New Chapter for Raven
gersknightlady969 Reviews | 969 Ratings, 0 Likes, 308 Favorites )
Having fled the Wizarding World Hermione comes face to face with her past.
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About gersknightlady
Member Since 2008 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 343 | 915 Reviews Written | 3,004 Review Responses
Age 59, I have been a Severus and Alan Rickman fan for a couple years. I post SS/HG stories.
I went to NY last week to see Seminar (Jan 4, 20012) It was wonderful.
Shades of Severus in his character and his house. I was priviledge to see Alan up close an personal after the play.
Reviews for Raven
Well, we just have to see. I don't think you would take us this far and not fix it. It was kind of expected and we prepared ourselves for the possibility, but we know that Raven was part of Severus. Raven was Severus without baggage. He won't be able to resisit true love. He isn't evil and he will want to be loved. The only question is how long will it take.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
LOL your right I wouldn't... He is and was Severus and Raven and they are part of the same man. He will have to work his way through it all. We can only hope he will allow it.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
LOL your right I wouldn't... He is and was Severus and Raven and they are part of the same man. He will have to work his way through it all. We can only hope he will allow it.
I didn't think Raven would be doing the brewing. That's what Hermione was there for. Maybe he could have prepared ingredients in another room but only have Hermione add them and do the actual brewing. He could have made a shield against the fumes. How can he help her brew if he forgets the things he learned at Hogwarts as a student at the very least? She should not allow him to do anymore of the brewing. Maybe if he stays away from the fumes he will stop regressing, or maybe it doesn't matter now.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Nope it doesn matter it's all partof the process. Being trapped in the cave makes exposure to the fumes inevitable. Well I might have thought of all that maybe it would have been different but the truth is I didn't sooo...thanks for the review.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Nope it doesn matter it's all partof the process. Being trapped in the cave makes exposure to the fumes inevitable. Well I might have thought of all that maybe it would have been different but the truth is I didn't sooo...thanks for the review.
I don't think I would be comfortable enough in that environment to get naked and make love right in the room where all those dark objects are. I would have kept my close mostly on and stuck to doing it without touching anything that belonged to Voldemort. I don't think I could sleep much or well as long as I was in there either. I can't really imagine sleeping in Voldemort's bed. I'd be too creeped out about what he may have done in it. I hope they scorgified it, first. I'm thinking about the potion. If he helps her in any part of of the brewing process such as gathering ingrediants and preparing them, will he be considered one of the brewers? How can they protect him from the fumes?
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Well the romance must go on and one doesn't always think things out when in the throes of passion (not sure the spelling on that one LOL). I would imagine they would clean it before falling into it. It's been dusty and damp in there for a long time. Can he be protected..... it's the curse.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Well the romance must go on and one doesn't always think things out when in the throes of passion (not sure the spelling on that one LOL). I would imagine they would clean it before falling into it. It's been dusty and damp in there for a long time. Can he be protected..... it's the curse.
Very excellent adventure!!! I don't think I could make up enough clever things to write a story like this.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you :) Me I'm kind of an Indiana Jones fan. Fantasic adventures I like.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you :) Me I'm kind of an Indiana Jones fan. Fantasic adventures I like.
Wow! That was amazing!! It was all quite a thrill.
...only, I couldn't help but think anyone who knows as much as Hermione should know not to close the door behind them when entering a wardrobe and not to be a "fool of a Took" and drop pebbles down a well if one doesn't know where it leads when traversing dangerous caves full of unseen enemies.
Uggg!!!! I am as afraid of spiders as Ron is! That would be my undoing. I hate spiders! Just thinking about them is giving me chills and making my throat tight.
Bless Raven! That was so brave to kill the vampire like he did.
They were both very brave.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Wow this story is moving a lot faster than I remember it did.I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was a weak chapter I think. And I cringe thinking aboutt he dragon. I hate that part really. My brother in law hates spriders too. If has toruble breahting if a big one startles him.Thank for letting me know how much you enjoyed the chapter.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Wow this story is moving a lot faster than I remember it did.I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was a weak chapter I think. And I cringe thinking aboutt he dragon. I hate that part really. My brother in law hates spriders too. If has toruble breahting if a big one startles him.Thank for letting me know how much you enjoyed the chapter.
Very exciting chapter!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you. It was a surprise to me as well LOL. Sometimes I don't even know what's gona happen next .
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you. It was a surprise to me as well LOL. Sometimes I don't even know what's gona happen next .
Good chapter. I'm assuming the death eaters don't wear their masks all the time and only put them on because they were aware of Hermione and Severus. A part of me really wishes she would have crusio-ed them. Why should she feel bad about it? The only thing wrong is it is breaking the law. So punish them without casting an unforgivable. Sending them to be tortured in prison is the same, just less personally messy. What ever brutality they face there will be considered justice. It's like eating hamburgers but hating the people who slaughter the cows. A little "wild west" justice wouldn't go amiss here. It's not like there is any question regarding thier guilt. We say we hope this or that horrible person suffers for thier crimes, but pretend that as long as someone else meets out that suffering we are OK. Who decideds who has the authority to administer punishment on earth, and why shouldn't those people feel guilty for thier part in it? Just asking the questions. Hate distroys the hater, but so does misplaced guilt distroy the deluded. We don't hold Severus guilty for what he had to do to destroy Voldemort, yet what about the witches and wizards that are glad about what he did even though he had to hurt innocent people to accomplish it? Should they feel guilty? All of that is to say, she still hates them. So what not get the satisfaction of seeing to thier punishment personally? I don't think she would have been doing anything wrong in a secular world. Maybe she wouldn't have been satisfied afterwards but I think she should feel she served justice. I guess she can feel peace in the fact that those who administer ther punishment are OK because they are emotionally detached from what they are doing because it wasn't thier parents.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
I'm not sure what this chapter was about. I don't have time to go check. A good person might feel guilt for what they do even if its the right thing. Good people don;t want to hurt anyone no matter how bad they are.... well they shouldn't.I see you had your reservations about what happened. Thanks for the review and all your thoughts on the chapter.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
I'm not sure what this chapter was about. I don't have time to go check. A good person might feel guilt for what they do even if its the right thing. Good people don;t want to hurt anyone no matter how bad they are.... well they shouldn't.I see you had your reservations about what happened. Thanks for the review and all your thoughts on the chapter.
Another great and exciting chapter! For all of my protestations regarding Raven finding his Snape self, it does make for a great story and an exciting quest. My favorite is the romance, of course. Great job!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you :) You know these stories have to have their good parts and the hard part's to make them exciting.I'm glad you are enjoying the romance. It's another of the main reasons I write.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you :) You know these stories have to have their good parts and the hard part's to make them exciting.I'm glad you are enjoying the romance. It's another of the main reasons I write.
That was wonderful!!!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you !!!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you !!!
The bead necklace is a really great idea. The memories are very interesting and helpful in telling Snape's story. Did he really kill his dad or was he just speaking figuratively or using hyperbole? You already know my thoughts regarding Raven becoming Snape again just for Harry. I'm sure there are pros and cons to him becoming Severus Snape again, but I don't feel like anyone is giving the cons enough weight in their thoughts on the matter. They are all clouded with bias. Even though they all tell him it's his choice, none of them has kept themselves from keenly expressing their own wishes. How can he escape seeing that his real value to others is his ability to help Harry Potter. "It's your choice, but we all really love you for helping Harry and really hope you make the right choice to embrace the monster for him; but it's totally up to you. By the way, we just want to let you know that if you choose what we want you to do, you will have all of the support we can possibly provide." No one has said, "but if you choose to remain Raven and leave that hellish life behind, we will do everything in our power to help you regain your ability to live happlily and well as a the wizard you are now." It's more like they've implied,"but if you choose to not to go back to the hateful life you use to have we understand, except you will be barely more than a squib, but don't let us pressure you or anything."
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
I'm glad you are enjoying Snapes stories. Yes, Iknow how you feel but Raven is only a part of Snape. I don;t see Severus as a monster, He's a damaged man yes, A man asked to do many things he didn't want to but an honorable man who did them anyway. That's a deep part of who severus Snape is. Severus is a man who can love deeply and give so much in the name fo that love. He would walk into hell for that love. Maybe he loves Hermione enought to walk into the unknown so that she can have her friend back.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
I'm glad you are enjoying Snapes stories. Yes, Iknow how you feel but Raven is only a part of Snape. I don;t see Severus as a monster, He's a damaged man yes, A man asked to do many things he didn't want to but an honorable man who did them anyway. That's a deep part of who severus Snape is. Severus is a man who can love deeply and give so much in the name fo that love. He would walk into hell for that love. Maybe he loves Hermione enought to walk into the unknown so that she can have her friend back.
This story tarted off SOOO good. The adventure was wonderful and the story line was interesting. Somewhere around chapter 44-45, things unfortunitely went downhill. Everything became trite and predicable. I'm sorry if this hurts, that isn't my intention. I just thought that it might be constructive criticism for your next piece.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
I'm glad you like the beginning. My stories always have sappy endings. I wont chnage that, I write them for my own pleasure and hope others like them too. Lifes like that when people are happy. Yes, it did hurt.
BLOODY GREAT STORY!!!!!!!Haha! That scene at the previous chapter about Severus being back in professor mode for a while put me in fits of laughter. :D
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
LOL I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. I hope you will continue to follow my other stories.Thanks for the review.
I can't believe I just heard of this story today! It's great! Haha. I even found that I like reading it while listening to Jason Castro's Let's Just Fall in Love Again :D
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
How did you hear about it? I'm so glad you founhd Raven. It was a huge amount of work ad took a good 9 or more month to poast. I loved writing it. Did you see it has a short sequal? A one shot. I will have to look up that song. Thank you so much for your review.
Response from ArtemisDecibal (Reviewer)
I learned about your story because I was checking my friends page on my livejournal account and at a post of the hgss_digest I saw the title of A Ghost of A Chance and it says that it had an update. Result was I read it and loved it then decided to check out the other stories of the author. You have great ideas really!
AWW. I just loved this story. I am such a cornball and totally love happy endings.WELL DONE!!!!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Me too, Thanks so much!!!! I'm glad you found the story and then let me know what you thought. Read the little one shot of Raven continued.
Loved it! Thanks
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you so much for letting me know you liked it. :)
This was an incredible story. I am sorry to see it end. I look forward to any and all sequels. I kept expecting the story to become cliche, but it never did. The level of originality and the quality of the writing and then pictures too was remarkable. THANK YOU!!!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Well thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed it to the end. You really gave me high praise and I'm humbled. I so glad you enjoyed the pictures. I had such fun making them. I worked hard on them. Maybe you will enjoy the next story as well, it will be called A Ghost of a Chance.I also have From death to Life Again on TPP.I so appreciate you letting me know you enjoyed the story. THANK YOU! :)
I love this story and I thank you for writing it and allowing me to help with fixing the borders around the manips...I had such fun!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Your very welcome and thanks for all your support and fine frames, they really set the pictures off.
Thank you for a wonderful ending to a wonderful story. I am more than a little impressed by the pictures in this chapter, they were brilliant!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Your very welcome. Thank you for your comment about the pictures, I worked very hard on them and Becky framed them for me.There will be three more with the Raven : Five Years in the Future in the Queue now.Thank you for all your kind comments through out the story.The next story is Called A Ghost of a Chance it's after the War and Severus finds himself concious only when a certain witch thinks of him. :) Its a bit more on the adult side.
I'm sorry to see the story end, but it was nicely done! Can't wait to read your "epilogue" piece. ;)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you for the nice comments. I have appreciated your reviews. The new piece went into the Queues last night, maybe it will be up in a week or two.
I loved this story from the very beginning. I am sad to see it at an end. Wonderful work.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you so much, I'm sad too :) Your words are evry kind I appreciate the review. Look for the one-shot story of Raven Five years in the Future in a couple weeks.
Congratulations on finishing this. It was nice to see Severus like himself more.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked how I wrote Severus. He's such a wonderful deep character.Thank you for all your reviews they are very much appreciated.Check out Raven: Five Years in the Future a short story, coming soon.
Wonderful ending. I have really enjoyed this story, thank you for sharing it. I can't wait to read the "five years" in the future piece.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, your very welcome, I love writting it. The Five years in the Future piece was loaded into the Queue tonight.Thank you for your reviews.
Congratulations, Jeannie! This is a splendid closing chapter to a wonderful story that I have enjoyed from beginning to end.I love the honeymoon Severus arranged for them in the lair. It's such a beautiful place now, and Grendel seems very pleased with it himself. After everything they have been through, now they have the love and marriage they both wanted and deserved.I'll be sure to keep an eye open for the "five years in the future" one-shot when it's posted! I hope we see some little Snapes, too. Again, thanks for sharing such an imaginative story!Hugs, Beth
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Beth, thank you for all your amazing well thought out reviews. You dissected the story in ways I never even thought of as I wrote it and you were right. :)I'm glad you enjoyed the honeymoon, The one shot was loaded into the Queue tonight. So within a couple weeks it should be posted (the Queue is very full right now).I hope you enjoyed the pictures, I really worked hard on them. I have three new ones for the Future story.Thank you again for your many kind comments.hugs, Jeannie
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Oh, heads up I will be posting A Ghost of A Chance next. I'm already writing Ch: 37 now.
Great job!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, Thanks for the review.Check out Raven: Five Years in the Future a short story, coming soon.
Lovely chapter! I wished I had a honeymoon like that..oh wait I didn't have one! :( I've enjoyed this story so much and I love the pictures.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm with you, but I never got married. Thank you for your reviews. I'm so glad you liked the pictures. I worked hard on them.Check out Raven: Five Years in the Future a short story, coming soon.