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A Balance of Three
by magalena
5.48/10 (98 Ratings, 0 Likes, 51 Favorites )It's seven years after the end of the war and Voldemort's fall; the wizarding world is in shambles. Hermione uses Arithmancy to figure out that a new triad needs to be formed to restore balance to the wizarding world.
45,164 Words, Started 09/25/2010, Completed 12/16/2010
Blue Paynt
by peppermint
5.48/10 (23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Iz LOL!fic wif paynt and anshent sirkles and stuf.
291 Words, Started 07/13/2009, Completed 07/13/2009
The Transformation of a Scottish Lioness
by Fishy
5.48/10 (40 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )This is my interpretation of who Minerva McGonagall is and how her life's experiences shaped her; taking place between her last two years as a student of Hogwarts to the end of the second wizarding war.
Chapter one - Minerva McGonagall is in her sixth year and practices dueling with a fifth year Tom Riddle with unexpected results. She finds support from her Head of House, Albus Dumbledore.
37,541 Words, Started 08/02/2011, Updated 05/02/2016
Consumed by Darkness
5.48/10 (21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Not everything absurd is fiction.
501 Words, Started 10/28/2011, Completed 10/28/2011
What Makes Severus Snape Laugh or How to Manipulate Your Wife.
by snitchette
5.48/10 (29 Ratings, 0 Likes, 19 Favorites )My response to the "Why Snape laughs" challenge.
974 Words, Started 04/02/2008, Completed 04/02/2008
Gifts for Potter Place Winners
5.48/10 (31 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )Check out the goodies scored by Potter Place's Anything Goes Challenge winners.
2,822 Words, Started 11/06/2008, Completed 11/06/2008
The Missive Queen
by OpalJade
5.48/10 (23 Ratings, 0 Likes, 32 Favorites )Mrs Granger enjoys corresponding with Professor Snape.
1,388 Words, Started 09/30/2009, Completed 09/30/2009
Snape's Library
5.48/10 (21 Ratings, 0 Likes, 0 Favorites )Hermione and Severus have a lot in common. Don't they?
454 Words, Started 05/20/2012, Completed 05/20/2012
Ohne Dich
5.48/10 (27 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )Severus finds a way to express his feelings to Hermione.
705 Words, Started 08/03/2008, Completed 08/03/2008
Way Past Midnight
by chivalric
5.47/10 (19 Ratings, 0 Likes, 15 Favorites )A long night, a tired professor, a desperate thief – when coming home from an Order meeting, Snape has to face the consequences after dismissing a young Muggle as harmless.
4,710 Words, Started 09/13/2008, Completed 09/13/2008
Tale of the Nightshirt
5.46/10 (318 Ratings, 0 Likes, 105 Favorites )In the depths of night, someone comes a-rapping on Hermione's door. For the GS100 'grey nightshirt' challenge.
12,141 Words, Started 12/03/2008, Updated 08/27/2010
Christmas Cookies
5.46/10 (41 Ratings, 0 Likes, 29 Favorites )Ginny coaxes Hermione into admitting her true feelings about someone while baking cookies. This is for GinnyW. Happy Christmas.
1,623 Words, Started 12/22/2007, Completed 12/22/2007
by kodiak
5.46/10 (28 Ratings, 0 Likes, 13 Favorites )Respected psychiatrist Samuel Crane has a comfortable life and a firm hold on his own sanity. Can he maintain that hold when his past comes knocking on his door? Includes characters living under assumed names and HBP spoilers.
41,347 Words, Started 06/21/2007, Completed 05/28/2009
In Search of a Life
by devsgma
5.45/10 (22 Ratings, 0 Likes, 6 Favorites )In Search of a Life, which is told from Snape’s POV, is a sequel to In Search of a Wand. I strongly advise you to read that story first, or this one will leave you completely lost.
14,819 Words, Started 10/12/2010, Updated 12/02/2012
Animated Night
by Anastasia
5.45/10 (11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 27 Favorites )Surrounded by the falling shards of her world as it is shattered from without and within, Hermione, torn between death and darkness, is forced to consider a third, unthinkable option.
5,950 Words, Started 11/04/2006, Completed 11/04/2006
Promise Me
by debjunk
5.45/10 (11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Severus walks blindly along a Paris street. Why can't he see the beauty around him?
1,485 Words, Started 03/21/2010, Completed 03/21/2010
Death Shall Have No Dominion
by Melenka
5.45/10 (11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 4 Favorites )Follow up to Just a Little Bit and response to the comma and 'that' challenges.
2,006 Words, Started 02/01/2009, Completed 02/01/2009
Cat O' Two Tales
by ayerf
5.45/10 (11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 9 Favorites )Two unrelated drabbles written for the 'Natural Hate' and 'It's not what it looks like' challenges on GS100.
933 Words, Started 05/18/2007, Completed 05/18/2007
How Do You Mend a Broken Heart?
by sunny33
5.45/10 (22 Ratings, 0 Likes, 2 Favorites )Severus Snape has a unexpected taste in music.
1,603 Words, Started 03/28/2010, Completed 03/28/2010
A Slythertide Gambol
by juniperus
5.45/10 (11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )A very Slytherin plan, the staff Christmas party, and thou.
107 Words, Started 02/23/2009, Completed 02/23/2009
The Raven and the Sparrow
by Anastasia
5.45/10 (11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 12 Favorites )In the days of the final Horcrux, mistrust and mixed messages yield a dark, deadly alliance.
8,681 Words, Started 05/11/2007, Updated 08/27/2008
The Marriage Benefit
by mia madwyn
5.45/10 (44 Ratings, 0 Likes, 68 Favorites )It's all about the money.
[Euphoria Elixir: BEST HUMOUR & Strengthening Solution; BEST MID-LENGTH awards in the Moste Potente Passions SS/HG Awards]
13,687 Words, Started 05/27/2010, Completed 06/02/2010
Weasley and the Beast
by TeaOli
5.45/10 (11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )Ron Weasley wants to impress Hermione Granger, but Severus Snape is proving to be a disappointing nemesis.
833 Words, Started 05/12/2013, Completed 05/12/2013
A Series of Genuine Conversations
by Laralee
5.45/10 (11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )The populace of the Wizarding world was split in their decision of what to call him. Those who were on the side of the light called him a hero for his gallant service and the enumerable sacrifices he made that led to the fall of Lord Voldemort. Those who fell with the Dark Lord knew of him only as a traitor or turncoat, worthy of nothing more than the cold, endless sleep of death.
4,433 Words, Started 05/25/2012, Completed 05/25/2012