New Chapter for A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo
Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party96 Reviews | 7.52/10 (96 Ratings, 0 Likes, 55 Favorites )
Harry and company won, and Voldemort is no more. It went so well that almost no one is so much as scratched. What are our heroes going to do next? Why, party until they need medical attention, of course! (The following account thereof is what happens when several alleged adults start discussing the salacious potential of the HP-verse in a chat room--hence our group penname.)
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About Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party
Member Since 2006 | 4 Stories | Favorited by 0 | 0 Reviews Written | 281 Review Responses
This penname was founded by a band of intrepid loonies who got together during the early days of the TPP chat room (and bonded further during the dark days of WIKKT chat's exile to the TPP chatroom). Together, we generated an idea for a fic so ridiculous, no one of us alone was willing to take credit for it. It's amazing what mischief a bunch of alleged adults can get up to under the influence of no alcohol whatsoever. Pennames of individual authors will be posted here in alphabetical order, if and when they elect to admit their involvement in the project.
It will continue to serve as a penname for any collaborations born in the TPP chatroom and a beacon of comedy in an angsty fandom.
The usual suspects (for 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo'):
Editor: dracontia
Secretary: shalimar1981
Beta-of-Record: broomclosetravenclaw
Chief Britpicker: lux_astraea
Authors: broomclosetravenclaw, DawnEB, dracontia, JustDesmond, leniarianna, lux_astraea, shalimar1981, SSLupin, Wolfmoonshadow
Contributors: aturia, droxy, Hubby_of_Drac, ladyinthecloak, quilter_infinity, wonderfulchild
The usual suspects (for "A Fanfic Reader's Unauthorized Guide to the Unconventional Hogwarts: A History'):
Editor/secretary: dracontia
Beta-of-Record: SeverusLovesUs
Authors: dracontia, Potteresque_ire, SeverusLovesUs, Snapemylove
Thank you to lux_astraea for the icons!
Charlotte's Angels Icon by ravine:
Reviews for A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo
Ok ladies, having thrown everything from the giant squid, to Peeves and the sorting hat and assorted livestock, i.e. Tonks the sheep {baaaar }at us, now you can tell us, how much punch did you have.
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
How very easy it would be if we could plead the punch--alas, the only thing we were high on was sleep deprivation! (and if you ever should get a chance to drink with the Mads... I recommend caution.) Dracontia, editor-in-chief-cook-and-teacup-washer
I hope that you all had as much fun writing this twisted tale, as your fans had reading it. Thank you very much.
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
You are, as always, most welcome. Like most trips, writing this was a combination of adventure and 'are we there yet?' and at least part of the measure of success was that none of us killed each other along the way!
(accurate representation of the Mad Chatters trying to coordinate)The rest, of course, consists of reviews.
Dracontia, editor-in-chief-cook-and-teacup-washer
How the hell do you get a hat drunk ?are the twins still tied up? will anyone show op for detention ? and rill Severus be able to look them in the face if they do ? who knows ? but it will be fun finding out.
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
1. The answer is either 'the same way you teach it to talk' 'immersion' or 'Very carefully.'2. Um, yes?3. I would not wager my limited resources on it4. This presupposes both a 'yes' to #3 and that Severus is sufficiently sober that he hasn't fallen on said face...Thanks again, and enjoy!~dracontia, editor-in-chief-cook-and-teacup-washer
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
1. The answer is either 'the same way you teach it to talk' 'immersion' or 'Very carefully.'2. Um, yes?3. I would not wager my limited resources on it4. This presupposes both a 'yes' to #3 and that Severus is sufficiently sober that he hasn't fallen on said face...Thanks again, and enjoy!~dracontia, editor-in-chief-cook-and-teacup-washer
Lost count of who put what in that punch, hope it doesn't eat it's way out of the bowl.
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
With 9+ people writing, I think at one point we lost track of who put what in the punch... Thanks for reviewing!~dracontia, editor-in-chief-cook-and-teacup-washer
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
With 9+ people writing, I think at one point we lost track of who put what in the punch... Thanks for reviewing!~dracontia, editor-in-chief-cook-and-teacup-washer
I'm almost afraid to go on to the next chapter, in case I break my funny bone laughing, but I will.
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
We've had reports of aspirated substances, but nothing broken as yet. Laugh on in good health! ~dracontia, editor-in-chief-cook-and-teacup-washer
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
We've had reports of aspirated substances, but nothing broken as yet. Laugh on in good health! ~dracontia, editor-in-chief-cook-and-teacup-washer
I haven't laughed this much in years! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
You are very much (and very belatedly) welcome!
I haven't laughed this much in years! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
*bows* You are as welcome as we are tardy in respoding!
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
I hope that we do not presume too much in interpreting that as 'Approval.'Thank you very much!
Brilliant, f*******ng brilliant! The photographer is Spider Man, I mean, Peter Parker! And I noticed some quotes from other movies and/or books, too, nice job!
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
*takes a bow on behalf of the Mads* Thank you very much!
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
*takes a bow on behalf of the Mads* Thank you very much!
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
*bows on behalf of all the Mads* Thanks much for the praise! We only wish we'd been able to show you the Sorting Hat hungover, too!
This was an absolutely hilarious story and I loved even when I was a bit a bit squicked i.e. Filch & Pince. Brilliant!!!
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
Thank you! We're feelin' the love, and aim to please, even when we simultaneously aim squick. :-D
brilliant, it made me laugh so much. thank you x
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
You're very welcome! We live to get the laugh!
That was the perfect end to this utterly insane tale! Thanks, all of you, for all the laughs!
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
*group bows* On behalf of all the Mads, thank you for being our most faithful reviewer! We do hope you will join us for future expeditions into comedy land!
You are all crazy, entertaining but crazy. *dies laughing*
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
So long as we're entertaining, we can live with crazy. Thank you for taking the time to review!
Response from Lady Whitehart (Reviewer)
Sorry, I meant it in a good way.
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
LOL No, it's quite all right--we rather pride ourselves on being crazy, hence the group penname! It's all cool.
You are right. Your epilogue is much funnier than JKR's. And there was an SS/GH ship somewhere in the story. Now for the important question: Did the Crookshanks/Mrs. Norris pairing produce any kittens?
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
Muchas Gracias, amiga! I'll have to bring the logical outcome of Kitty Porn up at the next Mad Chatters meeting. One of us MUST be crazy enough to turn that idea into at least a drabble!
Glad you enjoyed the story!
Aw, poor, tearful Draco. I'm glad Harry and Ginny cheered him up.
The whole sheep business: BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!
Peeves and the Sorting Hat were just charming.
Green velvet handcuffs? ::grins::
As always, I'm looking forward to more!
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
Threesomes. Livestock. Poltergeists. Animate headgear. Bondage stuff. On behalf of all the Mad Chatters, I thank you most heartily for your support of these cornerstones of comedy.
The end is nigh, faithful friend of the Mads--the epilogue is almost through the queue, and we sincerely hope that it does not suck. But if it does, we'll say that sucks out of deliberate parody. Because we, like the Weasley twins, would like to think that we can get away with sh*t like that.
oh my god!!! this has to be the best damn thing i've ever read!!! hahaha! i didnt comment at the end of every chapter cause i was crying i was laughing so hard!! hehehehehe keep going this is bloody brilliant!!!
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
Thank you kindly for your laughter! Alas, as much as we would like to brag otherwise, we can't keep it up forever. The epilogue is nigh, and it is the sincere hope of every Mad Chatter that it does not suck.
In the event that it does, we will attempt to atone for it with The Infamous Slytherin Pajama Party--long rumored to be Coming Soon to an Archive Near You. Kinda like that fourth Indiana Jones film.
Well, of course you're all evil. That's what makes you so much fun.
I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
I think I like that. 'Evil is fun!' That should be an icon, like, 'Come to the Dark Side--We're Sparkly!' Woohoo!
Unless some talented soul comes up with an illustration, the epilgoue happens next. Thanks very much for reviewing!
YAY for getting my metamorpahisheep in the story!
The Reeve with way too many different kind of sheep--from Commando!sheep, Ninja!sheep, metamorphisheep, and so on under her command over at LOTM's mob
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
Cameo by Metamorphasheep--baaa...
Thanks for reviewing and may fortune favor your livestock!
Thanks for the next portion of absurdity. I needed it.
100 points for Percy, hancuffs password and the trio.
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
Final portion of absurdity is now on the plate. We bid you bon apetit, and thank you kindly for your 5-star review of Mad Chatter's Bistro!
Response from Bawetta (Reviewer)
Thank You. I'll need it :-)
Yeah... morning after... <really evil grin>
I hope everything's gonna be all right
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
Thanks very much for taking the time to review!For a host of reasons (not the least of which is that the editor is a wanker), chapter 9 is only just now going into the queue. Being the editor, I can say whatever I want about the editor. And it has a fair chance of being more or less accurate.We can promise you that the characters will come off better at our hands than they did at their creator's...OK, well, at least they'll live to tell about it!
O M G! Another hilarious chapter! Fave lines (amongst oodles of other lines): His head was still pounding, but it would probably be more convenient to wait until AFTER Minerva castrated him for sleeping with a student. That way, he could deal with all the pain at once.
Tonks' many mispronunciations of Kegsley's, er whats-his-name's name and his inadvertent return of the compliment by zapping her into a sheep. And... and... DEATH MUNCHERS!!!! If that happens to show up in a future fic of mine, I will be sure to credit the source! ROFLMAO.
The threesome's angst. Ah, crud, I better stop here before I recount the whole chapter in my review. As always, very, very well done!
(Five cheerleading smiles, cuz you deserve 'em AND i wanted to see if they would syncronize their act in a post.)
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
*Squee!* Love the cheerleaders!! Love the review! Love you, darlin'!Apologies for not updating sooner--please blame the captain, the crew has no control over review-answering and chapter-posting, put on hold due to the captain being off gallivanting.But chapter 9 is now in the queue, strategically placed to help ward off post DH-angst! And we, too have an epilogue... no, really, You'll like this one!
Ah, the morning after! Horrified Ginny and Harry! Snarky SS/HG! And poor Kingsley's day isn't getting any better, is it? I wonder if Tonks can un-sheep herself with the whole metamorphmagus thingie. Nah, probably too easy that way, and you ladies are not into the easy fixes. ;-)
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
Please accept this belated (yet nonetheless sincere) thank you for your review!I know, I know, I'm a wanker (please don't blame the rest of the crew, only the captain handles the actual review responses and posting of the various installments) but I didn't get this one out until AFTER DH hit the beach head... so to speak. For the record: I haven't read it, I know all the spoilers, I don't give a flying fig. 'Victory Photo' will, finish posting, on course, of course. as planned. With a much more entertaining epilogue than some stories have--we promise. Please accept our efforts as antidotes to DH angst!Chapter 9 is in the queue. No one dies. Even if they might wish they could.
Oh my. At least poor Kingsley is starting to figure it out a little. And OMG I'm so glad I'm not the only one who was thinking (and scarred by it) that was set up to be a Pince/Trelawney/Filch threesome! Awww, Aurora and Septima are sisters. How sweet!
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
I'm not sure why we started picking on poor Kingsley in this one, but... heck, why mess with a good gag? And URGH, even I wouldn't touch the idea of that 'threesome' with a 10-foot wand. Filch and Pince is bad enough, LOL. Thanks for keeping up with this disaster, and hope you enjoy the next installment!
Hunh? Did you guys post this by mistake? The section on thestral quidditch is missing and there appear to be embedded beta comments in a couple of place.
Response from Mad_Chatters_Tea_Party (Author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo)
Duly noted and tended to--there wwere numerous technical difficulties in posting this!