New Chapter for Ohne Dich
Ohne Dich
Southern_Witch_6927 Reviews | 27 Ratings, 0 Likes, 16 Favorites )
Severus finds a way to express his feelings to Hermione.
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About Southern_Witch_69
Member Since 2005 | 144 Stories | Favorited by 1,103 | 2,209 Reviews Written | 5,450 Review Responses
I adore the world of HP.
Thanks for stopping by. I'm off to stir my cauldron.
Reviews for Ohne Dich
This was really sweet. And a good thing for him that Hermione actually understood enough German!
This little drabble is adorable and I am quite fond of it. However, I think you would do best to double check your quotes from Ohne Dich or any other time you use a language you are not intimately familiar with. The words, “Ich die Stunden ohne dich,” literally mean "I the hours without you." The verb "to count" (zählen) is missing. So it should read "Zähl ich die Stunden ohne dich." Just an FYI from a German major.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
I'll add it in.I got the lyrics from an online webiste and didn't doublecheck because this was written for and beta'd by a German lady, who also missed that. I don't feel so bad.I can see why you'd put such a low star rating for it though, a missing word and all.
Sometimes being too subtil is not the bet idea. Fortunately for him Hermione is very clever.
Aww, Severus' plan is sweet. I love how Hermione rescues him from the awkward moment.
i'm not familiar with the song but i loved the drabble. thanks
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Glad you liked it. :)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Glad you liked it. :)
Awwwwww... Makes my matchmaker's heart all warm and fuzzy feeling. Thank you for the perfect end to a not-so-perfect day.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Glad you enjoyed. ;)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Glad you enjoyed. ;)
I like the shy Severus courting Hermione is another language!Beth
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Thanks! :)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Thanks! :)
The categories had me expecting 100-word drabbles, so a bit fazed at first! LOL Not sure I can really quite see these two with Rammstein... Tough challenge. *ponders*
Author's Response: He doesn't like Rammstein, but she likes them (in this story). I don't see why she wouldn't. She's young and some of their songs might appeal to her. I enjoy a few of them, though a good bit of them aren't my cup of tea. :)
Author's Response: And no, not a hundred word drabbles only. Any little doodle someone writes up that wouldn't be considered a "story."
I can't stand the Music of Rammstein, they are too loud for me (Must be getting old,lol) But I lie that they took their name from the town of Ramstein, since I live close by and have spent a lot of time there.It's very cool though, "hearing" Severus speak german.Very good job with that Story!!Hugs from Germany!SM
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
I don't like them all, but I enjoy a few (the more mellow ones) hehehe. Glad you liked!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
I don't like them all, but I enjoy a few (the more mellow ones) hehehe. Glad you liked!
Oh, my Dutch friend swears by Rammstein, though I can't really understand why. XDLovely piece!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
I really like about five of their songs. The others... well... no thankerz. ;0
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
I really like about five of their songs. The others... well... no thankerz. ;0
*applause* Ooohh ... how romantic! :D I can really see Severus do that to her - talk in other language, and hope that she gets the message. Somehow, I cannot see him tell her those words already translated in English ... *g*
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
LOL :) Thanks!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
LOL :) Thanks!
i liked this, even without knowing rammstein - i'll google 'em later - or german. (okay, i understood 'ich liebe dich' without the notes.) i liked how he was shy and insecure yet still MADE THE FIRST MOVE. even though he almost gave up, and she had to make the second move right quick.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
~grin~ right on! Thank you for reading
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
~grin~ right on! Thank you for reading
"Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein" Is that "I cannot be without you?" I learned German for 3 years, but that was over 30 years ago!
My 19 yr old used to put his I-pod (playing Rammstein loudly) into his 6 yr old sister's ears when she was a baby on long car trips, which put her to sleep nicely. To this day, her fave song is Feuer Frei, as well as assorted Metallica songs. Metal head baby!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Yes, that's it. It's my fave Rammstein song. I also like Klavier and Engel. :)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Yes, that's it. It's my fave Rammstein song. I also like Klavier and Engel. :)
Awww. I like it when musci lyrics are put to good use in stories.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Thanks! :)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Thanks! :)
Somehow I thought of Selig - Ohne Dich when I read the title.... Rammstein never occurred me, but maybe it is because I'm german.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
I've not heard of Selig, but I shall do some searching now. :)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
I've not heard of Selig, but I shall do some searching now. :)
I can see the man who has an ease with language choking over those three words. It was really adorable.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
LOL Thanks!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
LOL Thanks!
As much as I dislike Song-Fics, somehow I always end up with a new selection in my iTunes afterwards. I loved this story!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
LOL Thanks! :)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
LOL Thanks! :)
Oooh, romance is so much better auf Deutsch - sehr wunderbar!You definitely deserve brownie points on this one...
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Thank you much! :)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Thank you much! :)
That was a great story!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
thank you
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
thank you
Very clever! Of course, Severus already thinks that words like 'love' are a foreign language...
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Yep. Hahaha. Thanks
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Yep. Hahaha. Thanks
AW! Coincidentally, have you heard their version of Barbie Girl?
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
I have. Bwahahahaha!!!
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
I have. Bwahahahaha!!!
This is charming, Southern. (It's a song-fic!) Severus doesn't have much hope, due to the life he's led, but I can see him making this kind of allusion and hoping desperately that Hermione would "get" it. I'm so glad to see that she did! Good job.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Thank you! :) She's quite astute. lol
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Thank you! :) She's quite astute. lol
Oh, how very lovely. I love the idea that he relied on quoting those lyric lines to express his feelings when his own words failed him.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Thanks! :) Music is such a helper sometimes. haha
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Thanks! :) Music is such a helper sometimes. haha
And one of my favourite songs, too. Lovely.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Whoot! Good taste! :)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
Whoot! Good taste! :)
I love it! It's so sweet, and you choosed the perfect lyric. (love that song.)
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
You know, I appreciate the review, I really do, especially since it's a positive one. However, I don't appreciate the 2.5 out of 5 stars. That's a big insult, dear. You'd think the story was riddled with grammatical errors and typos. It's why I wish the star rating system would be done away with. People just don't know how to use them the right way. Please think before you leave other authors such a funky rating, especially if you've supposed enjoyed the story. I don't think anything on this site deserves a 2.5, thanks to moderation.
Response from LillaQ (Reviewer)
I'm sorry, I understand that you feel odd about the stars, I am just as surprised as you must be. I am sure I gave 4 stars. I don't know what happened, but something obviously went wrong...
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
It's okay. Maybe it clicked accidentally. Site's known to be wonky sometimes. I just hoped that going forward you'd know how authors feel, but if you do know and it was an accident, it's all good. :) Thanks though.
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
You know, I appreciate the review, I really do, especially since it's a positive one. However, I don't appreciate the 2.5 out of 5 stars. That's a big insult, dear. You'd think the story was riddled with grammatical errors and typos. It's why I wish the star rating system would be done away with. People just don't know how to use them the right way. Please think before you leave other authors such a funky rating, especially if you've supposed enjoyed the story. I don't think anything on this site deserves a 2.5, thanks to moderation.
Response from LillaQ (Reviewer)
I'm sorry, I understand that you feel odd about the stars, I am just as surprised as you must be. I am sure I gave 4 stars. I don't know what happened, but something obviously went wrong...
Response from Southern_Witch_69 (Author of Ohne Dich)
It's okay. Maybe it clicked accidentally. Site's known to be wonky sometimes. I just hoped that going forward you'd know how authors feel, but if you do know and it was an accident, it's all good. :) Thanks though.