New Chapter for A Slythertide Gambol
A Slythertide Gambol
juniperus11 Reviews | 11 Ratings, 0 Likes, 1 Favorite )
A very Slytherin plan, the staff Christmas party, and thou.
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About juniperus
Member Since 2007 | 47 Stories | Favorited by 78 | 17 Reviews Written | 520 Review Responses
Snape fancier, wanton researcher of the arcane and sublime, and snark mistress.
Blanket disclaimer: the Potterverse was created by J.K. Rowling -- I just like to play with her toys.
Reviews for A Slythertide Gambol
When asked what I was thinking, while gazing into space with a sappy smile on my face, I just said Ancient runes . WHAT? it was no lie.
Response from juniperus (Author of A Slythertide Gambol)
Response from juniperus (Author of A Slythertide Gambol)
Always jumping on an oportunity when he sees one. Slytherin once, Slytherin forever.
Response from juniperus (Author of A Slythertide Gambol)
Absolutely! :D Thank you for the review!!
Ahhhhhh..... Severus at his most Slytherin. A sly dog, he is.Wonderful!Beth
Response from juniperus (Author of A Slythertide Gambol)
Thank you! :D
Devious, he is. :)
Response from juniperus (Author of A Slythertide Gambol)
Oh yes, he certainly is! :D
Fascinating... great little story!
Author's Response: Thank you!! :)
Ooh, an evil plot afoot! Yes, draw the ancient runes, Severus... heehee.
Response from juniperus (Author of A Slythertide Gambol)
*wicked grin* I think she'll find raido and berkanan most enjoyable...*cough**whistles innocently*
Short and round and a sweet smile! Juniperus, you never fail to amaze with your unique visions! I'd say that I'd like a day-pass inside your head, but I might get lost in there -- I imagine it's like a carnival on LSD.
Loved every word of this; thanks for showing me how much can be done with so little.
Author's Response: Well, there is no canon description for the Runes Mistress (and I figured I'd better get a vision of her in my head if I'm going to cosplay Bathsheba Babbling [oh, the things Droxy talks me into!!] at LC and Az! So short (fairly) and round (definitely) and a smile more wicked than sweet, but... ROFLMAO!)
A day-pass in my head - oh my! It's a crazy place, that's for sure! Latin, and clay, and magical texts, and words and senses, and a really good recipe for pierogi, and... LOL!
It's a great look into the mind of Severus. =]
Response from juniperus (Author of A Slythertide Gambol)
:D Thank you! (and what a fascinating place that mind is!)
great word choice - don't know how you do it - have us shivering and grinning in 100 words or less! Thanks for you work
Response from juniperus (Author of A Slythertide Gambol)
Thank you! :) Yay for shivering and grinning!
Does one have to change House to get THAT kind of treatment?*lines up with the Hufflepuffs*
Response from morgaine_dulac (Reviewer)
Hm, Ravenclaw I mean. See what you're doing to me? ;-)
Response from juniperus (Author of A Slythertide Gambol)
Bwahahahhaaa! Excellent! Just think imagine him spelling your name... mannaz, othala, raido, gebo, ansuz, isaz, naudiz, ehwaz... *thud*
Response from morgaine_dulac (Reviewer)
Now THAT imagine will keep me going the whole day ... pha! the whole week!!