New Chapter for Interregnum
StormySkize19 Reviews | 19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Interregnum: Any period of freedom from the usual authority.
The wizarding world believes the Dark Lord is gone. At Hogwarts castle, a lonely Severus Snape knows better. This is a brief snapshot of what might have happened during the period of peace between the two wizarding wars.
Chapters (1)
About StormySkize
Member Since 2005 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 172 | 431 Reviews Written | 998 Review Responses
I am in my late 50's and I didn't even start reading Harry Potter until after the third book came out. My granddaughter got me 'hooked on Potter,' and while surfing the net one day, I found a fanfiction site. That was it! My first story, "Renaissance," was published on Ashwinder a month later and I've been writing ever since. I am primarily a HG/SS shipper, but I also enjoy reading and writing RL/SS. I live in Tampa, Florida with my wonderfully adoring and supportive husband, and three completely spoiled cats. (Kallie, Mysha, and Smudge {who was the inspiration for the cat that Severus gives Hermione in my story "Renaissance."}) I'm always happy to correspond with my readers and I answer ALL reviews. I'm always looking for plot-bunnies, so feel free to throw some ideas out.
Reviews for Interregnum
Very nicely done, and quite sad at the end. One would hope that charm truly isn't Permanent! and that one of the many ways he could have survived actually worked.This is a lovely speculation on What Might Have Been.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
In my stories, Snape will always survive -- and I usually try to give him a happy ending. But, alas, this time there was no happily-ever-after.I'm pleased to know that you enjoyed the story.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
In my stories, Snape will always survive -- and I usually try to give him a happy ending. But, alas, this time there was no happily-ever-after.I'm pleased to know that you enjoyed the story.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
This was lovely. I'm glad to see Severus enjoy himself while he could.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Very nicely done. I like the idea that he would try to keep her at a distance, but then realize that she's good for hiim. And I do understand his having Albus take the memories, but oh, how sad. :'( That last line really says it all. Thank you.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Again Snape must sacrifice everything -- even his memories of that brief bit of happiness. This story was meant to be as sad and painful to read as it was to write.I'm pleased to know that it touched you.Thanks for reading and reviewing and for all the lovely stars.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Again Snape must sacrifice everything -- even his memories of that brief bit of happiness. This story was meant to be as sad and painful to read as it was to write.I'm pleased to know that it touched you.Thanks for reading and reviewing and for all the lovely stars.
Oh, gosh. That must have been so painful for her... but she knew it was coming. I can only imagine what that last year from DH would have been like. Brilliantly well done.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful review.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful review.
D***, Severus never gets any thing good to last. :(That must hurt like crazy.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
This story was difficult to write. I usually like to give Severus the happy ending he deserves.I'm pleased to know you enjoyed the story, painful as it was.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
This story was difficult to write. I usually like to give Severus the happy ending he deserves.I'm pleased to know you enjoyed the story, painful as it was.Thanks for reading and reviewing.
That's just so sad, to have loved and have been loved but to know nothing of it.And even harder for Septima, who knows what had transpired between them, to see the sudden change in his demeanor and to know what dangers await him.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Just one more tragedy in a life filled with it. He chose the only way he could to protect her ... but, as usual, he pays so high a price!Thank you for reading and reviewing and for all the lovely stars!
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Just one more tragedy in a life filled with it. He chose the only way he could to protect her ... but, as usual, he pays so high a price!Thank you for reading and reviewing and for all the lovely stars!
It was all going so well, before the memory charm. I like how you developed her character and their relationship.Yah, no sappy Snape, you were true to canon and yet,made his feelings seem genuine. Nice job.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I'm not fond of sappy Snape. That doesn't mean he always has to be cold and hard -- just human.Thannk you so much for the lovely review.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I'm not fond of sappy Snape. That doesn't mean he always has to be cold and hard -- just human.Thannk you so much for the lovely review.
Wow, very well done. Powerful and moving, the characters are perfect (yay for no Sappy!Snape). I'm sure this one will stick with me for a while!
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you very much. I'd like to think that maybe our Severus wasn't completely alone and unloved for all those years.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you very much. I'd like to think that maybe our Severus wasn't completely alone and unloved for all those years.
Nicely done. :)
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you so much.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you so much.
Wow, that was brilliant. I loved it. Thank you.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I'm very flattered. Thank you.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I'm very flattered. Thank you.
All that ground gained, just to have it all disappear in an irreversible memory charm. This was well written and their romance was quite enjoyable. I've never really been interested in this pairing, but you brought them both to life and Septima was very likable. However, I feel like you did Snape a disservice by making the charm irreversible. Here I thought you were just going to kill him off as per canon, but you stripped him of the happiness he had actually attained for a short period. I kind of think that might be worse.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I truly believe that in this story, our Severus felt he had no choice. He never believed he would survive, but he was determined that his lover would. He still felt responsible for Lily's death, and didn't want to see Septima fall victim as well.As for doing him a 'disservice' -- actually, I thought I did a greater disservice to Septima. After all, he doesn't remember their relationship, so he can't feel the pain of being torn from her, but she can. I toyed with the idea of having Dumbledore erase her memories, as well, but decided to let her be.I'm happy to know you enjoyed the piece.Thank you very much.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I truly believe that in this story, our Severus felt he had no choice. He never believed he would survive, but he was determined that his lover would. He still felt responsible for Lily's death, and didn't want to see Septima fall victim as well.As for doing him a 'disservice' -- actually, I thought I did a greater disservice to Septima. After all, he doesn't remember their relationship, so he can't feel the pain of being torn from her, but she can. I toyed with the idea of having Dumbledore erase her memories, as well, but decided to let her be.I'm happy to know you enjoyed the piece.Thank you very much.
An excellent tale, but sad. I like it very much, but it is so sad for her. Sad for him, too, that he doesn't even have those memories. Thanks for sharing this.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you so much. It was a sad story to write, but I did so want to give him a bit of happiness before his ignominious end.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you so much. It was a sad story to write, but I did so want to give him a bit of happiness before his ignominious end.
Wow. I don't know what I thought this would be, so I can't say I held any expectations.
And yet... I feel you've blown them all away. I've seen other Vector/Snape fics, but they did nothing for me. But this one, gosh, I've got tears. I felt so much for Vector, especially at the end, when her heart was torn out of her.
Good work, and if there isn't anymore to the story, then I will pretend that a new relationship was begun eventually, after the war, because.... EWE, baby! LOL. Thanks!
Author's Response: EWE, indeed. I'm always happy to know that my work has made an emotional impact. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Considering how little is actually known about Professor Vector in canon, this story seems completely plausible. I feel so sad that Snape had to lose the good memories in order to protect her.
Response from StormySkize (Reviewer)
Yes, I was able to stretch my creativity a bit.Thank you very much.
Response from StormySkize (Reviewer)
Yes, I was able to stretch my creativity a bit.Thank you very much.
I wish this story wasn't completed and that there was still a chance at a happy ending for these two...even though happy endings seem to occur so rarely in real life, at least we can have them in fiction! How sad and how tragic that Severus felt it necessary to resort to a Permanent Memory Charm in order to protect Septima, so that he cannot and will never be able to remember that they cared for each other -- shades of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" perhaps? -- and that Septima isn't aware of it, staying with him because she cares for him even though we know that there's little chance he will ever return her affection again (especially if this holds true to canon and Severus makes the ultimate sacrifice.) Heartbreaking...
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I must admit I haven't seen "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, so I can't comment on any resemblance to that story.I do think, however, that it is very much in character for our Severus to do whatever needs to be done to protect Septima. It probably helped him to expiate the guilt he still felt over Lily.Thank you very much for your kind review.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I must admit I haven't seen "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, so I can't comment on any resemblance to that story.I do think, however, that it is very much in character for our Severus to do whatever needs to be done to protect Septima. It probably helped him to expiate the guilt he still felt over Lily.Thank you very much for your kind review.
Ouch! *insert howl of pain* I guess I should have known it wouldn't end well, but after such a sweet relationship, the ending was unexpected. Beautifully written.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I apologise for any pain I've caused. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
I apologise for any pain I've caused. Thank you for reading and reviewing.
I have always liked this pairing, not my fav but I can see it happening and you did a great job with this prompt.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you so very much.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you so very much.
I like the use of the memory charm at the end to explain why they are indifferent in canon.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you so much.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Interregnum)
Thank you so much.
Dear StormySkize.
That was beautiful. Beautiful and sad.
I love how you made this fit into the canon without it seeming contrived and unrealistic.
And the solution was so in character for Severus. To lose, once again, the woman he loves, and this time by conscious and painful choice rather than youthful foolishness. How awful it must be ... even if he doesn't remember it afterwards.