New Chapter for Choices
PlaidPooka12 Reviews | 12 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )
Sometimes we control our choices, sometimes they control us.
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for Choices
Poor Percy, and poor Molly too.
How lovely to see Percy's inner turmoil, rather than him simply announcing his presence, like he did in DH. Thanks for reminding us that he is a human, and a Weasley, and is much more than a two-dimensional prat. Very well done, especially the ambiguous ending.
Okay, Pook, I was kind of ambivalent about this at first. After all, Percy is a prat and he doesn't deserve the wonderful family he has. And then you went and showed us the clock and I got this big lump in my throat. NO FAIR!! You made me go and feel sorry for the idjit boy. You went right for the jugular. Very well done!
I loved the last paragraph especially--you really make me feel for Percy and Molly both.
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Choices)
That was a hard one to write, but I have a love/hate thing going with Percy, so I just had to do it. i often planned to do a second chapter, but I knew that I'd kill Percy if i did, and I just didn't have the heart! Thanks Harmony! :)
Damn you, Pook! It's not fair! Percy's a prat!! No one;s alowed to feel sympathy for him!!!!!-sniff-
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Choices)
But I do! I do feel sorry for him, even though he's the biggest prat ever! Thanks! :)
So very sad, but wonderfully written! Even the world's biggest git doesn't deserve this!
Interesting look at Percy. Your story makes me feel Great sympathy for him, which is something the books never managed. Nice job examining this often overlooked character.
Wow this is poetic. I never thought about it this way. Truely beautiful writting. Tamara
This was a very touching, very moving, highly insightful piece which shows what very like WAS going through Percy's mind during that time. Well done.
That is sad. I realize that not a lot is really said about Percy other than his love for rules and wanting to be respected. Typical middly child issues. While I think Canon Percy might be lost I wonder if he misses his mother too
Response from PlaidPooka (Author of Choices)
Hmm... I wonder if that is why I sympathise with Percy. I've got some of those "middle child" issues myself! I don't like, Percy, really, but he does break my heart. Stupid prat! he should go see his mother!
That was wonderful. I truly felt for Percy and the way that he wants to go home but can't bring himself to face his mother. While he is a prat, and quite annoying there is something about him that makes him stand out. The Weasley family seems kind of straight forward and then there's Percy who doesn't really seem to fit.