New Chapter for His Draught of Delicate Poison
His Draught of Delicate Poison
Subversa225 Reviews | 225 Ratings, 0 Likes, 317 Favorites )
Winner in Round Six of the Multifaceted Awards in the categories Endurance and Rapture. In the wake of the Final Battle, the Order has opened Headquarters to house its youngest members during a summer of Ministry-sponsored social events. With Snape as a chaperone, and engaged to another woman, the advent of a busy Hermione, determined to see her friends in love-matches, can only be a recipe for disaster.
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About Subversa
Member Since 2005 | 33 Stories | Favorited by 1,367 | 226 Reviews Written | 1,394 Review Responses
Reviews for His Draught of Delicate Poison
Every once in a while I read this most wonderful tale, mostly only my favourite chapters. But this time I've read it againg from the very beginning till the very happy end, and I've been immensely enjoying this retale of the 'Grand Sophy' - I'd like to point out (again) that you did a fantastic job, giving it your very personal style. My heartfelt thanks (again).
I loved this chapter, and I hope your Slytherin is okay. Xx
The zoo was too stressful. I knew something bad was going to happen. I felt like Sophronia when they went home. I would think that Minerva would recommend flewing Poppy Pomfrey and Albus Dumbledore immediately, while they wait for Severus. I'm sure that by now the ransom note should have been owled to him. Wait until Severus connects Sirius with being inadvertently at fault because he gave the child money to buy her own drinks and candy. I suppose this could be a ruse and Stormy has something else wrong with her. Fluer left with a headache. Severus Snape will F them up over this. Let there be no doubt about it. Hey, hasn't Lucius known they were after Severus since the night of the ball? And he didn't warn him? I think I remember them coming to the Malfoy's house when he had much to do for the ball.
It's taking a scary and dark turn. Who will they try to kill? Will this be the thing that drives him to Hermione somehow? Will he be able to get Fluer to break it off with him?
Severus will be difficult when it comes to having Sirius as the stepfather of his sisters. Does Sophronia need his permission to marry Sirius? I certainly hope not! Once he breaks things off with Fluer and becomes engaged to Hermione, she should be able to help be somewhat sensible about it.
I can't imagine Sirius living in the Snape ancestral home. Sophronia will hopefully live at Grimwald Place, make it a beautiful home and fill it with light. I just can't imagine things the other way around when holidays come around and Severus goes home! Wow! Severus will have two Weasleys, Bill and Ron, and Sirius Black as family members! Christmas is going to suck! Poor Severus. I really hope that Sirius will be an adult and not tease Severus about it.
I don't think he would actually disapprove of Bill and I don't think it's the Weaselys he has a problem with, just Ron. I know Severus would not be pleased to have his sister marry Ron, but other than that, what is the difference between Ginny becoming engaged to Harry and Ron becoming engaged to Shadow? Isn't the age difference the same? I guess not. But I think her mother will come around.
Why is Hermione continuing to keep Remus from courting Tonks again? What is she waiting for Tonks to do?
I'm hoping that perhaps Severus is away having a new engagement contract written up.
I knew we needed to add another male to the mix. Bill Weasley is the best! Good choice.
I was rooting for Lucius initially, but now I'm not. Who would imagine Shophronia with Sirius? That will infuriate Severus to have Sirius Black as the stepfather of his sisters.
I hope Lucius has warned Severus that the death eaters are looking for him. He may not be the ideal husband, but he is one of Severus' best friends.
Val is in for trouble. Who will kill him, Severus or Draco? I can see that Severus is losing his enchantment with Fluer, but she still seems intent on him. Maybe she'll break it off after he hexes her brother 7 ways till Sunday.
I understand the dress, but other than infuriating Severus Snape at every turn, how does Hermione intend to get him to offer for her?
It's a wonder more fights haven't occurred over jealous young men and women. If Harry is engaged to Ginny, is he allowed to wait until she is of age to be married? And the same for Ron? It is normal for young women to marry men a year or two older than they are because boys mature more slowly.
Those girls will make Severus Snape a better person than he already is. They will love him like their second father. How odd it must feel for him to be so adored just for being himself. They don't know that he's the scary bat of the dungeons.
Fluer has miscalculated in her suggestion that they be sent to muggle school. She will earn his dislike more and more with her harshness toward his adoring sisters that now depend on him so and are earning a soft place in his heart. His honor will make him take the responsibility to fill in where their father left quite off seriously it appears. That dear little lass will see to that.
I do think Lucius and Sophronia will make a lovely match. Does Lucius know his son has trust issues with him, I wonder. Does Sophronia trust him? Why in the world would Fluer disapprove of Lucius throwing a ball? She is such a spoil sport! I believe she was mistaken too, if she thinks Severus will allow her to dominate and intimidate his stepmother, even if she will be the Lady of the Estuary with Severus inheriting. Though I doubt that's going to happen. Severus see's his stepmother as one of his charges and he takes his responsibility to protect them seriously. The more Flegm acts out toward his family while in his presence, she just nails another nail in the coffin.
My guess at this point is that Hermione and Viktor are in cahoots and are working on Remus and Severus together with Victor's attention to Tonks.
The more we see of Flegm, the more we dislike her. Maybe she will be the one who ends up having a partner assigned to her because no one wants her once they get to know her, Veela or not.
Now, if Ginny gets Harry, what will happen to Skye or visa versa? There needs to be one more eligible bachelor added to this group so that Ginny and Skye are both happy in the end. Is Viktor that person? At first I thought he might be for Fluer, but they show no interest in one another. Hmmmmm...
I can't blame Fluer for being happy to haven bagged Severus Snape. I am surprised that she allows her brother to be such a disgusting smagmite toward Severus' sister. I do wish he would try it in front of Severus!!! Mwaaahhaahaaa! That would cause a nice row between him and Flegm. I wish Skye would tell him of Vals inappropriate behavior, but I know she is trying to stay under Severus' radar to avoid a confrontation regarding Harry.
I see that not only does Fluer seem to notice her fiance's distraction with Hermione, and so does his best friend Lucius. Obviously, they are not of the same mind on the matter however, and Lucius has many more years as a Slytherin than Fluer, who has not had proper Slytherin training in that French school.
I wonder if Hermione has plans to try to hook Fluer up with Viktor. He may not be a war hero, but he is a Quiddich celebrity. And he may not have old money like Severus in this story, but I'm sure he has plenty of new money. They have much in common as Tri Wizard Tournament participants. It wasn't his fault he tried to kill her. He wasn't in his right mind. I do hope Fluer will decide he'd a better match than Severus. Although, if Hermione cares for Viktor as a friend and despises Fluer, would she want him to be burdened with her?
Hermione has no idea she is going to find herself trapped in her own web when she frees Severus of his current fiance and finds herself considering Severus her perfect match. ...Or, perhaps that's actually part of her plan.
Now, regarding Sirius Black in the last chapter, did he actually ask Tonks to marry him?? If he did, he's a poxy knob headed pig's arse. (It's harder to find filthy epithets for men than for women I just realized.) I'm sure Hermione will let Remus know that he needs to pursue Tonks more ardently if he wants to get the girl. Tonks needs to feel desired, like any of us.
Some of this needed to be said after the last chapter, but my 2 Crumb Crunching grandsons kept interrupting my attempts to leave a review. They are delightful, so I didn't mind too much.
I'm all teary-eyed and sniffly now. I must find tissues... I want to comfort all of them, except Fleur, of course. What a lovely fic you've written. Hermione, that schemer.
I've really enjoyed your story so far. I was going to wait until the end to thank you but the author's note for this chapter cracked me up. Miss Piggy is my hero, but the idea of her as Fleur marrying Snape will keep me giggling all week.
Thank you!
Reread--it's been a while...
loved it again...
there are no words subversa- words are overrated
healer howser and victor would be GREAT together
but only if healer howser woke up one morning and found he had a preference for males too
I kind of feel for fleur though- i mean yes she is high maintenance and proper and an air head but i hope she gets a good ending too BUT in no way am I saying she should be with snape HELL NO- snape is hermione's
I dont think she is an out and out vindictive cruel person- she is a pampered princess used to getting her way BUT yes a little humility could help her-
I hope percy and her get it together- I mean already we saw percy comparing hermione and fleur together in this chapter....hmmmm
another epic chapter
wow - this chapter alone trounces any novel length snape/hermione fic I have EVER read
and the image evoked will stay with me for a long time
what an amazing chapterright from the beggining of the story I wondered how hermione liking snape came about I mean there was no backstory so I was overjoyed at this segment of the storygreat stuff
Response from Subversa (Author of His Draught of Delicate Poison)
Chapters 14 through 16 hold a very special place in my heart. I'm enjoying your "trip" through it.
snape shows so much restraint when a naked gorgeous veela wants him- what other man could show such restraint-
omg if things progress will sirius black actually become snape's family LOL the irony
you lie subversa!!! u really are JKR in disguise - the detail that goes into your fanfics and the way your characters come to life is remarkable- If ever JKR was to read HP fanfic in the future it would have to be yours 100% - Although I do wonder what she would think of a snape/hermione ship
i am in love with this story and snape jibing at poor remus
interesting u have him engaged to fleur- I have scoured the net for a fleur/snape fanfiction- heck even a fanfic where they are friends or there is some interaction between them- i look forward to seeing how the fleur/snape/hermione triangle unfolds-
I have been so riveted to this story my eating pattern for the day has been disturbed-but I dont remember ever consuming this many cups of tea while reading a fanfic either
Can't wait to see what the arrival of Hermione will do :) Another excellent chapter I must say and I love the banter between Remus and Severus. I think you totally captured their relationship :)