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Life Lessons
NixItAll21 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 37 Favorites )
A wild Halloween party and anonymous tryst lead 23-year-old Hermione on a path to self-discovery. She learns the importance of friendship, forgiveness, and getting on with life after war.
*Originally written for the October Challenge at Granger Enchanted, then sort of grew a life of its own.
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About NixItAll
Member Since 2007 | 8 Stories | Favorited by 36 | 13 Reviews Written | 160 Review Responses
Reviews for Life Lessons
needs one more chapter. at least.
Response from jadecadence (Reviewer)
please! phluease! i can't get 'nuff!
I laughed like hell several times. Thanks for this story. What a great variation from the usual Hermione meets death eater story. :-)
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Thank you! I'm glad to hear it is appreciated!
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Thank you! I'm glad to hear it is appreciated!
Holy cow. Ya know, if known who the pairing was before I read it, I don't think I would have read it. So thank you thank you thank you for withholding the name. I ADORED this story. Loved, loved, loved it. Sooo funny.... sooo engaging.... I could go on and on and on.Thanks!!!!!!
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Thank you! I think a lot of people feel that way about the pairing. :D Glad you enjoyed it so much!
Came across this fic by way of a rec on the LJ comm the_new_library. The rec is well-deserved. It's almost hard to believe that a fic with only 3 chapters can pack such a punch. The climatic scene between Hermione, Ron and George was the kind of heartbreaking that is just beautiful to read. I love the style of this fic, too. Great job!
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Aww, thank you. I am glad you liked that scene, it made me a little teary writing it. :)
What a fantastic and original Hermione voice, drunk or sober. This ship squicks me out in all sorts of ways, but I couldn't stop reading once I realized who it was. And your theme of second chances and reconciliation is very powerfully explored. Wonderful work.
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Thank you! (Thank you for rec'ing it too). I know the ship is... different, but I just needed to write it and I'm happy to know it is appreciated for it's message too. Thanks again!
EEUWW! EEUWW! EEUWW! Not sober! Yuck! Oh, dear, she HAS lost her mind. I believe in second chances and all that, but EEEEEUWW! You're writing this well, though. And however creepy, I will give it at least two more chapters before running away screaming in disgust.
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
:D Don't worry, there is only one more chapter! *hands brain bleach*
Hmm...I'm intrigued, even though it's mixed somewhat with concern for Hermione. Hermione Granger and Antonin Dolohov make a very creative, unusual, and complicated pair to say the least! After finishing the first chapter, I had the sinking feeling that Hermione would find out she's pregnant -- and for all that I know, she may yet.
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Thanks, I can't even explain where this plot bunny came from, but it is just best not to fight them. :) No pregnancy worries, she has to deal with the issue without 'outside' influences.
Very interesting. I HOPE it's out of character for Hermione, but people DO do stupid things while drunk, (one reason I don't touch the stuff.) But OOC is allowed in fanfic, and if I don't like something, I stop reading. I am willing to suspend disbelief to see where this story goes.
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Booze is a hell of a drug. Safe to say, she's not going to be drinking much in the future. :D She's not the most moral person in the books by a long measure, but you'll see in the next chapter, hard partying is not a regular occurence. Thanks for your input!
Oh, I so cannot wait for more!!! This was a fantastic, er, ride! At first, I admit, I thought, No! Hermione...never! But then, I went with the flow and it was all good. This oughta be fun.
I so want a drunken shag with a hot stranger now.
Author's Response: It never works out that well in RL. *sigh* Uh, anyway... Thanks! I hope you like the rest. She is unfortunetly sober for the rest. :D
WOW!! I was sure it was Krum. I hope more is on the way. Mmm
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
*tee hee* It started out being Krum, but things just sort of happened. :D Actually, it really started out as being Justin, that's why he gets a nod early in the story.
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
*tee hee* It started out being Krum, but things just sort of happened. :D Actually, it really started out as being Justin, that's why he gets a nod early in the story.
Wow. Drunk and amorous Hermione could have taken any number of ill-thought paths, but I would never have seen this one coming. Very interesting! I shall be very interested to see where you take this.
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Thanks, it's only 3 chapters, I hope you'll like the rest!
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Thanks, it's only 3 chapters, I hope you'll like the rest!
Brilliant story!! You should really write some more on it. Heheh, but I suppose it is sort of perfect as it is. I loved it, truly
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Thank you. I know what you mean, I think I could write on it forever, but best to quit while I'm ahead! THanks again!
ewww! i may vomit! doholive...why couldn't it be snape! eww!
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
:D We don't get to pick our mistakes.
Not a view I'm happy with, although I do agree that people should get second chances, (in many cases.) But not as horrible as I expected it to be. In fact, it's not really horrible at all, except that he's a DE who killed Molly's brothers and god knows who else.You did a good job writing this. Thanks for sharing this interesting and original tale.
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
I know it is not everyone's cup of tea, but thank you for reviewing honestly. I appreciate that you like the writing though. It was a challenging plot, and, actually, more fun to write than aything I've done. Thanks again!
Everyone should get a second chance, and I think her parents are helping Hermione see that.
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Thanks, I wanted to see her get a second chance with her parents too since I felt they should have been mad at her for what she did. Thanks for reviewing!
Not fair! You call it complete and yet. . . .
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Sorry, I'm kind of a fan of open endings, plus it leaves me a chance to do a sequel later. I think I could have kept writing this story forever, it sort of ran away with me.
I like the redemptive tone of your story. Very sweet!
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Thank you!
Such a great story. The best ones are about change, decisions, challenges- and you did it all so very well. In the second chap, where she looked at him and thought, "I'm his best friend", it just brought tears to my eyes. Now they're learning to drive, and it's so cute, yet says tons about where they are in their relationship. (yes, Hermione, you have a relationship here!)
Plus I really enjoy cleverness, and I found so many things that you described in clever ways- I really, really enjoyed this.
Author's Response: Wow, thank you. It is a story near and dear to my heart so it really makes me feel good that someone enjoyed it so much.
"Is it possible to get a body transplant? This one and I are having a serious moral disagreement." I'm still laughing over this one-- loving this tale!!
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Why, thank you! I am glad you are enjoying it!
Response from NixItAll (Author of Life Lessons)
Why, thank you! I am glad you are enjoying it!