New Chapter for Love Remains
Love Remains
livvy6500 Reviews | 500 Ratings, 0 Likes, 31 Favorites )
Lily's life doesn't end when Voldemort hexes her. Instead, she and Harry go into hiding, but are things truly any better for her?
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About livvy6
Member Since 2007 | 17 Stories | Favorited by 655 | 625 Reviews Written | 6,131 Review Responses
I am a grateful fan of Ms. Rowling and of her overwhelming Byronic Character, Severus Snape! Please check out the first chapters of each fic (except for "How Can I Tell You," which is on Chapter 2) to see pictures of the Heroines.
Admins' Note: Livvy6 died suddenly on February 22, 2012, leaving behind her husband, six-year-old daughter, and seventeen stories well-loved by the TPP community. All who knew her—including those in Harry Potter fandom and all of us, here—are richer for having known her.
Requiescat in pace, Livvy. Always.
Reviews for Love Remains
He at least told her right at the beginning that he was going to hurt her. I'm very glad he done hurting women.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Me too| The next chapter will bring a new change for the better in the story.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Me too| The next chapter will bring a new change for the better in the story.
brutal, yes, but oh so sad. i await a better day for our beloved potions master. why, who could it be? yes! it must be...susan bones! just kidding! thanks so much
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yes, so sad. But he will find real love and not with Susan Bones! LOL
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yes, so sad. But he will find real love and not with Susan Bones! LOL
Oh,what a powerful chapter.This story gets better and better.I don't like this Snape very much at the moment, but I do feel very sorry for him. I hope he will find some redeeming qualities within him self. As I said before I'm a total ss/hg fan so I hope it the girl will be Hermione. Many ,many thanks for this wonderful story.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thanks! It will be a long road ahead for Severus, but yes, he will find his way to real love with Hermione *squee*
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thanks! It will be a long road ahead for Severus, but yes, he will find his way to real love with Hermione *squee*
You'd think the asshole would have learned his lesson after his epiphany when he attacked Moira. It was almost like reading nearly the same thing again. I did a double take.. Glad to know he won't regress again.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Reviewer)
Oh, and while I love hg/ss, I almost hate for her to hook up with this Snape. :) (I peeked at your other reviews.)
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Well, it's going to take a while. He's going to have to do a lot of healing, and Harry learning about his real past will help the process. Lupin also will be there and the friendship they will form will help Severus to deal with his feelings. Of course, he's going to be a snarky git half the time, but Lupin knows 'Snapespeak" LOL! Still got a aways to go,Thanks!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Reviewer)
Oh, and while I love hg/ss, I almost hate for her to hook up with this Snape. :) (I peeked at your other reviews.)
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Well, it's going to take a while. He's going to have to do a lot of healing, and Harry learning about his real past will help the process. Lupin also will be there and the friendship they will form will help Severus to deal with his feelings. Of course, he's going to be a snarky git half the time, but Lupin knows 'Snapespeak" LOL! Still got a aways to go,Thanks!
Yanno . . . it would have been a HORRIBLY unhealthy relationship for both of them, even if it had worked out (in some semblance or fashion).Hopefully Severus will come to realise that.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yeah. It would have been bad for them to be together. Severus will have a long struggle to come to terms with himself.THnaks for reviewing!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yeah. It would have been bad for them to be together. Severus will have a long struggle to come to terms with himself.THnaks for reviewing!
*facepalm*You know . . . this situation is just so screwed up for everyone involved.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
It is! It's going to take a while to unravel it. We haven't even gotten to part where Harry finds out about his past yet! *shakes head*But, we'll get her done! Thanks for reviewing!
Response from cmwinters (Reviewer)
Oh, *that* should be fun. </sarcasm>
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
It is! It's going to take a while to unravel it. We haven't even gotten to part where Harry finds out about his past yet! *shakes head*But, we'll get her done! Thanks for reviewing!
Response from cmwinters (Reviewer)
Oh, *that* should be fun. </sarcasm>
You know, I'm (ostensibly) writing my own story where Snape has . . . not really had the best time about sex. Not that he's ever been raped, but that he never really got to know sex as a comfort and bonding thing. Your story got me to thinking about it.By the time Snape is an adult, if he really hasn't had sex for pleasure *AND* love, he's going to be kind of buggered in the head for real, and I think you're doing a good job of highlighting that.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
THe tragic thing is that he knew how beautiful sex could be and he feels that was a lie and now he can't trust anything that he feels except pain. He's got a lot to overcome.Thanks for reviewing!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
THe tragic thing is that he knew how beautiful sex could be and he feels that was a lie and now he can't trust anything that he feels except pain. He's got a lot to overcome.Thanks for reviewing!
Oh, man, Severus pain is palpable. It's so sad, it brought genuine tears to my eyes.One thing I can say about this story: it's entirely plausible, but I think it's moving a bit too fast. Now, when you're writing for a challenge, and against a deadline ("YOU WANT ME TO WRITE *WHAT* BY *WHEN*?!?!?" so sayeth she that did 11,500+ words of a Dramione in 3 days. I don't even LIKE Dramione!), that's totally normal. But it's so hurried that in some places it feels a bit cliched and hollow. (I *so* did not just type "hallow" there *cough* >.> )Maybe, after the reveal is done, you can go back and edit it? I think it's got real potential to be a fantastic, gripping story once you can flesh it out a bit. :) Hopefully you do better at that than I did at "editing" my Dramione, which I never even posted.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
I could do that, definatly. I just need to know which parts you think are rushed and I could work with it. Thanks for your thoughts :)
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
I could do that, definatly. I just need to know which parts you think are rushed and I could work with it. Thanks for your thoughts :)
Well done again. The odd thing about it was that I expected him to be more violent (hmm... what does that say about me?). At least this part is over so he can move on. The witch? hmmm? Goodness me what a hard choice. Maybe he should ask Hogwarts resident Know-It-All for advice? (He He *Smirk*).Cheers
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
The next chapter should answer the question, but I shall end the suspense. This will be a HG/SS ship. Enjoy!Thanks for reviewing!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
The next chapter should answer the question, but I shall end the suspense. This will be a HG/SS ship. Enjoy!Thanks for reviewing!
hermione granger
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Right in one!Thanks for reviewing
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Right in one!Thanks for reviewing
okay, so i've stuck with it through the disturbing psychological stuff, so i'm holding you to your word! time to start turning things around for our poor, tormented potions master. i am looking forward to the next chapter to see what comes next.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
YEAH! Yes, no more squicky chapters. Now will come the beginnings of a change, where he will discover he is loved more than he ever thought possible.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
YEAH! Yes, no more squicky chapters. Now will come the beginnings of a change, where he will discover he is loved more than he ever thought possible. it Hermione?! Yeah she may be a little young but...I think she has the capacity to break down his barriers.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yes! It will take time. And he will be thoroughly shocked that he could be loved so deeply without having to earn love
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yes! It will take time. And he will be thoroughly shocked that he could be loved so deeply without having to earn love
again I think it might just be wishful thinking but my geuss is Hermione Granger.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
No wishful thinking. It will be Hermione. It will take time, however, she loves him desperately and wait for him to accept he can he loved for himself.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
No wishful thinking. It will be Hermione. It will take time, however, she loves him desperately and wait for him to accept he can he loved for himself.
well done. The paradox of bringing her physical pleasure at the same time as psychological pain was well portrayed.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yes, I think it goes to show Severus' need to "prove" himself in a way. In another way, he used the pleasure to bring the shame he feels and dump it on Evangeline's lap. Poor girl!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yes, I think it goes to show Severus' need to "prove" himself in a way. In another way, he used the pleasure to bring the shame he feels and dump it on Evangeline's lap. Poor girl!
This chapter brought tears to my eyes...Again I compliment you on your theory it terribly brillant. Please keep writing well done!!!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thank you very much!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thank you very much!
I really don't want to forgive Lily, since all of this is pretty much her fault.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
There will a lot of that going around. So many people will be devestated by the choice she made. So sad.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
There will a lot of that going around. So many people will be devestated by the choice she made. So sad.
Once again you torment Severus. Poor man, loosing Lily and then Harry, and now Moira. I hope someday for a happy ending to your tale! Perhaps even death will be happy for poor Severus.It's a very good tale, though, even if it's so very sad.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
There will be happiness for him, things will not always be so bleak! One more gut-wrencher and then the story will take a turn for the better. Slow, but sure. Oh, and he and Lupin will become good friends and bury the hacket.Thanks for reviewing!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
There will be happiness for him, things will not always be so bleak! One more gut-wrencher and then the story will take a turn for the better. Slow, but sure. Oh, and he and Lupin will become good friends and bury the hacket.Thanks for reviewing!
She did what?
Oh, my poor Severus!
Rejected? Maybe he should have plucked up teh nerve sooner.
Poor guy. Harry chose Black and Severus can't even have a relationship with him either. Sad.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!I LOVE your icons. Oh my gosh! Yes, poor Severus! It's just painful.. PAINFUL! But I swear, I can do that because I've finished writing the story, that someone will come around to soothe his hurting. Just one more ass-kicking chapter and things start taking an upswing, I promise!Thanks for reviewing!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!I LOVE your icons. Oh my gosh! Yes, poor Severus! It's just painful.. PAINFUL! But I swear, I can do that because I've finished writing the story, that someone will come around to soothe his hurting. Just one more ass-kicking chapter and things start taking an upswing, I promise!Thanks for reviewing!
i really like this story ,its very well written. i'm a real ss/hg fan but this story has captured me. will look forward to future updates .thank you
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Well, I'm a huge HG/SS shipper myself. All I'll say is just stay tuned! ;)Thanks for reviewing!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Well, I'm a huge HG/SS shipper myself. All I'll say is just stay tuned! ;)Thanks for reviewing!
Interesting. Even though he sees these whores as a substitute Lily (and a way to repay the hurt she caused him) he is still compassioante enough to help a desperate girl.I only wish he was open minded enough to think about what Remus told him. I can only imagine where his mind will go now when Black escapes.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Snape will definately go off the deep end in a couple of chapters.Thanks for reviewing!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Snape will definately go off the deep end in a couple of chapters.Thanks for reviewing!
Thanks for the warning, a truly dark chapter.The pain of losing Lily is truly eating into his soul. I think you have put an element of the Madonna/whore dichotomy together with Oedipal traits which is really fantastic writing, horrible but undeniably well written. By way of an apology (to all) this is really long and would have emailed it to the author personally, but with the challenge...ahh I can't. My take is as follows - Lily initially is the personification of the Madonna - Virginal (her childhood self) and self-sacrificing mother figure (her devotion to Harry). The problem is that Lily, like all humans, is flawed (she truly has issues) and she cannot ever live up to his flawless ideal. Her cruel rejection of Snape (and Harry) by her own hand does two things a) It reinforces to him that no matter what he wants, her life is hers alone - this is the ultimate rejection (ie.I'd rather die than live by your rules) which also reinforces her original decision to reject him and be with James ie. become a whore and b) He sees all women as having the potential to do the same/reject him - Therefore they all become whores unless they can prove otherwise. Snape has experienced verbal rejection throughout his life, and he is known to retaliate with verbal violence. In the books/movies he also is quite physically violent with males, esp. young males - ie. Harry, which seems to mirror his upbringing with rejection by the probable use of physical violence (hinted in canon that his father was abusive). Lily's rejection comes after they have become physically/sexually intimate. His inability to deal with her rejection directly due to her suicide seems to make him want to claw back what power he can from the act. Each of these prostitutes is a substitute 'Lily', and his vile treatment of them and the physical injuries that he causes, seem to have the objective to make these 'Lilys' feel his mental anguish as physical pain. It escalated to rape when he needed to dominate these women. He could have done this by hitting them or hexing them, but by raping them he is concentrating on keeping it physical and on the specific area that makes them uniquely female - their genitals/vagina: The area that equates with the 'giving of love' and also on reflection, of life - he seeks to destroy this, as Lily has destroyed his love and life. By physically injuring/viciously maiming their genitals perhaps he c)also seeks to show these women his own (emotional) pain and so be absolved by his Lily returning to him from the dead. d) is seeking to destroy Lily. e)seeks to hurt/destroy the part of her anatomy that would have delivered their child to him (as he wanted - ch.6).This falls apart on him when he finds that he has desecrated a virgin who would not be on the streets if not for the actions of a group that he identifies with, therefore making her innocent of intent (a true innocent). I feel he identifies this girl with young Lily in that he idolised Lily prior to her sexualisation by becoming James' wife. This triggers his guilt which he seeks to asuage by giving the girl money. Interestingly enough money to keep her off the street permanantly, as if to protect/reinstate her innocence.The young Harry is also an innocent, but as he grows into adulthood three things happen; He loses the natural assumption of the innocence of childhood, he becomes more like his father (Snape has difficulty distinguishing James from Harry), but also having Lily's eyes he seeks to punish Lily in a defacto manner by punishing Harry.The Oedipal traits are that Lily is protective of Snape (like a mother), Snape hates James because he is closer to Lily by virtue of a sexual relationship (like a father). James is killed and Snape then attempts to replace the James in the father role, but by entering into a sexual relationship with Lily it causes her to feel enormous guilt (as he makes her admit she enjoys it more with him) and kill herself. Snape does not literally blind himself, but you could say that it 'blinds' him to certain truths.These are my takes - rightly or wrongly. Once again, it may be dark, but thankyou so much for a great piece of writing. Sadly the more I thought about this the more I could believe it of him.Cheers.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thank you so much for you insights. Some of the things you said I had in mind when I wrote the story.Each of these prostitutes is a substitute 'Lily', and his vile treatment of them and the physical injuries that he causes, seem to have the objective to make these 'Lilys' feel his mental anguish as physical pain. It escalated to rape when he needed to dominate these women. He could have done this by hitting them or hexing them, but by raping them he is concentrating on keeping it physical and on the specific area that makes them uniquely female - their genitals/vagina: The area that equates with the 'giving of love' and also on reflection, of life - he seeks to destroy this, as Lily has destroyed his love and life. I agree with this whole-heartedly and I am very surious how you will see the next two chapters.Thanks for reviewing!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Thank you so much for you insights. Some of the things you said I had in mind when I wrote the story.Each of these prostitutes is a substitute 'Lily', and his vile treatment of them and the physical injuries that he causes, seem to have the objective to make these 'Lilys' feel his mental anguish as physical pain. It escalated to rape when he needed to dominate these women. He could have done this by hitting them or hexing them, but by raping them he is concentrating on keeping it physical and on the specific area that makes them uniquely female - their genitals/vagina: The area that equates with the 'giving of love' and also on reflection, of life - he seeks to destroy this, as Lily has destroyed his love and life. I agree with this whole-heartedly and I am very surious how you will see the next two chapters.Thanks for reviewing!
Oh bugger, how low can you get... I had hoped that he would give Remus' ideas a chance - maybe think it over when he is alone in his rooms. The rape is atrocious, but in the end, at least part of it must be blamed on Dumbledore...
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Unfortunately, he will go lower, but then it will end. He will come to his senses, as it were, but the next couple of chapters will be very hard to take.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Unfortunately, he will go lower, but then it will end. He will come to his senses, as it were, but the next couple of chapters will be very hard to take.
Poor Moira. To be assaulted on your first night on the job would really suck. (Thank you for the warning in the Note.) Just because you sell something, doesn't mean that it is free for the taking.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
And just because money changed hands doesn't been the guy has the right to batter you and treat you like trash. Severus, he's suffering and I believe in my heart of hearts that hurting people hurt people.Thanks!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
And just because money changed hands doesn't been the guy has the right to batter you and treat you like trash. Severus, he's suffering and I believe in my heart of hearts that hurting people hurt people.Thanks!
Severus really needs to find a way to get better. Behaving like that is so not good for him. This is why I say Lily was being amazingly selfish.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Lily was incredibily out of touch with reality. She truly felt she was doing what was best for Harry. Unfortunately, it was the worst thing she could have done. Harry will have to deal with that reality when he learns the truth.Severus is on a fast track towards heart-break and boy, will he ever mess up his mind even more! THe next chapter won't be bad, however the one after that will be the big one where I'll have to place big warnings at the top! Thanks for reviewing!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Lily was incredibily out of touch with reality. She truly felt she was doing what was best for Harry. Unfortunately, it was the worst thing she could have done. Harry will have to deal with that reality when he learns the truth.Severus is on a fast track towards heart-break and boy, will he ever mess up his mind even more! THe next chapter won't be bad, however the one after that will be the big one where I'll have to place big warnings at the top! Thanks for reviewing!
Good way to weave canon back into the chapter, and I felt very sorry for the girl. It's a shame that some women feel they have nothing else they can do. I'm glad he ended up trying to do right by her.
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yes, he will continue to be a good friend to her. The next chapter will be very interesting.Thanks for reviewing!
Response from livvy6 (Author of Love Remains)
Yes, he will continue to be a good friend to her. The next chapter will be very interesting.Thanks for reviewing!