New Chapter for Traitor
averygoodun307 Reviews | 307 Ratings, 0 Likes, 156 Favorites )
The need to survive is ingrained within the human psyche, but where does self-preservation end and self-destruction begin? Hermione is captured by Death Eaters and is held hostage by Snape and Pettigrew, but she comes up with a plan to escape. Not a romance.
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About averygoodun
Member Since 2005 | 19 Stories | Favorited by 316 | 122 Reviews Written | 1,064 Review Responses
Right. I would like to state, for the record, that I WILL finish "She Married Her Choice". I will. Assuming I am in control of my own destiny and accomplishments, that is. ;-)
Unfortunately, real life (mainly an attention craving three-year-old) and inspiration have been keeping me from creative endeavors for a while now. I do foresee a time when that shall pass, but until then, I ask for your patience.
Thank you!
Reviews for Traitor
Very suspenceful chapter.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thanks! (Watch out for next chapter. It's my second least favorite after Pt. I, ch. 9.)
"Had he stopped only because Voldemort had summoned him?"The tension is great. You still can't tell if Snape is evil or not. Good chapter.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thank you! I'm glad.
I love this story! But is there any chance it'll turn into a romance?I would LOVE to see that happen!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Um........... no.
Although there will be sex involved, if that counts.
That's just plain creepy!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thank you! I am glad you think so!
Wow. Will we ever know if Snape only stopped because he was being summoned? Great update as usual.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Um... no, you won't, although you might be able to make a guess by the very, very end.
This was a very interesting story. I'll have to go check out the sequel.
Oh those men are so creepy. Poor Harmione...I don't know what I would do if I were her. Keep it coming.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yes, they are. Thanks!
I don't know who's worse, Wormtail or Snape! Gads what a tense and disturbing story...great but disturbing.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thank you!
Hmm. I wonder if he noticed the (poorly healed?) fracture of her jaw when he moved her hair. I wonder if he knew Voldy was calling him before he even ordered her up to the bedroom. I wonder if he gave her the potion to sort of fortify her, because he knew he had to leave her alone with Peter and he's well aware Peter's going to do her some harm. *contented sigh* I just love how I never know what's going to happen next in this story.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Very, very good questions. You're really good at that, you know. Thanks!
Response from Fawkes_07 (Reviewer)
Well, it's just because this story is so awesomely suspenseful and interesting, it's fun to ponder over it!
chapters coming through owl queue faster than expected are a good thing, I love your take on evil snape, I wish hg didn't have to be humiliated at every turn, but hey that makes for a great story line, and we can't always have the loving hg/ss relationship or we would all get bored (or not who knows). Here's to hoping owl gets the next chapter up just as quickly.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
She won't be humiliated at every turn. That would be too predictable. Next chapter will be late tomorrowish. Thanks!
Wormtail is soooo messed up!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Being a rat will do that... especially Voldemort's rat.
Oh you are so evil. Severus is now a voyer, Peter is on his on tangent and Hermione is drugged with Merlin knows what. What's next? ( Bangs head against wall) Action we need action! LOL!
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yes. He was before. As was he. Yes, although very possibly just a healing potion. ;-)
Are you really sure you want action? Because action is coming up next chapter.
I apologize for not having reviewed before; I'm just catching up now. It's been interesting feeling how the tension and sort of overarching sense of dread draw me more into the story as a reader, even though it isn't always a pleasant feeling. I also really like the structure, with those brief commentaries at the end of each chapter that sum the events up, but also make you reconsider them.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Well, I hope it is definitely less than pleasant feeling. Thank you!
This beautifully distrubing and very interesting. I'm enjoying and looking forward to more. Thank you.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thank you! More will be up soon!
Wow, I missed the last update so I got two chapters this morning. So does Snape know about the trip downstairs? I'm suprised something wasn't said/done.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
We'll assume he doesn't. We'll assume he doesn't let Hermione out of his sight, even when she's sleeping, unless it's to leave her with Wormtail.
Consequences are coming, though.
Yay Hermione!!! *Go Hermione, it's your birthday....* So, I am really pleased with Part II so far. I like how you are strengthening Hermione; she seems more like the J.K version now. I love how the plot is picking up, and the quick updates are FABULOUS!!! I am very interested to see where you're going with this!!
P.S. You said that Hermione was going to get in trouble for the whole Wormtail thing.....Is that later to come? Love the suspense!
*hugs & loves*
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Well, Snape is a master manipulator, so he can make Hermione forget herself pretty quickly and easily. Wormtail is not. The more time she spends around Wormtail, the more herself she should become, right? Right?
The next few chapters will give an indication of what the trouble will be.
Very very interesting. Peter's obviously totally on hook right now, but what of Snape? How far did that little epiphany affect him? Could he possibly be thinking of Hermione as a human being now? Eek. It's so hard to tell with him. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Those are the questions, aren't they? ;-) Cheers!
Snape, Wormtail, and Granger all trying to manipulate each other. Well written. Scary.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
You have no idea. Thanks!
it was great until the end. EEEWWWW.... (can you tell i hate PP? Im so reading this for my foolish hopes that a SS/HG romance will evolve against your intentions.)
yet, i continue to read and love it!!! <3
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yeah, I know. Wormtail is such an easy character to hate (although he's a bugbear to write). But, then again, Snape is an easy one to hate as well... and by the end of the piece I wonder what you'll think of him.
Response from togspled (Reviewer)
a bugbear?
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Um... bother, pain, annoyance... difficult, in other words. ;-)
Response from togspled (Reviewer)
gotcha. and i beg to differ about snape.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
I meant the Snape in this story.
Response from togspled (Reviewer)
ah, yes. we'lll see if u can make me hate him... i wonder
I sure am glad that you and SW are getting these things out as soon as possible!! I think this is about my favorite story right now.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Why thank you! Although, just to make it clear, SW has been awesome about her schedule, completely awesome. She's already got the next four chapters back to me, but I'm voluntarily slowing down my updates so that she has a chance to catch up with other stuff and not even have to think about me.
She deserves a break. :-)
eeew, wormtail is distugsting, can't wait for more.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Yes, he is, isn't he? Thanks!
Another exciting, if short chapter. The last paragraph was a little confusing. I am assuming it was Peter's P.O.V. but how could he have had a good night's rest when Snape stunned him? I know Hermione gave him a back rub, but after being in a full body bind for heaven knowa how long I would think he would still be stiff. Even if he isn't Hermione better be wary, she can easily be used as a pawn. Peter, for what ever reason thinks Snape is jealous. That can't be good for Miss Granger. Either way thanks for the new chapter I know you are hard pressed for time. I just love your work. By the way I have been getting updates for stories I never read, not that I mind. I have been reading each one and haven't been disapointed yet, but I do wonder if there is a link or coralation between reviews and authors tracking me down lol. HUGS Please let me know when next chapter is up! ~Carla~
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Eh, short only compared to the last one! (Yes, yes, I know their short.) What can I say, but Hermione has magical hands.
Intersting about the story updates. First thing comes to mind is that maybe you added me as a favorite author? But I haven't really updated any other works besides this one, so... *shrugs*
Cheers! Oh, btw. Next chapter is up. ;-)
Please update ASAP. Wonderful start.
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Thank you! I will be updating quite frequently on this story.
OMG, what a great first chapter! I cringe thinking about what the d.e will do to her! Looking forward to the next update :)
Response from averygoodun (Author of Traitor)
Well, I'm not showing anything that happens in that room, but what Snape and Pettigrew do... well, cringing is still appropriate, I think. Next update will be very soon. Thanks!