Member Since 2006 | 30 Stories | Favorited by 14 | 6 Reviews Written | 33 Review Responses
I have been a Potter fan from day one but just recently started writing fic for it. I presently have roughly thirty stories completed, at least four of them novel-length, and about eleven (yes, eleven) WIPs. I'm most into the canon pairings of Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione, but if a story is written well enough, I'll check out Harry/Draco, Draco/Hermione and even a threesome with Harry, Draco and Ginny.
Search Works by jmlane57
Current parameters show 30 of 30 stories.
A Godfather's Love (aka The Other Side of the Coin)
by jmlane57
44 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Sirius finds himself inexplicably falling in love with Harry, even in the midst of the latter's romance with Ginny -- a romance he himself encouraged. He wants to tell the boy how he has come to feel, but is understandably apprehensive about doing so. Set in the summer after Harry's seventh year, shortly after Ginny's seventeenth birthday.
39,577 Words, Started 01/25/2007, Completed 04/17/2007
Love's Battle Revisited
by jmlane57
31 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )A married, albeit estranged, Harry and Hermione return to England after ten years in America, unsure of the reception they will receive because of the way they originally left.
55,463 Words, Started 03/24/2007, Completed 05/24/2007
by jmlane57
17 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )Harry returns home to Ginny after the Second Wizarding War carrying a unpleasant secret which will affect not only them but all those around them for a long time to come.
21,025 Words, Started 01/27/2008, Completed 04/20/2008
Double Standard
by jmlane57
15 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )A rebuttal to the story "Why Ginny Weasley Was Still A Virgin When She Married Harry Potter" by 'pettybureaucrat' I found on the Simply Undeniable site. In this story, Ginny is NOT so readily accepting of Harry's cheating on her during the Second Wizarding War upon his return home and lets him -- and the others involved -- know it in no uncertain terms. (I have written the story in such a manner because I firmly believe the original story and the situations therein are very OOC.)
17,822 Words, Started 04/25/2008, Updated 10/03/2009
by jmlane57
14 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Harry Potter, now a 21-year-old Auror, returns home after four years away fighting the forces of Darkness in order to renew friendships and hopefully rekindle his former romance with Ginny Weasley.
92,884 Words, Started 11/04/2006, Completed 02/20/2007
Watching Teddy Grow
by jmlane57
8 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Part of my post-DH series. This one will chronicle Harry's relationship with his godson Teddy Lupin as I see it. Installments will be in four-year increments until Teddy is grown.
11,308 Words, Started 09/06/2008, Completed 08/27/2009
Bittersweet Sixteen
by jmlane57
6 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )The last interlude between our couple, occurring shortly before Dumbledore's death in HBP, the storming of Hogwarts and the fleeing of Snape and Malfoy -- and Harry and Ginny's subsequent breakup, ostensibly for safety reasons. This story is AU, since Ginny's birthday falls several months earlier here than in canon.
2,480 Words, Started 10/12/2006, Completed 10/12/2006
by jmlane57
5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Harry and Ginny marry, yet he dies a year later in Final Battle (they had no chance for a wedding night). Five years go by and Ginny meets a strangely familiar young man very much like Harry in looks and personality and finds herself falling in love with him despite her best efforts. Could this be her lost husband somehow reincarnated? (Harry left her some of his DNA and she bore him two children, fraternal twins -- the original characters mentioned.)
18,511 Words, Started 03/08/2007, Completed 03/08/2007
Letter to Ginny
by jmlane57
5 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Shortly before his departure, Harry writes Ginny a heartfelt, poignant letter pleading with her to forgive him for leaving her, never to forget him, and to pray for his safe return in order that they may have the chance to renew their love. And Harry does return. It just takes ten years for him to do so.
26,966 Words, Started 08/23/2006, Completed 09/02/2006
Technology Junkie
by jmlane57
4 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )A recently married Harry becomes infatuated with all things technical ... and Ginny has to take matters into her own hands after it begins to interfere in their love life.
7,214 Words, Started 04/17/2008, Completed 04/17/2008
Warning--Health Hazards Ahead
by jmlane57
2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Harry comes upon Ginny and Hermione giggling over possible Halloween costumes for the upcoming Halloween ball. He gathers that they intend to ambush him and Ron by choosing the most provocative costumes possible. He decides to warn Ron and the boys plot their revenge. (Somewhat AU, since Ginny works at the Ministry of Magic with the others and Remus and Tonks are alive.)
9,955 Words, Started 10/09/2007, Completed 10/09/2007
by jmlane57
2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Shortly after marrying Ginny, Harry’s guilt over the deaths of his school friends and loved ones comes to a head, including those of his parents. They end up coming to him in his dreams to set him straight. When he awakens, he tells Ginny about it and she agrees with all they said, as do their friends once they learn about it, including Remus, the last remaining Marauder. However, Ginny has a happy surprise for her husband at the end of it all.
4,135 Words, Started 07/25/2007, Completed 07/25/2007
by jmlane57
2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 8 Favorites )Shortly after Draco Malfoy comes on to him, Harry has an erotic dream featuring the two of them which ends up making him unsure of his sexuality despite his love for Ginny. This prompts him to take steps to advance his relationship with her to a sexual level in an attempt to keep both Draco and his desires at bay.
4,036 Words, Started 09/07/2006, Completed 09/07/2006
With You I'm Born Again
by jmlane57
2 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )What happens between the time Harry and company leave the Headmaster's study and Ginny sees him again. Starts where Chapter 36 of DH leaves off. (One of a planned series intended to bridge the gap between Chapter 36 and the Epilogue.)
3,033 Words, Started 08/24/2007, Completed 08/24/2007
by jmlane57
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )A poem written for a lover who is far away.
157 Words, Started 09/27/2006, Completed 09/27/2006
Communications Gap
by jmlane57
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Post-DH fic. Three months before their wedding day and tired of waiting for Harry to make the first move into sexual intimacy, and wanting Harry so much she can taste it, Ginny takes matters--and Harry--into her own hands.
2,083 Words, Started 01/20/2009, Completed 01/20/2009
A Taste of His Own Medicine
by jmlane57
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Ginny experiences heartache and emotional hardship as she deals with Harry's infatuation with Cho Chang and virtually ignoring her for the better part of a year. However, their relationship inexplicably improves considerably near the end of the year. Can the newest (and positive) prediction that the Divination teacher, Sybill Trelawney, gave her regarding herself and Harry be coming true?
13,658 Words, Started 09/09/2006, Completed 09/09/2006
by jmlane57
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Pansy and Draco quarrel, as do Harry and Ginny, both about essentially the same thing, the guys neglecting their girls for their "obsession" with the Dark Arts and Voldemort respectively. Pansy decides to seduce Harry in order to get revenge on Draco for neglecting her. It works--too well--and it takes Hermione and Ron to get the aforementioned romances back on track...with Neville's help.
3,411 Words, Started 09/07/2006, Completed 09/07/2006
No Greater Love
by jmlane57
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )In this version of the Final Battle and its aftermath, Ron sacrifices himself to save Harry, which causes the latter to book himself a heavy guilt trip, as it were. In the end, Ginny and the rest of his adopted family and friends find it necessary to set him straight once and for all, that no one blames him for what happened, that it was Ron's choice, whatever they have to do.
10,290 Words, Started 12/01/2006, Completed 12/01/2006
The Sign
by jmlane57
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Overactive teenage hormones abound when it is learned that 4th to 7th year students deemed the best looking will be chosen to appear in two new calendars, sales of which are designed to raise money for the Hogwarts school: and three guesses which two end up the top vote-getters!
18,148 Words, Started 08/17/2006, Completed 08/17/2006
Light in the Darkness
by jmlane57
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Harry and Ginny quarrel on the eve of his departure with Ron and Hermione to fight
the forces of Darkness because she wants to go with them and he wants her to stay behind, ostensibly for her own safety. Ron manages to convince him of the logic of having as much help as they can which includes Ginny.
1,693 Words, Started 08/13/2006, Completed 08/13/2006
Graduation Day
by jmlane57
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Latest in my series bridging the gap between Chapter 36 of DH and the Epilogue. Here, Harry and company graduate from the school--the last class to do so before it's renovated.
7,595 Words, Started 09/07/2007, Completed 09/07/2007
What A Difference A Day Makes
by jmlane57
1 Rating, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )A 23-year-old Ginny now works as a model at a Wizarding cheesecake magazine and loses her favourite photographer ... but is in for a surprise when she meets the new one, a certain someone she hasn't seen in five years.
7,246 Words, Started 10/26/2007, Completed 10/26/2007