New Chapter for Fair Exchanges
Fair Exchanges
Fawkes_07909 Reviews | 6.76/10 (909 Ratings, 0 Likes, 358 Favorites )
Hermione wants to learn Occlumency, but Severus Snape is not known for his generous nature. Both may learn more than they bargained for before the tale ends.
This is canon-compliant with books 5 and 6 and provides a behind-the-scenes story that JKR never even guessed...
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About Fawkes_07
Member Since 2006 | 14 Stories | Favorited by 163 | 109 Reviews Written | 1,630 Review Responses
Someone who really, REALLY ought to be doing something else, but just keeps on writing.
Wondering why my stories take forever? Have a look at My Other Time Devourer: I'm both the webmaster and the president of the Friends of the Visual Arts, a 501-C3 nonprofit in Salem, Oregon. We Put The Fun Back In Art.
Having 2 sweet little boys tends to drag things out too.
And what the heck, as long as it's self-pimpage time: If you just can't wait for the next chapter of Fair Ex, you can always go buy my book. It's not HP or fanfic but it's got that Fawkesy snark (in spades) It's here: Warning: there's a bad word in the title.
Reviews for Fair Exchanges
What has she hidden so well that our renowned Legilimens could not suss it out?I'm off to the next chapter to find out. 8^)Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Heh heh heh. She's been verrrrrrrry sneaky.
Hermione is becoming a little flighty now... her youth is showing. But it seems a pity that she couldn't have come to this realization before she pursued Severus until she captured his heart. I fear that he is destined to live with a broken heart until the day he dies.A sad chapter.Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
It is kind of sad, but it's also sad to think of a 17 year old being "ready to settle down" and have long-term thoughts with her 2nd-only-ever boyfriend. Sev still has a bit of proving himself to do.
She sighed noisily, but nodded. "It's just strange. It wasn't as hard last year, when it was still so tentative. But now... I just want the charade to end, Severus. Just for once, I'd like to have a normal boyfriend, someone to hold hands with in the corridor and walk around the lake with."This is the beginning of the end, then. He took her hand, letting nothing show in his face but a hint of self-deprecation. "Again I'm sorry, Hermione. I can only hope I will suffice." This chapter brought me nothing but angst... then I suppose that was its purpose. You're a master of angst. An absolute master, I tell you!Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Yah, my theme music is from "Phantom of the Opera." ;-)
At the end of class, Hermione gave him the merest hint of a grin as she gathered up her books. It felt like the sun had emerged from a thundercloud. This was going to be a great year. But it's also going to be his last year at Hogwarts. *sniff*What will Hermione and Severus do to be able to see each other? I imagine that Lord Voldemort will require him to be either in his presence or at Spinners End with -- ack -- Wormtail -- ack ack.What? What will they do???Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Well, you know from HBP that Snape stayed all year to teach DADA, so one would think they'd be able to connect, still.
This is a truly lovely chapter. Their teasing and flirting was delightful, and it was nice to see Hermione experience completion while in Severus' lap. And he enjoyed being able to watch her as she experience orgasm: An absurd rush of pride flooded his body. By the blood of Merlin, I'll soon be puffing out my chest and crowing if I'm not careful.How joyful was his reaction to know that he, the bat of the dungeons, could bring so much joy to the woman he loved! You, dear author, ROCK! Marvelous chapter.Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
*grin* Thanks! I have to throw poor Sev a carrot once in a while, I suppose.
Your tie-in with canon in this chapter is wonderful. I had wondered how you would handle it.I am so sad that Severus has missed so many "lasts" because he had to go retrieve Harry from the main gate. This is going to be a very difficult year for him and Hermione... I might cry.Great writing!Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Yeah, that was how I felt. Hogwarts has been his home pretty much since he was 11 years old and now he has to sad is that?
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Yeah, that was how I felt. Hogwarts has been his home pretty much since he was 11 years old and now he has to sad is that?
Whew! The Dark Lord is "an ever fixed mark [who] looks on tempests and is never shaken"... at least not yet. Severus has his work cut out for him in these next months.How will he retain Hermione's affections and still carry though on his Unbreakable Vow?Our Potions master turned DADA Professor will be tortured with worry and indecision for some time to come.Great chapter!Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Of course! He's our Sev! That's what he does.
I must admit that I had to read your responses to previous a reviewer's comments to understand what good Severus sunburn potion had done for Albus. Brilliant!!!Off to the next chapter.Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Yeah, I've been meaning to rewrite that, but who has the time??
I adored "Snape's Revenge" on Wormy. It was totally deserved and magnificently executed.He pointed his wand at the attic entry, hidden again by its bookcase, and wordlessly set off the tiny Wildfire Whiz-Bang he'd sewn into the crotch of Wormtail's 'tighty-whiteys.' I was completely surprised by Bella's "Edificens." A very clever device. Either way, her ass was grass, and he and Narcissa were the lawn mower. Again Snape get another "piece" from someone he doesn't want a "piece" from... and not from Hermione, from whom he does want a "piece"... Such are the vagaries of service to the Dark Lord: nothing you really want and lots you'd rather not have.Snape took a deep breath and slumped his shoulders before replying, "Pettigrew, tonight I am well and truly fucked." Good chapter. I had wondered how all the canon was going to work into your story, and you have done a marvelous job. I take my hat off to you.Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Yeah, although Canon actually defines the Unbreakable Vow as a vow to the death, so I kinda fudged it a little. I liked the idea of Snape reckoning he'd better go through with the vow, even if it meant having to rescind it, painfully, later. And of course for Bella to screw him over.
Albus was such a bloody Gryffindork... So, now our Severus will be teaching the class he has always wanted to teach... but will he be allowed to keep his quarters in the dungeons? Or will he be required to relocate?There is much to be done over the summer, and I wonder how he will get along with Wormtail under his roof. And when will Albus demand that he kill him to spare Draco's soul? And how will he manage an entire summer without seeing Hermione?I liked Severus' time spent on the cliffs enjoying the sunshine and feeding the Giant Squid. A nice way to pass the time and stretch out his time a Hogwarts... Wormtail is nothing to look forward to.A lot going on in this chapter! Well done.Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
this is the transition between OOTP and HBP, so there's quite a bit to cover before fall arrives...
"I love you, Hermione Granger." *Sigh*Nice. I understand why Severus couldn't go along with Hermione's desire to retire to his bedroom, so this was the next best thing.Severus' earlier thoughts on the whys and wherefores of his dalliances with the centaura made me forgive him a little bit for cheating on Hermione, and his thoughts on Draco had a similar effect, so I guess I'll just have to get over it. 8^)Wonderful chapter, dear. Now, I'm off to the next one.Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Well, that was my point--Sev has to do a lot of unspeakable things for the greater good.
Well, what are you waiting for Severus? Let the snogging begin!I'm glad Hermione put her foot down on an escape to the South Seas. I like Hogwarts much better as a semi-permanent place of residence. And I love Fair Exchanges!!! Lovely chappie!Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
*grin* Thanks!
End it all? What is he going to do? I have no idea what is going on in his mind at the moment. Is he going to confess all to Hermione? Sometimes it's better to just let sleeping dogs lie.I've got to get to the next chapter!Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
You'll see...!
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!How in the Sam Hill Severus is going to keep all these lies straight, and not have Hermione hex his bollocks to smithereens is beyond me.On to the next "mindfucking." Tee hee.Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
My Sev is the king of lies, after all.
WTF? Part Two. Puleaze tell me Severus is not going to have an affair with Draco.I don't quite know what to say except, "Ewwwwww."Poor sod cant get any actions for 16 years and now he can't avoid all the action coming at him from every conceivable direction. Who's next? Neville? LOL!It'll be interesting to see just how you get our Severus out of this mess.Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Hmmmmmm... Neville...(j/k)(mostly).
Poor Severus. Hermione has been severely injured and he cannot allow himself to show one iota of of emotion about it. The sooner he brews the potions Poppy needs for her treatment, the sooner he will get to see Hermione.The centaur foals were cute as can be, and I'll bet the message delivered to Snape by Leucothea's child gave him much food for thought. I wonder how Hermione finds out about his time with the centaura... I'm almost certain she will discover his "secret." And there will, undoubtedly be hell to pay.You have woven a magical and many layered tale. Good job.Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Oh, the layers are just beginning, trust me. I still haven't decided if Herms will find out about this tryst. I'm thinking not. After all, he does all sorts of DE stuff wthout her knowledge, and that was just another one of those things...
Cracked me up!!! Snape raised a single eyebrow. "I was being laid, my lord."I'm not sure how Hermione would react to this bit of news (actually think I know exactly how she would react), but the situation Snape found himself in with Voldemort gives him two reasons to be grateful for the ministrations of the centaura: (1) finally got some action after 16 years, and (2) had a really good excuse (with real memories) to placate the Dark Lord.Glad Voldie didn't notice that Hermione wasn't a mare. Let's just hope he doesn't remember that he only saw four centaura in Snape's memories.Nifty Chapter!Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
I'm pretty sure Sev is thanking whatever deity he worships that Voldie didn't notice that Hermione wasn't a mare. Repeatedly.
Lovely! Absolutely brilliant! I must confess that I've read up to this point and not yet left a review (I'm a terrible human being...) but I just wanted to say that I cannot wait to continue reading (my sense of duty to review is the only thing keeping me from continuing on...). Your characterization of Snape is perfect (I hate when he becomes a blathering idiot too early on...years of death, hatred, and evil can't just be dismissed in the name of lust!). Parenthetical asides...aside, I've thoroughly enjoyed your story thus far and look forward to whatever snark/romance/intrigue lay ahead!
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Thanks! Enjoy! And don't feel bad about not reviewing--just remember to do some from now on! You can always go back and write one later, too--we writers thrive on this stuff. :-)
I truely truely pity your Severus Snape. EVERYONE is using him and his life is one sordid afair after another. The Centaura are using him, Hermione, his masters, Narcissa and Bellatrix, Draco. EVERYONE. I haven't seen any Romance so far in the story unless you count the one sided affection Snape has for Hermione. Despite that he claims to love her, he certainly feels little guilt over his 6 'conquests' during their 'relationship'. Guess it doesn't matter though since she's using him huh? You certainly have the angst down.Good job, nice new twist and I hope you're feeling better.
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
And yet he just keeps signing up for more... That's what I love about Snape. Bullheadedness.
I think he might feel guilt if he had ANY sense that he could have opted out of any of these liasons. But he can't, he's Captain DutyBound. If he wasted time dwelling on awful things he had to do, he'd be curled up in a padded room by now.
WTF? First the centaura and now Draco! Severus is on a slippery slope, and I fear he will slip and fall.Sooner or later Hermione is gonna find out about all this hanky-panky and it ain't gonna be pretty. At least Draco's kiss had nothing to do with Snape's wishes... but really... Snape needs to concentrate on Hermione's potions.Poor Severus. His lift is such a complicated and convoluted affair that I am amazed that he can find his arse with both hands.Off to see what the next chapter brings!Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Well, he's survived this long precisely because he can not only find it, he can juggle it, cover it, and make it smell like roses, every time.
Horseplay in the Forest! Horseplay in the Forest!Just how is our Severus going to manage this situation? T'will be interesting.Good chapter!Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Oh, he'll manage it like anything else: do whatever Must Be Done.
The Toad is making life a living hell for a lot of people... surely it's about time someone returned the favor.I wonder how the sleeping is going on in Gryffindor?Gotta get to the next chapter.Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Well, her reign is about to come to a crashing halt, if you recall the end of OOTP...
I would love to be a fly on the wall in the corridor to watch Snape cope with his feelings while Hermione is in his bed doing the deed.He is a remarkable man, is he not? Brava!Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
And I'm sure Snape wished he could be a fly on the wall in his own room... or that he had a Webcam in there!
What could be the underlying fear that is fueling Hermione's bad dreams? Hmmmmm... I dunno...Good story, though! Damned good story!Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Well, this very chapter was the first concept I had in mind for the story, and it took me 19 chapters of setup to get to it. Sheesh.
Sirius is always angry. I've always wondered why that is, but I know folks just like him... always unhappy about something and always blaming somebody else for their unhappiness.I hope Severus gets there in time to rescue Hermione and Harry. Toad face can fall down a spider hole for all I care.On to the next chapter.Beth
Response from Fawkes_07 (Author of Fair Exchanges)
Harry and the dumbledore's Army gang are already at the Mnistry of Magic by the end of the chapter--this follows the end of OOTP.