New Chapter for First Times
First Times
TeaOli35 Reviews | 35 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
Logic dictates there must a first time for every experience. Knowing that doesn't necessarily make it any easier to get through. Severus tries five times. Hermione helps.
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Member Since 2011 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 36 | 101 Reviews Written | 713 Review Responses
Reviews for First Times
Ahahahah! Potiche!
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Thanks for reading! I thought Potiche a fitting film for these two characters (or, their canon counterparts, at least) to view together.
I just love when Snape continues teaching DADA :D
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Me, too (obviously, I suppose)! Just because he was proficient at Potions doesn't mean he wanted to teach it. Thanks for reading.
I find myself wondering what other firsts he will accomplish! :)
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Ask, and you shall receive! Hopefully, the next three or so will be worth a read.
Very cute. Paladin to his provocateur, eh? What will the third chapter hold?
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Severus became accustomed to living a life filled with danger and intrigue; now wizarding society is safe, he feels he's got to have some way to keep his life lively. Although living with this Hermione should be more than enough, he finds littering his internal dialogue with prose bordering on the purple works wondrously.
I love all the little firsts
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Thank you! I've enjoyed writing them.
Sigh - a brilliant, fascinating man who cooks - is there anything more desireable?
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
I figure someone creative enough to improve potions and create his own spells as a teen would likely be able to handle himself in a kitchen. And since the way to my own stomach is through my stomach, cooking is a skill I value highly. Thank you for reading!
That was brilliant. I'd love to see him after a good cleaning! If they just got the tea stains off it would be an improvement. I saw "Prince of Theaves" the other day. Alan's teeth were so straight and white. Such a stark contrast to his black hair in that role as the Sheriff. And so differend from Snape. I guess JKR was trying to make Snape as repulsive as possible without making him inhuman. But AR is just too sexy, even with pallid skin and crooked, yellow teeth!
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Thank you! *blushes* Now, don't go getting all starry-eyed; Snape is no prince (although I suppose he is a Prince), even after the visit, but, yeah, I like to imagine him with improved hygiene, at least. But AR is just too sexy, even with pallid skin and crooked, yellow teeth! Funny you should mention that... nah. Won't spoil.
Ahahah dentists! Lovely :D
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
LOL, yes. Dentists can be scary! Thank you.
LMAO! I can actually see this happening..
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
I imagined that if anything were to truly frighten Severus Snape, it would be his witch's mother fiddling with his notoriously awful teeth. *shivers*Thank you for reading and enjoying!
LOL. Too funny! I love it.
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Then my work here is done! Thank you. 8^D
Ha! I got that one very early on. Naughty girl. :D
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
LOL, yes. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have changed "showed him to a dim room in the back. It was filled, from floor to ceiling, with products of a different sort: toys which were never meant for the hands, or eyes, of chidren" to "led him to a windowless room which was filled, floor to ceiling, with dolls of every shape and size imaginable to suit the purpose."Thanks for the read, the review and the "naughty girl"!
awwww. that was so cute! I love that he was so nervous!
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Thank you! Nothing like worrying you'll break something precious to inducing nerves.
So very sweet, just like all the ones before.
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Oh, such high praise! Thank you so much. (But, I hope the beginning, at least, had some potential for being naughty, as well.)
That is such a wonderful "first time." Thank you this story has been written and updated on days where it's not be a good one and you have brightened those days with this story!
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I'm glad to have brightened your days a little, but sad to learn they needed brightening. Although we've reached the end of this series, I hope you have many more happy days in the future.
Awwwww, very cute bait-and-switch!
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Though, I can't take credit for your husband's antics; I only report what I se— Oh, wait! That was my imagination, wasn’t it?
In that case, thank you so much for reading and commenting!
Severus is such a doting father... ;)... the baby is very lucky. Thank you!
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
He does try! Even when it means going through extraordinary measures. Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts throught this series.
You have a great gift for double entendre.
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Thanks! So glad this one managed to fit the bill.
Hmm.... Severus with a beard? I do think his face will be transformed for the better with a beard. Funny and cute. Thanks.
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
I agree. Thanks for reading! 8^D
Ouuuuuuu we need someone to draw a pic of SEverus and his mojo beard! woot!
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Mmm! I like the idea, but am unable to draw. I'll leaving it to you to find an artist. Please have them deliver the finished work to my lj. Thank you for reading!
Mmmmm, bearded Snape. I'll have two, please.
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Wait your turn, Greedy Miss! Actually, if I had two, I'd be willing to share. Alas, I have none, so we'll all have to do without, won't we? Thanks for reading.
I knew it wasn't the obvious, but I couldn't figure out what it was until I read it. Tricksie author! :P
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
Isn't this a case of the pot pointing out the kettle's flaws? Thanks for reading and reviewing; now back to writing!
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
Yes. Mum. :P
LOL. Poor ticket girl! :)
Response from TeaOli (Author of First Times)
I've encountered several real life people who bore a striking resemblance to that "poor ticket girl." She (and they) got very little sympathy from me. Thanks for reading!