New Chapter for Traitor
averygoodun307 Reviews | 307 Ratings, 0 Likes, 156 Favorites )
The need to survive is ingrained within the human psyche, but where does self-preservation end and self-destruction begin? Hermione is captured by Death Eaters and is held hostage by Snape and Pettigrew, but she comes up with a plan to escape. Not a romance.
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About averygoodun
Member Since 2005 | 19 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 122 Reviews Written | 1,064 Review Responses
Right. I would like to state, for the record, that I WILL finish "She Married Her Choice". I will. Assuming I am in control of my own destiny and accomplishments, that is. ;-)
Unfortunately, real life (mainly an attention craving three-year-old) and inspiration have been keeping me from creative endeavors for a while now. I do foresee a time when that shall pass, but until then, I ask for your patience.
Thank you!
Reviews for Traitor
I'm really enjoying this story so far! I can't wait to see the next chapter!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thanks... I think. *wink*
Eek! Okay, I'm hooked, I MUST see how this deliciously creepy tale resolves.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Is this where I insert my evil overlord cackle? No? Okay, I'll wait then.
Hem hem.
Well, at the current rate of updates, that will be mid - late March. I'm trying to keep the pace up for the story line's sake (as well as my wonderful readers, such as yourself who leave such nice reviews).
I like that she didn't immediately say whose bed she wanted to sleep in. Teehee. He's quite the git in here. *Bites tongue so as not to spill future secrets*:)
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Can you blame her? I would delay for as long as possible if I were in her place, making comparison charts, reviewing his offer for loop holes or benefits... you know, that kind of thing. ;-)
Good Southern! It's difficult, I know.
i'd take Severus over wormtail ANY DAY
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yeah... there's definitely less of a "yick" factor with Severus. There might be more of an "ouch" factor, though.
Response from togspled (Reviewer)
good ouch or bad ouch?
Ugh. I can't imagine the dread she must be feeling after all that's gone on and not knowing what's next.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
No kidding!
Each chapter brings more unpleasantness, to quote Snape, than the previous one. This Snape isn't likeable at all. And of course, you keep up in the dark about his loyalties. Or are his loyalties supposed to be obvious?
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yeah. This is a pretty dark story, and Snape isn't likeable. Especially not in the first part. He has to establish dominance, after all. And yes, I've tried to keep his loyalties hidden for as long as possible. I sure hope they're not obvious!
Thanks for reading and letting me know what you think!
I like that you are being rather spare and sketchy about a lot of the details. I realize you are just starting but I like having some details left to my imagination. I'm hoping this is a stylistic choice and will continue.You've caught my attention; I'm curious how this will develop.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thank you. It will be updated quite frequently.
At least he spared her that much (the sleeping part). :)
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yeah. It was so thoughtful of him, wasn't it? ;-) Thanks, doll.
Interesting! Update soon. I hope it continues its dark, heavy tone!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
It will stay pretty dark and heavy for the entire tale, so no worries there. I'll be updating every day to every other day.
“Severus, perhaps you could give me lessons on how to properly intimidate these youth of today. It seems I'm lacking that special something.” --- Ohhhh, I liked that bit!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
I'm glad you liked that! (I did, too. :-) Thanks!
She's hurting, but her mind still seems strong. She's very resilient. And I just like not to know yet where Snape's loyalties lies, though he seems to be a genuine follower of Voldemort.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
She is resilient, although there's a breaking point for everyone. As for Snape... his loyalties are questionable.
Hmm... I wonder what book she chose.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Next chapter will tell, although really, it's something that could be chucked from the story, but I won't do that 'cause I like the digression.
wholly crap that was short, I hope it means there is another chapter coming soon. Well written as always.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yes, although it wasn't the shortest. Thanks!
I totally agree with Snape. I wouldn't want Wormtail touching my stuff either.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Who would?
This is great! Please update soon.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thank you! Will do.
I applaud your willingness to tackle a difficult subject without sugar coating it. Being victimized is just that - being the victim of something horrible.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thanks. This was in response to all the fics out there that romanticize Stockholm Syndrome, forgetting that it's an illness. It was intereesting researching the subject, and finding articles about Stockholm being a major factor in abusive relationships.
I don't know if I've left you a review before or not; if not, I should have. I'm re-reading all the nominees for the SS/HG Awards, and I'd forgotten how very good this story is. It's squicky but extremely well executed, and you've taken Hermione down the necessary paths to taint her in a believable yet horrifying way. As a result, it's extremely easy to see how Snape became the wizard he did, and yet, it was very nice to see the tiny kernel of decency remaining.It's such an excellent piece.
That was Wormtail's silver hand in the package? I really don't feel sorry for him. Cruel and clever plan from Snape. He's helped her to escape without really helping her, but at what cost? I'm glad though, that her friends had taken her back without too many questions.Thanks for this story. You've fed my dark side very nicely.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thank you, and you're welcome. :-)
I have yet to leave a review for this story, but I have been reading it all along, and I finally figured out what it was that I wanted to say, so here I am. :)? I have to thank you for writing this story, because it has made me reflect on myself as a reader of this 'ship.? I am a sucker for a happy ending most of the time, and I think that I often overlook the consequences involved for the characters in getting that, especially in a captive story.? Particularly when I read this chapter and started to put together the pieces and clues you've so artfully dropped about, I started asking myself, "How much can I forgive what a character has done if the underlying motivations end up being somewhat noble?" I may be assuming too much here, but, for the moment, if I am to assume that much of what Snape has done to Hermione has been to help her in her plan to use Wormtail to escape, how much of his other behavior am I willing to give him a pass on?? In other captive stories, sometimes the answer is: a fairly good amount.? Here, though, I have to say: maybe I shouldn't be so quick to forgive all of the time.? If the only plan this apparently complicated, intelligent, and cunning man can come up with is to torture, humiliate, and destroy the soul of this girl in the hopes that she will turn to Peter, thus conveniently removing another thorn from Snape's side, I don't think I can really shrug his actions off as "for the greater good." At this point, I can see neither Snape nor Peter as noble (I will leave my feelings on Peter aside for now to avoid turning this review into a novel).? The repetition of Snape's warnings at the beginning of this chapter and the last sent chills down my spine, and it made me realize how screwed up Snape is.? It's almost like he warns Hermione of the consequences of giving herself to him at the same time that he tempts her into a false sense of security by showing her the affection he knows she craves from him in her distress (and if he finally comes to her because he craves her affection as well, that magnifies the cruelty of it tenfold, considering everything else).? And, yes, it helps Hermione in remembering what her plan has been all along, but she has sacrificed and lost too much of herself at their hands now to make that a victory for anyone.? I could go on about this for ages, but let me close with this for now: I love how you have made me feel what Hermione must feel by making me want to love and trust Snape, only to slap me back into reality by reminding me that doing so comes at a terrible cost.? Bravo, truly.? I can't wait to read the finale.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Wow. Thank you!
The question in war is always "do the ends justify the means?" The people who answer yes will recite "all's fair in love and war," but is that a safe or... moral... way to go about things? Dumbledore would probably say no, and yet he is willfully manipulating and sacrificing many people for his aims as if they were nothing more than chess pieces. But I digress.
Snape is such a complex character, and fanon often portrays him as... infallibly noble. Yes, if he is still a spy for the Order then he has sacrificed a whole hell of a lot for the cause, but does that make him infallible? Does that make him a nice guy? Hell no.
Does it even make him a good person?
I like to think of Snape as a very flawed human being. He makes mistakes just like everyone else, and here he made some unforgivable ones. In my view, what Snape did to Hermione was far worse than what Wormtail did. The reason it was so unforgivable is because he knew he shouldn't do it, he knew what the consequences would be, but he went ahead and did it anyway. I hope I managed to convey that, anyway.
What I'm surprised no one has mentioned is the parallels between Hermione's situation here and Wormtail's from canon. Is her treachery more acceptable because she was a prisoner? Or is it because Peter was already deemed a worthless human being, so deliberately earning his trust and love just to betray it isn't as bad? What should we sacrifice to survive?
This is one of those outcomes that makes a person say, "of course," even though in some ways it didn't look like a done deal at all. It's been a chain reaction building with a lot of controlled tension. You really set this up so well. And touches like Peter actually going a bit noble, plus the revelation of the password -- fantastic.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thank you! I was hoping I had put in enough clues to make a person go "of course!" rather than "WTF?" :-) Cheers!
" She did it, though. She's gone!"
YAY! Good on Hermione!
can wait for the last chapter!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thanks! Last chapter will be up shortly!
*Sniff*. The story's coming to an end. The characters are so well portrayed in this chapter! It sort of wrapped up the rest of the story too. For one, Hermione's work finally pays off, and you really see how smart she is. And Snape too. Both of them are almost working together to finally get her out of there (even though he doesn't really seem like he's trying to help her at all). I actually feel really bad for Peter. It's almost like you redeemed him from canon in your story. Well done! I can't wait for the last chapter.
Response from hpfan1031 (Reviewer)
Sorry, I don't know why this got put up three times.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yep. Only the, erm, tidy (?) little sum up left, which should be up shortly. Thank you!
*Sniff*. The story's coming to an end. The characters are so well portrayed in this chapter! It sort of wrapped up the rest of the story. For one, Hermione's work finally pays off, and you really see how smart she is. And Snape too. Both of them are almost working together to finally get her out of there (even though he doesn't really seem like he's trying to help her at all). I actually feel really bad for Peter. It's almost like you redeemed him from canon in your story. Well done! I can't wait for the last chapter.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Well, there is still a companion piece called "Closure" that I have to clean up and post, but yes, the story is nearly at the end.
THank you so much for reading and reviewing this. I was very nervous about posting it because of the subject matter, so every review was invaluable.