Percy Weasley
95 Stories
Search Stories featuring Percy Weasley
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by notsosaintly
7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )Rewritten: Percy submits to his master.
1,324 Words, Started 04/04/2005, Completed 04/04/2005
by PlaidPooka
12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Sometimes we control our choices, sometimes they control us.
1,644 Words, Started 04/24/2005, Completed 04/24/2005
The Gypsy
by Dusty Rose
22 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )Because of mysterious events, Dumbledore can allow Harry to leave his relatives' home to spend the summer with his friends. And he meets one new friend, an intriguing new girl, who, as it becomes apparent to Harry, is much more than meets the eye.
88,753 Words, Started 06/19/2005, Completed 06/24/2005
The Language of Flowers
by Lady Strange
47 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )*Now Complete* A polite romance and comedy of manners based loosely on the WIKTT 'Regency Challenge'. This is intelligent fluff, or so I would like to think. It goes on for 22 chapters and has many pairings. I hope you enjoy reading it.
135,639 Words, Started 10/10/2005, Completed 05/05/2006
Weasley Drabbles
by phoenix
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )Eleven 100 word looks at members of the Weasley family.
1,229 Words, Started 03/04/2006, Completed 03/04/2006
A Rose for Hermione
37 Ratings, 0 Likes, 25 Favorites )Hermione and Snape disappeared years earlier. Harry has finally found them. One shot.
2,860 Words, Started 03/07/2006, Completed 03/07/2006
His Draught of Delicate Poison
by Subversa
225 Ratings, 0 Likes, 318 Favorites )Winner in Round Six of the Multifaceted Awards in the categories Endurance and Rapture. In the wake of the Final Battle, the Order has opened Headquarters to house its youngest members during a summer of Ministry-sponsored social events. With Snape as a chaperone, and engaged to another woman, the advent of a busy Hermione, determined to see her friends in love-matches, can only be a recipe for disaster.
198,009 Words, Started 04/09/2006, Completed 04/06/2007
Advice (a Series of Parodies)
by Cat Feral
62 Ratings, 0 Likes, 28 Favorites )Each of J.K. Rowling's beloved characters puts his or her own spin on the famous "Wear sunscreen" column. We begin with Harry.
13,972 Words, Started 01/07/2006, Updated 11/02/2006
A Hero's Worth
by lady_rhian
65 Ratings, 0 Likes, 63 Favorites )A six part drabble series. Hermione and other Order members are in St. Mungo's. Severus has been Obliviated. How will Hermione react?
3,775 Words, Started 06/28/2006, Completed 07/01/2006
Split Apart
by lady_rhian
12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )How will Hermione deal with Severus' murder? A 10-part drabble series in response to the Dark Hermione challenge at the grangersnape100. Warning: melodrama.
1,237 Words, Started 07/14/2006, Completed 07/14/2006
A Double Trouble Birthday Rhyme
3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )The twins may be gone from Hogwarts, but they certainly aren't forgotten... especially on April Fool's Day, which just happens to be their birthday. Not HBP compliant. Takes place between OoTP and HBP.
906 Words, Started 09/13/2006, Completed 09/13/2006
by jmlane57
14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Harry Potter, now a 21-year-old Auror, returns home after four years away fighting the forces of Darkness in order to renew friendships and hopefully rekindle his former romance with Ginny Weasley.
92,884 Words, Started 11/04/2006, Completed 02/20/2007
The Anniversary Present
by Raira
7 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )For their wedding anniversary, Molly gives Arthur a mirror that features prominently in the events that follow.
This story was originally posted (in embryonic form) in response to a challenge from the 30minutefics LJ community. I don't own any of these characters, but then you knew that.
Many thanks to my beta, Callicrates, for his insightful suggestions, and tireless editing.
3,725 Words, Started 11/19/2006, Completed 11/19/2006
All Night Long
14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )Ginny Weasley, about to begin her second year at Hogwarts, does not want Hermione Granger as a friend. A whole night of Hermione's company in the Leaky Cauldron will demand the courage of Godric Gryffindor himself.
8,589 Words, Started 12/10/2006, Completed 12/19/2006
Moments of Insanity
by Losille
164 Ratings, 0 Likes, 129 Favorites )Ten years after the final battle, many things have changed considerably for our favorite witch and wizard. Severus becomes Headmaster of Hogwarts. Hermione has recently acquired Flourish and Blotts with the help of the wealthy Potters. Perchance two bibliophiles could meet and form a relationship over a good read, or will it take Severus' "moment of insanity" to bring them together?
38,391 Words, Started 11/28/2006, Updated 05/25/2008
The Fairy God-Jarvey's Apprentice
by dracontia
129 Ratings, 0 Likes, 37 Favorites )Third installment in the 'Fairy God-Jarvey Chronicles.' (For the record, I, too, cringe at the pretentiousness of calling them that.) As a Master Fairy God-Jarvey, Regina Fletcher gets an apprentice. However, it's going to take more than two Fairy God-Thingies to rescue Severus' and Hermione's wedding. So, if said thingies needed reinforcements... whom would they deputize?
76,808 Words, Started 11/15/2006, Completed 03/08/2007
Third Time's the Charm
by GinnyW
29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 47 Favorites )After having been setup on two disastrous blind dates, Hermione reluctantly agrees to a third.
5,478 Words, Started 01/06/2007, Completed 01/06/2007
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Victory Photo
96 Ratings, 0 Likes, 55 Favorites )Harry and company won, and Voldemort is no more. It went so well that almost no one is so much as scratched. What are our heroes going to do next? Why, party until they need medical attention, of course! (The following account thereof is what happens when several alleged adults start discussing the salacious potential of the HP-verse in a chat room--hence our group penname.)
62,809 Words, Started 03/08/2007, Completed 09/10/2007
Harry Potter and the Heirs of Slytherin
by Fawkes_07
277 Ratings, 0 Likes, 52 Favorites )This is a full-length Book Seven fic. Cliffhangers and unexpected twists abound, but don't look for beloved characters to die tragically before your very eyes--Fawkes_07 is all about redemption. Written for young readers but hopefully fun for all.
I'm printing out a version for my kids in book format--I even found all the right fonts and everything. Hence the "artwork" in the chapter headings. What can I say, I'm more of a ceramics person than a drawing person.
Can I note with pride that "Heirs of Slytherin" was just chosen as a Featured Story on MNFF? *glows*
336,179 Words, Started 04/01/2007, Completed 05/19/2008
Confessions of an Abused Hero
by YaoiMaster
24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 26 Favorites )Harry is knocked into a coma and his diary is published. What dark secrets will be revealed? Evil!Dumbledore, Good!Slytherins
4,952 Words, Started 05/08/2007, Updated 05/30/2007
The Old Walls Crumble
by cearrae
33 Ratings, 0 Likes, 14 Favorites )Our tale begins immediately following the tragic events on the night of Dumbledore's murder. Where did Severus Snape go? Who helped him? The story is an exploration into the many faces of an undercover spy. Who is this man? What is his true self? Can redemption be found in loving another? Travel a while with the Slytherin spy and see how his life evolves.
83,034 Words, Started 09/09/2006, Completed 11/19/2010
Silly Little Girl
by Bambu
17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 32 Favorites )Drabble series written for the 'compulsion' prompt at GrangerSnape100, Hermione, Harry and Ron have been on the Horcrux hunt for seven months when a letter from Snape lands in her lap ... literally.
5,283 Words, Started 07/11/2007, Completed 07/11/2007
4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )When had a pledge of universal honesty become a practice of universal derision? Severus in the classroom, 1987.
954 Words, Started 07/21/2007, Completed 07/21/2007
by odogoddess
27 Ratings, 0 Likes, 39 Favorites )The war is finally over and Severus Snape is waiting for justice to be done. Ten years later, he still waits...
16,786 Words, Started 08/03/2007, Completed 08/03/2007
The Trials of Matchmaking
by shalimar1981
38 Ratings, 0 Likes, 38 Favorites )After the war Molly Weasley decides that Severe Matchmaking Tactics have to be employed so everyone will be paired up happily. What does that mean for Hermione and the two men interested in her? Of course, this is Molly Weasely's version of 'happy' we're talking about. Warning: wacky pairings, misunderstandings, machinations and general silliness ahead. Not DH compliant of course. A gift to evie_eros in the Summer Round of the SSHG exchange 2007. Nominated for Best Mulitple Partner Story at the Quill to Parchment awards! Nominated at the OWL awards 2008!
11,623 Words, Started 08/22/2007, Updated 04/11/2008
Fred's Ghost
by palfow
3 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Having watched his brother die, Percy runs through Hogwarts - pondering his life and his choices.
1,069 Words, Started 08/31/2007, Completed 08/31/2007
The Phoenix Command
by Ferenc
2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )The Second War is in a stalemate. After drastic reforms, the Ministry has only just managed to keep pace with the Dark Lord’s followers.
Scrimgeour is still firmly in the Ministry’s chief seat, yet an unrelenting obsession and almost unlimited authority have transformed him into a relentless tyrant.
Against a background of Wizarding society’s slow decent into anarchy, small bands of Aurors try to stop the flood of Death Eaters and their vile allies. One such band or Aurors —the Order of the Phoenix commanded by Harry Potter— is send on a confidential mission as the armies of the Ministry and Lord Voldemort meet…
17,002 Words, Started 10/14/2007, Updated 11/07/2007
Three Options for Ginny
by Bettina
161 Ratings, 0 Likes, 64 Favorites )Severus Snape has just arranged himself with Draco Malfoy, when he gets yet another task: a young, charming female with flaming red hair and a fierce will to survive.
The Dark Lord sees the chance to add a set of little Snapes to his Death Eater offspring.
The story starts half a year after HBP.
243,895 Words, Started 05/19/2007, Updated 08/17/2014
And It Comes To An End
by dayglo
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )We know what was going through Harry’s mind throughout the last battle of DH, but what about everyone else?
Nothing's gonna change destiny/ Whatever's meant to be/ Will work out perfectly
5,498 Words, Started 11/29/2007, Completed 11/29/2007