New Chapter for Scratching the Itch
Scratching the Itch
StormySkize18 Reviews | 18 Ratings, 0 Likes, 18 Favorites )
There?s a nasty bug loose in Hogwarts. How could this happen? And how can a future outbreak be avoided? teaching the students the "facts of life," of course!
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About StormySkize
Member Since 2005 | 13 Stories | Favorited by 172 | 431 Reviews Written | 998 Review Responses
I am in my late 50's and I didn't even start reading Harry Potter until after the third book came out. My granddaughter got me 'hooked on Potter,' and while surfing the net one day, I found a fanfiction site. That was it! My first story, "Renaissance," was published on Ashwinder a month later and I've been writing ever since. I am primarily a HG/SS shipper, but I also enjoy reading and writing RL/SS. I live in Tampa, Florida with my wonderfully adoring and supportive husband, and three completely spoiled cats. (Kallie, Mysha, and Smudge {who was the inspiration for the cat that Severus gives Hermione in my story "Renaissance."}) I'm always happy to correspond with my readers and I answer ALL reviews. I'm always looking for plot-bunnies, so feel free to throw some ideas out.
Reviews for Scratching the Itch
I really liked your approach on this one. I actually had to re-read the part about him coming out of the closet because my brain didn't process what could have possibly given that away... then it kicked in. LOL. Nicely done in making Snape a bit more approachable. Of course, that could serve to ruin his image in class. LOL. Well written.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment.
Hehe! I love your story. I like the way that you make your characters more human than they seem in canon, somehow. And I love your Lupin. Well done! I love that emoticon. I'm sorry.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I really, really like Remus as a character. I love reading stories about him, and I like writing him, as well. Check out, "Heat Wave" for a story about Remus and Hermione (my second favourite pairing!) Thanks for reading and for taking the time to review. And I like your icon!
this one could use a few more chapters. i like where this is going but i don't think it is finished
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I'm glad you enjoyed. This is actually finished as it stands. The whole point was the sex-ed challenge, not really the relationship between Severus and Remus. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
I dont want this story to be done! I want to know how the date works out!! Your story is lovely. I am going to have to look up the rest of your work. Well done.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. This is the only one of my stories posted here on The Petulant Poetess. I have a few more posted on Ashwinder under the same pen name. I hope you'll look for them and enjoy them as well. (I also have a Remus/Snape story posted on Eros & Sappho.) Thanks for reading and for taking the time to post a comment.
Response from MollysSister (Reviewer)
I looked you up last night on Ashwinder and alas I have read all your stuff already! I will check out E&S tonight. I very much enjoy your writing. I may have to go back for a reread of it all! I voted for you on Potter Place. Good luck with the poll!
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
Wow! I really appreciate the vote. Thanks so much!
That was a great answer to the challenge!
I like Severus taking care of his House even against the school rules... one should think the other head of house should have thought the same.
Response from Maddy Riddle (Reviewer)
oops, forgot to say: I'm a morbid mind. I want to know how Hagrid manage to do his class... poor ickle firsties.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I was tempted to write something about Hagrid's class, but, to be honest, writing Hagrid's speech patterns takes more time and patience than I possess, so I usually keep his words to a minimum! As for the other Heads of House doing something similar to Severus, we have to remember that the others are much older than Snape is. They have the same out-moded views that Albus had as far as Sex Ed goes. (That sounds reasonable, doesn't it?)I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment.
I like it- it was cuteness, Severus being all caring about the students and all...
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I'm glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment.
Excellent story! And I liked the Severus/Remus :)
Author's Response: I'm glad you like the pairing. I've come to enjoy it very much, though I'm a HG/SS shipper first and foremost.
Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment.
I really liked the way you approached this challenge.But I wanted to hear more questions and Snape's answers to them.Remus is my favourite character and I just recently "discovered" slash for me, and my favourite slash pairing is Snupin.Thanks for making Remus bi, so I can take a bite every now and then. Severus is allowed to join sometimes. LOL!So, did Severus teached all the Slytherins, the girls too?Oh I would have liked to see this discussion. Severus answering girls qustions. LOL!
Response from ksianna (Reviewer)
Sorry, forgot something. A tiny bit of criticism. No, more a clarification of the facts.<i>Pediculosis pubis</i> is the medical term for the infection (desease). The pubic louse is known as <i>Pediculos pubis</i> or <i>Phthirus pubis</i> and is 1-3 <u>millimeters</u> long, not centimeters. That would be a rather big louse. LOL!Sorry, but that's the disadvantage of being a biology student; these things leap to the eye for me.I only know German websites on this subject, but here are two links to wikipedia; the facts are reliable.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I actually knew that Phthirus Pubis was the correct name for the pubic louse, but I wanted Filius to stumble over the Pediculosis Pubis thing, so I took a little literary licence. I'm not a "metric" kind of girl, and I swear to God the site I did my research on said 1.5 centremetres was the size of an average pubic louse. I'll go into the story and make that change. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I'm glad you liked the idea of Snape and Lupin together. I've got a soft spot for that pairing myself! And, although I didn't state it, I implied that Snape also had these talks with the Slytherin girls. I thought of expanding the question and answer session, but thought it would be too dry and boring. I thought the way he went about it was more important than what he actually said. Thanks so much for reading and for taking the time to comment. I appreciate it very much.
I really liked this approach to the challenge -- actually going into the reality of sex ed, and how many times the programs offered by schools don't quite get it.(Am wondering how Hagrid got along with his class) ;)And the pairing was fine by me, by the way - Snape can be 'wasted' on Lupin any day. =]To sum it up, it was an entertaining story with many funny 'dangly bits.'
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. After HG/SS, RL/SS is probably my favourite pairing. They have so much "history" between them, it's interesting to see how they could work things out in a post-Voldemort era. The Challenge did say that any pairing was okay, so I thought I'd stretch my creative wings a bit and move away from the HG/SS pairing which is what I usually write. I'm glad you liked my approach to the Sex Ed itself. I actually did know a girl, many years ago, who had no clue what was happening with her body when she started her menses. And while things went better for her than for the girl in my story, I still remember how totally shocked and upset she was. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment. It is greatly appreciated.
aw cute and believable and nice!
Thanks for sharing.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment.
I enjoyed the story and the picture of Snape being a mentor and so approachable to the boys' questions, I think that rang true. The gay Snape didn't, I agree with loony_old_fan. Since you inferred that he was gay early in the story, it would have been more of a twist to find that he was straight. A man like that shouldn't be wasted on other men or on a bushy haired, irritating know-it-all, he should have mature adult relationships with adult females. But it wouldn't hurt to have a little bit of sex god Snape thrown in with it, especially the manly bits as pictured in the Playwitch pictures.I'm campaigning for a straight Snape and many, many more Snape/OC and Snape/female canon stories. The female should not be Hermione, there are many other possible choices like Madame Rosmerta, Tonks, Narcissa, Sinistra, Vector, Emmeline Vance before Book 6, Poppy (he might like older women), Hestia Jones, ad infinitum.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I'm glad you enjoyed the story for the most part. I really enjoy writing Snape, and I like him paired with a lot of different characters. I've read many, many stories where he's paired with Hermione, with Narcissa, with Lupin, with Harry, with Tonks, etc. I think a good writer can make any pairing believable. I'm glad you like my Snape's approachability and his mentoring role. I thought that was the most important thing I wanted to show. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment. Oh, and yes...those pictures of Snape in Playwitch are...lovely.
Response from Trickie Woo (Reviewer)
I was going to mention that your Snape reminded me of Robin Williams in The Dead Poets Society, but I thought that was pushing it a bit. Still he did bring that to mind. I like the thought of him sitting in the Slytherin common room in his shirt sleeves answering their questions, both the boys and the girls questions. His snakes will be safe even if none of the other houses are. The fact that I was sorted into Slytherin on almost all of the sorting sites where I tried sorting myself accounts for a lot of my bias. I wishthere had been someone like that to go to when I was growing up.Now as to slash and SS/HG pairings, she annoys me no end, just as she does Severus. I've only read one SS/HG story and that was a one shot non-romantic fic. I couldn't stomach the implied pedophilia/incest/perversion an SS/HG romance has for me. I have read and do read other Snape/student stories as long as the girl is of age. I found Veresna Ussep's Secretly Slitherin to be very, uh, stimulating shall I say.I'm no homophobe, but slash doesn't appeal to me. I'm a very straight female close to Alan Rickman's age. I love Snape PWP when it's OFC or female Canon. I enjoy stories with an R or NC-17 rating just as much as I enjoy stories with any other rating. But I must admit I like Snape best when he's straight, naked, and casting a shadow like he does in the Playwitch pictures. Even at half mast like that he casts quite a shadow.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I never saw Dead Poet's Society, so I don't know if likening "my" Snape to him is a good or a bad thing. A few months ago, I wouldn't have thought I'd enjoy reading slash, either. I'm quite close to Rickman's age myself, though when I write Snape, I don't "see" Rickman at all. I like Rickman's voice, but really think he's too old and too fleshy to be playing Snape. I have my own mental picture of Snape and I use that when I write. And again... those pictures in Playwitch are... lovely!
This is an excellent contribution to the challenge! Very entertaining ... I chuckled throughout. I find myself wanting to comment on all the little humorous bits (and dangly bits), but I don't want to ruin it for those who read the reviews first. I enjoyed reading this very much, and I recommend it highly!!
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
Oh, thank you so much! Another reviewer thought it was a more serious approach to the challenge. I guess it's a combination of both humour and seriousness. (And, really, as long as it entertains, is that a bad thing?) Thanks for all your help. And your explanations. And for taking the time to leave a review on top of that! I appreciate it very much. Diane
I liked this story, especially because it was a little more on the serious side than most SE Challenge fics. 'Seafood' made me lol though, and so did that kid who asks Snape about his, er, 'auto-erotic' habits! nice job.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I'm so glad you enjoyed. I didn't really intend the story to be too serious; it sort of got away from me. I could just picture Madam Sprout scratching her head and wondering where the students ate crabs. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment. It is much appreciated.
I don't care for a gay Snape but other than that I loved the story.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I don't usually write a gay Snape, but I just wanted to give this one a bit of a twist. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment.
That was great I can see Snape being very upfront and open about sex when finally pushed. And while he might snark about the duty I can see him taking the subject very seriously to protect the students he obviously hates *sarcasm*
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
That was my feeling, as well. We've seen throughout the books that what he says and how he acts are often contradictory. I think he takes his duties as Head of Slytherin House very seriously, and that might include making sure "his" Slyterins know about safe sex and such. I'm glad you enjoyed. Thanks for reading and for taking the time to leave a review.
Wow, i bet most sex-ed classes in the real world are not as useful as Snape's. Amusing and very well done!-Wahoo
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I had fun writing this one. I'm glad you enjoyed it.Thanks for all the sparkly stars!
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
I had fun writing this one. I'm glad you enjoyed it.Thanks for all the sparkly stars!
You're the bomb...and I'm not just saying that because I'm swimming in the same gene pool with you. You have a great grasp on how to make a character come alive. Whether it be with great desciptions of their body language or snappy dialogue. It is a pleasure to read your creations.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
Thanks so much, baby. It's nice to know you think so much of my work.
Lovely story, funny and very cleverly written.
Response from StormySkize (Author of Scratching the Itch)
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed.