. I tried very hard to make it believable and tension and doubt play a large part in courtship.
Very nice.... I think this would be a great story (and relationship) to persue!!Thanks!
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thanks! I'm thinking of continuing this story. It actually had a part II already, but since it's very different in both style and mood I thought of using what I'd already written for another story with the same pairing. I don't know yet, though, so there may still be more parts coming!
Wow! I liked it a lot. I think you captured the intensity alright. Good portrayal of the characters too.
this is absolutuely wonderful!
Oh, this was very nice. And I think you managed to make it erotic and not creepy quite effectively.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thank you! I'm happy that I succeeded. *beams*
I liked this piece a lot, it was very well written and cute. I definintely think it was realistic as well and have definitely been in that kind of situation before. I especially find that while some people can be bold and courageous in many senses often times this does not extend to their romantic life for one reason or another.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Sorry for taking so long to reply, I'm busy at the moment helping with the SH/Mage move and totally forget everything else. lol
Thanks so much for your nice review though! I'm happy you like it so much! I worried a lot if it was going to be good enough and if people would not think it was unrealistic, because in most other stories the two lovers don't hesitate to tell each other their feelings. It's just not realistic in my opinion, since I've been in that situation a few times as well. All I can remember how terrified I was, lol.
Your theory about courageous people having more difficulty in that area of their life is very interesting, I haven't thought of that before, but it makes a lot of sense!
Thanks again for your review and sorry about the wait!
All right well that was just mean! "grin" wow i was just saying the other day how i love all the butterfly's really good but just mean, mean, mean were you left off and NO! Not creepy at all!
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
LOL, what can I say? That was the place to stop. :) I'm glad you like it though.
very very very very very well done. i salute you. i would never have the guts to write in present tense.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thanks so much! I'm glad you like it! Well, the plot bunny jumped me and demanded present tense. I was very nervous about how it would be received however. Am so glad you all like it!
I love Lupin! Thanks for doing a story with him. I'll have to check out that movie!
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thanks! I'm glad you liked this story as well. I do love Lupin, and there will be some more stories with him to come. And the movie is simply divine, especially if you like David Thewlis! lol
Very well written! *fans face*
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thank you very much! I'm glad I managed to make it hot enough... ;)
That was very good. I liked they was it was gradual. Very well done indeed. ;) Your right not everyone is brave enough to grab the brass ring and risk their heart. I'm glad Remis took the first step. He was a Marauder after all. :) I would like to see what happens next if you were to write it. Is that a sequal I smell? :D
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thank you!
I'm glad you liked the way I paced it. Too sudden a development and it wouldn't have worked I think. Both Hermione and Remus strike me as a bit shy. They are confident, but when it comes to matters of the heart they go roundabout ways. And if there is basically no hope for their feelings to be reciprocated, why should they try?
But I just couldn't let them carry on as they had. I am a sucker for a happy ending, especially a fluffy one. ^.^
Well, your nose is very good, I must say. I actually had part of a sequel written already, but since it doesn't really fit the mood of the first part and is rather silly I had the idea to incorporate it in a series of drabbles I'm writing right now and which I'm going to publish here soon. But who knows? Maybe I'll reconsider or write a completely new part II. In any case keep tuned. I will publish quite a few RL/HG drabbles here soon.
Lovely. Very cute and intense at the same time.
I wish I could write like that. *sighs*
Present tense works for this story. But you know my writing enough to know tenses is not my forte, so my opinion may not be the best one. ;)
As for Remus and Hermione's portray, it's very realistic insecurity you wrote there. *nods*
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thank you so much! That's quite a compliment you're paying me. And you are a very good writer, tenses be damned! lol
I actually modelled Remus' and Hermione's insecurity and shyness after myself. Without the happy ending. lol Wish I had a Remus of my own. *sigh*
Response from Maddy Riddle (Reviewer)
I wish I had a Remus of my own too. *sighs*
This was lovely. Very well written and both Remus and Hermione finely drawn.Thanks for sharing.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it. I've tried very hard to make both of them believable.
Oh now that was quite lovely. And yes, you succeeded in creating a VERY highly charged atmosphere. Very well done.
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thanks! I had hoped I would succeed and I'm happy to know that you thinks so.
Thanks for your review.
Very sweet!
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thank you for your review!
Very nicely done. I can definitely see them both acting they way you have portrayed them. After all, it is a bit of an awkward relationship with the age difference and they fact they were once studetn/teacher. While I've not seen or heard of the movie, this is still a wonderful little one-shot, though I will admit to being the type of person that wanted the lemon. LOL
Response from shalimar1981 (Author of The Open Door)
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it. I've tried to make their behaviour as realistic as I could, since it is never easy to make the first step and for some it is even harder. I'm very shy myself so I modelled them a little after myself.
The movie is simply brilliant in its simplicity and has a very charged atmosphere. As for the smut, I actually would've liked to read some in that fic, too, as a reader, but as the writer I was at first even unsure of having them kiss, since realistically speaking that's quite a jump, too. Not to mention that I've never written smut before! lol But I'm trying to rectify that with two drabbles I'm writing on, so there might be good news for future stories.
Thanks for reviewing! I'm really glad you liked it.
Absolutely lovely. I think you captured their personalities exactly.