New Chapter for Vendetta
jmlane5725 Reviews | 25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )
Harry declares a vendetta on Draco Malfoy and his lowlife cousin Dudley for joining forces and brutally raping Ginny in order to get revenge on him.
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About jmlane57
Member Since 2006 | 30 Stories | Favorited by 14 | 6 Reviews Written | 33 Review Responses
I have been a Potter fan from day one but just recently started writing fic for it. I presently have roughly thirty stories completed, at least four of them novel-length, and about eleven (yes, eleven) WIPs. I'm most into the canon pairings of Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione, but if a story is written well enough, I'll check out Harry/Draco, Draco/Hermione and even a threesome with Harry, Draco and Ginny.
Reviews for Vendetta
What a fitting and lovely ending! Wonderful job. Sorry I was such a critical reviewer; I'm sure you got tired of seeing my comments after awhile. Anyway, great job!! ~Jen
Okay, so there were a lot of moments in this chapter I liked such as the Harry/Ginny interactions, and a lot of moments I didn't think were very plausible and didn't really do anything for the story like the judge not interrupting once during Harry and Petunia's verbal shout match and the argument in the first place. Overall the chapter wasn't bad, but I thought you'd already established that Harry felt no more connection to his relatives in the last chapter. Good job, nonetheless.~Jen
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
I look at the argument and the judge's not stopping it this way: I put myself in Harry's shoes and considered what I would do in his position. Harry had the chance to tell his nasty relatives just what he thought of them for abusing him all his life -- and the judge sensed this, so she didn't try to stop him. He needed to be able to vent his spleen without fear of punishment, such as starvation or being beaten. She would, of course, have put a stop to it if it got out of hand. In this way he achieved closure once and for all. I don't know what other parts you were unsure of, plausibility-wise; all I can say about them is the fact that that is how the story happened to flow as I wrote it. What matters is that you liked the story overall, whatever your reservations.
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
I look at the argument and the judge's not stopping it this way: I put myself in Harry's shoes and considered what I would do in his position. Harry had the chance to tell his nasty relatives just what he thought of them for abusing him all his life -- and the judge sensed this, so she didn't try to stop him. He needed to be able to vent his spleen without fear of punishment, such as starvation or being beaten. She would, of course, have put a stop to it if it got out of hand. In this way he achieved closure once and for all. I don't know what other parts you were unsure of, plausibility-wise; all I can say about them is the fact that that is how the story happened to flow as I wrote it. What matters is that you liked the story overall, whatever your reservations.
Nice chapter! I think I liked this trial content more than Draco's, not that Draco's was bad. Great job!!~Jen
I didn't really like how Harry's outburst came about in this chapter, but overall it wasn't bad. His outburst was justified, of course, but the wording seemed a bit awkward. Great job though.~Jen
Great chapter! I thought all the testimony was very well-written...good job!~Jen
Great chapter! I loved Ginny's gift...Harry's reaction was great. I liked the part about Hermione doing something similar for Ron idea! Wonderful job!~Jen
I'm glad Ginny was able to take this new development well. I really liked the emotions displayed in this chapter. Great job! ~Jen
Poor Ginny! I hope she won't relapse too badly. I think your writing is getting better, too. I don't feel there's anything missing from these most recent chapter. Keep it up!~Jen
Great chapter!! I especially liked the ending with the different sayings and the deeper meaning of love you wrote about. Wonderful job!~Jen
Aww...another cute, adorable chapter! I really like the chapters you write with all the Harry/Ginny fluff time. Wonderful job!!~Jen
Awww...this was a truly lovely and adorable chapter. So romantic and perfect...terrific job!! I absolutely loved this chapter! Amazing work!~Jen
Good chapter. I still can't quite put my finger on the missing aspect of the writing, but it's still a good plot nonetheless. I think the one thing that truly puzzles me is that in order for rape to be, you know, rape the woman has to report and testify to that fact. So if Ginny thinks Harry assaulted can Harry possibly stand to file charges if she doesn't know that Draco and Dudley actually did it to her? I may be looking way too deeply into this, but I feel it would probably help me feel less confused.~Jen
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
Believe me, rape is rape, whether or not the woman reports and testifies about it--but don't worry, Ginny WILL eventually find out and testify about it. I'm sure I put in something where Harry is advised that she must testify about it in order for there to be a good chance of those responsible being convicted. That and his promise to her to tell her what happened are what mainly what prompts him to finally give her the whole story. He didn't intend to tell her until absolutely necessary in an attempt to spare her any further trauma. As it is, she's going to to go through nightmares, which will require counseling. Also, Harry can stand to file charges because he knows he's not responsible for her rape experience and relishes the idea of going after Draco and his lowlife the end, for himself as well as Ginny.
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
Believe me, rape is rape, whether or not the woman reports and testifies about it--but don't worry, Ginny WILL eventually find out and testify about it. I'm sure I put in something where Harry is advised that she must testify about it in order for there to be a good chance of those responsible being convicted. That and his promise to her to tell her what happened are what mainly what prompts him to finally give her the whole story. He didn't intend to tell her until absolutely necessary in an attempt to spare her any further trauma. As it is, she's going to to go through nightmares, which will require counseling. Also, Harry can stand to file charges because he knows he's not responsible for her rape experience and relishes the idea of going after Draco and his lowlife the end, for himself as well as Ginny.
Sorry I didn't review the last chapter, but I wanted to keep reading. Anyway, I really like this storyline, but there's something just a little off--I don't really know what exactly it is though. I'm a bit confused about Ginny's perception of the whole thing...I mean does she know Draco and Dudley raped her or does she still believe Harry was just a little rough with her? Other than that, it's not bad so far. ~Jen
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
No, Ginny doesn't really know that Draco and Dudley raped her. Draco has blindfolded her, given her some love potion and an hypnotic suggestion that it's Harry doing these things to her. He wants her to think it's Harry assaulting her in an attempt to sabotage the Harry/Ginny relationship...but continue reading and you'll learn how things eventually play out.
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
No, Ginny doesn't really know that Draco and Dudley raped her. Draco has blindfolded her, given her some love potion and an hypnotic suggestion that it's Harry doing these things to her. He wants her to think it's Harry assaulting her in an attempt to sabotage the Harry/Ginny relationship...but continue reading and you'll learn how things eventually play out.
I'm not sure whether they could have realistically discovered who took Ginny that quickly, but I'm glad they did. Great job. Harry's cooling down happened faster than I thought it would when he faced Draco, but otherwise the characters were written well. ~Jen
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
The reason Harry knew who took Ginny so soon was because Neville had witnessed her abduction and came to tell him as fast as he could. I'm sure I mentioned that in the story. Oh, Harry was furious when he realised at had happened, but once he calmed down a bit, he knew it wasn't worth getting in trouble by going after Draco and Dudley as he originally intended to.
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
The reason Harry knew who took Ginny so soon was because Neville had witnessed her abduction and came to tell him as fast as he could. I'm sure I mentioned that in the story. Oh, Harry was furious when he realised at had happened, but once he calmed down a bit, he knew it wasn't worth getting in trouble by going after Draco and Dudley as he originally intended to.
I feel so bad for Ginny, she's going to think Harry's doing everything!! I hope she not too scarred by that later. Can't wait to read on.~Jen
It is one the best written stories on this site, and beyond. I feel satisfaction that Harry has won, and sadness that Ginny had to endure the torture of Draco and Dudley.The plot is twisted and worriedly disturbing. Yet, it is a story you want and need to read right the way through.Many Best wishes for sharing such a wonderful story.
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
Thank you most kindly! (blush) Too many more reviews like this and I'll get a swelled head ... hehe!! But so glad you enjoyed it. Makes an author feel their time was well- spent writing a story to get such praise. Thanx again!!
Mmm... Nice shakespeare quote thrown in there.
I've been trying to follow this story, but it's really hard to envision Ginny as being so absolutely docile. It's completely out of character for her.
I also find it incredibly difficult to accept that Arthur and Molly would allow Ginny and Harry to share a bed in their home when Molly is rather strict with her children. After all, Ginny is still underage. I could imagine Harry and Ginny having a sexual relationship that was hidden, but not one that is so obviously open.
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
It may have seemed docile, but if you read the sequence where Harry and Ginny argue over her needing counseling, you should know that she did not just blithely accept his declaration. He had to all but threaten her with Stunning to get her to agree to it...and even then, it was reluctant.
Also, did you read the entire sequence of events from the time Harry officially renewed his relationship with Ginny that day at Diagon Alley (Chapter 4)? If so, you should know that they are keeping their relationship on the Q.T., have since the day by the pond (Chapter 6).
If Molly’s figured out what’s going on, it’s because of her mother’s intuition, not because the couple is being too open and obvious about it … because they both know how she would react if they were. [Because your reaction was what it was, I can’t help getting the impression that you haven’t.] In addition, at least officially, they have separate bedrooms. Ginny has hers, and Harry is staying in Fred and George’s old room. BTW, Harry is seventeen (Chapter 11) and Ginny will be sixteen not long after that (Chapter 13). Even if they were slightly underage when their intimacy began, things like that can happen in the wizarding world, sooner than in ours, if only slightly.
The only ones who really know of said intimacy are Ginny’s counselor, who’s sworn to secrecy anyway, as are Ron and Hermione. Besides, they are acting responsibly, using contraception and all that, so I don’t think there’s too much to worry about. I see nothing wrong with it as long as that’s the case.
Great beginning. I do wonder why Dudley, whose fear and hatred of wizards, has been pushed to the side. Perhaps the promise of sex is greater than his fer of wizards ... could be. Looks like his second (lower) brain has taken over.
oooohhh. wow. i wonder how dudley is so stupid to not know that Draco is a wizard. lol. poor poor least she gets to think its Harry. so sad, so sad. but keep going! please? *puppy eyes*
It was a very beautiful and heart warming story, of a Lover fighting for his or her beloved.A wonderful piece of writing. Best wishes,
???the story is ok, but it's written a lot different than i'm used to. and you repeat a lot of statements. (you said the part about dudley becoming a serial rapist twice -- once w/harry, ron, and hermione, and once w/harry and ginny. just letting you know.) i expected there to be a bit more action (of the butt-kicking variety), but i do like the story.
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
I intended it to be different, mainly since it's darker than the kind of fics I usually write. As for repeating the thing about Dudley, the first time Harry is telling his friends about it, the second, he's telling Ginny.As you may note, completely different people. If he was telling them all at once, I could understand your objection...but he wasn't.Neither Ron nor Hermione told Ginny anything about what happened to her before this because Harry thought it best...and besides, he'd promised Ginny that he would do it at the proper time--and at this point in the story is that time. They're only with him here because he needs their help and strength to be able to tell Ginny everything she needs to know.As for butt-kicking, Harry may not have been able to do it literally (although he was certainly tempted--but it would likely have landed him in prison and he has better things to do in his life). However, don't worry too much--he's going to get the chance to do plenty of verbal butt-kicking very soon, in both Draco and Dudley's trials!
YAY for Harry! I love it when theres a happy ending. Serves Draco and Dummy right.
Response from togspled (Reviewer)
ok. i misspoke...this isnt a happy ending..yet...but it seems to be leading to one. so im happy.
I find myself a little lost in the beginning ... there seems to be an issue with time frame. I'm assuming Ginny would have been arriving early for the game since she was playing in it. Now, when Neville approaches Harry, it is well into the game. Why didn't Neville find Harry immediately? He certainly knew where to find him.
The other point is that Ron and Hermione are half an hour behind Harry, who no doubt raced at lightning speed to get to Ginny. But I don't feel more than 5 minutes pass in the conversation between Harry and Draco.
Also, I don't quite understand why Harry didn't force his way into the room to save Ginny when Draco told him that his cousin "is in there right now, taking his pleasure with her." Instead he uncharacteristically waits. And then Ron and Hermione arrive and they all un-Gryffindorishly demand that Draco "hand her over" and ... just wait.
Of course, none of this affects my desire to read more of this story. I just wanted to point out a few things that my mind was questioning.
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
Harry's wondering where Ginny is, naturally, but is fully expecting her to show up any minute with an explanation. Also, Neville didn't tell Harry immediately because he was witnessing the abduction and wanted to make sure to get all the details of same so Harry would know what to do to rescue her after he told him. Then after Draco and Dudley left with her, it took him a few minutes to get to the Quidditch pitch to tell Harry what had happened, which would also take some time.
It also took Neville a few minutes to tell Hermione and Ron what he had told Harry, then a few minutes for them to fetch their own brooms and take off after Harry, so as I said, they were indeed just a half hour behind him.
Harry was quite upset, and if he had forced his way in and hexed Dudley as he wanted to, that hex might have hit Ginny too, and she was being hurt enough as it was.
Besides, Draco had already assaulted her, so what would have been the point to Harry's forcing his way in? As he told his friends, the damage had already been done, no matter what they did. That was the main reason none of them just burst in--not that they didn't want to!
Hope this clears up at least some of your questions--and even so, I'm glad you like the story in spite of them.
I've been meaning to read this, as I keep seeing it on the update list, and now that I have I'm quite curious as to what's going to happen next. I found some of this hard to follow because of the way the story is told. Sometimes it seems like it's from Draco's point of view, others at Dudley's, and then most of the time it feels like an unseen narrator is telling us the story from his point of view. Many times I was confused as to who "he" was, having to stop and backtrack or skip forward to know if it was Draco or Dudley.The plot is different than any I've read, so I'm going to carry on. See you when I'm able to review the next chapter. Cheers.
Response from jmlane57 (Author of Vendetta)
Didn't mean to make it difficult to follow; it was just the way the story happened to come out as I wrote it. But even at that, what matters is that you were intrigued enough to want to read it. There are seven chapters up now, one of which is rather ... racy, if you get my drift ... although I hope you review at least one of these at your earliest convenience.