New Chapter for It Takes Two to Tango
It Takes Two to Tango
HogwartsClassof9121 Reviews | 21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 30 Favorites )
Hermione has reason to believe Snape didn't die in the Shrieking Shack. What will happen when she finally gets the chance to prove her theory? Written as a birthday gift to ladyintheclock (Karelia).
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About HogwartsClassof91
Member Since 2008 | 6 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 137 Reviews Written | 1,552 Review Responses
"A Murder of Crows" was my first foray into fan-fiction, and I treasure the lessons I've learned while posting it.
Reviews for It Takes Two to Tango
This is gorgeous! Wish there were more chapters to this!
LO, that was both humourous and sexy. The non-marriage issue was also very well done, and I am glad Ron has matured considerably. The only surprise was Severus`s immediate acceptance of the situation and Hermione.A very lovely fic, thank you.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
My pleasure! So glad you decided to read it. I agree with your assessment on Severus here; I normally prefer more build-up, but I had already taken too long to finish it (it was a birthday gift for Karelia, LOL!). Maybe someday I'll finish it the way I'd originally intended. :-) Thanks again for reading and reviewing!
Really sweet story!
She has matured quite a bit. the line "I’ve always wanted to learn how to make cheese.”sounds like a Dumbledore one!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
LOL - That was a special line for Karelia, since this story was written as a birthday gift for her. Karelia makes the most AMAZING homemade cheese I've ever tasted!! But you're right - it does sound quite Dumbledorish!!
Awwww...that was so cute!!!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
Thank you so much! It was a bit unusual (for me, at least) given the prompts I'd tasked myself with were tailored to Karelia's interests, but I had fun writing it. So glad you enjoyed it!!
What a wonderful story about our determined Hermione and our delicious Severus. Their banter reminded me of the Bogart/Bacall movies I love to watch.Well done!Beth
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
Oh, I love those movies, too. The whistle line (and the ones preceding it) from "To Have and Have Not" is such classic UST. Yum!Thanks so much for the review, Beth - I appreciate it!!
When she said "Pregnancy does things to the bladder", Does she mean the past ones or the future ones? *grin*Thats was an absolute happiness to read.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
Thanks so much - I'm so glad you liked it!!LOL on the pregnancy bit. I'm fairly certain she meant the past ones, but who knows? That farm sounds like an amazing place to raise a family ...
I adore this one-shot! Hit me with more!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
I'd forgotten all about this little story. Gifts are so much fun to write, since they require elements one might never have considered otherwise. So glad you enjoyed it!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
I'd forgotten all about this little story. Gifts are so much fun to write, since they require elements one might never have considered otherwise. So glad you enjoyed it!
ROFLMAO Snape sitting to pee!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
We women ask for such simple things in a relationship. I don't know why men act as if it's so difficult to please us. :-) and again wow. if i had your facility with language would give you the superlatives you deserve. wonderful. thanks so much
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
Aww ... Thank you so much! I'm glad you stopped by to tango with us!! :-)
I love your Hermione's sense of humor and snark, she can sometimes be so serious. A delightful read!!! I do agree with others that there should be more.....but if not for this about Murder of Crows (hint hint...pretty please?!?!)
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
For you, dear? Anything!!! I just uploaded the latest chapter of A Murder of Crows into the queue yesterday. What timing!!Thank you so much for your lovely comments and the pretty, shiny stars. I'm glad you enjoyed Hermione in this ... I like to think she's mellowed quite a bit with age. :-)
That was fabulous!!!!!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
Thank you so much! I'm quite pleased you enjoyed it ... Thanks for the lovely stars!!
Oh ho, yumyum. Canon, and delicious! But no lemons :(
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
LOL - That's actually quite unlike me, writing a story sans lemons!!Perhaps for Karelia's next birthday ...Thanks so much for the review!
Very interesting. I like the chase, and definitely good reveal. =] Brilliant ending!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
Thank you! Writing this was a bit out of my comfort zone - I've never attempted post-epilogue before, and trying to combine a bevy of elements I thought Karelia might enjoy made it even more challenging. But I had a wonderful time learning about Argentina, and lots of fun imagining myself in that little farmhouse. *contented sigh*
Best, best way to start my day! Lovely tale, brilliantly written, and a happy ending to boot. Excellent
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
Thank you so much! What a lovely review to wake up to ... such amazing compliments!! I'm so pleased you enjoyed the story; it was a fun challenge and a great way to learn about Argentina!
rawr! neat story! i can't wait to read more!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
Alas, it was a one-shot for Karelia's birthday. Perhaps next year, we'll visit Argentina again and see what they're up to. :-)I like to think the future holds nothing but happiness, fine wine, and homemade cheese for our couple. I believe they deserve some real love at last ...Thanks so much for the review and the lovely stars!
Response from keske (Reviewer)
awww rats, so it was a one shot T.T ~sob~wait a secCheeeeeese you say?Ah well!ooooo NEXT! lets do a Tango de Roxane (aka hermione!) woot...~goes to watch moulin rouge now~
Wow!Another beautiful piece of writing from you.I love that Hermione was determined in her conviction that Severus had survived. I gigled when she re-read the article that had convinced her that he was alive.I snorted when I read how Ron mucked up the one really important factor of their wedding.And Squeed like the demented fangirl that I am when they kissed.Bravo, dear I am in awe of your ability to spin such a lovely heart warming spell.{{hugs}} Sav x
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
Aww ... Hugs right back atcha, my love!!! So glad you enjoyed this! I don't do well with prompts (self-imposed or otherwise!), but it was a fun challenge to incorporate elements dear to someone. :-)Ron mucking up the one task she gave him (and for the reason why!) was my favorite part. LOL!Thanks so much for the review and the lovely stars!
A wonderful story, truly amazing, you made my day much better due to having the pleassure of reading this story in the morning:-))I just love how they agreed upon which side of the bed they would have!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
So glad you enjoyed it! They managed to get the tough part of the relationship out of the way first (the sleeping arrangements!), and now they'll be able to content themselves with Argentine wines and cheeses. :-)Thank you so much for the review and stars!
Tango Terrific! Hang on, that's the name of a New Vogue Dance. Haven't learned that one yet! Great story, Puffbuddy! :)
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
Awww, thank you so much, Sunny, my love! You mean there's a dance you haven't learned yet?! No matter; I'm sure you'll master it!
I just knew Hermione wouldn't stop until she found him--she is ever so curious. Lovely job, dear.
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
And I like to think now that her curiosity has been satisfied, other aspects of her life will be similarly looked after. :-)Thank you very much for the review and stars! I don't do well with self-imposed prompts (as witnessed by the month it took me to write this). I appreciate you reading it!
So absolutely, completely, wholly wonderful! I've started packing so I can move into Casa del Jaan as soon as it becomes available. Thank you so, so, so much, love!
Response from HogwartsClassof91 (Author of It Takes Two to Tango)
You are so, so, so welcome! It seems a pittance to offer in return for the vast support you've bestowed upon me since I discovered fanfiction. Thank you for encouraging me to become a better writer and a more cognizant human. I hope you had a lovely birthday!