New Chapter for The Devil's Game
The Devil's Game
Ugly Kitten186 Reviews | 186 Ratings, 0 Likes, 87 Favorites )
The future is bleak for the wizarding world after Voldmort died. Scorpius Malfoy and Molly Weasley become the future’s hope for the past. They enlist fourteen-year-old Hermione Granger’s help with two stipulations: She can never return to the future and she can’t remember it. Dealing with the Marauders is the least of their troubles. Severus/Hermione eventually, Lucius/Hermione to start. Scorpius/Hermione in a sibling relationship. Time-Turner fic with a twist.
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About Ugly Kitten
Ugly Kitten
Member Since 2008 | 4 Stories | Favorited by 18 | 67 Reviews Written | 213 Review Responses
Call me UK - no relation to the nation. Aside from fanfiction, I collect coffee mugs and I draw and paint. I'm a college student in pursuit of a career in teaching English and Science to middle school children.
Want to read essays, drabbles as they come, what else I'm working on, and anything else that might be going on in the Ugly Kitten's life? Follow me on livejournal at:
Want to follow my art as I sketch, color, ink, and paint my way through fan fiction and life? Come see my dA at:
Just so no one gets confused, I also go by theodusa (theological medusa), "little sister" or imouto, and kayokitten (only as a Mod on Tokyopop's forums).
Reviews for The Devil's Game
I'm so glad you decided to come back to this. By far my favorite time travel fic to date!
I'm so very glad I only found this after you started updating again! I think it would have killed me to wait for you to continue @.@I fell in love with this story, read it all in two days! I hope you stick with it, it's a great piece. Congratulations,you should be very proud :DI can't wait to see what comes next.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Wow, it still took me like a week to re-read it all and I'm the one who wrote it. TPP had it listed as "Abandoned" because of how long I took to get back into the swing of things. I've been pretty proud of this work for a long time, which is one of the many reasons why I chose to continue it instead of starting a new story. Thanks for your review
Very neat premise, having Hermione raised by Slytherins!
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
My original idea still hasn't come to fruition, either. I'm pretty proud of it. I've not seen anything like it before.
Brilliant! Just re-read this story. I love it again. I hope you update again soon. I love your writing. (Smiles) Xxxxxxxx
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Thank you =) Actually, next chapter is already in the queue and the one after is already with my alpha (so happy to say that!) I admit that I've been kinda apprehensive about coming back with the same story, but I just couldn't leave it unwritten.
Just saw this story and glad to see an older fic picked back up. Is it finished or are you still working on it. Any idea of the approximate number of chapters it's going to be?
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
I'm very pleased to have picked this one back up again. It's not finished, unfortunately, but it is completely mapped out. I have notes extending all the way to the end, and I've got a good idea what that all looks like. The other thing is that even I'm not sure which direction the muse will take the map and the notes. Chapter 20 and 21 were supposed to be one chapter, yet they ended up splitting. My guesstimate is 80, but later chapters aren't as set as the ones nearer, soooo...
I'm going to have to go back and re-read from the beginning. You've put plenty of subtle hints in this chapter that have served to nudge my memory though. Glad to see this story updated. It's an interesting concept. Welcome back.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Thank you! I was really trying to leave those subtle hints, but even I had to read through the original material a few times before I could continue. Even so, I'd forgotten a few details, hence why I asked someone who'd read it before to become my alpha. I'm very pleased that she accepted. I'm glad to return wiser.
So here I am, reviewing again weeks after I've actually read the update! Sorry Honey! I absolutley loved this chapter. It must be so scary for her, and honestly I'd be freaked out! How embarassing to be running around like a banshee because of a vision you're having. I love how you describe everything and I love the character you've got going on too! I seriously can't wait for more!!! Please update again soon.Much Love,~Brena
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
I'd totally freak out, too! lol, I honestly wondered whether the banshee reference would be too much. Hopefully I'll have some time to look over my next chapter to post soon. ;)
Omg. OMG! I loved this chapter so much. I loved the how her memory was overlapping when she was sitting in the stands! OMG and then how she ended up saving Severus & Lily was great, I'm sure that will work out for her later. And my heart was totally breaking for her when she went after Score and then how Severus actually broke thru her wards, that was totally awesome! You seriously constructed an amazing chapter here and I can't wait for MORE!! Please update again soon. Much Love ~ Brena
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou, Brena! I always look forward to your reviews! =) My favorite part in this chapter is still her fight with Score because it was sooo hard to write but worth it in the end. I'll update soon, promise.
Loved It! This Chapter Was Really Good! It Was Amazing!
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Thank you!
Not a cool prank and not a cool use of Legilimency.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Lol, yeah, they're both guilty. Wonder if either of them will actually concede that point?
So, someone has noticed. I wonder what Hecate will do and most importantly if Lucius is conscious of it and will act upon his feelings. Great update as ever.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Who knows? =) At least somebody has noticed, even if it is the Slytherin outcast. Thank you!
Ack, she's going to the Dark side and Molly has no idea! I cannot guess whether Scorpius will forgive Hecate, but I will be patient and wait for the next chapter. Perhaps Severus will figure things out for her. Thanks for updating!
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
"Come to the Dark Side..." XD Mmm, well, he WAS a Slytherin but is now a Gryffindor... Score can be stubborn, though. o.o It's anyone's guess at this point (well, I know, I just ain't tellin'). Sev's got some things to do before he's totally on her side. =)
This is great. I'm curious to see how you play the rest of this out.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
It's gonna be a fun ride. =) Thanks!
awesome chapter. i asolutely loved severus. i really liked the way he acted -how he sat with her but didnt say much. and i liked how he talked about malfoy. as for scorpius-well, i do hope they fix things. i think it would be up to remus for that- he wasnt the one violated, he is not "related" and well he is more desperate for friendship so he would be more likely to forgive and get others to do so too. i am so excited that hermione is getting bigger flashes of her past life. i cant wait for more on that. and oooooh the dreams that will come to herbecause of what she has caused here- i wonder what they will say, especially malfoy since the rife is with his son. oh and interesting on the bit with calling narcissa a moron- oh well to the future wife. <i>In the years to come, those words would mean more to me than anything that would follow. It would mean more than anything spoken to me before I’d ever met Scorpius.</i> ooooooo.i winder what the future will hold with severus. will she confess more things to him about the future that will be coming in flashes to her? cant wait for more. please write more soon.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Severus is really difficult to write because he's such a complex character. I love writing him, but he's so frustrating! It took me a bit to get past a part that is a couple chapters after this, for instance.I write Remus, sadly, as I would write myself in male form. Few friends and trying to be the ultimate in-betweener. Poor Cissa and Bella. I love them to death, but I wanted them to be more... Lav-and-Parvati-ish for a bit. ^^Thank you much!
this is such a richly layered story full of interesting turns and twists. thanks so much
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Thank you! It's getting more and more interesting. o_o
Nice chapter, so is Scorpius an animagus now? I wondered about his nick name. I enjoyed seeing more of young Severus. So why is Severus interested in how Lucius feels about Hecate? Hmmm, interesting.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Hecate doesn't know about the Animagus stuff just yet, but the Marauders are currently attempting it. I like to think that they came up with the nicks separately. ^^ I think Sev is just being observant, but who knows?
It definitely sounds like things are getting way out of hand. Hecate is downright scary at times with her Slytherin-ness. But judging by Heck's memory flashes at the Quidditch game, Molly's Obliviate didn't help all that much. It's almost like, deep down, the part of Heck that is still Hermione is horrified and rebelling against her. I have a feeling that everything's going to come flooding back far sooner for her than anyone had planned, and I can just imagine what Hermione will think of herself as Heck. Yikes. But anyway, I guess a fight like the one Heck and Score had would happen eventually. I do hope they can work things out soon. I imagine Remus is probably working on Score already. Another superb update, UK. I especially loved the nod to Alfred Hitchcock's 'The Birds'!
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
The battle of Heck vs. Mione inside her body is going to get so much worse as things come along. The memory flashes definitely signify how fast the fight is coming along. The thing I've learned with having two little brothers with very different personalities is that sibling infighting is always inevitable. I'm just glad I don't have Legilimency to abuse! You know Remus, though. =) "The Birds" is one of my favorite classics and when the idea came awhile ago, I couldn't help but use it. Thank you so much!
Wow, I don't think this trip to the past is working out the way they had planned at all, now, is it?
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
The past has ways of surprising everybody, even the future. :3
Three words: Bloody brilliant fic!
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
=D Thank you! Does that mean I'm brilliant, too? XD
Very sad that I have run out of story. This Hermione didn't have the years of being an outcast at school to make her empathitic to the plight of others. She does evil very well. Thanks for writing and I look forward to reading more.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Personally, I don't believe in evil. But I do agree that she does this bad-girl thing very well so far. Thanks for the comments!
yeow! what an interesting turn of events. terrific update. thanks so much
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
Hee! I love a good twist. I also am somewhat of a Voldemort fan. Such an awesome antagonist. Er, anyways, thank ye muchly, cakes!
6 hours to get ready ?!! Even i don't take so much time. I wonder what Lucius did during that time, except pace like cage animal.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
I've heard horror stories about people who primp for that long. And longer. It makes no sense to me, but I guess I can understand for something as big as meeting the Dark Lord for the first time. o_o Lucius.... "Darin! Go find out what those girls are up to!" "Yes, Master." POP. POP. "They is bathing." Pace-pace-pace. XD
I wonder if Hermione foresaw any of this? Too bad she doesn't remember her dreams. Hopefully, that warning from Draco won't come to fruition if she meets with Voldy.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
There are a couple of very surprising things that the "older" Mione foresaw and some that she did not foresee. We won't know for a while what they were, though. The problem with remembering things slowly is that sometimes memories by themselves can be misleading, if you know what I mean. ;) Thanks for the review~!
oooooooo- how will things go now??!? boy, i hope you're a freuent hermione goes snooping in and only gets those two bits. didnt she think anything of molly being seemingly afaid of lucius? and is see going to share any info with scorpius if not scorpius and remus? im amused that she thinks she was there to save remus. but oh will things change if she gets more info from the journal or regains her memories like draco says. man, do i love this fic. please, please write more soon. thanks.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
I'm looking forward to reactions when Hermione realizes everything. It's going to get interesting next chapter.
awww poor draco- saying okay to the possible erasing of his existance. :( its nice to see the slytherins and then the blacks all happy and cute.
Response from Ugly Kitten (Author of The Devil's Game)
=) I like their fronts, too. Draco has changed a lot from his former school-time persona.