New Chapter for Raven
gersknightlady969 Reviews | 969 Ratings, 0 Likes, 308 Favorites )
Having fled the Wizarding World Hermione comes face to face with her past.
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About gersknightlady
Member Since 2008 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 343 | 915 Reviews Written | 3,004 Review Responses
Age 59, I have been a Severus and Alan Rickman fan for a couple years. I post SS/HG stories.
I went to NY last week to see Seminar (Jan 4, 20012) It was wonderful.
Shades of Severus in his character and his house. I was priviledge to see Alan up close an personal after the play.
Reviews for Raven
Wonderful, wonderful update, I think I will have stars in my eyes for the rest of the day due to this chapter.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, If you liked this one you might be over the moon with whats coming :)
Ooh, this is lovely -- Severus throwing her a surprise engagement party. I love the ring with a ruby as the "potion" and raven's wings; that's a fabulous idea that Severus (and you) had. Thanks for the party!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the ring description, my sister helped me a bit with that. Lots of fun to come.
Nice party! I'm glad he decided not to be prickly when she calls him Raven.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
What a nice surpirse to have an engagement party on the spot! Also good to see him not taking the offensive over being called either Raven or Severus and stating that he likes her nickname for him. Nicely done!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm glad you liked that. It is important to severus that Hermione knows he too is Raven now, but still Severus. We have much more fun to go through.
Yay!! Wondeful proposal, and a great ring!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter. Thanks for your review.
That was nice. It showed how the Raven part fits into his new life.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, Raven will always be a part of their life.I hate giving him up myself. I loved the character. :)
Thoughtful of him to give her a Muggle wedding as well. :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm glad you think so :)
I enjoyed the chapter, Severus was very kind to those homeless people.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
Will there be a proposal for Christmas and a New Years Eve wedding?It's so nice to see Severus and Hermione truly happy.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
:) Wouldn't that be fun LOL I love it when they are happy too. Thank you so much.
Severus is such a sneak. But I suspect this secret is definitely a good one. Loved his transformation of the warehouse. There's no better feeling than helping someone.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Yep hes sneaky, but also in love. I would love to be able to do somthing like that for people who have little.Thank you for reviewing. :)
The newly mended Severus is a delight. That was a wonderful thing they did.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank You, I'm glad you enjoyed it. It would be wonderful to have the resources and power to help people like Mary and her friends.
That was nice going back to the warehouse and fixing it up for them . :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm honored, a full sentence from you :) I look forward to your reaction each time :)
Response from sunny33 (Reviewer)
OMG, I'm slipping! :D
“You cannot help him. You are his enemy now, and you love a man who hates him. What kind of friend does that make you?” Eileen accused her.
well said! Worst thing is, after all this. people will still have fond memories of the bullying toerag James. Lily was a terrible friend and a terrific social climber.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
James was a mess wasn't he, I think Severus memories made Harry finally see that. Lily was a terrible friend, not sure if the Potters were high on any social list. I just don't remember if we knew their history at all. The "Ghost" dead Lily and James seem very kind good people. But I think they get older each time we see them LOL. Ghosts dont age LOL. But there was no denying in school James was horrible. But people grow up and change, maybe having Harry showed them what love and goodness was.I'm glad you enjoyed my scene. Thank you so much for your comment's I hope you enjoy the next chapter.
Awesome Chapter! I'm so loving this story, I can't wait to see what Severus is up to. :) I look forward to another chapter. Hugs, Angie
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. He was being sneaky wasn't he. :)Jeannie
Hey there! *waves to Jeannie*
When Severus asked Hermione to go to the Yule Ball with him I could see why she would feel a little let down that he hadn't asked her to marry him... but I have a feeling that he will pop the question at the ball itself or ask her on Christmas day when he gives her the gift he got for her. I was very glad that they decided to fore-go their pact and decided to sleep together. They were alone for so long before, and they deserve to be together. Well done!
This chapter was such a joy to read. I was captivated by the wonderful presents Severus provided for Mary and her friends, and loved that Mary knew Raven was a wizard. I thought it was especially wonderful that she recognized his real name on the card. Mary was a great blessing in his life when he needed help, and I love that he is bringing so much Christmas cheer to the community that took care of him when he couldn't take care of himself.
When Hermione was trying on dresses for the ball and couldn't take her eyes (or fingers) off one particular wedding dress, I hoped Severus would take notice. When he slipped away for a few minutes, I had to wonder if one of the shrunken boxes he put in his pocket was that wedding dress. How sweet that would be! Sweeter still would be if the gift he purchased for her in Diagon Alley was a wedding ring.
When they crawled into bed after their bath and love making, I wondered who Severus would be sending Floos to and what message was in them. Could it have to do with handfasting or a wedding? Only time will tell, and I'm looking forward to the next chapter. There is still the ball to look forward to as well as the visit to take Grendel to meet the Gypsies. Good stuff ahead!Beth
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Hey there, waves back :)I really enjoyed the fun of writing all the next chapters. I know yu will be very happy with them too.I loved the idea that he might be in the position with money and magic to help the people that had become his family in the city. I wish I had the means to do stuff like that for people.Ther was a lot of mystery to that chapter and surprises to come. Hope yu enjoy them, thanks for your kind words and observations.Jeannie
Oh this was perfect. I loved the warehouse trip and the air of mystery about what Severus is planning. The whole thing just oozes love. Thanks so much!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Yes it does and I'm a softy for Love. Wish I could have had it myself. I'm glad you liked it, more fun to come. Thank YOU so much.
Ooh lovely way to tie up that part of their lives by helping the people that helped them to begin with!Hmm, wonder what he's got her for Christmas?
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed that. We will see Mary again.Its a secret. You got to wait for Christmas (in the story).
Response from Jinxie (Reviewer)
It better only be Christmas in the story - Christmas is too far away otherwise! ;)
I am so happy that the homeless people weren't forgotten, I got all sappy when reading about Hermione and Severus helping them. This was another great chapter, you really make my day when you submit updates to this story!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you so much, 8 more chapters to go. I get sappy re-reading it sometimes. I write for myself as much as for the wonderful audience I have. I'm so gad you are enjoying it.I'm working on a new story, but it will be months before I can post any of it. I'm only able to post one chapter at a time. So Raven is taking presidence (sp?) (Working on Ch 20 now on the new one.) Its SURPRISE a SS/HG story LOL.
Oh, I'm so glad they found Mary! Her life is so sad, orphaned at a young age and no one to guide her through any available government services. I wonder who the warehouse owner is...So, is Severus sneakily arranging a winter wedding? Poor guy, having a Christmas-shopper girlfriend after years of him not doing anything for the holidays. Well, she is still changing his life. :=)Thank you for the new chapter!!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
I enjoyed that too, Yes her life is sad but Severus will take care of her.
I did enjoy him being a bit put out by the shopping trip but I think he enjoyed it more than we know :)
Thank you for your comments.!!!
oooh, he has Secrets! How exciting! Can't wait! This was a great chapter, I loved her persuading him to go shopping! lol..
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
LOL, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I was worried it might bore some people but everyones been so nice. I enjoyed the shopping trip too :)Thanks for your comments. I relaly njoy reading people reactions to the work.
Hmm... could a surprise Christmas wedding possibly be in the offing? I was grinning at the image of Hermione trying unsuccessfully to keep her eyes off the wedding dresses. Subtlety, thy name is NOT Gryffindor.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
LOL Well I guess you will have to wait to see. I think you will enjoy it all.Thanks so much,
I believe it was a very cathartic thing for Hermione and Severus to tell Harry about the things that had happened while he had been locked in that sleep state. And Harry seemed to get a lot of relief by talking to them about what the months had been like for him. It was a good therapy session for all concerned.
When Severus and Hermione told Healer Stout goodnight, I'm glad that he told her that she would be welcomed to be in the meeting he would have with Healer Davenport to share the secret of the Potion and the Spell that can heal the memory damaged victims of Voldemort's evil curse.
Now that they have returned to Severus' rooms in the castle they will be able to get some much needed rest. The pace they have been keeping is enough to wear out anyone, no matter how strong they are. There will be plenty of time for everyone to talk later.
Thank you for this chapter. It was good to see so much good having been accomplished!Beth
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Where you are, Ive been waiting for you:) I'm glad yu enjoyed the chapter. Itw as rather a dull one. There is the next one taking care of business sort of but I think a bit fun. They we will be able to take off and have some fun if I rememebr. I wrote a Grendel meets the Gypsys chapter this week. I hadn't written one but so many people wanted to see it so I did, there are now 50 toatal chapters to the story. :)Thanks BethJeannie
Response from braye27 (Reviewer)
I'm sorry it took me so long to read this chapter and post a review. I've been so busy in RL that I seem to be behind on all of my fanfic reading.I'm so happy you wrote a "Grendel meets the Gypsies" chapter. I'm be looking forward to it!!!
It's good to see Harry up and about.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Thank you :)
joyful and exhausting, indeed! great update. thanks and smoochies
Response from gersknightlady (Author of Raven)
Exhausting? you must have read more than one, becasue the last one was a bit boring LOLThanks so much.