New Chapter for The Price of Madness
The Price of Madness
PlaidPooka1,094 Reviews | 6.86/10 (1,094 Ratings, 0 Likes, 527 Favorites )
It's possible in wartime that madness eventually comes for us all. Yet some madness might be carefully purchased; some sanity knowingly sacrificed. This story is such a tale.
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About PlaidPooka
24 Stories | Favorited by 599 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,071 Review Responses
I'm a 53 year old woman who wrote fanfic for years and adored doing it. While I lost the heart for fanfic after book 7 came out, I am still writing, and can be found at
You can find my published work on Amazon under the name Julianne Q Johnson.
Reviews for The Price of Madness
Wahhh! A couple of weeks, are you sure? At this point I'd even take a chapter with Albus/Minerva smut for a quick update So the closed off, snarky Snape is back. I hope he realises soon that Hermione is still his trollop, now that she has spotted her mistake.
I was so happy to see an update!? It's good to have Severus in his right mind.? And thank goodness Hermione is smart enough to figure out what she said wrong.? Now can she fix it?? Inquiring minds want ... no, NEED ... to know!? Thanks for your work!
Oh, you naughty evil Pooka, you!!! I can't believe the cliff hanger! Well, yes, I can... b-but I want more!! *insert Lucille Ball type Waaahh! here**grin* Excellent chapter, and I love the way you've portrayed Albus and Minerva. Can't wait (almost literally) for the next update! GGBTW, congrats on the weight loss! Go Pooka! Go Pooka! go Pooka!
Oh dear, indeed! I'm glad the RL explosion has settled down. I had just been wondering when an update might be coming along!
I actually squealed out loud when I saw this update!! I cannot wait until the next chapter.
Poor Hermione. Oh, these subtle little social ques will get us everytime. I do hope he'll give her the opportunity to make it up to him. Thanks for the great update!
I'm almost afraid to guess. . . . :P I'm glad Albus has his hand restored (along with his life).
it was when she called him sir wasnt it!
no matter they will fix it all up i am sure of it! (they will wont they...)
Thank goodness she got smart! For a minute there, I thought his nastiness was going to convince her he didn't care. Go back and kiss him until he believes you truly do love him, Hermione!
*shoos her off with hand gestures*
I'm so excited that you posted and am thrilled to know the next chapter is written. I was pining for more of this story just today!
boy am I happy to see you've updated!! I knew Severus was gonna save the day, but still. . . .
Yay!!!! She figured out that the problems started when she called him "sir" again!!! Score one for the Trollop!! Thank you for the new chapter, PlaidWhore. And you already know that Albus and Minerva appreciate the previous night's lemon that you didn't write....
woohoo! new chapter :D am now anxiously awaiting the next one!pyro
*sigh* not so nice of you! but...I'll live...can't wait for an update!
“Sir, I assure you that you did nothing that you should apologize for,” Hermione said rather sharply.Oh, Hermione! Poor couple, can't seem to get straightened out! I am so so happy to see this update, as you know! I will anxiously await the next!
just wondering if you are going to update soon, would love to see a new chapter please.
{big heavy sigh}just checking for an update.......?
I'm really glad Harry only had to tell Hermione about the cave and didn't have to show it to her. I found that part of the HBP intensely disturbing. Once again, just my opinion, but I didn't think it was appropriate for a children's book. Thank you for the way you handled this scene. Warmly, Breastlady
I understand why Hermione wants to know about the cave. I know she really has no idea what she is really asking. But if I was Harry I wouldn't tell any one about it either. I hope that when Hermione finally blackmails the memory out of Harry she is properly horrified enough to see how cruel her request seemed to Harry and shows a little less self righteous indignation at his refusal. If it had been she who had been forced to poison Dumbledore while he begged her to stop, would she be willing to share that with others. In my opinion, when she finds out the truth she better damn well be able to give Harry a compelling reason why she had to intrude so totally into Harry's most personal and secret horror. Once he shows her, he will have to admit that he killed Albus as surely as Snape did. Now he has killed Cedric, Sirius and Albus Dumbledore regardless of the fact that he never intended to. A human being can only take so much without going mad. I hope she really apologizes to Harry after she's exposed him so totally. Most of us don't even have a secret that horrible. She asks Harry to trust her with her secrets but doesn't trust Harry with his because she believes she is so brilliant and her cause so righteous that she deserves to intrude into other people's psyche. If she looks at Harry with the same detachment she is asking Harry to see Snape with she would see that his secrecy doesn’t fit. He has always told her everything. Maybe this time he has a really good reason not to tell this and isn't just being a selfish brat. You are doing a really great job with the story though. I am facinated to see how it all comes out. You really are one of my favorite writers. Thanks, Breastlady
What a splendid plot! I'm exhausted from the anicipation. Poor Severus. I'll die if I don't see Severus and Hermione together and happy soon. Espcially the promised "Explcit Sexual Content". I just can't say enough about your cleverness. Warmly, Breastlady
WOW! this is such a well-thought out plot and imaginative story, keep up the good work and i can't wait for the next chapter! snape's back! yessssss!
Oh what a great update! write more soon please, the story is getting exciting :)
I love this chapter!!! Please update very VERY soon. Gabz
I love this chapter!!! Please update very VERY soon. Gabz
woo and hoo! update at last! and it was wonderful! Will Severus still be mad as a balloon when he awakes? (i hope so, i rather like him that way...) i could foresee a very amusing turn of events once he awakens and Poppy isn't aware of his condition... :) splendid, well done!
What a lovely story so far. I can't wait to see what happens when he wakes up. Will he be sane? I hope so! :)