New Chapter for Light in the Darkness
Light in the Darkness
jmlane571 Review | 1 Rating, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )
Harry and Ginny quarrel on the eve of his departure with Ron and Hermione to fight
the forces of Darkness because she wants to go with them and he wants her to stay behind, ostensibly for her own safety. Ron manages to convince him of the logic of having as much help as they can which includes Ginny.
Chapters (1)
About jmlane57
Member Since 2006 | 30 Stories | Favorited by 14 | 6 Reviews Written | 33 Review Responses
I have been a Potter fan from day one but just recently started writing fic for it. I presently have roughly thirty stories completed, at least four of them novel-length, and about eleven (yes, eleven) WIPs. I'm most into the canon pairings of Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione, but if a story is written well enough, I'll check out Harry/Draco, Draco/Hermione and even a threesome with Harry, Draco and Ginny.
Reviews for Light in the Darkness
Wow. Ron is portrayed very different than I normally see him (whiny, irrational), but I love seeing him sane, with a good head on his shoulders. Nice to see that Harry has a friend he can actually talk to and get sound advice from.
I really hesitate to say this (because I don't like to scream "More, more!" at an author), but I think a sequel is in order. You have left me wondering what will happen next ... how the four of them will tackle whatever crosses their path; how they will handle Voldemort as a group; how they will support Harry; how Harry will handle having Ginny at his side in perilous situations. So ... I guess I am screaming "More!" Or rather, "Sequel, sequel!"
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Light in the Darkness)
I haven't decided one way or the other whether or not I'll do a sequel to "Light in the Darkness," mainly because I already did a story like that, the very one which I'm just beginning to send you now. It basically covers just what you're wondering about -- how 'the golden quartet' tackles what crosses their path during their quest, how they handle Voldemort, how they support Harry, and how he handles having Ginny at his side in dangerous situations.
I've never swallowed Ginny so blithely accepting without question Harry's leaving her behind in the sixth book; I feel she's far more in character in this upcoming story, determined to accompany him, no matter what he tries to do or say to divert her ... and in the end, he gives in (albeit reluctantly).