New Chapter for The Gypsy
The Gypsy
Dusty Rose22 Reviews | 22 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )
Because of mysterious events, Dumbledore can allow Harry to leave his relatives' home to spend the summer with his friends. And he meets one new friend, an intriguing new girl, who, as it becomes apparent to Harry, is much more than meets the eye.
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About Dusty Rose
Dusty Rose
Member Since 2005 | 1 Story | Favorited by 3 | 2 Reviews Written | 28 Review Responses
Fairly new writer, hoping to gain experience through fanfics to be able to write for actual publication (for profit!!!)
Reviews for The Gypsy
nice - spent the las few evenings reading your story. I appreciated your OC. Keep up your writing.
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
That was really neat. I was hitting the random story link in search of something new and came across your story. I got a real gem this time.
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
I had a really tough time with the change-over from HP/OC to SS/OC. If the beginning had been told more from Tanya's POV rather than Harry's, it would have helped clarify the angle of the story, and would have made it flow easier, I think.Still, interesting tale, and of course, I'm always happy when Severus gets to have some happiness in his life.EM
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Yes, so sorry about that HP/OC-SS/OC switch. I had intended it to be all about HP and Tanya, but as it progressed, I realized the characters weren't all that compatible, so I began to lose my belief. Instead of going back and rewriting the story (which I should probably have done), I just let it continue to unfold.Thanks for reading and reviewing!
Hi, wishing to tell you that I'm reading your story. You've created a great turn of events, congratulations! Corrupted Auror trainees? Of course Malfoy finds out a flaw if he can use money to exploit it. You deserve more reviews but OCs tend not to get the same attention as canon characters even if bent to be unrecognisable. Me for one, I then prefer a new person. You're, however, close to creating a Mary Sue but maybe her exhaustion and some other drawbacks compensate for her power .. and beauty? Gypsis are outcasts in both worlds, that's so tragic, but I think Tanya is right in that the wish for it as well. Face it, out world isn't oo great thateveryone must embrace it. I will be reading on, I promise, but not today.
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Thank you!
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Thank you!
I have never liked Cho. Tanya is too much woman for Harry, seems more like Severus' type. Tamara
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Something she and Snape soon discover for themselves...
This chapter is very good. It had all kinds of emotions in it. Tamara
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Thank you.
Tanya reminds me of Hermione somewhat. Tamara
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Well, they are both carbon-based forms of life, I suppose...
What I don't understand is why more people haven't reveiwed this story. Tamara
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
It's amazing how detailed your story is. I'm enjoying very much. Tamara
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Thank you!
Happy Birthday Harry! sorry you didn't get what you really wanted lol Tamara
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
He got as much as he could handle... hee hee
This story keeps getting more and more intriguing. Tamara
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
I believe this is going to be a very interesting story. Great first chapter Tamara
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Very beutiful story. It has met my expectations in almost every way. The fact that this could have been a book also impressed me. The drama and the suspence between the relationship between Harry, Tanya, and Snape seems to have been the most "encapturing" of the story. Though the ending of the feared wizard Voldemort could have gone better, I believed that the irony of his death being a knife seems off balance. Still Good Story.
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
The story is keeping my interest. Tanya seems too mature and knowing for sixteen, but perhaps it's her gypsy heritage. Would part of her heritage be an inclination to hide her skill, or does she trust everyone at Grim Old Place?There was a crossover story of Buffy and Harry where Xander took out the portrait with a chain saw.
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Her wanting to hide her skills is part of her wish to blend into the background, never having been comfortable with other people's attention. And she will never completely trust everyone...
Okay, you got Harry out of the Dursleys without subjecting him to a lot of misery. That's good. It's a bit dull to me because the characters are acting predictably, but we have to balance this against introducing the new characters and the story line in a clear manner. Molly's reaction to Gypsies was a good touch. My suggestion would be to have Snape make Harry nervous by being nice to Harry.
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Snape's going to be too busy to bother Harry...
I have had this planted firmly on my favorites list for a long time, and I finally got the time to read it fully. Had to go back and re-read a few chapters to remember where I was, but I have finally finnished! And wow, what a story! I can't figure out if Tanya is a Mary-Sue or just a really good original character. The fact that she ends up with Snape supports the MS theory, but all the Gypsy history and its relation to the magical world makes me think Tanya was created to segway Gypsy magic into Harry-Land. If so they kudos to you. I was totally taken in by the new and interesting magical lore Tanya could wield. I also loved that you had her originally involved with Harry. The best stories always have some sort of love interest/antagonist to f#@$ up the works. I was kind of pissed that you didn't go further down that road before clearing the way for Snape. But hey, it all works! Excellent story - I am so glad I finally got the time to read this in its entirety. It must have taken a mammoth effort to get it right! Can't wait for the next story you put out as your writing style is really beautiful. lol
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Thank you,
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
! This story was written before I found a group that has helped me with my writing, but for a first effort, I'm still rather pleased I actually managed to finish it. When I wrote it, I had no concept of what a MS character was. I think I have a pretty good grip on things now, and am learning more all the time.
I have to admit that in the beginning I had such a pervy crush on young Harry, that I had fully intended this story to be a OC/HP pairing, but somewhere along the lines, I discovered Snape, and was completely swept off my feet. Just as well, because I don't normally find myself attracted to anyone younger than 40. Now I feel a little less perverted.
I headed Tanya away from HP, mainly because things had been getting too hot for them, and didn't want to cross any underage sex policy lines. It was going to be difficult enough to rationalize Snape's interest in so young a woman later.
Thank you again for taking the time to read the story, and also for taking the trouble to send a review. It is truly appreciated!
Response from Brizywitch (Reviewer)
I will confess the same dilemma - a pervy crush on boy wonder got me into this fan girl mess, and finding Snape hooked me like cigarettes (very hard to give up). Thanks for your rationalisation - knowing where authors are (brain-space-wise) when they are writing has always interested me. Being able to find, and hold the same wavelength while writing a novel length fic is a mission in itself. I am in awe of anyone who can. I also didn't know who, or what, a MS was for the longest time - then I spotted someone being bitch slapped for it on a Buffy site, and caught on pretty quick. The fact that you made Tanya so believable and flawed, makes up for the fact that she is an AU character. Again, fantastic story - keep up the great writing.
Worthy of J. K. rowling herself!
The characters seemed alive. As an author myself I can say that Dusty Rose has a better grasp of characterization than I do.
Her storyline flowed smooth as silk. No gaps, inconsistancies or errors that I could spot.
All in all this is the best piece of fanfic that I have ever had the pleasure of reading!
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Thank you! You are too kind!
Harry isn't as anxious as I am to see why she wants to see him alone in her room. ;) Excellent, excellent story. I am enthralled with Tanya.
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Thanks! Remember, Harry is just learning about things like romance. In future chapters, you'll see that they're not really all that compatible, because of events which will unfold . . .
notsosaintly's response: I am looking forward to it., even if Harry loses another girl (poor thing). I have my own suspicions (pushes Mrs. Weasley aside) ... I'll just have to wait and see, I guess. (updateupdateupdate *snicker*)
What a great story! Thank you so much!PS I was a little disappointed when the Harry/OC stuff didn't happen.Well, we cant have everything in life....Anyway, whatagreatstory!
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Thank you so much!
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Response from Dusty Rose (Author of The Gypsy)
Thank you so much!