New Chapter for Pesky Pecks
Pesky Pecks
silviaelisa2226 Reviews | 26 Ratings, 0 Likes, 3 Favorites )
Series of drabbles written for Dramione Drabbles - 7 Kisses Challenge Valentine's Day 2010. Through the prompts, follow Draco and Hermione's osculation experimentation.
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About silviaelisa22
Member Since 2009 | 2 Stories | Favorited by 0 | 0 Reviews Written | 26 Review Responses
Just a small town girl, born and raised in Northern Italy. I'm 22 years old, my username is my real name, I study foreign languages and drama, and I have an unhealthy obsession for alliteration.
I'm height-wise short, headstrong stubborn, annoyingly talkative, hopelessly optimistic, and I obviously like adverbs. ^_^
Reviews for Pesky Pecks
Awww! I likes... More please?
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
Sorry about the late reply! I'm glad you liked PP for I liked writing it very very much. I am writing a small one-shot at the moment, we'll see how that goes. :)
Awww.... so sweet!
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
^^ Pleased to hear you liked it! It was quite an adventure to write!
Oh its so kewl how she kept off-kilter the whole time. What a fun bedtime story. I've really enjoyed Draco's reactions in this a lot.
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
Draco was really fun to write! I had never expected him to be, so I had always refrained from letting him speak. Although, it was difficult because I couldn't show any of Hermione's internal struggle in this, it was all Draco all the time. :) I'm happy you liked the story and I enjoyed reading your thoughts as you read it very very much! Thank you!
LOL awww It's so sweet that he was able to read the situation and let her have some control. Very smart guy. Really enjoying this one - How did I possibly miss it before?
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
Oh, you're making me blush! Anyway, I agree, very smart of Draco... I think he wouldn't be totally clueless about women, even if Asteria was his main interest for quite some time and she's definitely not the I-need-to-be-in-control type of girl. Not in this story, at least. I wanted them to have a quiet respite from all the drama and the prompt came just at the right time!
Oh did Harry hit him with an Imperious? Astoria's reaction was about what I expected - two days before the wedding! Oh poor girl. Harry's reaction was a surprise, but I liked Draco's reasponce a lot! Whoot!
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
Hehe, her reaction was pretty standard. Goodbye china set! Yes, that was an Imperius and a slightly dark!Harry to go with it. I had a very visual idea of how Draco would have behaved with Harry in this, so so so glad you liked it too! ^^
Okay this is going to come to a horrible head soon isn't it? I mean, he's slipping - and needs to talk to Astoria, soon.
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
I had half a mind to write the showdown between Asteria and Draco, but due to time (and prompt) constraints I finally settled with what you've read in the next chapter. I'm overjoyed you caught the 'he's slipping' thing because I was really trying to give this chapter a sense of foreboding.
Oh he and Astoria had that fight over Hermione afterall. So, to make matters better - he kissed her agian? LOL not the best move for his relationship with his fiancée.
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
Despite the carefree outlook in the first chapter, things really aren't that good with the happy couple, are they? But yes, veeeery bad move on his part!
LOL Oh he's sinking in deeper! This is really funny. I love his reactions.
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
I'm glad you liked Pie! I was afraid it'd be too icky (it certainly was for me writing it).
EEk! How did he manage that and not get hexed?
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
You know, a lot of people have asked me this by now. My thinking was that the circumstances were... complicated, when this first encounter takes place. ;)
Poor Draco, having to wait for the fifth date! :)
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
Hehe. I think he wouldn't have endured another (test-)date and Hermione, luckily, understood that! ^^ Thanks for sticking with me until the end!
I'm almost sad it's over. Because their story is just beginig after all. And I'd love to hear more about the dating until the proposal at least. Anyway thanks for the fun.
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
I am so so happy you enjoyed the ride. :) It was an exciting challenge for me because I didn't think I'd be any good at writing romance and kissing scenes! I like the open ending because it gives you room to expand it with your imagination, but yes, it was a bittersweet feeling to end this. Thank you for reading!
Holy cow! Harry really ought to have gotten his magic under control by now- most folks couldn't/wouldn't cast a spell just by being really angry and forbidding a relationship. But then, TBWL would be the one to break the rules... and so would Hermione. I like the magical imperative, and the subsequent flouting of it. A really formidable kiss indeed, if it's breaking curses!
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
I think Harry has proven to be very agreeable to bending the rules, even when Unforgivables are concerned. Plus, this is all happening before the 'all was well' of the Epilogue, so I allowed for some post-traumatic stress. It was challenging to write this piece, tbh, because I really really wanted to give the forbidden part of the prompt a double meaning; what Harry is doing is probably forbidden magic, but Draco's (and Hermione's) willpower is stronger, obviously. Thank you so much for reading!
Good going, Draco! :)
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
I'm very proud of him in this chapter, yes. ^_^
WOW! I think that was the most formidable kiss of all.
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
^^ Merci! Harry helped Draco make up his mind, didn't he?
So he is seriously considering cancellinghis wedding? Wow ! I wouldn't have expected him to rebel againt his parents wishes. Of course he has yet to talk to everyone. And I want to be there to witness that.
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
In all sincerity, I can't fully answer you now, but I will say that this is all happening at one imprecise point in the HP history, so... anything can happen. ;) I'm sorry, I really don't want to spoil the experience for you.
LOL. Sneaky witch! :)
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
She is, isn't she? ^_^ I'm happy to keep you entertained!
add fav story! ;))
That one is really lovely. So I guess he will be marrying her. Later.
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
You're pleased! ^^ Thank you, I tried a softer approach with Prospect; they had both been on a roller-coaster so far and I thought they deserved a break. Less action/drama and more... Draco and Hermione.
Bet that was unexpected! :)
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
To write? Most certainly, thank you dictionary! ;) And to both of them too, but we're hitting the point of no return, aren't we? *cue to ominous music* Thank you for reading!
At least he found THE way to shut her mouth.
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
And he's so good at it... Malfoy, Draco Malfoy - License to Kiss :D Thank you for reading!
Response from snitchette (Reviewer)
ROFL! That could be the prompt of the Year.
Eww. What a way to get revenge! :)
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
Revenge, a dish best served cold? Hermione thinks it's best served hot! ;)Thanks for reading, and reviewing!
That is a brilliant repsonse to the prompt. I can't wait to find out if he will cancel his wedding or not.
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying this! I can't say much, but you'll find out... soon enough...
I've always been leery of apple pie, for the same reason as Draco- they're usually too sweet and gooey! Of course, if snogging came with, perhaps my opinions would change. Though really, kissing Hermione while skipping out on your rehearsal dinner? Bad form! (When will Astoria find out?)
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
Gooey being the operative word... ugh, apple pie...I think it is rather contradictory of Draco to chastise Hermione and her manners when, as you said, he is cheating on his wife-to-be! He didn't initiate the kiss, but after a weak struggle, he didn't exactly shove her away. That dinner must have been a nightmare...(Will Asteria find out? Maybe, or maybe not. :P)
That was beautiful, sweet, and well-written! Nice job! ^_^
Author's Response: Ahah! Thank you, such sweet compliments... *blush* I loved writing it! :)
He is lucky Astoria didn't arrive a few minutes earlier or he would have been in serious trouble.
Response from silviaelisa22 (Author of Pesky Pecks)
If he hadn't been in such a hurry... :)Thanks for reading!