New Chapter for A Ghost of a Chance
A Ghost of a Chance
gersknightlady748 Reviews | 7.46/10 (748 Ratings, 0 Likes, 135 Favorites )
After the war, Severus finds himself only aware when someone comes to mourn him. Is this death?
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About gersknightlady
Member Since 2008 | 9 Stories | Favorited by 343 | 915 Reviews Written | 3,004 Review Responses
Age 59, I have been a Severus and Alan Rickman fan for a couple years. I post SS/HG stories.
I went to NY last week to see Seminar (Jan 4, 20012) It was wonderful.
Shades of Severus in his character and his house. I was priviledge to see Alan up close an personal after the play.
Reviews for A Ghost of a Chance
He is totally here to give her a good shagging, then he will disappear in a poof of pink glitter, am I right? Lol. Need more answers!!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
LOL pink glitter, now why didn't I think of that LOL
Firstly, AWESOME manip! I do them myself and I stared at it trying to figure out how you made it. Vet good!! Secondly, I love the story so far, I'm very curious to find out why Snape isn't a true ghost, so I will read on!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thank you! I have adobe photoshop. There a pic of Alan reading a book scrunched up like that. It's some sort of photo shoot pic. I found the bibble, placed him in and used a fade to make him half there. Added his hair. Hermione I found this pic some where. Added his wand to her hand. I love making manips. My friend Becky added the words and frame.
Lovely, thank you so much for writing. I love this permise!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Your very welcome. I'm glad you are enjoying it all.
Love your story so far. It's great, but I laughed at the image. I don't mean any disrespect. I can appreciate the time it took to construct, but Lucius looks like such a ponce!!! He just looks silly. I don't know what it is... part is the smile (just not use to him smiling), but part of it is just the way his body seems to be posed. He just looks funny. Sorry. Love your story - you've done a wonderful job!
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Again the computer or sites not working so well tonight, I answered this one...
Sorry the image is so disspointing, it had many many layers and he proved to be very difficult, there aren't that many images of him.
G;ad you like the story though :) Thank you for your review.
Brilliantly crafted and just a pure delight to have had the privilage and joy of the last nine hours I spent reading this crown-jewel! Thank you for sharing this stunning tale. (And to your beta(s) and pre-readers as well!!!)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
9 hours wow that quite some amount of time. I'm. Very happy you found it worth your time. It was a story I enjoyed writing. Than you for your review. I'll pass on your compliments.
It is so sad to come to the end, but now I can look forward to reading it again. love to read my favourite storys, over and over again, there are always things I missed, in the first reading. Thank you so very much,for sharing this wonderful story.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thank you for reading it and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I have several more long ones on this site. I'm so sorry it took so long to answer. I went on several summer vacations and had an eye problem which ended in laser surgery on my retina. Then school started again and I'm back to work. I lost my beta for my new story and I have several wonderful ladies who are helping but we didn't pass our first venture into the Queue so I'm looking for another good pair of eyes and someone who knows even more punctuation rules for the final lookover.Hey if you find there is the inconsistancy with Percy's kids on a readover let me know and I'll go fix it.Enjoy your grandchild.
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Thank you I will.I did look it up, {I told you it's an illness, there must be a support group out there somewhere.} Chapter 31."Surprisingly, Percy was the father of five of them, He'd turned into a rather wonderful father" Chapter 32, "Percy and his wife arrived to gather their brood"
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thank you for reading it and I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I have several more long ones on this site. I'm so sorry it took so long to answer. I went on several summer vacations and had an eye problem which ended in laser surgery on my retina. Then school started again and I'm back to work. I lost my beta for my new story and I have several wonderful ladies who are helping but we didn't pass our first venture into the Queue so I'm looking for another good pair of eyes and someone who knows even more punctuation rules for the final lookover.Hey if you find there is the inconsistancy with Percy's kids on a readover let me know and I'll go fix it.Enjoy your grandchild.
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
Thank you I will.I did look it up, {I told you it's an illness, there must be a support group out there somewhere.} Chapter 31."Surprisingly, Percy was the father of five of them, He'd turned into a rather wonderful father" Chapter 32, "Percy and his wife arrived to gather their brood"
What a place to find the joys of children, trust Severus to do things just that little bit differntly.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
LOL yep, don;t know where that chapetr came from but it was fun to write.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
LOL yep, don;t know where that chapetr came from but it was fun to write.
I would love to visit the House Elf world, it sounds heavenly. The tree house was just perfect, I'm so glad that the baby has protection, there might still be those that hold a grudge against Severus, or even Hermione, they both made enemys.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed that extra special little fantasy world. Yes, we have to protect this child of love from the enemy's that may still be out there.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed that extra special little fantasy world. Yes, we have to protect this child of love from the enemy's that may still be out there.
Shes to literal, to logical? isn't that,the Bat calling the Cauldron black? She can hear him clearly now .
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
LOL It's been so long since I read the story. With storys that take a year or more to write and maybe that long or longer to post its often hard to remember. I'll take your word for it :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
LOL It's been so long since I read the story. With storys that take a year or more to write and maybe that long or longer to post its often hard to remember. I'll take your word for it :)
Wonderful start, I love ghost storys, but I get the feeling he is not a ghost , as such.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Well, he certainly seemed like a ghost. I'm sorry I hadn't checked the site for sometime. Thank you for ready thing story and making all these comments.
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
You are very welcome, I enjoyed your story very much.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Well, he certainly seemed like a ghost. I'm sorry I hadn't checked the site for sometime. Thank you for ready thing story and making all these comments.
Response from mick42 (Reviewer)
You are very welcome, I enjoyed your story very much.
Oh myyyyyy :') compelely brilliant, amazing, beautiful story! It has been a complete pleasure reading this. Thank you :).
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. What wonderful compliments you gave me, Thank you so much. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a review.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. What wonderful compliments you gave me, Thank you so much. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a review.
That was wonderful! Now everything is tied up neatly with a pink bow. Congrads for finishing such a long story. I'm so glad you did. I'm especially happy for Severus and Lucius. Thank you for doing such a good job at redeeming them. The last two death eaters are finally at peace.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed the story, have you read some of my otehrs. I like Raven the best. Yes, in this story it worked well to have Lucius redeemed, hes' too darn goodlooking to stay evil LOL. I always thought he'd see the light. Figured he just went along for the power but never liked Voldermort or believed in his at all..And well we all Know severus deserves a long happy life full of love and a goodwoman and babies. :)Thank you so much for allll your reviews and the thoought you put into them.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed the story, have you read some of my otehrs. I like Raven the best. Yes, in this story it worked well to have Lucius redeemed, hes' too darn goodlooking to stay evil LOL. I always thought he'd see the light. Figured he just went along for the power but never liked Voldermort or believed in his at all..And well we all Know severus deserves a long happy life full of love and a goodwoman and babies. :)Thank you so much for allll your reviews and the thought you put into them.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed the story, have you read some of my otehrs. I like Raven the best. Yes, in this story it worked well to have Lucius redeemed, hes' too darn goodlooking to stay evil LOL. I always thought he'd see the light. Figured he just went along for the power but never liked Voldermort or believed in his at all..And well we all Know severus deserves a long happy life full of love and a goodwoman and babies. :)Thank you so much for allll your reviews and the thoought you put into them.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed the story, have you read some of my otehrs. I like Raven the best. Yes, in this story it worked well to have Lucius redeemed, hes' too darn goodlooking to stay evil LOL. I always thought he'd see the light. Figured he just went along for the power but never liked Voldermort or believed in his at all..And well we all Know severus deserves a long happy life full of love and a goodwoman and babies. :)Thank you so much for allll your reviews and the thought you put into them.
Pregancy is a very randy time for many women, believe it or not. Usually the men are squeemish about the baby being there. Mom on top is a good postion too. I'm glad he appreciates love making now, it gets slimmer for quite a while. The babies know. They wake up. Moms are thinking, "please hurry before the baby wakes up" and don't have as much fun for a while. You also get too "touched out" sometimes and just don't want anyone else hanging on you. That part gets better though. I loved breastfeeding. It paid me back for how much I hated being pregnant. I am psyco pregnant lady who wants to kill everybody and every smell in the world makes me gag. I loved being a mom until my children got to be about 17 years old. I stayed home as long as I could, I worked nights and dad worked days so they wouldn't be with strangers. We home schooled some. I loved home school! We sacraficed a lot so that they could go to private school. I never got tired of my children. This week is my husband's and my 33rd anniversery. I thought if I gave my kids everything when they were little, I would get my turn to have fun and pursue my dreams later. Well, it's later and I'm not having fun. My dreams are limited by helping our adult childern and my crippled body. I never imagined I would be disabled. I'll never get to learn the Tango now. Hermione and Severus are lucky wizards live so long that they can have a career and then still be of child bearing age. No matter what they said in the 70's, women can't have it all. There isn't enough of you to go around to have a great career and raise kids without a nanny. If you can't afford a nanny and you don't have house elfs, you are going to have to choose which one to be the most devoted to. Now I'm The Breastfeeding Lady. I mother moms and dads and I love my job. Mothering is the hardest, most guilt ridden and most thankless job you'll ever have and your kids will never love you as much as you love them. I don't care about that part though.I'm so over the guilt, too. I just wanted to learn to Tango, do some traveling and finish my degree. Now it would take a miricle. Being a grandma is some compensation. If only I had money and a healthy body so that we could travel and see things together. If only my kids weren't lazy and helpless and hadn't picked husbands from the Jerry Springer show. O well, it's time for bed.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Wow a review to end all reviews LOL...I'm happy that you enjoyed the time you had with your kids while they were young. I see my sisters raised their children and they really all turned out to be pretty good adults who are raising find children. Those teen years can be difficult. Teens can be sefcentered and those who have watched and helped them grow up are sometimes left out as they now spend more and more time with their friends and activities. It's hard to see. My sister seems to be coping well. It seems harder and harder for young parents to cope on their own. I work at a school and many of the kids I deal with live with grandparents becasue theirs are messed up. Ive seen neices and nephews more selfcentered when they were yonger blossom into wonderful careing adults and yet I think they are spoiling their children... we will see how that all works out. None of the kids are tenes yet...getting close.I'm glad you enjoy your job, sounds like its a needed service. me and my sisters are now in out mid to late fifties and arthritis and health problems are rampant. Its a bit scary... well we have moved away from the story...all becasue the babies on its way LOL... The idea of Sverus with a baby has always made me go warm and fuzzy. He deserves that joy of holding his own child and having a loving wife who adores him as he does her.Thank you for sharing so much.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Wow a review to end all reviews LOL...I'm happy that you enjoyed the time you had with your kids while they were young. I see my sisters raised their children and they really all turned out to be pretty good adults who are raising find children. Those teen years can be difficult. Teens can be sefcentered and those who have watched and helped them grow up are sometimes left out as they now spend more and more time with their friends and activities. It's hard to see. My sister seems to be coping well. It seems harder and harder for young parents to cope on their own. I work at a school and many of the kids I deal with live with grandparents becasue theirs are messed up. Ive seen neices and nephews more selfcentered when they were yonger blossom into wonderful careing adults and yet I think they are spoiling their children... we will see how that all works out. None of the kids are tenes yet...getting close.I'm glad you enjoy your job, sounds like its a needed service. me and my sisters are now in out mid to late fifties and arthritis and health problems are rampant. Its a bit scary... well we have moved away from the story...all becasue the babies on its way LOL... The idea of Sverus with a baby has always made me go warm and fuzzy. He deserves that joy of holding his own child and having a loving wife who adores him as he does her.Thank you for sharing so much.
The tree house was wonderful!!!! I wish I could go there! Oh the books too! I'm so happy for Severus and Hermione and Poppy and Scorpius and Draco and Pansy and Lucius. And, house elfs are such wonderful creatures! I wish I knew some of them too. Filix Felicis! Could this get any better?
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Im glad you enjoyed my tree hosue. I really would love to even dream about it at night. I think I have an imaginaton but it only seems to surface in my writing not my fream life what a shame it's so boring...I'm glad you enjoyed the chapetr so much. Thanks for the little rolling character :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Im glad you enjoyed my tree hosue. I really would love to even dream about it at night. I think I have an imaginaton but it only seems to surface in my writing not my fream life what a shame it's so boring...I'm glad you enjoyed the chapetr so much. Thanks for the little rolling character :)
That is my dream honeymoon, with my dream bondmate. Sigh, I wish I were Hermione in this story even if I have to have a baby. I really love how elfish it is. I wonder if a room of requirement? It matters not, however. I would be all over Severus Snape every way we could possibley immagine. I would be a wonton and open for new experiences while they don't have to worry about the baby waking up to nurse etc.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
LOL It was a dream honeymoon huh. I love tree houses and often look at them on the net. I guess I must have been in my dream tree house stage at the time I wrote that. Some place out of the ordinary and magical for our favorite magical couple.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
LOL It was a dream honeymoon huh. I love tree houses and often look at them on the net. I guess I must have been in my dream tree house stage at the time I wrote that. Some place out of the ordinary and magical for our favorite magical couple.
What a wonderful chapter. It's so so sad about Narcissa.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Yes, this story was sad for her. But it left Lucius in such a bad way that it worked intot his story well..
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Yes, this story was sad for her. But it left Lucius in such a bad way that it worked intot his story well..
Great wedding! I usually don't care much for wedding chapters. I like the simplicity of the ceremony. It matched Severus and Hermione. When you discribed the simple decorations and all the magic it took, they seemed anything but simple, in a good way. Tasteful is a good discription. I wish magic were real. I don't know much about the toga, but the picture was fun!!! I can't wait to see what happens to Lucius. I can't help but like him now. I confess his beauty makes it easier. (I'm so shallow. )
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thanks, I'm gad you enjoyed the wedding. It semed the thing to do make it simple... well the toga is funny I agree. It took some time to find one topast over Alan turned Severus. The picture of Alan and Emma served well and I was able to redress them with adobe photoshop magic so there is magic. LOL. I Like Lucius too, he was always a handsome devil and with all that blond hair he can now be angelic :)
I'm feeling quite a bit of aniticipation! I'm really glad Lucius is there and seems reformed. Very well done, Hermione. And Harry too. I'm glad for his maturity.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Love is a forgiver of all things and sometimes people just need to see that they are loved and forgiven and they become new.I love a mature Harry. I think he had been through enough and first hand saw what Severus did for him through the memories to stay hateful is just ridiculous, he had to mature enough just to name his son after Severus. Thank you for your many thoughts.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Love is a forgiver of all things and sometimes people just need to see that they are loved and forgiven and they become new.I love a mature Harry. I think he had been through enough and first hand saw what Severus did for him through the memories to stay hateful is just ridiculous, he had to mature enough just to name his son after Severus. Thank you for your many thoughts.
Well, Severus deserved the inheritance. I liked what Minerva had to say to him about liking him when he was a git. Maybe there is another magical portrait that Minerva can have. Can one be painted after Dumbledore is dead? One would have to keep track of the thing, however. Down the road it could be used for nafarious puposes to find out the Headmaster's business. Well, maybe not. The protrait seems to have some say like Phineas Black did. Maybe a new portrait could be a going away gift for Minerva. I am very glad the new Severus is back.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Yes he certainly did. LOL she has so much spit and vinigar I figured she would love his crusty old side. Thats an idea maybe she should look into that. He certainly means a lot to her.. but your right someone might try but hey these people can walk in and out of said prtraits if there is another one. He'd just walk out and not come back. That is a very nice thought. Perhapse one day we will revisit this world and do such a thing with your permission :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Yes he certainly did. LOL she has so much spit and vinigar I figured she would love his crusty old side. Thats an idea maybe she should look into that. He certainly means a lot to her.. but your right someone might try but hey these people can walk in and out of said prtraits if there is another one. He'd just walk out and not come back. That is a very nice thought. Perhapse one day we will revisit this world and do such a thing with your permission :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
LOL must have been a good thing... since I don't remember what each chapter is about I'll just say Thank you... again :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
LOL must have been a good thing... since I don't remember what each chapter is about I'll just say Thank you... again :)
Well done, Hermione.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thank you :)
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Thank you :)
I'm glad things are improving for Severus and Hermione. I agree that the magical bonding should proceed. Will Hermione be able to have Lucius present? I wonder.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.... we will see. She loves Severus with all her heart.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.... we will see. She loves Severus with all her heart.
I'm very glad Severus made it through the awards without hurting anyone's feelings. I'm very happy that Draco and Lucius are mending their relationship. Why can't they do a Priori Incantatem on the guard's wands to see what he was hit with? I know the story is finished but it's what came to my mind when Lucius said some of the guards were in prison. Any that used dark magic would need to be caught so a priori incantatem would be useful in determining who had used a dark spell on Severus. They would only need to test those on duty that night. Of course I'm very happy that Severus and Hermione are back to having marital relations. If I were Hermione, I would ask for time off to research the curse on Severus' arm. I don't know how practical that is. Who teaches when Hermione and Severus are on vacation? Harry could also question all of the guards and find out what hit Severus. People need to be more proactive about this curse. It seems like the only person trying to find out about it is Severus.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Well that was a good idea, I guess if I had thought to use that them it might have shortened a lot of this story. LOL who's to say the guards still had their wands when captured... I assumed if they got together in anyway it would strengthen their bond and give him more of an attachement to her. It worked out rpetty good :).I really don;t know who teaches. I guess some of the other teachers take over with book lessons and no labs. I guess there was a lot of other ways to go about it but they didn't occure to me LOL Thank you for your well thought out ideas and the review.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Well that was a good idea, I guess if I had thought to use that them it might have shortened a lot of this story. LOL who's to say the guards still had their wands when captured... I assumed if they got together in anyway it would strengthen their bond and give him more of an attachement to her. It worked out rpetty good :).I really don;t know who teaches. I guess some of the other teachers take over with book lessons and no labs. I guess there was a lot of other ways to go about it but they didn't occure to me LOL Thank you for your well thought out ideas and the review.
I really hope he isn't rude to Harry's face. I also know that Draco needs his love. Maybe Draco's presence today will help Severus break part of that wall. I hope he and Hermione have a chance at intimacy as soon as possible. He really needs to get laid! This potions competition is really exciting.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
I don't remember if he was rude to Harry :) I think they have their moments. Your right about that last part. I think that would help a lot don't you? LOL It will happen when he is ready in one way there a lot to work through,I'm glad the story is exciting for you. This part was never planned it just kind of wrote itself :)Thanks for the review.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
I don't remember if he was rude to Harry :) I think they have their moments. Your right about that last part. I think that would help a lot don't you? LOL It will happen when he is ready in one way there a lot to work through,I'm glad the story is exciting for you. This part was never planned it just kind of wrote itself :)Thanks for the review.
I do truly hope Hermione can steel herself and not let him make her cry or be afraid of him. He will not harm her, I think. He may be a mean ass, but I don't think he would hurt her physically. She needs to build that wall firmly and not let him push her away. I hope Harry doesn't over react either. It's getting pretty exciting here.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Hermione gets to see what its like to live with the man Professor Snape was. I think both of them will find it all very difficult. I think your right he won't physically hurt her but words sometimes hurt worse.
Response from gersknightlady (Author of A Ghost of a Chance)
Hermione gets to see what its like to live with the man Professor Snape was. I think both of them will find it all very difficult. I think your right he won't physically hurt her but words sometimes hurt worse.