New Chapter for Beyond Time and Space
Beyond Time and Space
Lady Strange29 Reviews | 29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 50 Favorites )
What happens when Severus dies in the final battle? He returns as a ghost, of course. Chapter 1 opens with a news report and traces Hermione's thoughts on her former potions master's demise. This response to the WIKTT 'Ghost Challenge' maybe a little AU and OOC for some.
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About Lady Strange
Lady Strange
Member Since 2005 | 15 Stories | Favorited by 97 | 15 Reviews Written | 557 Review Responses
Reviews for Beyond Time and Space
By the sound of it Harry has been in dire need of the verbal kick in the ass, that Severus has so masterfully delivered.
Severus has never been one to play it safe.
A chocolate frog card, no greater acollade.
I think the trick is, to accecpt himself.
Poor Severus, must be quite a shock.
It's going to be a shock, when Severus finally sits and listens to Dumbeldor.
Hermione seems to be channeling Severus in her grief.
Hermione seems to be channeling Severus in her grief.
this was by far the most enjoyable chapter for me. i was smiling and awwing nonstop. the scholorship is very nice and i like the idea behind it. but the whole entire bit about the chocolate frog card was just golden. i think it will go down in my top fanfiction moments of all-time.
those poor students! but what a show and story to tell.
I love all the greek references. Very good story.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
thank you for the kind comment
I can't quite get why you've been berated for the kiss in the last chapter but then when I read a story I have no expectations and just follow along accepting what happens most of the time. Your ghosty Snape wanted to kiss her and she was a bit surprised. That's good enough for me. But didn't you set up something in the first chapter that would make this a fairly normal Snape behavior within the context of your own story? He may be JKR's creation but that doesn't mean we can't play with him the way we like.I am intrigued by this story so will keep reading.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
thank you for your words of support. i'm used to my share of flames and whatnot, after my fics were the cause of some wank, i've learnt to ignore everything and just concentrate on writing what i want. thank you for your kind words once again.
Severus is cracking me up with his bouts of cursing himself alternating with self-congratulation. I'm really enjoying this.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
He does have his moments when he amuses. This is one of those moments.
I kind of figured it would have such an ending. Afterall, clearly, Severus had fallen in love with Hermione. Yet, he knew that she would obsess over his resurrection should he stay, and that would be her demise. Interesting tale.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
THank you. This tale was considered "too much thinking" for a fic when I first wrote it years ago. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I loved this story. I am in the habit of reading the last chapter of certain stories to see what happens to our couple and that is what I did last night with this story. I cried then and after finishing the entire story I cried again. This was absolutely wonderful and I must thank you for writing it. Thank you.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
Oh no, my dear. I must thank you for reading this story. After writing this two years ago, I am still glad it is able to elicit such emotions from my readers. Thank you for reading and reviewing this story. I deeply appreciate it.
excelent excelent story. i was in absolute tears at the end and i positively adored all the literary sources and quotes in this story. it was wonderful...i am actually in tears right now! thats really rare for me!
kudos to you on your positively moving story ssl
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
Thank you for the kind review.
Classical Greek rocks! ( i have an A in that class!)
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
Alas, I am self-taught. I'm glad you're enjoying this story.
Thank you for a well written story. I don't know why I didn't read this when it was originally posted, but I'm glad I read it today. The emotions were very intense. It was amazing. Thank you!
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
Thank you! I've received some nasty revieww on this being pretentious. Glad you liked it.
Response from queenp (Reviewer)
Those nasty reviews are from the complete dunderhead/ignorant masses. I saw all your clarifications and felt that you shouldn't have needed to defend yourself so much. If they ddn't like or understand it why did they continue reading it? oh, well, c'est la vie. I have seen that you have a new story, but I will wait until you finish it...:D I've got so much on my plate right now that I'm refusing to start any WIPs, even though they are finished and just being posted as they are editted.
You are a wonderful author and I enjoy reading your stories. They require me to think, which is something a lot of people don't want to do/know how to do.
Please continue writing the thought provoking stuff. We need a bit more of that.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
Thank you. It is very kind of you to praise my little work so. Truth be told, I've not worked on my new fic for a while now, I wonder whether it will be finished. I have a riugh sketch of each ch in my notebook, but at present, i ponly have till ch 8, and even then, i've just realised that I need a prologue and some explanation - all of which requires more research on Freud and Wittenstein... I'll let you all know whether it'll be finishedm when i do finish it... hang on, does this make sense? oh well, you know what i mean...
I read this on Ashwinder and loved it. I still do. It's just beautiful. I took your advice and bought the reading list you sent in form of a reply to a review that I left on Ashwinder. A few of my friends think that I'm a dreadful swot (is that the right term? I'm American.) but I've learned quite a bit from the reading. It's amazing, the fact that humanity stays the same from age to age, isn't it? I, being a romantic soul, still love the ending. Now, I must go and dry my eyes, and blow my nose. Live long and prosper, Titania
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
One learns from many things - and so long as one feels that one has learnt something or taht one has come to a better understanding of the self then it's all right. I have a romantic streak too, so i know exactly what you mean. i'm glad you're enjoying the reading list - it's not for everyone... some ofmy students complain that it's too heavy... oh well, c'est ca. thanks for your kind words!
Thank you for the wonderfully written and well delivered story. I absolutely adore your writing style. I quite agree with your interpretation of Hermione (I never did find her to be "bubbly"). Also, thank you for the explanations/translations. Good luck with your health and academic endeavors!
/goes off to cry (such a sad, sad, touching tale of love...)
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
thank you for all your kind words.
Good luck Hermione, Severus will be a tough nut to crack.
And the last word goes to Hermione.
This was excellent. It is so enjoyable to read intelligent fiction. Most people want to focus on smut. Not that I mind smut, this is just so refreshing. It upsets me that people berated you for writing ?smart? fiction.
Your research and explanations were so thorough. It strongly reminds me of Dan Brown, providing history and information while simultaneously telling a story (even if it?s not always true).
I actually feel like your writing is strong enough and this plot compelling enough, that you could expand and adjust the tale (HP references removed obviously) for actual publication and not just fanfiction.
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
thank you for yr kind words. i am very touched. I only hope that you will continue to enjoy my work. many thanks once again, lady strange
Peeping Severus, rather than peeping Tom. And he still won't admit he is dead.
I couldn't help but to keep on reading till the end. Alas, I am not very learned in philosophy, but I tried to understand the ideas you put in your story. It is a very heart-wrenching tale. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Response from Lady Strange (Author of Beyond Time and Space)
thank you for reading and commenting.