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by neelix
26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 11 Favorites )This is a song-inspired fic featuring Hermione and Severus. It's only short but I hope you like it all the same!
2,392 Words, Started 12/09/2008, Completed 12/14/2008
A Circular Path
by Bambu
26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 14 Favorites )A brief encapsulation of Hermione's life post-war (in honor of her birthday.)
810 Words, Started 09/19/2008, Completed 09/19/2008
Pesky Pecks
26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )Series of drabbles written for Dramione Drabbles - 7 Kisses Challenge Valentine's Day 2010. Through the prompts, follow Draco and Hermione's osculation experimentation.
6,296 Words, Started 02/22/2010, Completed 04/11/2010
With Love, Your Little Princess Girl
by snitchette
26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )This is a Yule Challenge response. A woman is telling the story of numerous Christmases spent with her family, beginning when she was a small child and ending with her being a grown woman.
2,596 Words, Started 12/17/2008, Completed 12/17/2008
by CharmedForce
25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )After losing his best friend during the Battle at Hogwarts, Gregory Goyle must accept punishment for his actions. When he is befriended by a surprising person, he learns that life travels many paths, and sometimes friendship is the only guide. One-shot, Friendship, DH/Epilogue Compliant.
7,459 Words, Started 10/01/2008, Completed 10/01/2008
Fool’s Gold
by Pearle
25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )Severus glanced at the newspaper Professor Granger had left behind in the staff room. He found it hard to believe she had spent good money on such… trash, having serious doubts as to the witch’s continued intelligence if her taste in reading materials was anything to go on.
Written in answer to Southern’s Potter Place Spam Drabble Response…or Something Challenge. Details of the Challenge follow the story.
1,310 Words, Started 02/19/2008, Completed 02/19/2008
Facets of Love
by karelia
25 Ratings, 0 Likes, 35 Favorites )The latest murder was executed in exactly the same way as the other two. Hermione decides it’s time to solve the case. Written for the first ever lmhg exchange on LJ.
12,370 Words, Started 07/23/2009, Completed 08/02/2009
Climate Change
by sylvanawood
24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 46 Favorites )Hermione and Severus are both heads of their houses and compete for the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup. However, a few things have changed since Hermione was a student. Prompt: May be DH-compliant. Hermione and Snape are both heads of their houses at Hogwarts and their houses are neck and neck for the Quidditch cup. Humor, romance, snark.
17,006 Words, Started 03/26/2008, Completed 04/22/2008
Samhain's Destiny
24 Ratings, 0 Likes, 27 Favorites )Feeling unsatisfied with her life, Hermione learns a few new and intriguing things and then, on Samhain's Eve, meets the man who has been haunting her mind over the years. This is a gift to the lovely Larilee for her birthday.
3,693 Words, Started 11/08/2007, Completed 11/08/2007
by Moreteadk
23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 7 Favorites )Severus survived Nagini's attack. Barely. Hermione and Harry have a plan to help him.
3,327 Words, Started 12/15/2007, Completed 12/15/2007
A Better Decision
23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )Harry's dream of what could be his future isn't quite what he wants anymore. First, he needs to find Snape. Post DH.
1,741 Words, Started 08/06/2007, Completed 08/06/2007
by Pearle
23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 36 Favorites )More than twenty years has passed since the defeat of Lord Voldemort. The unanswered questions that bothered Hermione at the end of the war have long been forgotten as the wizarding world continues to enjoy its hard won peace, but a ghost from her past may hold the key to unlocking the unknown.
Spoiler Warning: The story takes place one year after the end of Deathly Hallows and contains spoilers for the book.
3,790 Words, Started 08/04/2007, Completed 08/04/2007
Third's the Charm
by duniazade
23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 21 Favorites )Written for shiv5468, on her prompt:
"Snape and Hermione argue over who should have the last chocolate éclair - who wins?"
1,250 Words, Started 02/22/2008, Completed 02/22/2008
The Wizard Groom
21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )Severus is only mostly dead. Rampant Princess Bride & Monty Python quoting & paraphrasing. An insanity serial for the grangersnape100 'movie quotes' challenge.
551 Words, Started 12/15/2007, Completed 12/15/2007
It Takes Two to Tango
21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 30 Favorites )Hermione has reason to believe Snape didn't die in the Shrieking Shack. What will happen when she finally gets the chance to prove her theory? Written as a birthday gift to ladyintheclock (Karelia).
9,653 Words, Started 02/09/2009, Completed 02/09/2009
Life Lessons
by NixItAll
21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 37 Favorites )A wild Halloween party and anonymous tryst lead 23-year-old Hermione on a path to self-discovery. She learns the importance of friendship, forgiveness, and getting on with life after war.
*Originally written for the October Challenge at Granger Enchanted, then sort of grew a life of its own.
11,545 Words, Started 02/22/2008, Completed 03/01/2008
More Than a Dream
by Olethros
21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )Sometimes a minor mistake, a slight error in judgment, is all it takes to save a life. Deathly Hallows spoilers. Warnings: non-consensual rending of clothing and snarky disrespect for the nearly-dead.
5,526 Words, Started 07/31/2007, Completed 07/31/2007
Life Debt Repaid
by beaweasley2
21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Severus is a Potions master, quite capable at nonverbal spells, Voldemort's potions brewer... Yet he lays dying in the Shrieking Shack because he is too weak to administer his potions to himself. What a lousy way to go. If only someone knew his whereabouts, someone who could help him.
937 Words, Started 12/28/2007, Completed 12/28/2007
The Banebrewer
21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 5 Favorites )Wolfsbane Potion is illegal, but the illicit brewing continues. Ariadne Lupin can preserve the human mind of a werewolf, but can she reverse the mindset of a whole civilisation?
Part IV of “The Moon-Cursers”.
97,257 Words, Started 12/14/2009, Completed 01/12/2010
From the Shack to Quiescence
by beaweasley2
20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )This stroy has DH spoilers in it. It is an alternate plausible possibility in the story of Severus Snape regarding how the events unfolded in the Shrieking Shack and the outcome of a single act of kindnesses to a broken hero.
Twenty-two years of his life had been given over to following the desires of another; seventeen of them as Dumbledore’s man, which meant he served two masters as a servant, spy and pawn. Who could blame Severus for seeking solitude, inactivity and a life with peace, quiet and rest? Quiescence.
Carefully weaving the events begun in the Elder Wand, JK Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, (Scholastic Press, NY, 2007) pages 658-660 and evolving this into a story of survival, honor, abeyance and quiescence for a broken hero.
6,111 Words, Started 08/10/2007, Completed 08/10/2007
Lines in Shifting Sand
by tjwritter
20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 48 Favorites )Ronald Weasley had done a lot of things for his wife that he thought he would never, ever do. Inviting Severus Snape into their bed had been the last in a long list of lines he’d crossed.
16,360 Words, Started 04/19/2009, Completed 04/19/2009
Second Chances
by cormak
19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 14 Favorites )Deathly Hallows Book Seven Spoilers! When Hermione Granger's life takes a turn for the worse, she learns from the most unlikely source that second chances can make you whole again.
3,752 Words, Started 07/28/2007, Updated 07/29/2007
A Sweet For A Wish
by septentrion
19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 22 Favorites )Meeting a hag can be a life-altering experience. At least, it was for Severus.
4,256 Words, Started 08/15/2007, Completed 08/15/2007
Waking Up
by Amethyst
19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )After the final battle, Severus Snape hears a voice that pulls him from his comatose state.
2,576 Words, Started 01/25/2009, Completed 01/25/2009
A Lesson for a Lady
by livvy6
19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )The "Slytherin Ice Queen" comes to Professor Snape for career advice. She gets more advice than she counted on.
3,177 Words, Started 12/26/2007, Completed 12/26/2007