New Chapter for What A Difference A Day Makes
What A Difference A Day Makes
jmlane571 Review | 1 Rating, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )
A 23-year-old Ginny now works as a model at a Wizarding cheesecake magazine and loses her favourite photographer ... but is in for a surprise when she meets the new one, a certain someone she hasn't seen in five years.
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About jmlane57
Member Since 2006 | 30 Stories | Favorited by 14 | 6 Reviews Written | 33 Review Responses
I have been a Potter fan from day one but just recently started writing fic for it. I presently have roughly thirty stories completed, at least four of them novel-length, and about eleven (yes, eleven) WIPs. I'm most into the canon pairings of Harry/Ginny and Ron/Hermione, but if a story is written well enough, I'll check out Harry/Draco, Draco/Hermione and evenĀ a threesome with Harry, Draco and Ginny.
Reviews for What A Difference A Day Makes
I can not believe , that three people marked this story as their Favorite, and not one of them could be bothered to leave a review. Having gotten that off my chest, after all the misunderstandings, and crossed wires, they are together and can now live happily ever after{ hopefully } .