Professor Vector
34 Stories
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Beyond Time and Space
by Lady Strange
29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 50 Favorites )What happens when Severus dies in the final battle? He returns as a ghost, of course. Chapter 1 opens with a news report and traces Hermione's thoughts on her former potions master's demise. This response to the WIKTT 'Ghost Challenge' maybe a little AU and OOC for some.
50,802 Words, Started 05/20/2005, Completed 05/31/2005
The Ringing of the Empty Sound
by cmwinters
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Written as a response to the HP_remnants challenge on LiveJournal, with the prompt "And the picture frames are staring down, and the ringing of this empty sound, is deafening and keeping you from sleep", a lyric from a Dashboard Confessional song. Although not a song-fic by any means, I did listen to the song repeatedly while writing.
After the war, you have to start picking up the pieces.
2,972 Words, Started 02/15/2006, Completed 02/15/2006
Let Someone ELSE Tell You About the Birds and the Bees
by dracontia
143 Ratings, 0 Likes, 101 Favorites )Do you mean to say that there might be issues with sex at a coeducational boarding school? (Gasp!) And someone might, just might, be upset enough to demand that the school start teaching where little wizards and witches come from? In response to the Sex Ed Challenge at Potter Place, the wildest parody I can devise that does not involve a Jarvey. AU--oh, so goofily AU!
44,756 Words, Started 07/17/2006, Completed 08/17/2006
Scratching the Itch
by StormySkize
18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 18 Favorites )There?s a nasty bug loose in Hogwarts. How could this happen? And how can a future outbreak be avoided? teaching the students the "facts of life," of course!
8,306 Words, Started 07/22/2006, Completed 07/22/2006
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo
96 Ratings, 0 Likes, 55 Favorites )Harry and company won, and Voldemort is no more. It went so well that almost no one is so much as scratched. What are our heroes going to do next? Why, party until they need medical attention, of course! (The following account thereof is what happens when several alleged adults start discussing the salacious potential of the HP-verse in a chat room--hence our group penname.)
62,809 Words, Started 03/08/2007, Completed 09/10/2007
The Desk (Up)set: Severus Snape Just Wanted to Feel Pretty
19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )Cross dressing. Slash. Hints of Bondage. Desk sex. Voyeurism. Luna. And all because SeverusLovesUs said, “Snape under the desk? That's got to be an unusual picture,” thus guaranteeing that what might otherwise have been left at a one-time joke in the chat room became a short fic of epic absurdity.
6,604 Words, Started 06/25/2008, Completed 06/25/2008
Walking Club
46 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )Silliness ensues when Severus helps a pregnant Hermione get her daily exercise. A silly little drabble written for GS100.
1,453 Words, Started 04/18/2008, Completed 12/11/2011
by StormySkize
19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Interregnum: Any period of freedom from the usual authority.
The wizarding world believes the Dark Lord is gone. At Hogwarts castle, a lonely Severus Snape knows better. This is a brief snapshot of what might have happened during the period of peace between the two wizarding wars.
9,987 Words, Started 10/01/2008, Completed 10/01/2008
A Penny for Her Thoughts
by Lacrymosa
2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )Karen Brooke has been assigned to be Professor Lupin's TA. At first, she is wary of him and the many secrets that he may hold deep within. Will her telepathy be a barrier between them or a bridge to join them? Takes place during 3rd book, Karen's PoV
5,335 Words, Started 11/12/2008, Updated 11/27/2008
Carpe Diem, Part One
398 Ratings, 0 Likes, 234 Favorites )Hermione Granger returns to Hogwarts for a year of postwar schooling. When, supposedly, all is well for the Know-It-All, events from the past emerge and drama ensues. And where is Severus Snape in all of this? Right smack in the middle, of course! Amidst the turmoil of early adulthood and unrequited feelings, will Severus and Hermione learn to "seize the day"?
AU after HBP, some facts from DH. Mild student-teacher romance. Rated M for later dream sequences, etc. Features some non-explicit HG/DM.
PLEASE read Author's Notes for disclaimers and necessary warnings throughout story.
69,257 Words, Started 11/25/2008, Completed 02/08/2010
Christmas of 1971
11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Three children are left at Hogwarts for the Holidays.
1,624 Words, Started 12/23/2008, Completed 12/23/2008
Dark Clouds
by Hanagasume
12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 27 Favorites )Hermione Granger is a married woman, and Severus Snape is a man who doesn't really care about that. With Christmas looming right ahead of them, Hermione has a decision to make... Written for the Granger Enchanted Christmas Challenge '08, using prompt #6.
5,518 Words, Started 01/07/2009, Completed 01/07/2009
The Devil's Game
by Ugly Kitten
186 Ratings, 0 Likes, 87 Favorites )The future is bleak for the wizarding world after Voldmort died. Scorpius Malfoy and Molly Weasley become the future’s hope for the past. They enlist fourteen-year-old Hermione Granger’s help with two stipulations: She can never return to the future and she can’t remember it. Dealing with the Marauders is the least of their troubles. Severus/Hermione eventually, Lucius/Hermione to start. Scorpius/Hermione in a sibling relationship. Time-Turner fic with a twist.
84,360 Words, Started 12/29/2008, Updated 03/18/2014
A Long Vernal Season
by MMADfan
1,058 Ratings, 0 Likes, 88 Favorites )Severus Snape had believed that, for him, life after the Dark Lord was an impossibility, that his death was not merely justice, but necessity. He has survived, though, and now he must learn to live his new, unexpected life, and to find something beyond the narrow existence to which he was once bound. A Snape-centric post-war fic.
A Death’s Dominion sequel, but may stand alone. Not DH-compliant. DH-disregarded. Rated M for overall content. Much of it is "T," but the ratings rise to MA later for a reason, hence the switch to an M-rating for the earlier chapters. Watch the individual chapter summaries and author’s notes for ratings, warnings, and the characters appearing in that chapter.
Part One finds Severus dealing with some very immediate and dangerous consequences of his final confrontation with the Dark Lord more than three months before.
652,631 Words, Started 08/29/2009, Updated 08/11/2013
by melusin
162 Ratings, 0 Likes, 194 Favorites )How far would you go if you had total control over another human being? A tale of love, obsession, temptation and betrayal.
122,428 Words, Started 06/26/2006, Updated 06/30/2011
Memoirs of a Potions Master and his Know-It-All
by lovestruck
14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )The adventures in the daily lives of Severus Snape and Hermione Granger-Snape. Each chapter is a stand-alone story.
8,697 Words, Started 05/03/2010, Updated 06/03/2010
Judgment and Affection
by Hanagasume
53 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )Seven long years have passed since the Final Battle. Hermione Granger however, feels that her life is lacking something very important. With Harry gone, how can those who were left behind be expected to move on?
28,249 Words, Started 06/12/2010, Completed 10/26/2010
Hogwarts House-Elves Housekeeping Files: vol. 1990s
by goat of abe
63 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Did you ever wonder what happens behind the scenes at Hogwarts?
6,110 Words, Started 01/01/2011, Updated 02/17/2011
371 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )The trio has graduated, and Hermione is back at Hogwarts as Madam Pomfrey's assistant as part of her training to be a Mediwitch while the boys are off training to be Aurors. These are the letters they exchange.
13,786 Words, Started 05/18/2011, Completed 04/13/2012
Five Creatures Luna Believes in That Hermione Doesn't
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Luna has a gift for attracting fantastical creatures and for keeping secrets.
4,170 Words, Started 06/19/2011, Completed 06/19/2011
Quantum Mechanics
328 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Much can happen in that place where Potions and Arithmancy meet. Snape & Vector
101,817 Words, Started 01/20/2011, Updated 07/14/2012
Second Chance
by Memory
157 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )Severus meets Albus Severus. The past comes back in a very peculiar form.
135,975 Words, Started 04/29/2008, Completed 09/07/2014
Book Club
45 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Professor Severus Snape believes that Muggle culture has nothing to offer the wizarding world. Professor Hermione Granger sets out to prove him wrong. Hobbits, house-elves and hens all play a part when Hermione attempts to bring Muggle appreciation to the Hogwarts staff.
32,484 Words, Started 12/19/2011, Completed 03/23/2012
The Great Hogwarts Broom Race
by MsTree
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )An anonymous donation of new brooms to the school comes with a condition. The school must hold a race! Who will win? Come along and find out. ***This story is set in the "Heaven or Hell" universe and takes place between Chapters 20 and 21.***
5,408 Words, Started 02/05/2012, Completed 02/05/2012
Limited Exposure
by sunny33
1,604 Ratings, 0 Likes, 103 Favorites )Hermione needs to find a holiday job to pay her Hogwarts' expenses when she returns after the war. She finds a unique position with an unexpected employer.
115,994 Words, Started 03/12/2011, Completed 07/24/2013
Anima Mea
by Proulxes
433 Ratings, 0 Likes, 37 Favorites )Archaeologist Hermione Granger has survived the Great War. She has a life, a career and friends who love her. She has also spent the last eleven years trying to locate something that she does not know she has lost. Could the answer to her restlessness be even further away than she thinks?
Nominated for Best Drama/Angst in the HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards Fall/Winter 2013.
181,180 Words, Started 10/30/2011, Completed 03/04/2013