New Chapter for From the Shack to Quiescence
From the Shack to Quiescence
beaweasley220 Reviews | 20 Ratings, 0 Likes, 10 Favorites )
This stroy has DH spoilers in it. It is an alternate plausible possibility in the story of Severus Snape regarding how the events unfolded in the Shrieking Shack and the outcome of a single act of kindnesses to a broken hero.
Twenty-two years of his life had been given over to following the desires of another; seventeen of them as Dumbledore’s man, which meant he served two masters as a servant, spy and pawn. Who could blame Severus for seeking solitude, inactivity and a life with peace, quiet and rest? Quiescence.
Carefully weaving the events begun in the Elder Wand, JK Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, (Scholastic Press, NY, 2007) pages 658-660 and evolving this into a story of survival, honor, abeyance and quiescence for a broken hero.
Chapters (1)
About beaweasley2
Member Since 2006 | 53 Stories | Favorited by 519 | 2,769 Reviews Written | 6,181 Review Responses
I love to write. A dreamer, a creator and filled with wonder, imagination and life. Sometimes I get lost in the other worlds I've read and in some I create. It's all good, I’m in good company.
“Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.”― Maria Montessori
“Our imagination flies -- we are its shadow on the earth.”― Vladimir Nabokov
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.”― Albert Einstein
“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.” ― Carl Sagan
Reviews for From the Shack to Quiescence
What a lovely but of insight for a recovering man. My favorite part, when Minerva offers a choice. Such a rare occasion for our man to have.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Thank you. I hated he way he was kicked off in the books - so this is my solution to a guy who could 'put a stopper in death'Thank you for reading and for the review.
A beautiful tale, and it fits perfectly in between DH's pages! Thanks for sharing!
Author's Response: I just couldn't leave him along, dying in the Shack. I'm glad you enjoyed this. Thank you for the review.
Oooh, excellent rewrite! Sad to see no HG/SS, but we can't always have everything :) A lovely tribute to our Potions Master.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
This was my responce after finishing DH (and after drying off my tears) I just couldn't believe that she just killed him off like that after making such a big thing about 'stopper death' both in the book and movie! Anyway, thank you very much for your kind words. Hugs~
Simply lovely take on how Book 7 SHOULD have ended for Severus. JKR treated him like a total throwaway character, and that was just wrong! While I would have loved to see an SS/HG ending, leaving him reminiscing in a pleasant surround worked just fine for me -- because in your version, he's alive and content!!!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
As Ive said, I wrote this after finishing DH and really felt that JK just threw Severus away, literally. Im very flattered you like my ending for Severus, because this is exactly what he deserved a second chance at a peaceful life and rewarded for what he sacrificed. I mean why go through all that brew fame, bottle glory and stopper death crap if the guy hadnt even brewed an anti-venom? Come on! and who to say, that there couldnt be a SS/HG ending its possible. At least he IS alive and content.
Thank you,
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
, for the lovely review I appreciate it.
I like your ending better than the book!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Thank you. JK's ending made me upset - so I wrote my own.
Yes, undead Severus is most desirable. Well, not as a zombie, but as you wrote him.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Thanks - I wanted him to have an end her deserved... Really, one bite from Nagini and he's a gonner - NOT!
I am a dedicated SS/HG shipper, but, if you only 'saved' one of them from their horrible canon plight, I prefer it to be Severus. No doubt in my mind that Hermione will eventually come to her senses! Author's Response: I wrote this after reading DH and wanted Severus to be vindicated - not dead... I'm glad you liked thte story even if I didn't turn Hermione's head around enough.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Hey, you know, if you want to come back for more on this, Hermione could always leave Ron...;) It could get even more SS/HG than just friendship...I know it isn't just me when I say Ron was the absolute worst match for her in the entire series.~HR
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Been asked this, and for now I'll just say I may consider doing this ... but later.
Good story, and thanks for giving Snape some nice treatment! Jo's ending was cheesy to say the least...and is it just me, or did she somewhere earlier in the books show us that the snake is a CONSTRICTOR? Yeah, she talks about Nagini getting milked to keep Voldemort alive, but I'm still sure she also shows the snake as a constrictor and so the whole Snape-bitten-to-death scene really rang false for me. I know you only followed her lead for this though, and I enjoyed reading it. Good on Snape for rejecting snakes! And nice Snape-Lily stuff here too.Jo messed up with her use of the diurnal snowy owl at nighttime, so I think she needs to study her herpetology too. Some research into the animals she uses would have been nice whether they are magical or not. Falling back on magic as an excuse is a conjuring of cheap tricks. I think. Better to lay the groundwork ahead of time for it. I think fanfiction authors are very much ahead of the game and on the ball in most cases in this.~HR
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Thanks so much for you comments. I tried to keep as close to canon as possible and still have my Severus too! Glad you like my results...
I agree. JKR lost me forever when she killed Severus off. I was glad to see my views on Dumbledore justified, but losing Snape was too high a price. Thank you for writing and I hope you continue in the genre. We can all collectivly pretend that Snape didn't die and the Epilogue didn't exist :)
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Thank you. I've been asked to add more and I may... I have other stories to finish posting first - then maybe...
I loved this spin on DH. I much prefer this as an ending to Severus' story! Great job!
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Thank you very much. I'm glad you liked it.
I like your alternate ending for Snape. It's a good introspective Snapefic. I was also pleased with Harry's development: finally some maturity! (even if it was offstage, so to speak). But it doesn't really seem to be in the right category-- I thought "Potions under duress" is strictly for SS/HG fics...
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Thank you for your review. My first real Snape fic and I wasn't sure which category to put it in. I figured that if I chose the wrong category the admins would tell me...
Hi there,I really like this story.Did Harry only show the 4 memoriesout of respect for Severus' privacy?That is what I thought,but I wasn't sure.Catharine
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
I think Harry shared only the memories that would have exonerated Snape and shown that his true loyalities were to Dumbledore. I simply listed the memories and picked the ones that would do that - and there are four.
A lovely and quite believable take on canon. It works well as an one-shot, but I certainly wouldn't mind seeing any additions in the future.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
thank you - I appreciate the comment. I will consider it ...
This is really an excellent start. I, too, would have preferred a different epilogue (even though I knew that Hermione would end up with Ron). And I do like my Potion Masters alive! Looking forward to more.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
I wrote this as a one-shot because I was upset with DH... I suppose I could always come back later and add...
I like your version of "nineteen years later" better. As others have said, you've left plenty of room to revisit this story and see to it that our Potions master has a sweet future filled with love and happiness.Well done, bea.Beth
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Thank you. I soooo believed this version. He deserved life and happiness with everything he gave up. Besides, he did say he could put a stopper in death, right? Thank you very much for the review. Hugs~
I hope SS and HG can find there way together sooner than later. I would like his quiescence to include Hermione.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
LOL possibly. Thank you for reading and for the review.
i ran into this story over on occlumency and i'm so glad i did! i had barely started reading fanfic when you posted it, so it had passed me by completely. i really appreciated this version of events. it was in fact snape's death that drove me to the world of fanfic to find resolution. jkr treated him so shabbily - i had expected him to die, but not like that. i like your way much better. : )
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Thank you. I'm glad you found this story and thank you for the lovely reveiw. Yes, I hated the way she just wrote him off. yuck.
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Thank you. I'm glad you found this story and thank you for the lovely reveiw. Yes, I hated the way she just wrote him off. yuck.
This is quite lovely---and I believe you could take it much, much further. Why just the four memories, for instance? What did some of those letters say? What kind of relationships would he have maintained, however tenuously, however carefully?This is definitely the way that the story of Severus Snape should have been continued.And one can always hope that, more than 19 years later, there might be some hope for real happiness with a real, live girl who is his intellectual equal and who helped save his life. Talk to that muse, will you?
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
I'm really quite flattered! Yes, this one-shot left a wide open door with lots of potential! It is how I think the story of Severus Snape went and JK got it wrong!Thank you for the review.
What a wonderful ending, and somewhat fitting for Severus. He has a way to make a living and not a dunderhead in sight! Heaven on earth for him I think. ~C~
Response from beaweasley2 (Author of From the Shack to Quiescence)
Thank you. This is sooo much better I thought and exactly what he deserves... and it's still possible he and Hermione could hook up. I left that possibility hanging.