New Chapter for Traitor
averygoodun307 Reviews | 307 Ratings, 0 Likes, 156 Favorites )
The need to survive is ingrained within the human psyche, but where does self-preservation end and self-destruction begin? Hermione is captured by Death Eaters and is held hostage by Snape and Pettigrew, but she comes up with a plan to escape. Not a romance.
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About averygoodun
Member Since 2005 | 19 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 122 Reviews Written | 1,064 Review Responses
Right. I would like to state, for the record, that I WILL finish "She Married Her Choice". I will. Assuming I am in control of my own destiny and accomplishments, that is. ;-)
Unfortunately, real life (mainly an attention craving three-year-old) and inspiration have been keeping me from creative endeavors for a while now. I do foresee a time when that shall pass, but until then, I ask for your patience.
Thank you!
Reviews for Traitor
The line "I almost pity Peter" was interesting -- I can't help but notice that he refers to him in that moment as Peter and not as Wormtail as he typically does. I gather that he can't really pity Peter because he dislikes him so much -- but that the pity he is almost able to feel comes from the fact that Peter allowed himself to be duped by Hermione into setting her free and that Voldemort will almost certainly kill him for it. Personally, I can't feel much sympathy for Peter -- being duped by Hermione seems rather like cosmic payback for the way in which he duped James, Lily, and Sirius all those years ago into making him the Secret-Keeper. The one question that lurks in my mind is...who was Hermione thinking about when she uttered the password "traitor" (very clever, by the way) -- Severus, Peter, or...herself?
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
He has referred to him as "Peter" before, but yes, there is a bit of significance in that particular choice of pronoun. It's possible that's how he feels, but it's also possible that he admires the fact that Wormtail - Peter, rather - was actually able to do the right thing, but can't pity Peter too much because of the punishment he's going to have to suffer because of Peter's escape. He was only partially kidding when he implied that he was Peter's keeper, after all.
Yes, karma bit Peter in the butt in a big way. It's actually Snape and Hermione I pity in this tale, although I feel for Peter as well. Hermione because she has put herself in Wormtail's shoes and found they fit, and Snape because... well, just because.
Now that was unexpected! Wow, I thought Snape would suddenly develop a heart, and it was Wormtail. It's the Griffindor I tell you!!!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
It is possible that that was Snape's way of showing Hermione how much he cares (and oh my God, if that's so, what a messed up person he is!). I think it's the love more than the House, myself. ;-) Thank you!
I had completely forgotten about the no questions rule. I had to go back and read the previous chapter, and it is so obvious now... [duh!] I'm sure Hermione thought the same thing. He totally distracted her and hesitated each time she asked a question.
Frankly, I'm beginning to understand just how Hermione feels with all the distractions, hidden meanings, and mental abuse this story inflicts on the reader!! And you say you'll set us free after one more chapter? [Oops, I asked a question!]
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yeah, so did Hermione. Hermione's been asking Peter questions left and right, so getting into a similar situation with Snape just made her forget who she was talking to. Oops.
Fortunately for you, Cruciatus is difficult to cast over long distances. Erm, I mean, I don't object to questions. ;-D Yes, one more chapter. There's a short follow up story in the works ("Closure" - I needed it!) but for the most part, it wraps up tomorrow. Though I hope you'll be left with something to ponder.
Well, I still have no sympathy for the rat.? I still want him dead, Snape free, and Hermione with at least some understanding that Snape cared on some level.? Guess I'm the meanie of the group here.? ;)? Thanks for your work!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Well, so does Snape. Probably for all three. Maybe, anyway.
Well I hope she really escaped, I don't really feel any pity for wormtail, although you do portray him in a new light. I just can't get past how disgusting he is.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yes, he is still disgusting, but given enough time, don't you think he'd be able to become... bearable, if not worthy?
Response from wilder0511 (Reviewer)
I will give you credit, you have managed to get almost everyone who is reading to feel something for wormtail, whether it be pity, sympathy, etc. That in itself makes your writing great and very convincing I would say. But even so, he is still a rat responsible for the death of the potters and for the return of voldemort. I want to tolerate your peter, I swear I do, but I think my hang-up is not being able to get past cannon wormtail in spite of your excellent writing. Maybe if he dies tragically in the last chapter I will try harder to like him. I do, however, love the story and hope to read more from you in the future.
ONLY ONE? No! Please more, yes, more!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yes, only one. There's a follow up story (one-shot) that I'm still working on, but only one chapter for this story. ;-)
I have to say I have read this story from the start. I hope you let peter live or something I almost feel sorry for the nut. Good story thought.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
LOL. Finally, sympathy for the rat starts flowing. ;-) Thank you!
It seems he caused her pain so she could use it to manipulate Peter. Afterall, from the very first Snape detected her plan to use Peter. He allowed her to escape without actually helping. Well, that is my theory.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
It's very possible.
Ahhghgh! Only ONE chapter left?!? Noooooo. But this was good. Back to our naughty, awful, mean Snape. The man I love. And now I feel sorry for Wormtail. I can see nobility in him. Hmmm, very complex indeed. But I'm betting Snape had this all planned because he doesn't sound surprised that she is gone.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yes, only one, although there is a follow-up story that I'm still polishing. I don't think you'll like it, though.
Was this enough of a mind f**k for you? Hope can be a terrible thing, after all. (And finally some sympathy for the rat! lol!) Thanks!
Response from Snapekat (Reviewer)
Don't be so sure I wouldn't like it!! Although I DO like a dark Snape, I read and enjoy all kinds. In fact if you were to read my stuff (gawd, if ANYONE were to read my stuff! You get more comments on ONE of your chapters than I have on all 12 of mine!), you'd find my Snape has a sensitive side too that I just couldn't ignore. I VERY much hope to see more from this story. And yes, you've managed to even get ME to feel sorry for the rat. But even in canon, I think he is a foil and used by everyone who thinks they can get something out of him.
Very powerful, slightly touching but mostly disturbing and sad. Snape makes her reaffirm that he is in control, that his word is law and it almost feels like it?s for his insecurities, not to prey on hers. Snape?s vulnerability is unsettling while he admits the type of power she holds over him.
This chapter also highlights to me how much Hermione has changed since being kidnapped. She shows that she is a woman with thoughts, wants and needs while at the same time not revealing how much she is still just a girl that wants to go home. Almost makes you want to cry.
Snape?s last thought makes me very frightened for Hermione for some reason. He realizes he lost control. What now? I?ve given up trying to predict what will happen in this story, and that is one of the reasons why this is one of the best stories I?ve read.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
I love you! Well, maybe it's a bit early in the relationship to say that, but I do love your feedback and thoughts! You seem to really read the story without preconceived notions, and think about what goes on and is said. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Sooo good and much needed. Wormtail was getting on my nerves. Their talking was really sweet, too. You said there wouldn't be any romance! (Not that I'm disappointed.) Very good chapter!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
I said (or maybe only thought) that it depends on your point of view of what romance is. I don't see Snape taking advantage of Hermione's mental distress as romantic, but maybe that's just me.
OMG yes! Finally!!! You have just made my day. Brillent chapter :)
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
You're welcome.
Good chapter! I have to admit that I have found her 'relationship' with Peter somewhat disturbing, though well written. I think I, like Hermoine, refused to see him as anything but annoying side character who wasn't really human, who couldn't feel. Thank you for bringing that out in this story.I'm interested to see where this will go! Thank you for the regular updates as well - I look forward to reading this story everyday. My only complaint - yer darn chapters aren't long enough... but they are plentiful, so I won't hold it against you.Thank you for such a well written and unique story. There are many on the same theme, but yours is unique. Well done! I look forward to more!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thank you! Her relationship with Wormtail/Peter is supposed to be disturbing. I hope her relationship with Snape comes across as disturbing as well!
I'll admit to having to debate what category to post this in. Yes, it is about Hermione and Snape, but the story is as much about Peter, sooo... Hopefully, hopefully I'm showing Peter's growth as a character. *bites nails*
Yeah, I know the chapters aren't long enough. But I'm greedy (and just a touch sadistic), and three - four chapters wouldn't give nearly the same feedback (actual feedback, not just "I love it" reviews) as all these small chapters have. Sorry.
Thank you.
Oh, my god. Beautiful and demanding and desperate and so ... utterly ... Snape. I love it.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thank you!
Finally some Slytherin action! Sorry, but Wormtail is just not a good bad guy, must be the Griffindor roots. Severus on the other hand is much more believeable as a quasi bad guy in cannon. Love the story!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Peter's too weak to be the bad guy. If Sirius had been the traitor, he would have been an excellent bad guy, Gryffindor roots be damned. Thanks!
Out of all of the scenes like this i've read in the past 4 or 5 years, this one is by far the best.
It left me sort of breathless...the emphasis wasn't on the sex, but on the conversation, and I loved it. The conversation was amazing and I can't wait to see how this new level to their relationship will pan out.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thanks you! Next chapter will be up today.
Good question there at the end. Sounds as if nobody's getting out of this one unscathed. Terrific buildup of emotional tension, it's almost too much. How much more can Hermione's psyche take, anyway?
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
THank you. No, no one will be unscathed at the end. And Hermione can't take much more. She's already at the breaking point.
Yep, that about sums it up!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Doesn't it though? Thanks!
Interesting... This story has taken so many twists and turns, I no longer can even attempt to guess what might happen next! Well done, but I shall reserve my judgement on what just happened until the morning after. Cheers! GG
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Good idea. Although perhaps reserving judgement until the last chapter might be even better. ;-) Thanks!
“Betrayal comes slowly, covertly, changing one thought at a time until your mind has rationalized that what you're doing is the right thing, or if it's too reprehensible for that, then it's the only way, and there's no point in resisting.”
It makes me curious if Severus is speaking of himself, or Hermione and what she did with Peter!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
He could be speaking about them both. Or neither.
What has Snape done indeed!!! Or maybe it's what has Hermione done... It's not often that I find a darker story this interesting... thanks for sharing it!~*~SeleneAngel~*~
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Or what have all three of them done? Thank you!
Severus's explanation of betrayal was very interesting -- a lot of what he said makes sense. However, I have a sense that we're going to see a whole lot more betrayal before this story ends. Severus has betrayed the Order of the Phoenix by killing Dumbledore -- and by the last words of this chapter, it appears that he may have betrayed himself by allowing his desire for Hermione to have rein. Hermione has certainly betrayed herself to some extent during her capture, even though she probably would have been much worse off had she not done so. Peter has probably betrayed himself by allowing himself to have feelings for Hermione as well -- andboth he and Severus are betraying the Dark Lord to some extent if they allow their loyalties to become divided where Hermione is concerned. My only fear is that this will not be the only betrayal that Hermione will need to face in the end -- that her friends will also betray her if and when she manages to escape because they won't be able to understand what's happened to her and why she's done some of the things she has.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Whatever gives you that idea? *looks at the title and whistles innocently* Hermione's ordeal isn't done yet, that's for sure. Thanks!
You know, Sev, I have no idea anymore! I guess we'll both have to wait till the next chapter to find out!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yep. We can hope there'l be answers, anyway.
"...the siren she's become." The siren she's BECOME? Oh, you great arrogant prat, try "the siren YOU FORCED her to become!"Mean old coward.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
LOL! Yes. But did he really expect Hermione the Swot Granger to become a sexual creature in his eyes? I highly doubt it.