New Chapter for Dark Roast
Dark Roast
lady_rhian109 Reviews | 109 Ratings, 0 Likes, 104 Favorites )
Runner Up, Best Het Fic, Multifaceted Awards Round Six. The war is over, and Hermione continues the final phases of her research on the English Coast. Her research causes an unexpected twist, which requires the assistance of a certain jaded war hero whose memory has haunted her ...
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About lady_rhian
Member Since 2006 | 37 Stories | Favorited by 238 | 216 Reviews Written | 1,498 Review Responses
The Tenant of Lyonesse Hall is on a temporary hiatus. Look for an update in winter 2012!
Reviews for Dark Roast
Loved it. Thank you!
Perfection. :)
Awwwww ... it is about damn time! Thank goodness she spoke up because God knows he was never going to.
Oh, good plan, Tonks. The girls can get naked, and when the guys find them, they can say that sitting around in their underwear is a common activity for them and clearly Hermione bought the new lingerie as not to be outdone by Tonks on their next girls night. Yes, ladies, go with that story, LOL.
Oh, sparks are going to fly. Good ones, bad ones, or otherwise is anyone's guess.
Well, there had to be a misunderstanding, didn't there? Why does he have to be so damn careful where his emotions are concerned? He could at least ask her about it before jumping to conclusions. Of course, I don't think men understand that women don't wear the stuff just for their sake. Or that Ginny is a bad (good?) influence on his woman. Sigh ...
Oh, yes, sexy lingerie will make her feel much better about herself. No one else need see it. Of course, she and I would both love it if someone would. Let's hope that is coming soon. Having said that, I always love a long buildup to a relationship. It makes it all the more worth it in the end. And Ginny and her wild,vibrating lingerie ... Harry has his hands full, LOL. Not that I suspect he is complaining. ;)
I love your interactions between Severus and Minvera, too. Is there anyone you don't write well? I especially enjoyed how he rebuffed her idea of him as romantic, and then we end the chapter with him head over heels. I can't wait to move on!
I think it's pretty sad we're at the end and have only had a tiny scene of interaction between the 2 so-called main characters and the second to last chapter toward the epilogue is spent with them getting drunk about it. That is about the most stupid misunderstanding to come between a couple that has been separated for over a year!
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Thank you for reading and reviewing.
I can't believe I overlooked your "ending" until now. I really loved this story. The ending was perfect!
Write On!
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Thank you, dear! I'm so glad you enjoyed the ending to DR - that makes me very happy. :-)
I love this end, it really is perfect!
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Thank you so much, m'dear. Your reviews never fail to bring a smile to my face - I love, love, love that you always take the time to tack on a little something after reading a chapter. And I'm very glad you enjoyed it. :)
I liked this a lot! I am really glad that you decided to tack this on to the end. I really think that it ties things up nicely. Well conceived and well written. Good job!
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Thank you so much, darling! As you're someone who's been with the story since its conception and initial "publication" *grin* at, I am very grateful for your opinion. I am so pleased you liked it.
*applause*!! Frickin' applause!!!! He's so snarky in his self-examination! ;o)
However.... don't you think you should actually write the wedding now??? Y'know... to even things out?? *poke,poke*
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Oh, thank you, sweetheart! You really are a love. *bows to applause* *glomps you madly*Umm... I actually suggested a Wedding challenge to Drox for the gs100... because I think that might kick me in the butt... but what are all my reviewers going to think, if I'm over here constantly adding "ending scenes"?
Response from HogwartsHoney (Reviewer)
but what are all my reviewers going to think, if I'm over here constantly adding "ending scenes"?
Uh, they'll probably go "YAY! More to read!" :)
Hi! I really enjoyed this story. Every time you mentioned the wonderful dark roast I laughed out loud! Great tension between Snape and Hermione, and I like your evolutionary version of all the HP cast a few years in the future.
Can't wait to read more of your stories, and I look forward to the Epilogue!
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Thank you so much! I'm so pleased you enjoy the story - such a compliment. Best wishes. :)
Wow, I loved it and hope that you write the epilogue soon!! :)
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Thank you!
I thought there would be considerably more work before the epilogue, like them researching her potion for Cruciatus, and his work on kycanthropy. Ah well, I guess you cant have everything!
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Now I knew that he was going to have Severus as a friend. Sounds like there may be trouble for Hermione coming up. Great story so far!
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Thank you! Yes, it's rather obvious who Archie's contact is, but no matter. It's fun anyway! :) Glad you're enjoying it.
Well that certainly gave Hermione something to think about.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Most definitely! :)
Nice chapter.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Thank you. :) It's one of my favorites.
Dang that was short. Where's she going?
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Yes, it's an interlude chapter.BTW, thank you so much for all of your reviews. They are very appreciated, and it's fun to see how people react to the story as they read through it.
Poor Severus.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Yes, he's made his own bed, hasn't he? But we still feel sorry for him. :)
That story was amazingg.AHHH you need to write more on it, it was so good. =]
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
I'm so pleased that you liked it. :) DR definitely has a special place in my heart. I am currently (slowly!) working on another SS/HG story for an Exchange on LiveJournal, so you can expect to see that up sometime at the end of December. In the meantime, I have quite a few drabble series' and one-shots posted here on TPP and Sycophant Hex, mostly written for the grangersnape100 LJ community. Happy reading, and best wishes!
And the plot thickens, so nicely.
Response from lady_rhian (Author of Dark Roast)
Thank you, dear. :)